Ms. Comiskey Herrera's EnglishWebsite

Gmail and Google Drive Instructions49980105079900Step 1: Set up a professional, scholarly, mature Gmail account. Go to Click on “Create an Account”Create your account by filling in the appropriate information.Make sure your username is PROFESSIONAL -8096251460500First, try your first and last name. (ex: napoleondynamite@)If that’s unavailable, add your middle name or middle initial. (ex: napoleonpercydynamite@ or napoleonpdynamite@If that’s taken, add a number that is significant to you. Keep the number to single or double digits (ex: napoleondynamite84@)Also, make sure your password is one that you will remember. -80962524574500Step 2: Email Ms. Comiskey Herrera!Using your new email address, email Ms. C/H at herreraenglishclass@.First, click on “COMPOSE,” the red button on the left side of the screen. Where it says, “To,” type in: herreraenglishclass@Where it says “Subject,” type your name and class period (i.e. Napoleon Dynamite, Period 45). In the email itself, copy the following text and fill in the blanks with your own information: Hello Ms. C/H,I hope you are having a nice day. This is __________________ from you r _____ period class. I am writing this email for two reasons. First, I want to make sure you have my email address. Second, I want to tell you that my favorite part about being a student at Thornton so far is________________. 364286131940500Thank you for taking the time out to read this email. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!Sincerely,_________________________________________421005021907500Step 3: Accessing Google Drive-6858002730500Stay logged onto Gmail and open a new tab. In that new tab, type in: drive.Click on the red button on the top left that says, “NEW,” and then choose “Google Docs.” Hey! It looks like Microsoft Word! But it’s free! Cool!Using Times New Roman font, size 12, type one or two paragraphs describing how your first week at Thornton went. -1905005067300Your document should be set up like this (see what Mrs. Herrera is doing on the screen for help with this): Your NameEnglish I: Your class periodAugust 25, 2015My First Week at ThorntonMy first week at Thornton has been fantastic. I’ve met tons of new friends, and I’ve really enjoyed learning new things in all of my classes. At first, I was a little nervous, because Thornton is a very large, intimidating building with hallways that are not easy to maneuver through. However, after a couple of days of following my schedule, I got the hang of it and found myself far less nervous than I had previously been. My teachers are nice and my classmates have been pretty cool. I think it will be a difficult year, but ultimately a great one. 576262524320500Step 4: Sharing the Document with Ms. C/H!Google Drive automatically saves your stuff, so no worries there. When you’re done typing, click on the blue “SHARE” button in the right corner. 482917526479500In the box that says, “Invite People,” type in Ms. C/H’s class email address: herreraenglishclass@Then, click “Share.” Then celebrate, because you just successfully sent an assignment! 10477511366500 ................

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