How to create fillable forms in word 2013


How to create fillable forms in word 2013

From SmartWikiConfiguring a Word Merge in SmartSimple is a three-step process: Your Word document will contain Form Fields which are linked to "Bookmarks." The SmartSimple Word Merge field will be configured to match the bookmarks up with SmartSimple variables in the third step. In this step, you will add the Form Fields and assign Bookmarks to each field in your Word document that is to be merged. The steps vary slightly in different versions of Word. Note that SmartSimple's Word Merge feature works with all versions of MS Word. As opposed to using the user's version of Word to create the merged document, the merge is performed by SmartSimple's Word Merge engine using an programmatic object compatible with MS Word (all versions). Once the merge is launched, SmartSimple streams the resultant document back to the client's browser where the extension of the streamed document (*.doc, *.docx, etc.) will trigger the launching of MS Word. If the user does not have MS Word on a Windows machine, the process will simply open whatever program is associated with the document's extension. Take note of all the Bookmarks that you add to the Form Fields below. They will be used in step 3: creating an MS Word Merge custom field. MS Word 2000-2003 From the View Menu select Toolbars and enable the Forms Toolbar Click in your Word document wherever you wish to insert a Form Field. On the Forms Toolbar click on the first button to insert a Form Field into your document: Right-click on the Form Field and select Properties. Then provide a name for the field in the Bookmark section. MS Word 2007 Click on the Menu button and select Word Options In the Popular section, select Show Developer Tab in the Ribbon Click in your Word document wherever you wish to insert a Form Field. On the Developer Menu select the Legacy Tools icon which is in the Controls section: On the Legacy Forms menu click the first icon to insert a Form Field. Right-click on the Form Field and select Properties. Then provide a name for the field in the Bookmark section. MS Word 2010/2013 Click in your Word document wherever you wish to insert a Form Field. Click on the Developer tab. If the "Developer" tab is not visible, click on File > Options > Customize Ribbon, and check off the "Developer" tab in the right hand frame. On the Developer tab, click on the Legacy Tools button: . Click on the Text Form Field button Word 2010 Word 2013 A Text Form Field will be inserted at the cursor location. Right-click on the Form Field and select Properties. Then provide a name for the field in the Bookmark section. In Word 2013, the document must be saved as a "Word 97-2003 Document": Preparing Template for List View Export List View Export to a Word Merge field required the fields used be Word Merge instead of the old bookmarks which is described above. This method will also work for Word Merge fields used outside of the list view. To ensure the list view export functions, fields must be created using the following: In Word 2007 and higher, select Mailings from the ribbon menu. If you haven't already, click on Select Receipients then Use Existing List. When the Select Data Source dialog box appears, select a blank Excel document (or any existing Excel document you have accessible). This will enable the required buttons. Click on Insert Merge Field. Select the Address Fields radio button With the first field on the list selected, click on Insert. The selected field name will now appear within the document.Ex. ?Field_Name? You can now close this dialog box. To rename the newly added Word Merge field, right-click on the field and select Edit Field You can now relabel the Field name with whichever name you wish to use. Copy and paste this field to other parts of your document and rename accordingly. Note: If you do not rename the field, then the data merged within will be the same for all like-named fields. See Also To set up a Word merge: Advanced Word Merge Features Include: I have a simple form (from a template) in Word 2013 and have a 'Submit' button that will: 1. Gather information from fields in the document, name the document, and saveAs. 2. Email the form to pre-set email addresses. Multiple people will open a document from the template Private Sub CommandButton21_Click() Dim OL As Object Dim EmailItem As Object Dim Doc As Document Dim strTagNum As String, strNTID As String, strDate As String strTagNum = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("TagNum")(1).Range.Text strNTID = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("NTID")(1).Range.Text strDate = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("Date")(1).Range.Text Dim strFilename As String strFilename = strTagNum & "_" & strNTID & "_" & Format(strDate, "ddmmyyyy") & ".docx" StrPath = "V:\OPS\Central\Shared\ARM\ALERT" Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set OL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set EmailItem = OL.CreateItem(olMailItem) Set Doc = ActiveDocument Doc.SaveAs2 strFilename With EmailItem .Subject = "CGF ARM - ALERT ADD/DROP/CHANGE" .Body = "Please Review this Alert for Continuous Improvement" .To = "john.doe@" .Importance = olImportanceNormal .Attachments.Add Doc.FullName .Send End With Application.ScreenUpdating = True MsgBox "Alert Record Submitted" Set Doc = Nothing Set OL = Nothing Set EmailItem = Nothing End Sub (Credit to Neil Malek at ) and this topic Microsoft Word 2013 macro save file name from form content My questions are: 1. How do I specify the filepath for the saveAs? I have the code in the Macro but the document is being saved in the individual users' Documents folder. How to I tell the Macro to pull the username from the form and send it to "username"@? The rest of the macro works, when the 'Submit' button is pushed, the document is renamed, saved, and sent as an email to pre-set email addresses. I've updated this from the original question, I was able to answer some of my prevous questions through trial and error. Thank you for your time. This article offers advanced Microsoft Word (2010-2013) techniques for creating a protected template with fillable fields (or "Content Controls" in Microsoft terminology) for data that cannot be completed by Clio's merge field tags. These techniques would be useful for creating protected trust receipts with Document Automation. Related article: Tutorial - Using Document Automation to Create a Trust Receipt If you are not familiar with Document Automation, please see the following support articles: Using Clio's Document AutomationHow to Create a Document Template Contents Showing the Developer TabAdding Form ControlsControl Properties Formatting Form Controls Adding Editing Restrictions/Protection to your TemplateAdvanced Document Automation Webinar Showing the Developer Tab The tools that you will need to add form controls to your template can be found in the Developer tab which is hidden by default. To show the Developer tab, click "File". Then click "Options". In the Word Options window, Click on "Customize Ribbon" in the left-hand sidebar. In the Tabs area on the right, check the box beside "Developer". Click OK. Adding Form Controls On the "Developer" tab 1 , in the "Controls" group 2 are a number of available form control fields. Some useful form controls are: Rich Text Content Control -- The end user will be able to format the text entered in this text area. Plain Text Content Control -- The end user will NOT be able to format the text entered in this text area. Combo/Dropdown Selection Control -- Options can be added to this control for users to select from. Date Picker -- Brings up a mini calendar to choose a date from. To add a form control to your template, click in the document where you want the control to go, then click on the icon for the control that you want to add. To change the default placeholder text on the control ("Click here to enter text" in the above example) click "Design Mode". To change the Properties of the control, click "Properties". Control Properties Each control has options that can be accessed by clicking "Properties" with the control you want to modify selected. For example, this is how you will add options to a Dropdown Selection Control or specify the date format displayed when using the Date Picker Control. Example #1 -- Rich Text Content Control Properties The example to the left shows the basic Property options available to form content controls. Adding a name to the "Title" field, will display that name when the control is selected. The "Show as" dropdown box allows you to change the basic appearance of the control's bounding box or tags. The "Locking" options are only useful if your template controls already contain content that you do not want to be changed or delete. Do not check these options if you expect that the content may need to be added or changed in the content control. Example #2 -- Combo/Dropdown Selection Control Properties In addition to the properties detailed above, the Dropdown List Control Properties gives you the ability to add options for the user to select from when completing the form. To add a new option to the dropdown control, click the "Add" button. To edit an existing option, click on it then click the "Modify" button. To delete an option, click on it then click "Remove". Example #3 -- Date Picker Control Properties The Date Picker Control Properties allow you to select the format of the date that is displayed when the user selects a day from the mini calendar. Click on a date format in the selection area to select it, then click OK. Formatting Form Controls By default, the text that is input into a control will have the same formatting as the line that it was added to. To change the formatting of the text that is input into the control, highlight the control with "Design Mode" OFF and make formatting adjustments as you would to any other text. To change the wording or formatting of the control's placeholder text: Turn on "Design Mode". Highlight the placeholder text and make formatting adjustments as desired. Turn OFF "Design Mode". Form Control with Default Placeholder Text and No Formatting - Design Mode On Form Control Formatted with Custom Placeholder Text - Design Mode On Form Control Formatted with Custom Placeholder Text - Design Mode Off When formatting control placeholder text, keep in mind that the default styling of that placeholder may not make it easy to immediately identify as a form control. Adding a highlight or some distinctive styling to the placeholder will make it more visible in your document. When the end user types or selects content in the control, the placeholder formatting will disappear and the content will take the styling of that line in your document. Adding Editing Restrictions/Protection to Your Template Protecting your template can ensure that any user or Contact who may be completing your merged documents will only be able to modify information that is in the form controls that you add to your template. To restrict editing on your template: Go to the Developer tab. Click on "Restrict Editing" In the Restrict Editing sidebar on the right, check the box under step "2. Editing restrictions" and change the dropdown to "Filling in Forms". Click "Yes, Start Enforcing Protection" under step "3. Start enforcement". In the Start Enforcing Protection pop-up, enter in an optional password if you want the document to be password protected, or click OK if you do not want to add password protection. Save the protected template as a new version to ensure that you don't overwrite your original document. Once uploaded to Clio, the protected template will create new protected Word documents while still pulling information from Clio. More information is available on Advanced Document Automation Webinar In under an hour, we demonstrate advanced MS Word techniques for adding conditional fields and form controls to your Word template. We also demonstrate how to add editing restrictions to your template. This advanced webinar is intended for users who are already comfortable with creating Word templates for use in Document Automation. Click HERE to view the recording.

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