Complete is Neat

Complete is Neat

Decide which of the following groups of words are sentences and which are not. If the word group forms a complete sentence, write YES in the blank. If it does not, write NO.

_______ 1. The monkey with a blue hat is climbing a tree.

_______ 2. You hit me!

_______ 3. The black and white police car slowly.

_______ 4. The airplane buzzed loudly overhead.

_______ 5. As he came out the door, the huge monster.

_______ 6. All the carpenters in the city at three o’clock.

You should have found three incomplete sentences. Rewrite them below, making changes to create complete sentences.

Make A Match

Match each phrase on the left (subject phrase) to the one on the right (predicate phrase) that best completes the sentence. Then write the number of that phrase on the blank line. The first one is done for you.

|1. the tiny baby | |slowly, without moving. |

|2. The rusted swing | |creaked loudly. |

|3. The raindrops | |bit my hand. |

|4. The angry dog | 1 |giggled in her mother’s arms. |

|5. The new student | |when he say the mail carrier. |

|6. The young mother | |sparkled in the sun. |

|7. The star quarterback | |ran fifty yards for a touchdown. |

|8. The basketball player | |carried a basket of roses. |

|9. My grandmother | |at the piano recital. |

|10. John’s new skates | |was nervous about the new school. |

|11. The flower girl | |with his long beard. |

|12. The proud father | |was over seven feet tall. |

| | |have bright yellow wheels. |

| | |happily took his baby to the park. |

| | |went back to work at age forty-five. |

| | |read stories to her infant son. |

Sentences = Subjects + Predicates

Choose words from the Subject Word Box and words from the Predicate Word Box to make up your own sentences. Use the words to write five sentences on the lines. You may use more words of your own if you like. Add capitals and punctuation where needed.

|Subject Word Box | |Predicate Word Box |

|dragon |kind |monster | |slapped |miserably |learned |

|loving |lady |miserable | |bashfully |skipped |loudly |

|nurse |grumpy |the | |licked |ate |softly |

|a |father |hungry | |growled |sloppily |dinner |

|teacher |beautiful |gorilla | |crawled |house |hopped |

|old |golden |horrible | |slowly |car |ditch |

|puppy |purple |brain | |quickly |happily |his / her |

Example: The hungry puppy ate her dinner loudly.

Sentence Word Scramble

Rearrange each group of words to form a compete sentence and write that sentence on the lines provided below the words. Add capitals and punctuation where needed.

1. successfully his the mission astronaut completed

2. woman angry stormed the out room of the

3. cuddle porcupine a not animal to is an

4. toward light red police highway flashed a the the car

5. chocolate my pie Gertrude makes Aunt best tasted I’ve the ever

6. hurt bouncing child the his on trampoline the hand


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