Basic Web Site Construction & Techniques

|Introduction to Business and Technology |

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|BMA-IBT-1. Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry. |

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|BMA-IBT-2. Apply technology as a tool to increase productivity to create, edit, and publish industry-appropriate documents. |

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|BMA-IBT-3. Master word processing software to create, edit, and publish professional-appearing business documents. |

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|BMA-IBT-5: Demonstrate understanding of the concept of marketing and its importance to business ownership. |

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|BMA-IBT-6. Use professional oral, written, and digital communication skills to create, express, and interpret information and ideas. |

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|Lesson Title: Careers Development |

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|Essential Question(s): |

|Where are all the best job openings found? |

|What is the difference between a cover letter, a resume, and an application? |

|What should you expect in an interview? |

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|Learning Target(s) |

|I can: |

|Create reference sheet |

|Create a resume |

|Create cover letter |

|Complete a Job Application |

|February 4 - 5, 2019 |Assignment(s) |

| |Part I:  |

| |Open and answer the Most Common Interview Questions.  |

| |Remove the text that is there to help you answer each question and type your own answer. |

| |Save as Last Name Most Com Interview Q in your Career Development folder |

| |Resource Links |

| |Work on missing or incomplete assignments |

|February 6, 2019 |Dress for Success: Wednesday February 6, 2019 |

| |Reading Summary (1 – 2 paragraph summary): |

| |Use Your Own Words |

| |Read: : Summary with in-text citations |

| |Article: Job Interview Tips for High School Students |

| |After your summary: |

| |Select 3 of the tips mentioned in the article and explain why you chose the three tips. ** Use complete |

| |and detail sentences. No one sentence answers. |

| |Cite your work at the end of document MLA In-Text format |

| |Double space, 1- inch margin (Top, Bottom, Left, Right) |

| |IBT 3rd period – First Initial Last Name (footer of |

| |the page) |

| |Save as Last Name Job Tips in your article folder |

| |Upload to Google Classroom Upload to Google Classroom |

|February 7 - 8, 2019 |Quiz → Resume, Job Application, and Cover Letter |

| |Test → Resume, Job Application, and Cover Letter |

| |Tuesday, February 12, 2019 |

| |Review the Basic Marketing Concepts PPT  |

| |Complete the Marketing Concepts Student Notes - Submit to Google Classroom today |



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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