
Teacher(s) Name: Jane Ash, Rebekah Frisbee, and Sarah Smith

Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: Holidays and Celebrations/ Chinese New Year/ Kindergarten

Weebly address: ucfgrkchinesenewyearf15th.

Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: Wednesday/ Zodiac Animals

|Learning Goals/Objectives |Learning Goal: |

| |Students will understand and describe the traditions and celebrations of Chinese New Year. |

| | |

| |Learning Objectives: |

| |The student will recognize and mention the importance of Chinese New Year to Chinese culture when sharing their "most|

| |interesting fact". |

| |The student will express their vision of a Chinese dragon by coloring and constructing their own Chinese dragon |

| |puppet. |

| |The student will create at least 5 different shapes and animals using their tangram set. |

| |The student will record at least 1 land form found in China. |

| |The student will record at least 1 body of water found in China. |

| |The student will demonstrate Standard English grammar when writing about Chinese landforms and bodies of water. |

| |The student will demonstrate Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing about Chinese |

| |landforms and bodies of water. |

|NCSS Themes |NCSS theme(s): |

|Common Core State Standards (CCSS) |Culture |

|Next Generation |Global Connections |

|Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) |People, places, and environments |

| | |

| |Common Core State Standard(s): |

| |LAFS.K12.L.1.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or |

| |speaking. |

| |LAFS.K12.L.1.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling |

| |when writing. |

| |MAFS.K.G.2.6: Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes.  |

| | |

| |Next Generation Sunshine State Standards: |

| |SS.K.A.2.2: Recognize the importance of celebrations and national holidays as a way of remembering and honoring |

| |people, events, and our nation's ethnic heritage. |

| |VA.K.H.3.1: Express ideas related to non-art content areas through personal artworks. |

| |SS.K.G.3.1: Identify basic land forms. |

| |SS.K.G.3.2: Identify basic bodies of water. |

|Assessment |Unit Pre-Assessment: |

| |The unit pre-assessment will be given two weeks prior to the unit to give the teacher ample time to utilize the data |

| |and tailor the instruction to the students' instructional level. It is attached at the end of this lesson plan for |

| |easy reference. |

| | |

| |Unit Post-Assessment: |

| |The unit post-assessment will be given at the end of the unit, and will be the same as the pre-assessment so that the|

| |teacher can compare data and see student growth and areas needed for further instruction. |

| | |

| |On-going daily (progress-monitoring) Assessment: |

| |Students will be assessed through observation throughout the lesson. At the end of the lesson, the students will be |

| |asked to assess themselves by holding up their nameplates and pointing to the number on their scale (1-4) that they |

| |feel represents their level of learning for the day. Students that indicate a 1 or a 2 will be given more help the |

| |next day of the unit or when time is available same day. |

|Design for Instruction |Review: Students will gather on the carpet with the teacher to review the previous day. Students will turn to their |

|Student Activities & Procedures |shoulder partners and share the most interesting fact they learned about Chinese New Year yesterday, and why they |

| |thought it was the most interesting. Some students will be able to share with the class (5 minutes). |

| |Transition Period: Each centers' directions will be explained to the students with modeling (ESOL/ESE |

| |Accommodation). Students will find their name/group on the pocket chart at the front of the room and start at their |

| |assigned centers. All appropriate materials will already be in tubs at the table for each center (5-7 minutes).​ |

| |Centers: |

| |Art: Create Dragon Dance Puppets​ (10 minutes) |

| |Students will begin making their dragon dance puppets for Friday. An example of a complete dragon dance puppet will |

| |be available at the table for student reference (ESOL/ESE Accommodation). Students do not have to finish because this|

| |center will be available again on Thursday, all parts should be kept in the students' lanterns so they are not lost. |

| |Students should at least finish coloring their dragon head on this day. |

| |[pic] |

| |Reading: Chinese Zodiac Video and Word Scramble (10 minutes) |

| |Students will gather around the IWB to watch a video about the 12 Chinese Zodiac animals. The students should |

| |continue to listen when completing the word scramble in order to better learn the song and animals. Students should |

| |sing and dance to any parts they know. Then students will complete a zodiac animal word scramble to review the |

| |animals of the zodiac. |

| |Gifted Extension: Students can write the names of the zodiac animals in Chinese letters on their word scramble using |

| |the My Chinese Name app, like the previous day. |

| |[pic] |

| |Math: Animal Tangrams (10 minutes) |

| |​Students will take Ziploc bag with a pre-made tangram set inside and write their name with marker on the outside. |

| |Students will use the stencils to create animals from their shapes in the tangram set. Then students will use their |

| |tangram set to make as many other shapes, animals, etc. as they can (universal Gifted extension). Students will |

| |record each shape/picture that they make on a sticky note and place it inside their Ziploc bag. |

| |While students are playing with their tangrams, the teacher will be reading Grandfather Tang's Story by Ann Tompert. |

| |When done reading, students can use the book for more animal tangram ideas. |

| |[pic] |

| |Social Studies: Google Earth exploration and writing activity (10 minutes) |

| |​​​Students will use the Google Earth App on the iPads to virtually explore China. Then they will write at least two |

| |sentences: one about a land form and one about a body of water. Sentence frames will be available for students to |

| |start their sentences (ESOL/ESE Accommodation). For example, "There is a (hill, forest, wetland, coast) in China |

| |called _______." and "There is a/an (river, lake, ocean, gulf) in China called _______". |

| |[pic] |

| |Wrap Up: Students should place all activities from the day into their Chinese lanterns and hang their lantern back |

| |up. Students will gather on the carpet to re-watch the video from the reading center. Students will sing and follow |

| |the dance moves this time. (5-7 minutes) |

| |Check for Understanding: Students will watch the Chinese Zodiac Animal video again. Students will use their Chinese |

| |number scales (1-4) to express how comfortable they are with what they learned today. (3-5 minutes) |

|Resources/Materials |Art Center |

| |12 x 9 inch construction paper in yellow, red, and purple (3 per student) |

| |Dragon head template (1 per student; |

| | |

| |Student scissors |

| |Large popsicle sticks |

| |Glue sticks |

| |Crayons or colored pencils |

| |Reading Center |

| |Word Scramble printout (1 per student) |

| |Pencils |

| |Clipboards (1 per student at center) |

| |IWB |

| |Zodiac Song () |

| |Math Center |

| |Pre-made tangrams [use cardstock paper(1 per student)] |

| |Animal tangram stencil printouts |

| |Ziploc bags (1 per student; sandwich size) |

| |Black markers |

| |Pencils |

| |Sticky notes |

| |Social Studies Center |

| |iPads w/ Google Earth App (1 per student at center; approx. 4/5) |

| |China map printouts (1 per student; ) |

| |China map for writing (1 per student; ) |

| |Pencils |

Discussion Notes: Make comments here related to ideas for assessment measures, parent involvement, field trips, or extension to the unit plan ideas.


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