Table of Contents

Tutorial For



Prepared By Erinc Alkim Yaylali


Table of Content

Table of Content 2

1. Locate and Open Web browser. 3

2. Create a Weebly account. 3

3. Create an appropriate title for Website. 5

4. Create a suitable Domain name. 6

5. Create Website 7

5.1 DESIGN 7

5.2 Pages 8

6. Publish, evaluate and edit Website 13

Locate and Open Web browser.

Open the Web Browser on your page for example Internet Explorer, or Mozilla etc. As you see in the picture-1 open Web Browser by double clicking on the icon.



Create a Weebly account.

Enter given URL into the address bar of the web browser. Picture-2 shows



After entering the Weebly address, this page will appear which is as you see in picture-3.



As you see in the picture-3 first of all you need to register your account. To register your account website; user should enter username, and find a password which is easy to keep in mind. Then you need to enter your e-mail into empty textboxes as you see from the screenshot. Your username should be available.



Then, you should enter the words that you see from the screen into another textbox for confirmation.

Lastly, you click “Sign Up”.


Create an appropriate title for Website.



In this step user should enter suitable title for website that is professional and it should reflects purpose of creating the website. After writing suitable title user should choose appropriate type for site such as Portfolio or business. Then user should need to click continue.

Create a suitable Domain name.

To create a suitable domain name we can get help form the Weebly help, and Wikipedia. Here is the Wikipedia link on domain names and Weebly help.

These links will help you to understand what domains are and how to create a domain name for their website.

For the people who want to create website, using a sub domain of Weebly is Free. But to get new Domain is not free.



Create Website

Let’s check different features of Weebly.

• Design

• Pages

• Elements

• Help



For the Design option in Weebly provides a wide range of themes to choose from which determine the overall appearance of the site. Click Design option and choose an appropriate theme whatever you want and that is professional and visually appear on your screen. You can also use “Edit Image” to change or arrange the image of banner.



In addition to this from the design menu you can arrange font type, font size and font color of site title, paragraph title, paragraph text and also you can arrange the colors of links that take place in website according to visited, hover and normal situations. Please look at the picture-10



2 Pages

For the pages option in Weebly you can create as many pages you need. It also helps you format your content in an organized and professional format. To add a new page user need to click “Pages” from the main menu then this above screenshot will appear. Then, click “New Page” button for the new page. You can see the from picture-11



While creating pages for your website such as Home, Professional profile, Resume, professional artifact, contact me or any other desired page that is relevant to your portfolio.


5.3 Elements

Elements are the basic building blocks of user web site.  All of your site content, be it text, pictures, videos or what you have, is added via an element.



As you see in the picture-13 weebly provide a detailed description of how to use the various elements, The FirstElements, Elements Layout, Text & Images and Embed an Audio or video Using the above links you can add content/images/videos to your Home page, Professional profile/About me page, Resume, Professional artifacts and Contact me page.

In the basic menu there are 3 different proporties which are

➢ Paragraph with Title

➢ Picture

➢ Two Column Layout

You can look at the picture-14 for Paragraph with title;

[pic] Picture-14

When user chose the “Paragraph with Title” element, the page looks like above screenshot. You can make changes about font color, font size and font alignment while writing the text. Also, you can use “Paragraph” and “Title” elements by themselves.

When you click on picture features, the screen will appear like in picture-15;

[pic] Picture-15

When you click the blue box to add picture, as you see above. Then the screen will change and it provides you some options to choosse your picture. For example, you can choose your pictures from your computer, or from weebly gallery, or from the internet.



When you choose two column layouts it will appear as you see in picture-17



You can place elements into two column layout. You can easily arrange the places of elements with the help of using this element.

Publish, evaluate and edit Website


After you finished your web page you need to click on publish button. As you see in the circle in picture-18 when you click on publish button the screen will change and you will face with a screen which is similar in picture-19.



Weebly then provides a unique URL for your site which you click on to view your site. Review and evaluate again. To make modifications, you would have to go back to your website editing page.



You can reorder your pages from here.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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