Child Development/Nursery School

Grades 11-12


The intent of the Child Development course is to help students evaluate their attitudes toward children and develop an understanding of the responsibilities of becoming a parent and/or caregiver of children. The course includes the study of pregnancy through childbirth. Students will also study the emotional, social, intellectual and physical developmental stages of children from infancy through the preschool ages. This course will also help students develop career awareness relating to early childhood education.

Note: A special feature of this program is a hands-on experience in planning and participation in the "Little Bears" Play School program.


Class Periods: 6 per 6 day cycle

Length of Class Periods (minutes): 56

Length of Course: 18 Weeks

Unit of Credit: .5

Updated: June 2014

|COURSE: Child Development/Nursery School |GRADE(S): 11-12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening |TIME FRAME: 1 (One) Semester |

|11.4 Child Development | |

|CC1.2 Reading Informational Text | |

|CC1.5 Speaking and Listening | |


|1.6.12A Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate |

|questions, ideas, information or opinions. |

|11.4.12.D: Analyze plans and methods to blend work and family responsibilities to meet the needs of children. |



|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |

| |


|Textbook – Children; The Early Years; Decker, 2006 |

|Magazines/newspapers |

|Infant toys |

|Growth charts |

|Baby tub/accessories |

|Baby feeding items |

|Videos |

|The First Four Weeks of Life |

|Infant Development |

|Feeding With Love and Good Sense |

|The first Years Last Forever |

|Baby Basics |

|Breast Feeding |


|The learner will become aware of the foundation of the family structure and the factors to consider when deciding to have children.|


|Describe how the family dynamic has changed in the last 100 years. |

|List the stages of the individual life cycle. |

|Explain the concept of Nature vs. Nurture. |

|Discuss brain development in children. |

|Explain why the window of opportunity is important in brain development. |

|Describe factors that can deter brain development. |

|Identify the five principles of growth and development. |

|Identify the various family structures that exist and name some advantages and disadvantages of each. |

|Explain the options for adoption. |

|List the stages of the family life cycle. |

|List the roles of parents and parenting styles and explain the types of discipline that may be used to guide children. |

|List characteristics of healthy families. |

|Explain how culture may influence families. |

|Identify avenues to learn how to be a good parent. |

|Explain factors to consider when choosing to become a parent. |

|Describe the law associated with maternity/paternity leave. |

|Explain the importance of family planning and indicate ways to deal with infertility or sterility. |


|Compose a newspaper ad for the perfect parent. |

|Discuss types of jobs parents do for their children. |

|Collect newspaper articles on parenting and summarize and share with class. |

|Brainstorm to create a children’s bill of rights. |

|Create a collage on ways to become a better parent or parenting roles and responsibilities. |

|Write a paragraph on personal goals for parenting practices. |

|Role-play positive communication techniques between caregivers and children. |

|Complete a handout on "Ready for parenthood". |

|Interview a family member, summarize the interview in writing, and complete a family traditions box. |

|Design a parent licensing procedure that can be used for prospective parents and present it to the class. |


|Tests: written/oral |

|Worksheets |

|Practice exercises |

|Activities |

|Projects |

|Presentations |

|Self-evaluations |


|Correctives: |

|Create a foldable identifying and describing the family life cycle. |

|Extensions: |

|Research styles and philosophies of parenting types. Compare styles, rating effectiveness of each style. Write a paper |

|explaining personal preferences. |

|COURSE: Child Development/Nursery School |GRADE(S): 11-12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening |TIME FRAME: 1 (One) Semester |

|11.4 Child Development | |

|CC1.2 Reading Informational Text | |

|CC1.5 Speaking and Listening | |


|1.6.12A Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate |

|questions, ideas, information or opinions. |

|11.4.12.A: Analyze current research on existing theories in child development and its impact on parenting (e.g., Piaget, Erikson |

|and prior findings versus new brain development research). |



|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


|Textbook – Children; The Early Years; Decker, 2006 |

|Magazines/newspapers |

|Infant toys |

|Growth charts |

|Baby tub/accessories |

|Baby feeding items |

|Videos |

|The First Four Weeks of Life |

|Infant Development |

|Feeding With Love and Good Sense |

|The first Years Last Forever |

|Baby Basics |

|Breast Feeding |


|The learner will describe the physical, intellectual, social, and emotional growth and development patterns of the preschooler |

|(four to six year old). |


|Describe the physical development that occurs in preschool children. |

|Describe preschool children’s gross-motor and fine-motor skills. |

|Relate how new thinking skills emerge in preschool children. |

|Identify the major concepts learned at this stage of mental development. |

|Chart the increasing language skills of preschoolers. |

|Analyze the problems preschoolers face as they develop initiative. |

|Explain how adults can help children become more responsible. |

|Describe how preschool children learn gender roles. |

|Discuss the growing importance of friends. |

|Describe how feelings and emotions change during the preschool years. |

|Plan ways to meet the developmental needs of preschool children. |

|Help preschool children care for their own physical needs. |

|Stimulate preschool children’s mental thinking. |

|Assist preschoolers in meeting their social and emotional needs |


|Complete a teacher designed study guide over-viewing the physical, mental, and social-emotional development of preschool children. |

|Make a chart listing the small and large motor skill changes in preschoolers. |

|Compare the body size and development of the four to six year old to the toddler and adult. |

|Discuss hand preferences and activities that would encourage dexterity. |

|Practice fine motor skills, such as tying a shoe. Write directions on how to explain the process to the four to six year old. |

|Create a sample meal appropriate for a preschooler following the MyPlate guidelines on a poster. Then identify things you should |

|and shouldn’t do to prevent eating problems and make meals fun. |

|Collect and present photos of children’s clothing indicating features that are positive and negative for this age group. |

|List ways to help a preschool-aged child learn responsibility. |

|Create activities that promote the use of gross and fine motor skills. |

|Create activities that promote the use of intellectual skills including; classification, order, reversal, transformation, |

|symbolizing, and compare and contrast. |

|Create activities that promote the use of logical thinking concepts in preschool children. |

|Create activities that encourage preschoolers to follow directions, share, expand vocabulary, use their senses, take |

|responsibility, take turns, identify objects, symbolize, socialized, and make choices. |

|Make a list identifying specific patterns of sound development of the four to six year old indicating which they may struggle with |

|most. |

|Find, read, and evaluate children's books dealing with emotions prevalent in the preschooler. |

|Role-play a scenario showing how a preschooler may struggle with logical thinking. |

|List common games played using symbolism. Then list new ways to introduce the use of symbolism to the preschool-aged child. |

|With a partner, discuss Erikson’s “initiative versus guilt” and list ways to help overcome the guilt. |

|Find, read, and evaluate children's books on helping siblings adjust to a new baby in the family. |

|Discuss the basic art skill development in preschoolers. |

|Create and participate in an art activity that would be suitable for the four to six year old. |

|Select an age appropriate book to be used during story time, including props and other supporting materials. |

|After researching, discuss current book reviews and how they are helpful in selecting books for children. |

|Discuss school-generated lists of recommended books to read per age and grade. |

|Guest speaker on book selection and how to read to young children. |

|Discuss how to prepare to read a story to preschoolers, methods to introduce a story, how to end the story, and maintaining a |

|child's interest. |

|List and discuss the advantages of storytelling. |

|Write and illustrate a storybook for young children. |

|Guest speaker from local day care center. |


|Tests: written/oral |

|Worksheets |

|Practice exercises |

|Activities |

|Projects |

|Presentations |

|Self-evaluations |


|Correctives: |

|Define vocabulary terms using the glossary and discuss their meaning. |

|Extensions: |

|Make up a non-competitive board game or other activity for a four to six year old. Teach the game to a small group of young |

|children. |

|COURSE: Child Development/Nursery School |GRADE(S): 11-12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening |TIME FRAME: 1 (One) Semester |

|11.4 Child Development | |

|CC1.2 Reading Informational Text | |

|CC1.5 Speaking and Listening | |


|1.6.12A Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate |

|questions, ideas, information or opinions. |

|11.4.12.B: Analyze current issues in health and safety affecting children at each stage of child development. |

|11.4.12.C: Analyze practices that optimize child development (e.g., stimulation, safe environment, nurturing caregivers, reading to|

|children). |

|11.4.12.D: Analyze plans and methods to blend work and family responsibilities to meet the needs of children. |



|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


|Textbook – Children; The Early Years; Decker, 2006 |

|Magazines/newspapers |

|Infant toys |

|Growth charts |

|Baby tub/accessories |

|Baby feeding items |

|Videos |

|The First Four Weeks of Life |

|Infant Development |

|Feeding With Love and Good Sense |

|The first Years Last Forever |

|Baby Basics |

|Breast Feeding |


|The learner will explain the need for child care and types of care available. |


|Identify and describe the types of child care available. |

|Identify factors to consider when choosing child care. |


|Determine why substitute care is needed. |

|Develop a checklist to rank needs and wants in day care. |

|Cooperative groups -- select a day care situation; develop a "care plan" using resources and class file folders. |

|View video "Day Care Selection". |


|Tests: written/oral |

|Worksheets |

|Practice exercises |

|Activities |

|Projects |

|Presentations |

|Self-evaluations |


|Correctives: |

|Review note cards on child care alternatives placing each arrangement under its specific category. |

|Extensions: |

|Visit a day care center, interview workers and a parent. Complete a day care checklist on the center. Prepare questions to ask |

|the parent explaining why care was chosen and their level of satisfaction with care. |

|COURSE: Child Development/Nursery School |GRADE(S): 11-12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening |TIME FRAME: 1 (One) Semester |

|11.4 Child Development | |

|CC1.2 Reading Informational Text | |

|CC1.5 Speaking and Listening | |


|1.6.12A Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate |

|questions, ideas, information or opinions. |

|11.4.12.C: Analyze practices that optimize child development (e.g., stimulation, safe environment, nurturing caregivers, reading to|

|children). |



|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |

| |


|Textbook – Children; The Early Years; Decker, 2006 |

|Magazines/newspapers |

|Infant toys |

|Growth charts |

|Baby tub/accessories |

|Baby feeding items |

|Videos |

|The First Four Weeks of Life |

|Infant Development |

|Feeding With Love and Good Sense |

|The first Years Last Forever |

|Baby Basics |

|Breast Feeding |


|The learner will describe techniques for encouraging appropriate behavior and dealing with a child's misbehavior through guidance |

|and discipline. |


|Explain the purpose of discipline and guidance. |

|Identify ways to encourage appropriate behavior using direct and indirect guidance techniques. |

|Discuss effective techniques for encouraging appropriate behavior. |

|Explain the importance of setting limits for children |

|Specify ways to deal with misbehavior. |

|Recognize the differences between healthy and unhealthy discipline. |


|Explain the difference between discipline and punishment. |

|Discuss ways to encourage appropriate behavior and setting limits. |

|Read selected children's storybooks. Define problem behavior, techniques used to handle behavior and alternate ways to handle the |

|situation. |

|View classroom videos on discipline. |

|Cooperation groups -- select two current articles on discipline techniques. Summarize highlights; discuss pros and cons to |

|different forms of discipline vs. abuse. |

|Invite a speaker from Children's Bureau to speak on child abuse. |



|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |

| |


|Correctives: |

|Review flashcards containing terms and definitions. |

|Watch a current sitcom and describe in writing the discipline techniques used and their effectiveness. |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Design a magazine advertisement that promotes consistency in children - evaluate. |

|Research views on discipline -- write a report on the differences between discipline and abuse. |

|COURSE: Child Development/Nursery School |GRADE(S): 11-12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening |TIME FRAME: 1 (One) Semester |

|11.4 Child Development | |

|CC1.2 Reading Informational Text | |

|CC1.5 Speaking and Listening | |


|1.6.12A Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate |

|questions, ideas, information or opinions. |

|11.4.12.C: Analyze practices that optimize child development (e.g., stimulation, safe environment, nurturing caregivers, reading to|

|children). |

|11.4.12.E: Identify practices that develop the child’s imagination, creativity and reading and writing skills through literature. |



|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |

| |


|Textbook – Children; The Early Years; Decker, 2006 |

|Magazines/newspapers |

|Infant toys |

|Growth charts |

|Baby tub/accessories |

|Baby feeding items |

|Videos |

|The First Four Weeks of Life |

|Infant Development |

|Feeding With Love and Good Sense |

|The first Years Last Forever |

|Baby Basics |

|Breast Feeding |


|The learner will implement plans for coordinating an early childhood play school (Little Bears) for four to six year old children |

|at PVHS. |


|Describe and implement plans for coordinating an early childhood classroom. |

|Describe and implement methods of protecting the health and safety in an early childhood classroom. |

|Manage the daily schedules and appropriate activities for a class of preschool aged children. |

|Implement guidance and discipline techniques. |

|Demonstrate skills of good role models. |

|Execute appropriate learning activities created for preschool aged children. |


|Plan a one day experience for the "Little Bears Play School" using the teacher designed packet and special assignments as follows: |

|(1) select a theme for the day; (b) incorporate one of the following concepts in the day -- teaching colors, shapes, letters, or |

|numbers; (c) plan four learning centers or activities for the children during free play; (d) free play activities; (e) circle |

|time activities; (f) snack; (g) special time activities: crafts relating to the theme; (h) exercise and certificate of |

|participation. |

|Routinely check the classroom environment and outdoors lay areas to make sure it is child-proof and safe. |

|Supervise the children closely as they work and play using positive reinforcement and modeling. |

|Evaluate experiences through a teacher designed evaluation packet. |


|Tests: written/oral |

|Worksheets |

|Practice exercises |

|Activities |

|Projects |

|Presentations |

|Self-evaluations |


|Correctives: |

|Create a brochure for parents and other caregivers of children aged four to six. The brochure must contain all areas of |

|development. |

|Extensions: |

|Participate in a nursery school kindergarten or tutoring experience outside of Little Bears. Write a summary of the experience. |

|COURSE: Child Development/Nursery School |GRADE(S): 11-12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening |TIME FRAME: 1 (One) Semester |

|11.4 Child Development | |

|CC1.2 Reading Informational Text | |

|CC1.5 Speaking and Listening | |


|1.6.12A Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate |

|questions, ideas, information or opinions. |

|11.4.12.B: Analyze current issues in health and safety affecting children at each stage of child development. |



|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |

| |


|Textbook – Children; The Early Years; Decker, 2006 |

|Magazines/newspapers |

|Infant toys |

|Growth charts |

|Baby tub/accessories |

|Baby feeding items |

|Videos |

|The First Four Weeks of Life |

|Infant Development |

|Feeding With Love and Good Sense |

|The first Years Last Forever |

|Baby Basics |

|Breast Feeding |


|The students will learn about pregnancy, prenatal care, and childbirth. |


|Describe what happens during conception. |

|Explain how genetic factors affect prenatal development. |

|Describe how a person inherits traits through genes. |

|List the three different types of multiple pregnancies. |

|Describe the three main stages of prenatal development. |

|Describe the early signs of pregnancy. |

|Explain the role of the environment on prenatal development. |

|Explain the relationship between the health of the mother and the health of the baby. |

|Describe how diseases, drugs, radiation, environmental pollutants, and congenital problems can harm the fetus. |

|List ways family members can be involved during pregnancy. |

|Describe the birth process and some of the possible complications of delivery. |

|Describe physical and emotional changes in the mother during the postpartum period. |

|Describe the characteristics of a newborn. |

|Identify a newborn’s physical, intellectual, and social-emotional needs. |

|Explain how parents of newborns can meet their own needs. |


|Collect objects that represent fetus size during each month of development and create a chart. |

|View videos and discuss (see resources list) |

|Students share photographs of themselves and family members. Discuss common physical characteristics. |

|Compile a list and discuss how families must adjust to multiple births versus singleton births. |

|Debate the pros and cons of options available for infertile couples. |

|Research and present oral reports on selected birth defects, causes, treatment, statistics, costs, life expectancy, and prevention.|

|Research and present reports on drugs, alcohol and other hazards during pregnancy. |

|Through discussion establish reasons for seeking genetic counseling. |

|Discuss early signs and discomforts of pregnancy. |

|Brainstorm and discuss reasons for continued medical care during pregnancy. |

|Complete individual 24-hour diet recall to evaluate class eating habits. In writing, explain how these habits may need to change |

|during pregnancy. |

|Draw a picture of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries and indicate where conception occurs. |

|Make a list of basic needs for baby and budgeting ideas. |

|Using an appropriate web site, catalogues, or flyers determine the initial cost to bring home baby by making a detailed list of |

|essentials and their cost. |

|Compare ideas with a partner on ways to economically acquire basic baby supplies and needs. |

|Work in cooperative groups to discuss prepared childbirth, birth options, birth attendants and pros and cons of each. Present your|

|ideas orally. |

|Review goals of prepared childbirth. |

|Discuss a father's role during pregnancy/delivery. |

|Show charts on neonatal appearances and procedures following birth. |

|Review, discuss and demonstrate reflexes present in a newborn. |

|Read and discuss the Apgar Scale & Bragelton's Neonatal Behavior Assessment as evaluators of a neonate's physical condition at |

|birth. |

|Discuss bonding, baby blues, rest, exercise, nutrition, medical care, and becoming a family. |

|Create a "Rice Baby" using fabric and five-pounds of rice. |

|Care for rice baby for one week and complete a specially designed parenting packet concerning experiences and readiness for |

|parenthood. |


|Tests: written/oral |

|Worksheets |

|Practice exercises |

|Activities |

|Projects |

|Presentations |

|Self-evaluations |


|Correctives: |

|Review note card created for each chapter. |

|Extensions: |

|Gather pamphlets and other resource materials from March of Dimes, Department of Health and other services on pregnancy and birth|

|defects. Read and discuss the materials. |

|COURSE: Child Development/Nursery School |GRADE(S): 11-12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening |TIME FRAME: 1 (One) Semester |

|11.4 Child Development | |

|CC1.2 Reading Informational Text | |

|CC1.5 Speaking and Listening | |


|1.6.12A Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate |

|questions, ideas, information or opinions. |

|11.4.12.A: Analyze current research on existing theories in child development and its impact on parenting (e.g., Piaget, Erikson |

|and prior findings versus new brain development research). |

|11.4.12.C: Analyze practices that optimize child development (e.g., stimulation, safe environment, nurturing caregivers, reading to|

|children). |



|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


|Textbook – Children; The Early Years; Decker, 2006 |

|Magazines/newspapers |

|Infant toys |

|Growth charts |

|Baby tub/accessories |

|Baby feeding items |

|Videos |

|The First Four Weeks of Life |

|Infant Development |

|Feeding With Love and Good Sense |

|The first Years Last Forever |

|Baby Basics |

|Breast Feeding |


|The learner will describe the physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development patterns during the first year of life. |


|Identify the milestones of physical growth and development during the first year. |

|Explain the physical care a newborn baby requires. |

|Discuss signs of healthy social/emotional development in infants and how this development can be encouraged. |

|Describe intellectual development during the first year of life and how this development can be encouraged. |


|Work in cooperative groups to sketch a life size outline of a baby at birth and at one year. Evaluate and revise sketches at the |

|end of the unit or; |

|Brainstorm a list of examples for demonstrating the patterns of physical development. Collect pictures illustrating each sequence,|

|or; |

|Chart the growth of an average baby during the first year using a graph chart. |

|Cite examples of growth vs. development during the first years. |

|Make a chart or photo collage illustrating motor skill development during the first year. |

|Student demonstrations on how to hold, feed, diaper, bathe and dress a baby. |

|Discuss nutritional concerns and feeding methods. |

|Plan, write and illustrate a simple guide for new parents explaining how to introduce new foods to baby. |

|Discuss amount of sleep baby needs, preparing for sleep, SIDS and sleep problems. |

|Role-play specific emotions, compare and contrast baby's emotions during year one to teens and how they express them. List how |

|these interactions build social development and trust. |

|Discuss ways in which parents and other caregivers can help babies develop strong emotional attachments. |

|Share ideas about differences in the three personality patterns and how they would affect daily activities of each infant. |

|Read excerpt on how to help babies learn. Determine which are wrong assumptions and describe healthy alternatives. |

|Give examples of how routine care activities can enhance intellectual development. |

|Display infant toys. Evaluate appropriateness for age and effectiveness as a learning tool. |

|Evaluate own home for safety and list changes to be made to accommodate an infant. |

|Discuss ways to promote language development and communication skills. |


|Tests: written/oral |

|Worksheets |

|Practice exercises |

|Activities |

|Projects |

|Presentations |

|Self-evaluations |


|Correctives: |

|Taste test commercially prepared and homemade baby food. Evaluate nutritive value. |

|Review note cards on child care alternatives placing each arrangement under its specific category. |

|Review note cards on child care alternatives placing each arrangement under its specific category. |

|Review note card created for each chapter. |

|Extensions: |

|Research types of babies cries/sounds and comforting techniques. Create a brochure and discuss in class. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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