Create Your Own Space Logbook - Scholastic

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Create Your Own Space Logbook

1 Use the page titles to illustrate your logbook.

2 Cut out on the solid thick line around the edges.

3 Fold in half on the dotted line so the printed words are on the outside.

Then cut the dotted line at the top.

4 Keeping the pages together, fold on the middle thin line. 5 Write descriptions of your drawings on the blank pages.

Keep exploring space at kidsclub.


These bugs and plants look very different than the ones on Earth.

We don't have animals like these on Earth!

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The Planet's Bugs and Plants

The Planet's Animals

The Planet's Landscape

MY Space LogBOOK

This is what the new planet looks like when I stand on the surface.

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This is what the new planet looks like from space.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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