How to Create a Bit Strip (digital comic strip)

How to Create a Bit Strip (digital comic strip)

1. Open your web browser to Internet Explorer or Firefox

2. Type in web address-

3. On the left hand side of the page select in the Create Box, select comic and click

4. In the center Type your title for your strip and Underline

5. Go up to the top and click on layout, then in the first box to the left at the top in the box “How Many Panels…” place a 4 or 6 depending on your class period. Then click on the red save button at the bottom of the screen. At this point it will ask you to create an account. You may use your own e-mail address if you have your parent’s permission, if not please use the following:

6. Then click on the edit (pencil icon) button at the bottom center of the screen. Now you are ready to create your comic. You will have to press the edit button after you save each time. To retrieve your bit strip after you log in or save you go to the “My Stuff” box and click on strips and all of your strips that you have created will be there.

7. Now create a character- go to the “Create Box” at the top left hand corner and click on character then begin creating the first character for your comic strip. Now you can type the character’s name, chose their gender, their skin pigment, their hair style and color (at the bottom in the squares). At the top, you can select eye brow, facial shape, ear shape, mouth shape, beards and accessories,

8. If you click on the characters body you can then can select their height, shape, weight etc. ***Remember this avatar character that you are creating must be an accurate representation of the character in the story. If it is not, you will not receive full credit.

9. Now go up to the top right hand corner where you will see a green button and click on save. Now your avatar character will be saved in the collections section of the strips on the top left hand corner in the white tab.

10. Remember to save about every 5 to 10 minutes so that you don’t lose what you have created. After saving each time you will have to click on the edit button at the bottom center of the strip screen.

Include the following for each scene for your strip:

1. Background (Art Library/scenes tab)

2. A character (Collections tab to the left/characters) Drag them to the scene. After you have done this and you have saved, then you can go back and click on the body again and it will show options for body positions, facial expressions, hand shapes….etc.

3. A thought or speech bubble with text (Text bubbles tab/drag to scene)

4. A caption box telling what is happening in each scene (Art library/Text bubbles tab/drag to scene)

5. props (Art library/props tab)

*Spelling, capitalization, grammar and punctuation will count.

** Your grade will reflect your effort..


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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