Environment Variable Setup

Environment Variable Setup

This document describes how to set environment variables to alter CounterPoint behaviors. 6/27/2006

Environment Variable Setup


Table of Contents

Using Environment Variables ................................................................... 3

Where to set environment variables........................................................................................ 3

CounterPoint for Windows ...............................................................................................................................3 CounterPoint for Unix/Linux .............................................................................................................................4

How to set environment variables ........................................................................................... 4

Windows systems ............................................................................................................................................4 Unix/Linux systems ..........................................................................................................................................5

Environment variables............................................................................................................. 5

CounterPoint launch file environment variables...............................................................................................5 System environment variables.........................................................................................................................6

Environment variable descriptions .......................................................................................... 6

CounterPoint launch file environment variables...............................................................................................6 System environment variables.......................................................................................................................12

Verifying environment variable settings ................................................................................ 12

Environment Variable Setup


Using Environment Variables

Environment variables can be set to alter the behavior of CounterPoint software and other applications integrated with CounterPoint.

For example, if all of your CounterPoint users always access the company named DEMO1, you could set the environment variable COMPANY to DEMO1 so that this company is active every time a user starts CounterPoint.

Where to set environment variables

CounterPoint for Windows

For Windows systems there are three locations to set environment variables:

1. CounterPoint launch files are used to set environment variable and runtime switches for use within CounterPoint.

2. System environment variables are used to set environment variables for other software, such as the MAS 90 accounting interface.

3. MSRUN.SYN file is a special launch file used to set environment variables for Multi-Site overnight processing sessions. See the Setting Environment Variables section of the Multi-Site Manual for additional information on using MSRUN.SYN.

NOTE: The word set must be used for all MSRUN.SYN environment variables. The correct syntax is set [variable name]=[value] (e.g.,SET MSDIR=MYSCRIPTS).

NOTE: Environment variables must be written in all caps.

CounterPoint Launch File The CounterPoint launch file is where environment variables and runtime switches are set for use within CounterPoint software. The default launch file is named SYNRUN.SYN and is located in the top-level CounterPoint directory. SYNRUN.SYN contains the following entry:


Typically, in SYNRUN.SYN, you would place environment variables that are common to all users. For example, if all users access the company named DEMO1, you would modify SYNRUN.SYN so that it contained:



You can create multiple launch files to start CounterPoint with values that are specific to individual workstations, users, or tasks. Launch files must be created in the top-level CounterPoint directory and can have any name followed by the extension .SYN. For example, if you wanted to use a separate launch file for users who process credit cards, you could create a file named CCUSER.SYN in the top-level CounterPoint directory containing the following entries:




Environment Variable Setup


Then, on the user's workstation, modify the icon that starts CounterPoint and replace SYNRUN.SYN with CCUSER.SYN on the command line:


Launch files can be combined on the command line. If you combine launch files, use a semi-colon to separate them. For example, to set up an icon that starts the standard runtime and uses the 'common' settings and the 'credit card' settings combined, enter a command line similar to:


Although it is theoretically possible to set workstation-specific environment variables in AUTOEXEC.BAT, this approach is strongly discouraged, because those values are 'hidden' when looking at an icon's properties and are overridden by the settings of the launch files. All CounterPoint environment variables should be set using launch files. The only exceptions are for third party products (such as SIQ Report Writer and MAS 90) and for overnight processing variables (set in MSRUN.SYN).

System Environment Variables On a Windows 95/98 workstation, the AUTOEXEC.BAT file is where system environment variables are set for other software, such as SIQ Report Writer. This file can be found in the boot directory of your workstation.

On a Windows NT workstation, system environment variables for third party products can be set by choosing Start / Settings / Control Panel / System. Click the Environment tab to add or edit environment variables.

On a Windows 2000 workstation, select Start / Settings / Control Panel / System. Click the Advanced tab, and choose Environment Variables to add or edit system environment variables.

CounterPoint for Unix/Linux

Environment variables for CounterPoint for Unix/Linux should be set in a file named synsuppl located in the top-level CounterPoint directory.

Typically, in synsuppl, you place environment variables that are common to all users. For example, if all users access the company named DEMO1, you would modify synsuppl so that it contained the following statement:


How to set environment variables

Windows systems

CounterPoint Launch File Environment Variables Syntax: [variable]=[value]


System Environment Variables Syntax: set [variable]=[value]

Example: SET IQDD=H:\PATH1

Environment Variable Setup


Unix/Linux systems

Syntax: [variable name]=[value]; export [variable name] Example: COMPANY=DEMO1; export COMPANY

Environment variables

This section describes environment variables in terms of the commands used for CounterPoint for Windows. Be sure to change the syntax of the command for a Unix/Linux system.

CounterPoint launch file environment variables

Miscellaneous environment variables y Determine the active company when CounterPoint starts. y Specify the name of the screenlog file in which to record CounterPoint screens. y Disable the Basic Accounting Option for a particular company. y Enable the ability to add user-defined help notes. y Specify WAN setup information. y Disable the ability to run multiple instances of CounterPoint for Windows. y Control how multi-site scripts collect, backup, and delete timecard records.

Screen appearance and keyboard y Enable monochrome (vs. color) display. y Determine the colors used throughout CounterPoint. y Determine the default menu style (character-based vs. graphical). y Set the Unix ESC key delay. y Automatically save your column display settings/changes for the line item area. y Prevent users from altering your system and workstation screen settings. y Use the character interface instead of the Enhanced Mouse user interface. y Use your own customized Toolbar.

Peripheral devices y Determine the default drawer for ticket entry. y Send trailing nulls to Point of Sale devices. y Enable use of compulsory cash drawers when not using credit card processing. y Enable use of spooled printers under Unix/Linux. y Set serial communications controls.

Credit card processing y Specify the processor used for credit card processing. y Enable use of multiple configuration files for credit card processing.


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