Create a timeline in powerpoint


Create a timeline in powerpoint

By Indeed Editorial TeamNovember 4, 2021Timelines can be valuable presentation tools that show goals, explain historical information and make an easy-to-follow graphic that's more engaging than only text. PowerPoint is a program traditionally used for creating slideshows, but the program offers options for creating other types of graphics as well, including timelines. Learning how to make a clear, appealing timeline on PowerPoint can make your presentations more effective and improve your audience's understanding of the information in them.In this article, we discuss what a timeline in PowerPoint is, what you can use it for, how to create one and tips to ensure your timeline is easy to read.Related: Creating a Timeline: Tips and ExampleWhat is a timeline in PowerPoint?A timeline in PowerPoint is a graphic you can use to display different points in time over a specific period, whether past or future. You can use these timelines in business meetings, educational courses or personal use. Each milestone on a timeline corresponds to a specific time or date, usually followed by a description of the event that occurred during that milestone or what you hope to achieve on that date. On PowerPoint, you can create timelines to incorporate into their presentations or develop them as standalone projects you can export and save as an individual graphic.Timelines can be a useful tool for conveying data and time-relevant information to an audience. They are concise and offer a visual summary of the data you're presenting. Some instances in which you may create a timeline on PowerPoint include:Teaching a lesson, particularly historyDeveloping business or productivity goalsPresenting past work historyPropositioning a work planCompleting a visual project that involves events occurring over a specified periodRelated: How To Create an Outstanding PowerPoint PresentationHow to make a timeline on PowerPointHere are some steps you can follow when creating a timeline in PowerPoint:1. Launch timeline template optionsThe first step when making a timeline on Microsoft PowerPoint is to create a template. To do this, start by launching the PowerPoint app and clicking the "Insert" tab on the top bar, which prompts a set of options. Click the "SmartArt" icon under the "Illustrations" subsection to open up the SmartArt graphic gallery, where you can choose your timeline template.Related: 9 PowerPoint Tips and Tricks for 20212. Choose a timeline templateOnce you've opened the "Choose a SmartArt Graphic" gallery, navigate to the "Process" tab. This section shows all the process graphics in the program, including two identified timeline templates, called "Basic Timeline" and "Circle Accent Timeline." Although these are the only two specifically named for timelines, you can use most of the process templates to create one. Next, double-click the template you plan to use.3. Add textOnce you have decided on a timeline template, you can move on to adding your text. PowerPoint automatically generates three text placeholders, corresponding to three milestones on your timeline. To add text, you have two options. First, you can click the text boxes on the slide and add your text into the provided template.You can also type into the text panel, which you can open by clicking the arrow icon to the left of your timeline graphic. To add your timeline information, enter your milestone dates and descriptions. If you want to use a date with the information below it, you can type one, then click "Shift" and "Enter" on your keyboard to insert a line break in your active text box.4. Add extra milestonesUsing the text panel can make it easier to add extra milestones and create line breaks because the program automatically adjusts spacing on the timeline when you add new lines. You can do this by pressing "Enter" on your keyboard after you've completed the previous item. PowerPoint automatically puts equal spacing between each point, but you can manually drag milestones and their descriptions to your desired location on the timeline to customize the spacing.5. Change the style of your timelineAfter you enter all your milestone information into your timeline, you can move on to changing the look of your project. To do this, click the "SmartArt Tools" tab on the top ribbon in the program and navigate to the "Change Colors" button in the "SmartArt Styles" section. Click this to choose a color scheme for your timeline.You can also customize individual items in your graphic by right-clicking them and using the formatting options that PowerPoint offers. With these options, you can use customization tools like "Shape Fill" and "Font Color" to differentiate components of your timeline.6. Customize sizes and shapesAnother change you can make to your PowerPoint timeline is with the size of your graphic and individual milestones. To customize the sizes of these elements, click the item you wish to change and navigate the "Format" tab on the top ribbon. This also gives you the option of switching shapes on your timeline, such as changing the default circle milestones to diamonds. You also can add shading to your graphics or make them 3D using these features.Related: How To Create a Project Timeline in 8 Easy StepsTips for creating a timeline on PowerPointHere are some tips you can follow when creating a timeline on Microsoft PowerPoint:Make a planCreating a tentative plan for your timeline is a helpful way to determine the style and size of your graphic. Consider listing all of your dates and corresponding information in another document first and copying it over to PowerPoint to ensure you include everything. You also can note any stylistic ideas you or your team has or any design elements your company requires for presentations.Use the text panelConsider using the text panel when making timelines on PowerPoint. This can be the most effective way to make edits and add extra milestones. Using this can save you time by letting the program automatically determine size and spacing on the graphic, and the display can be easier to read when you or your team edits the presentation.Be creativePowerPoint gives you options for customizing distinct elements of your timeline, so consider using these by adding creative aspects to your project. Try to customize the size, shapes and colors used in your timeline to make it unique to your style and appropriate for your timeline's topic. Having a presentation that's more visually engaging can keep your audience focused and help them retain information better.Please note that none of the companies mentioned in this article are affiliated with Indeed. A timeline is a representation of information that can be used in history, paleontology and any other study that requires visualization of sequential elements. It usually represents a horizontal line with segments of time. Each segment can have its own sub-elements. In this article, we will learn how to create a timeline in PowerPoint that represents the Phanerozoic Eon of Earth for Paleontology class.Check out an easier way to create interactive timelines1. Get StartedCreate a new PowerPoint presentation or open an existing one. Right away, you can apply a custom Theme that reflects your style via the DESIGN tab. Then go to the INSERT tab and click on SmartArt. Select Process on the left and pick the design of the timeline you like in the central pane. Then click OK. The timeline will be created with three elements. Name them according to your topic. Fill in additional text for your Timeline. If you need to add more sections to your timeline, click Add Shape on the top panel. You can also Add Bullets to your sections. Bullets will be placed vertically underneath the selected section. Familiarize yourself with using the Text Pane to fill in text of your timeline more conveniently. Complete filling out, set custom fonts (Calibri for bullets), resize elements and change shape colors (FORMAT tab > Shape Fill). Awesome! Your timeline already looks pretty good inside PowerPoint. We just have to make it interactive by adding some links and animations, and then publish it to a Web format so students can access it online.2. Add Links and Animations to your timelineHere is an important point: we will have to break up our SmartArt into shapes to prepare it for conversion, fine tune links, and set custom animations. Therefore, we recommend that you make a copy of your original SmartArt in case you need to change it or create another timeline like this (using convenient SmartArt Format tools).To copy your SmartArt, just drag it by its border while holding the Ctrl key on your keyboard. Drag and drop the copy of the original Smart Art outside the slide. Then right-click on the border of the SmartArt that's on the slide and select Convert to Shapes from the dropdown menu. Right-click on the border of this shape and go Group > Ungroup. Select each form individually and apply the Wipe animation. Set Start: With Previous for the first animation and After Previous for all the rest. Set effect options From Left for the horizontal timeline bar and From Top for the bullets. After you apply all the elements, the Animation Pane should look like this: Create slides for each Era; e.g., this slide is about the Cenozoic Era. Create an action button by going to INSERT > Shapes > Action Buttons. Draw it on the slide and set Hyperlink to: 2. Eras of Phanerozoic, which will open the slide with the timeline again. Copy this action button to every slide so a learner can go back to the timeline from any descriptive slide.After everything is done, the presentation will look like this in Slide Sorter VIEW. 3. Share OnlineYou don't need any additional tools to create this interaction in PowerPoint, unless you are not planning to deliver it to anybody online. If you would like to share it on the Web, it will be a great help to use iSpring PowerPoint-to-HTML5 conversion facilities.You can play around with this interaction or compare your result with ours:Download our free Timeline template (.pptx, 0.7 Mb)How to create a timeline fasterThere are many benefits of creating your timeline using PowerPoint. You can determine any structure and depth you like, create custom element shapes, colors, animations, etc... Literally, you can create any design you want using just PowerPoint functionality. However, as you can see from this article, it is a pretty creative, complex, and therefore time-consuming process. There is a much simpler way of doing it (though with less freedom of customization).iSpring Suite has a component called Visuals that lets you create a timeline interaction very quickly with almost no effort! It has a very easy-to-use editing window: Basically, it has just 2 levels: Periods (colored sections) and Events (dots). You can add any information in the Event window, including pictures, sound, audio, video, etc. The interaction properties window is succinct, and allows you to adjust fonts and color scheme. By clicking Customize in the Interaction Properties window, the new window will pop up. You can apply custom colors to the bars and the background of the interaction. If you liked the article, please let us know by clicking the Share button.If you have any ideas what kind of e-Learning topics you'd like to see discussed, feel free to leave a comment; we're always happy to write new content for you.

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