C-16 -CCP-101-ENGLISH - SBTET Diploma Updates

DIPLOMA IN COMMERCIAL AND COMPUTER PRACTICESCHEME OF INSTRUCTIONS AND EXAMINATIONCURRICULUM-2016 (FIRST YEAR – FIRST SEMESTER)Sub CodeName of the SubjectInstruction Periods/WeekTotal Periods Per YearScheme Of ExaminationsTheoryPracticalDuration(hrs)Sessional MarksEnd Exam MarksTotal MarksTHEORY SUBJECTSCCP-101English - I5-7532080100CCP-102Accountancy-I5-7532080100CCP-103English Shorthand-I6-903-100100CCP-104Business OrganisationI4-6032080100CCP-105Information Technology - I4-6032080100CCP-106Office Organisation-I2-3032080100PRACTICAL SUBJECTSCCP-107English Typewriting I 25 WPM-57510 mts.-- --100CCP-108English Typewriting II-23045 mts----100CCP-109Information Technology – I Practicals-710534060100CCP-110Office OrganisationPracticals-23034060100Total2616630-2607401000NOTE: A pass in CCP-107 and CCP-108 is equivalent to Typewriting English Junior Grade (TEJ) conducted by SBTET, TS. The question paper is to be issued by the SBTET, TSC-16 -CCP-101-ENGLISHI- SEMESTERSubject title: English-1Subject code : CCP-101Periods per week : 05Periods per semester: 75Textbook prescribed: Intermediate 1st year textbook –Published by Telugu Academy-2016Note: Teaching Phonetic transcription in the first two weeks of academic year for CCP-101 is mandatory. Introduction: Curriculum c-16 aims at imparting the students the much needed communicative competence to enable them to be effective communicators in the use of English both in the academic sphere and the chosen vocation. Further it attempts to realize this by both imparting theoretical input in the terms of lessons structure and grammar besides supplementing it with speech practice, debates and seminars.Time ScheduleSl.noMajor topicsNo. of periodsWeightage of Marks‘*’No. of short questionsNo. of essay questions159X2=186x10=609161.A Little Grain of Gold(Poem)5(1An+2Sh)42.My Mother(Prose)5(1An+2Sh)43.The Umbrella Man(Short story)53Sh415912 grammar study skills & communications skills60421.Parts of speech6412.Articles&Prepositions6+64+423.Tense15614.Phonetic transcription155+51+15.Reading comprehension075+51+16.Spellings054Total751201316Note: ‘*’ – The questions indicated under “No. of Questions” columns with ‘*’ will be given limiting to 20 questions under Part-A. OBJECTIVES:Poetry: To appreciate the theme and distinct expressions in poems.To imbibe human values and sensitivity.To paraphrase/summarize the poemsProse: To develop English language skills To enrich vocabularyTo comprehend passages from the lessonCCP-102 ACCOUNTANCY – ISubject Title : Accountancy - ISubject Code : CCP – 102Periods per Week: 05Periods per Year :75TIME SCHEDULE Sl. No.Major Topic No. of periods Short QuestionsEssay QuestionsRUAR UA1Introduction to Accountancy 052200002Journal - Recording of Transactions in Journal 1522*00203Ledger - Classification of Journal Entries and recording in Ledger 1522*00014Subsidiary Books - Purchases Book, Sales Book. Purchase Returns Book and Sales Returns Book 1522*01115Cash Book (simple, 2 col. and 3 col.) 25022*011??758102143R: Reading U: Understanding A: Application*QUESTION SHOULD BE A PROBLEMNOTE:Each question carries 2 marks in Part-A (out of 20 questions, student has to answer any 15 questions) and in Part-B, out of 8 questions, student has to answer any 5 questions, including Q.No.21 on cash book chapter(THREE COLUMN CASH BOOK), which is a COMPULSORY PROBLEM carrying 18 marks.OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, the student will be able to: 1.0Understand the subject of Accountancy1.1Define Accountancy and Book – Keeping.State, objectives and merits and demerits of Book Keeping.Define different branches of Accounting.Define different systems of Book-KeepingDefine accounting concepts and terminology.Understand the principles of Journalising transactionsDefine an account and types of accounts.Explain rules of Debit and Credit for each type of account.Prepare Journal Entries for cash and credit transactions.Pass Journal Entries involving Personal, Real and nominal types of accounts.Explain compound journal entry and prepare Journal entries when the creditor allowed discount and when the debtor allowed discount.Distinguish between Trade Discount and Cash Discount.COURSE CONTENTS1.Introduction to Accountancy - Definition of Accountancy and Book keeping – Book Keeping - its objectives, merits and demerits – Branches of accounting – Definition of accounting concepts and terminology.2.JOURNAL - Recording of Transactions – Journal – Define Journal – Types of accounts – Rules of Debit and Credit – Compound Journal Entry.REFERENCE BOOKS:Grewal T S ‘Introduction of Accountancy’Grewal T S ‘Double Entry Book-Keeping’Maheswari S.N. ‘Introduction to Accountancy’Gupta and Gupta ‘Principles and Practice of Accountancy’Jain and Narang ‘Accounting – Volumes I & II’Telugu Academy Text books prescribed for Intermediate courseCCP -103 ENGLISH SHORTHAND-ISub Title :English Shorthand -ISub Code :CCP-103Periods/week :6Periods/year : 90 TIME SCHEDULE Sl. NoMajor TopicsNo. of PeriodsSHORT QUESTIONSESSAY QUESTIONSRUARUA1Introduction 030000022Consonants 153.Vowels, Intervening vowels104.Alternative forms for R & H070000045.Diphthongs076.Phraseography107.Circle S or Z 070000058. Stroke S/Z, 079.Large Circles0710.Loops ST & STR0711.Practice of words / outlines covering above topics101900010011The Question Paper consists of 11 Theory Questions up to Sl.10 above having 8 marks each. Q.No. 12, Outlines for 12 words with 1 mark each.OBJECTIVES - At the end of course, the student will be able to: 1.0 Understand the phonograph system.1.1 State the need and importance for shorthand in Modern business and Government offices.1.2 State the three advantages of Phonography system in Shorthand.1.3 Identify divisions of sounds, consonants and vowels in English Language.2.0 Practice Consonants.2.1 Define consonant – general and scientific.2.2 Categorise consonants as per articulation.2.3 Identify the signs to the consonants.2.4 Practice of Explodents, continuants. 2.5 Practice of Nasals, Liquids.2.6 Practice of Aspirates, coalescents.2.7 Revisionary Practice of above consonants.2.8 Explain the principles of joined strokes and practice joined strokes.COURSE CONTENTSIntroduction of phonographic system – Consonants - joined strokes – vowels – sound places – Intervening vowels – position writing – Grammalogues – Punctuation.Alternative form of R and H, diphthongs, joined diphthongs, triphones, abbreviated W, Phraseography.REFERENCE BOOKS:Shorthand Instructor and Key (Pitman).Shorthand Theory Guide by late Sri G.V.R. Kameswararao C/o.Sri P. Raghunath, 13-44/1, Road No.10, Alakapuri, Hyderabad – 500 035 . (phone: 040-24037762)Shorthand dictionary.New course in Pitman’s ShorthandShorthand Theory Book by Sri G. Ram Reddy, Sr. Lecturer in CCP (Retd.,) Government Polytechnic for Women, Warangal. CCP-104 BUSINESS ORGANISATION – ISub Title :Business Organisation – I Sub Code :CCP-104Periods/week : 4Periods/year :60TIME SCHEDULESl. No.Major Topic No. of periods Short QuestionsEssay QuestionsRUAR UA1Scope of Business102300102Forms of Business Organisation-Sole Proprietorship 152200103Forms of Business Organisation-Partnership152401204Joint Stock Company – Types of Companies, Characteristics, Features of different types of JSCs20230120?Total608120260OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, the student will be able to –Understand Business Organisation and its Scope Mention different types of activities – Economic & Non-economic Mention different occupations – Business, Profession, Industry Explain business and its importance Define Trade and Aids to Trade – Components of Aids to Trade Explain Aids to Trade and its significance. Define Commerce and how does Commerce help in the promotion of business. Define Industry and mention the different types of industries. Explain each type of industry Differentiate between Commerce and IndustryDifferentiate between Trade and CommerceUnderstand the various forms of Business Organisation Define sole trader and explain its characteristics Explain the merits and demerits of sole traderCOURSE CONTENT: Business Organisation and Its Scope – Business, Profession, Industry, Trade and Aids to Trade, Types of Industry, Commerce.Understand the various forms of Business Organisation – Sole Trader, Merits and Demerits of Sole TraderREFERENCE BOOKS:Fundamentals of Commerce – Y.K. Bhushan& Others, Sultan Chand & SonsBusiness Organisation – M.C. Shukla, S Chand & Co.Elements of Commerce – S. DavarElements of Commerce – M MalpaniCCP-105 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - ISubject Name: Information Technology - ISubject Code:CCP-105Periods/Week:04Total Periods:60TIME SCHEDULESl. No.Major Topic No. of periods Short QuestionsEssay QuestionsRUAR UA1History, Importance of Computers022000102Structure, Organisation of Computers062000103Input/Output Devices072201004DOS operating system052201005WINDOWS Operating System252201206Internet and its features15220010Total601280350OBJECTIVES - At the end of the course the student will be able to:Understand the history and importance of computers.Define the term computer.Outline the capabilities of computers.List the areas where computers are used.Specify the areas in business where the computers are used.List different data processing operations.Analyse the structure and organisation of a computer.Draw the block diagram of a computer.Explain the functions of each unit.Define Hard ware, Soft ware and Firm ware.List the various Hard ware components of a computer.Explain the functions of a mother board.List different types of memories.List different types of Monitors.COURSE CONTENTSHistory and importance of computers Computer - electronic data processing machine – General areas- computers are used-Role of computers in Business. – Data Processing and operations such as arithmetic, relational, logical, sorting, word processing, graphics processing, scanning, storing, retrieving, displaying, printing and plotting.Structure and organisation of a computer ALU, CPU, Memory and I/O devices – Block diagram level description. Hardware components of a computer – Mother board, RAM & ROM, Memory Devices, Floppy disk drives, hard disk drive, tape drive, CD-ROM disk drive, display monitors.REFERENCE BOOKS:Teach yourself Office 2000 for Windows –Coray Sandler, Tom Badgett, Jan Weingarten, BPB Publications.DOS Manual.Teach Yourself Windows – A L Stevens, BPB Publications.The ABC s of MS Office 2000 – Guy Hard-Davis, BPB Publications.Working in MS Office 2000 - Ron Mansfield, Tata McGraw Hill.The ABC of the Internet --- Christian Coumblish, BPB P-106 OFFICE ORGANISATION Subject Title:Office Organisation-1Subject Code:CCP- 106Period/week:02Periods/year:30TIME SCHEDULESl. No.Major Topic No. of periods Short QuestionsEssay QuestionsRUAR UA1Introduction to Office Management42200102Departmentation83301103Office Organisation, Lay Out 82201104Filing and Indexing10330120?Total3010100350Objectives: At the end of the course the student will be able to:Understand the importance of Office and Office Manager in modern business.Define the meaning of office.Explain the importance of office.Explain the basic and administrative functions of a modern office.Understand the working of various departments of Office.Explain the need for departmentation.Name various departments.Explain functions of each department.COURSE CONTENTSOffice Management – Office – Importance of Office – Office Manager – Functions of Office ManagerDepartmentation – The need for departmentation – Various departments in an office and their functions.REFERENCE BOOKS:Office Organization and Management.. ChopraOffice Organization and Management.. S.P. AroraCCP-107 ENGLISH TYPEWRITING PAPER ISubject Title:English Typewriting Paper ISubject Code:CCP – 107Periods per Week:05Periods per Year :75TIME SCHEDULES. NoMajor TopicsNo. of Periods1Mastery of the Keyboard Etc.302Shift Key operation203Practice of speed 15 WPM, 20WPM, 25 WPM(10 minutes, speed @ 25 WPM – 250 words -1250 Strokes)25Total75OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:1.0 Know the importance of communication in the modern business world.1.1Define the term communication.1.2List out the different types of communication.1.3State the uses of different types of communication.1.4Identify the different types of communication.1.5Select the business machines as a means of communication.2.0Appreciate the typewriters as a means of business machine for communication.2.1 Define the term typewriter.2.2 Describe the important parts of the typewriter like keyboard, space bar, typeset, type bars etc.Demonstrate the functions of the important parts of the typewriter.Demonstrate the key board of the typewriter.Distinguish between touch method and sight method of typewriting.Insert the paper with a backing sheet in the typewriter.Describe the arrangement of alphabets in the keyboard.Point out the guide keys in the keyboard.Practice home keys.Repeat letters and words for accurate typing of home keys.Practice second fingering.Repeat letters and words of the second fingering.Practice third fingering.Repeat letters and words of third fingering.Repeat typing 1, 2 and 3 fingering letters and words.Practice typing numbers 0 to 9.Repeat typing numbers 0 to 9.Practice typing words and sentences.Repeat typing of sentences.Locate the various punctuation marks in the typewriter.Identify the different punctuation marks.Adhere to the spacing after punctuation marks.Understand the method of paragraphing.Subdivide typing paragraphs.Set the margin stop 5 degrees from the left margin for starting fresh paragraph.Set the left and right margins of 10 degrees.Appreciate the beauty of the centering the typed matter.Calculate the letters and spaces in a given sentence.Design the given sentence in a beautiful way using centering rules.COURSE CONTENTS1.Importance of typewriting in modern correspondence. Master key board with emphasis on rhythm – Blind touch – Accuracy development.2.Shift key operation – Words – Sentences – Spacing after punctuation – Paragraphing – Two lines and three line paragraphing.3.Regular practice of speed and accuracy passages at 25w.p.m. – Practice of speed test at various rates – Speed passages drills. End Exam at 25 w.p.m.(FIVE DEPRESSIONS OF KEY (STROKES) IS TO BE TAKEN AS ONE WORD).REFERENCE BOOKS:Speed passage drills.Examination question papers of S.B.T.E.T. Typewriting English Junior Grade.NOTE: The syllabus designed for Typewriting English Junior grade of Technical Examinations conducted by S.B.T.E.T., is to be followed for I semester Typewriting subject on par with SBTET pattern i.e. Speed @25 wpm for 10 minutes.NOTE: A pass in CCP-107 and CCP-108 is equivalent to Typewriting English Junior Grade (TEJ) conducted by SBTET, TS. The question paper is to be issued by the SBTET, TSCCP-108 ENGLISHTYPEWRITING PAPER-IISubject Title:English Typewriting Paper IISubject Code:CCP – 108Periods Per Week:02Periods Per Year:30TIME SCHEDULES. NoMajor TopicsNo. of Periods1Circular or Notice (80 words- 400 strokes – 4 traps – 50 marks)152.Statistical Table – Simple heading 4 Columns in all (1+3 Lines) – 3 traps – 50 words – 250 strokes – 50 marks15Total30OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the student will be able to know:Know typing of Circular or NoticeInterpret the abbreviation in a given scriptCorrect the mistakes in a given script Practice typing circulars and notices for neatness and accuracyKnow Typing of StatementInterpret the abbreviation in a given script.Select the appropriate spacing of the statement columnsCorrect the mistakes in a given script.Display the typed statement.Practice typing statements for neatness and accuracy.Demonstrate Speed and Accuracy In Typing A Given Matter.Demonstrate Accuracy In Typing Manuscript According To The Layout.COURSE CONTENTS1Practice tabular statements, debit note, credit note, invoice and account sales.2.Accuracy tests in the above.(FIVE depressions of key are to be taken as one word). REFERENCE BOOKS:Text book to beginners.Business typewriter by Fredrick.Abbreviations by National Shorthand School (Books).Lay outs and Formats of Typewriter – Published by S.B.T.E.T.NOTE: The syllabus designed for Typewriting English Junior grade of Technical Examinations conducted by S.B.T.E.T., is to be followed for I Semester Typewriting subject.NOTE: A pass in CCP-107 and CCP-108 is equivalent to Typewriting English Junior Grade (TEJ) conducted by SBTET, TS. The question paper is to be issued by the SBTET, TSCCP-109 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - I - PRACTICALSSubject Title:Information Technology – I PracticalsSubject Code:CCP – 109Periods/Week:07Periods/Year:105TIME SCHEDULES. NoMajor TopicsNo. of PeriodsI.0Hardware Components051.1Motherboard, RAM, Hard disk, Processor, Battery etc.,052.0DOS 142.1Internal Commands072.2External Commands073.0WINDOWS713.1Basics of Windows Desktop (Icons, Start Menu, Task bar, Display Properties, My Computer)073.2Usage of Recycle Bin043.3Creating, Deleting, Renaming folders053.4Copying, Moving of files053.5Format CD/DVD033.6Creating Shortcuts, Placing Shortcuts at Convenient Place053.7Working with Windows Accessories053.8Text creating using Word pad/note pad053.9Formatting text using Word pad/note pad083.10Printing text documents033.11Operations of Control Panel –Changing settings of the components053.12Installing/Uninstalling software, Hardware 053.13Practice painting the pictures using MSPaint093.14Working with calculator024.0INTERNET154.1List and show the Hardware and Software requirement for Networking014.2Demonstrate the steps to Browse the Net024.3Web searching using search engines034.4Downloading file/folder014.5Zip/unzip files/folder014.6E-mail – Account creation, Sending and Receiving074.7E-Commerce transactions05Total105OBJECTIVES -- At the end of the course, the student will be able toHardware Components - Motherboard, RAM, Hard disk, Processor, Battery, Input devices & Output Devices.DOS - Internal Commands&External CommandsPractise Windows Features.Demonstrate use of start button.Demonstrate viewing of the setting option in the start menu.Demonstrate loading of control panel and understand selecting the items.Demonstrate changing Date and time, screen settings, printer settings.Demonstrate changing of settings of mouse.Demonstrate creating of folders.Demonstrate deleting of files, folders, un-deleting of files and folders.Demonstrate creation of short cutsCreate text file using WordPad or notepadFormat the text document with all the features available in WordPad, Notepad.Print the document created using WordPad, Notepad.Demonstrate the MS Paint applicationDemonstrate installing/uninstalling software/hardware using control panel.Practise with the InternetIdentify the H/W and S/W components involved in Networks.Connect and disconnect to the Internet.Browse the Net using Browser softwares.Search the Web using Search EnginesCreate and operate E-mailIdentify the E-commerce transactionsEXERCISESMove and adjust task bar.Navigate through menus.Configure and use the Recycle bin.Create new folders and files using different methods.Explore a folder using Windows Explorer.Move, copy and delete files and foldersCopy and format floppies/CD/DVD.Make, move, rename and change shortcut settings. Change the appearance, Video resolution and other settings of your display.Configure mouse, change mouse pointers and other settings.Install and uninstall a hard ware device.Add and remove programs using control panel.Create document with WordPad and Notepad.Create a picture using MS Paint.Use calculator in windows.COURSE CONTENTS1.Operation of Window O. S:Starting of Windows – Start Menu Command functions – Setting and Use of Mouse – Setting of screen display – Recycle Bin Operations – Creation of folders –Deleting files/folders – Undo Operation – Creating short-cuts – Creating text with Notepad and Wordpad – Installing/Uninstalling Hardware/software using control panel.2. Internet: Networking concepts – LAN, WAN, internet – Hardware requirement – Procedures to get connection – Logging in, Logging out – Browsing-Searching - Sending and receiving E – mail – Concepts of E – commerce.Objectives and Key CompetenciesExpNo.Name of ExperimentsObjectivesKey Competencies1Identify the various components of a Computer systemIdentify various Components of a SystemCheck whether components are identified correctly2Differentiate between hardware and softwareTo Differentiate between hardware and softwareObserve differences between hardware and software3State the functions of each component of a computer systemTo study function of all components on systemIdentify all components inside computerObserve the functionality of all components like CPU,RAM,HDD,CD/DVD Drive, Motherboard4State the configuration of a computer systemAble to observe configuration of given systemUse System icon in control panelUse system information in Accessories5Practice on Internal & External commands.To use internal commandsTo use External commandsUse any given command6Exercise on understanding the Start Menu items on Taskbar Able to understand the use of Start Menu items by opening some applications Use‘Start Menu’ items on Taskbar by opening some applications7Exercise on creation of folders and organizing files in different folders on desktopAble to create folder Able to organize file in different folderscreate folder using right click on desktopOrganise files in different folders 8Exercise on using Recycle BinAble to Use Recycle BinCheck Recycle bin whether able to use delete filesObserve files were properly restored files 9Exercise on use of My ComputerAble to Access files and folders in C: DriveAble Access files and folders in other drivesCheck whether able to access files in C: Drive using Mycomputer correctly or notCheck whether able to access files in other drives using Mycomputer correctly or notCheck whether able use CD/DVD drive using Mycomputer10Exercise on use of My Documentsi)Able to use My documents so that organize and access files and folders in itii)Able to use Mydocuments so that Organizing files in My Music, My Pictures, My Videosiii) Able to create short cut for mydocument on desktop properlyCheck Whether able to organize files and folders in MydocumentsCheck Whether able to organize files in My music,Mypictures, My videos in MydocumentsCheck able to create short cut for my document on desktop properly11Exercise on creation of shortcut to files and folders (in other folders) on DesktopAble to create shortcut of files and folders on desktopCheck whether can able to create shortcut for any files created on desktopCheck whether can able to create shortcut for any folder created on desktop12Exercise using Paint Able to create .jpeg, .bmp Files using MS PaintCheck whether can able to create .jpeg, .bmp Files using MS Paint 13Exercise using Calculatori)Able to use calculator in Standard mode ii)Able to use calculator in Scientific modeCheck calculator in Standard modeCheck calculator in scientific mode14Exercise using Notepad/Wordpadi)Able to use Notepad ii)Able to use WordpadObserve creation, formatting and printing of file using Notepad Observe Creation, formation and printing of file using Wordpad15Exercise on using Control Panel Able to Installation / Uninstallation of Software using control panelAble to Installation of Hardware using control panelAble to Changing Date and Time using control panel Check Installation / Uninstallation of Software using control panelCheck Installation of Hardware using control panelCheck Changing Date and Time using control panel16Exercise on using of explorer for accessing of files and foldersAble to use of explorer for accessing of files and foldersCheck use of explorer for accessing of files and folders17Exercise on arranging of icons – name wise, size, type, Modified Able to arranging of icons – name wise, size, type, Modified on desktopObserver whether able to arrange of icons – name wise, size, type, Modified 18Exercise on searching of files and foldersAble to search of files and foldersCheck searching of files and folders19Exercise on organizing files / folders using copy and paste of files and folders i)Able to organizing files / folders using copy and paste of files and folders using explorerii) Able to organizing files / folders using copy and paste of files and folders using mycomputerCheck organizing files / folders using copy and paste of files and folders Check organzing files / folders using copy and paste of files and folders using my computer 20Exercise on installation of Anti Virus softwareAble to installation of Anti Virus softwareCheck installation of Anti Virus softwareCheck the CD/DVD/Pen Drive using Anti Virus Software like Kaspersky etc.,21Exercise on shutdown of computer systemAble to shutdown of computer systemCheck shutdown of computer system22Exercise on using of Internet Explorer or any other browserAble to use of Internet Explorer Able to use of Mozilla firefoxAble to use of Google ChromeAble to use of operaCheck use of Internet Explorer Check use of Mozilla firefoxCheck use of Google ChromeCheck use of opera23Exercise on E-mailAble to Create E-mail idAble to send and receive messages using E-mailCreate E-mail idSend and Receive messages using E-mail24Exercise on Zip/unzip files/foldersAble to Zip/Unzip Files/FoldersUse Winrar software to Zip/Unzip Files/FoldersREFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Teach yourself Office 2000 for Windows –Coray Sandler, Tom Badgett, Jan Weingarten, BPB Publications.2. Windows 98 – Sharon Crawford, BPB PublicationsTeach Yourself Windows – A L Stevens, BPB Publications.The ABC s of MS Office 2000 – Guy Hard-Davis, BPB Publications.Working in MS Office - Ran Mansfield, Tata McGraw Hill P-110 OFFICE ORGANISATION (PRACTICALS) Sub Title: Office Organisation (Practicals) Sub Code: CCP-110Periods/week : 2Periods/year: 30Rationale: In this subject, aside from drawing of organization charts and office routines such as maintenance of filing system, the paramount objective is to provide an environment of on-hands training and exposure to various modern office machines used in different organizations to enhance their familiarity with those equipment when they enter real time office environment.TIME SCHEDULES.No.Major TopicsNo. of Periods1Practice of Different Charts and Diagrams152Practice on Files and Folders15Total30Objectives: At the end of the course the student will be able to:1.0Depict the business progress by means of charts and diagramsPrepare the horizontal and vertical diagrams showing the profits of a concern for a given number of years.Prepare a Pie Chart giving the composition of cost of production. Locate the different types of files used in a business house.2.1Recognize the spike file, office file, box file, folders.2.2Insert the papers in the file concerned.5.0Handle and demonstrate various office machines and equipment5.1Taking print out of a file stored in your system.5.2Practice printing both sides using a Duplex printer5.7. Practice binding with Spiral Binding MachineEquipment needed:ComputerPrinterDuplex PrinterSpiral Binding MachineElectronic Laminating MachineKey Competencies:Sl.icKey Competencies1Practice of Different charts and DiagramsObserve the given dataSelect the appropriate type of chart or diagramPrepare the Chart/Diagram duly incorporating the given data.2Practice on Files and FoldersIdentify different types of files and folders.Make sure that the documents to be filed areproperly punched.File the documents in the relevant file or folder.3Operation of office machines and equipmentPrinter: Select Printer and give print after checking all the details such as Page range, No. of copies and other properties.Duplex Printer: Go to properties; select ‘Yes’ to the option ‘print on both sides’.Spiral Binding Machine: Identify the different parts of a Spiral Binding Machine. Bind your Office Organisation material using Spiral Binding Machine. ................

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