Vocabulary Choice Board Rubric

Vocabulary Square Choice Board Project 1

ELACC7L6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. ELACC7W7: Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and generating

additional related, focused questions for further research and investigation

Directions: Below are the directions for the Vocabulary Choice Board project that you will complete for a Major Assessment grade (30%). The words that will be used for the project should be a combination of weeks 1, 2, & 3 words; DO NOT use only words from one particular week. You must choose one activity to complete by Monday, 2/9/15. Choose wisely because it must be completed in its entirety. No Exceptions! The only resource you CANNOT use is a classmate. You can choose to complete at least one additional square for extra credit. The extra option must be neat, creative, and must also be completed in its entirety by Monday, 2/9/15.

Write a short narrative story using at least 10 of your vocabulary words CORRECTLY. Underline your words in the story. Your story should be at least 1 page long. Your story should have a full beginning, middle, and end.

Create a poem, song or rap using at least 10 of your words. (It has to make sense and reflect your best effort.)

Write a friendly letter to one of the characters from your "That Was Then, This Is Now" using at least ten of your vocabulary words.

Create Frayer Models for 10 of your vocabulary words. Write the word and the part of speech

1) Define the word 2) Find two synonyms 3) Find two antonyms 4) Create a compound-complex

sentence using the word CORRECTLY. **On the back illustrate the word neatly and use color. (You will have to search the internet for examples of Frayer Models.) Draw a picture for all of your words. The pictures must illustrate the definition of the word (WITHOUT USING WORDS). Your illustrations MUST be neat and colored. You may also find pictures from the internet or a magazine. Create a vocabulary game using at least 10 of your words. The directions must be clear and all game pieces or materials must be included. You cannot make a flashcard, crossword, or word find game. It must be creative and original. It does not have to be computerized, but that would be nice.

Create a Quizlet using 10 of your vocabulary words. Email it to your teacher.

Complete an ABC chart about your book. Each letter must reference something from "That Was Then, This Is Now" and 10 vocab words must be used (either as a letter or within a sentence explanation).

Create a cartoon strip using 10 of your words in the conversation or dialogue between the characters. Drawing/Illustrations must be included and must be neat and colored.

Vocabulary Choice Board Rubric

Dr. Precious Prothro, 2015

Vocabulary Square Choice Board Project 2

ELACC7L6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

ELACC7W7: Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions for further research and investigation.

Category Vocabulary




Conventions, Mechanics, &Grammar

Parent Signature


Exemplary (4)

10 or more vocabulary words from a combination of weeks 1, 2, & 3 were used. Knowledge of definitions demonstrated mastery through 90-100% accuracy of word use.

All information for the chosen assignment was included in the project. Information was interesting, clear, understandable, readable, and neat. All of the materials and information were creative and of high quality. It is obvious that time and effort were put into the process of completion.

There were no conventions, mechanics, or grammatical errors OR only 1-2 errors, which did not impact the quality of the project.

Parent/ Guardian signature by Wednesday, 2/4/15.

Meets (3)

Only 7-8 vocabulary words from a combination of weeks 1, 2, & 3 were used. OR Knowledge of definitions demonstrated sufficiency through 80-89% accuracy of word use.

Most of the information from the chosen assignment was included in the project. Information was clear, readable, and neat. Most of the materials and information were creative. It is obvious that some time and effort was put into the process of completion. Minimal (3-4) conventions, mechanics, or grammatical errors; however, the project's message was not negatively impacted.

Parent/ Guardian signature by Thursday, 2/5/15.

Did Not Meet (2)

Only 5-6 vocabulary words from a combination of weeks 1, 2, & 3 were used OR all of the words in the project were from one particular week OR knowledge of definitions was demonstrated through 70-79% accuracy of word use. The information from the chosen assignment was difficult to follow because it did not follow the guidelines for the assignment.

The materials and information were not original. It is obvious that more time and effort could have been put into the process of completion.

5-7 or more convention, mechanical, or grammatical errors were present, which impact a part or all of the project.

Parent/ Guardian signature by Friday, 2/6/15.

Critical Need (1)

Less than 5 vocabulary words were used OR knowledge of definitions was demonstrated through 60% or less accuracy.

The information in the project was not properly aligned; it was confusing to the reader and had no continuity. No creativity and no quality was put into the completion of the project; it appears that it was completed at the last minute. 8 or more convention, mechanical, or grammatical errors were present. The errors severely impacted the project's quality. No parent/ guardian signature was received.





Parent Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________________

Dr. Precious Prothro, 2015


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