Names: Mrs Horne and Mr Cassidy+LITERACY AND ENGLISHWRITING: You have a WRITING TASK within your Movie section this week so we’re going to have some fun with this section this week. Are you ever stuck for ideas about what to write? Look no further. You can create a WRITING FORTUNE TELLER. This will generate ideas for you! (with a little of your help). Here are the instructions. : Use the Common Word List to choose a wordlist for this week. Between 6 and 12 words is a good length. You can use our Active Spelling Strategies to practise these. Try mixing lemon juice and water and writing with a cotton bud dipped in the solution. Your ink will be invisible unless you warm the paper slightly by putting it in the sunlight or by using a torch.Irregular Plurals Spelling Rule Your Spelling words for this week are on Sumdog. When I speak to you on the phone, I’ll give you your login, if you don’t have it already. In case we don’t chat, here’s a copy of the two live Word Lists:List 1: List 2: geese wolves halves loaves wives themselves yourselves children women thieves mice teethList 2: glad flag flags slid slim slip clock clocks black blastGRAMMAR: Grammar Activites are set on Sumdog. READING for ENJOYMENTSpend a little time reading or listening to a story each day. You can find ebooks at oxfordowl.co.uk and I’ll be sending you some login details for , where you can choose to read or listen to great books too!TECHNOLOGIESALIEN PLANET This is going to be a 3-4 week challenge. I’ll give you an Overview of the Challenge and then let you know the Section to focus on each week:Overview of TaskDesign and create an alien from one the planets in our solar system and create an audio recording of the alien describing its planet.CRITERIA:The alien should not be any larger than 20cm tallThe alien can be made of any materials available at home.The alien must come from a planet in our solar system.The audio must include facts about the planet’s distance to the Earth and the Sun, how long it takes to orbit the Sun and its size.The audio must be no longer than three minutes.This Week’s TaskWrite the script for your alien and record it if you can. Remember to include the facts mentioned in the Criteria above. FAITH DEVELOPMENT LiturgyLots of our Faith involves us in sharing our faith together as a community at home, in church and at school. Motherwell Diocese have prepared a children’s liturgy for each week while it’s more difficult to celebrate faith together. Here is the link for this week. Lady and The RosaryRemember Our Lady during the month of May. Try to say a decade of the rosary or a Hail Mary each day.Our focus this week is The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. They are taken from moments in the passages from Luke’s Gospel and some of them will be very familiar to you. Can you find out more about them? Some help is attached below.AT THE MOVIESWatch a Movie OR an Episode of a series at home. Then try this follow-up activity.Interview a Movie Star.Create an interview for a film or television character, actor, director or producer.Task 1: Who would you choose?Task 2: If you had the opportunity to interview them, what would you ask?There are some hints and tips below to help you to design and create your interview.Interview Hints and TipsResearch your chosen person. Your job as interviewer is to ask clever questions so that the person tells you lots.Plan high quality questions.Your Blooms words will help you here. Ask some REMEMBER/UNDERSTAND level questions to find out facts.For example:What did/do you?Where do/ did you?When did you?Try to use ANALYSE/EVALUATE questions too to find out thoughts and opinions.For example:How did you?Why did you?What did/do you think of?How do you feel about?What’s your opinion on?NUMERACY AND MATHSMental MathsYou can try a Daily Mental Maths activity. You can use your book or try some online skills practice:Skills Practice Spend some time practising basic Maths Skills Topmarks Website is great for this and familiar to you. Some of our favourites are:Daily 10; Hit the Button; Chinese Dragon Ordering and Helicopter RescueSumdogTimes Table and Topic Maths Activities are set for you on our Sumdog Account. Problem Solving and Activity MathsDice in a CornerThis puzzling activity is about numbers and shape. It will make you curious about its possible outcome(s). Have a go!’ve attached a template of the net of a Cube if you’d like to use it do make some dice. You can print it out or just use it as a template to create your own. FOODSuper Smoothies Have fun with fruits and vegetables by making a smoothie. My favourite is made with Milk, Greek Yoghurt, Frozen blueberries and a little squeeze of honey. If you don’t have a blender, this tastes great as healthy yoghurt snack too!I’ve linked some recipes below for you to try. KINDI know that you’ve been doing lots of things to show kindness during our time learning from home. I’m really proud of you all! This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme is KINDNESS. I’m going to be posting links and ideas on this theme so keep a wee eye out for these. My kindness challenge this week is to:Try some ideas from the grid if you haven’t alreadyOr Join in with one of the Twitter ActivitiesOrShare one of your own ideas and I’ll be sure to see it.OrMake a ‘Be Kind’ poster to stick in a window for others to see.PHYSICAL ACTIVITYPhysical Fitness:Joe Wicks does an excellent and free workout at 9am every weekday! Catch him by going to YouTube and searching for “PE with Joe” or you could try ‘Jumpstart Jonny’ for a fun and energized workout. He often includes fun and game elements too. He’s live on youtube at 9 am each day.Dance: Oti Mabuse does a great Dance Class at 11:30 each day live on youtube. These classes are saved so that you can watch them at any time. They are for boys and girls, are simple to follow and have fun themes like ‘The Greatest Showman’. ‘Frozen’ and ‘The Jungle Book’Fitness GoalsIn School we set Weekly Challenges. We have a big think and then we decide:What we’d like to achieveHow we’re going to achieve itWhat help we’ll need to get there.How are your fitness diaries going? Keep this up if you can. It will really help you to stick to your plan.Remember! Set achievable goals to help you to achieve success. When we set goals we are trying to make a positive change and notice an improvement. The improvement can be really small and that will still be fantastic work!This week try to include some Outdoor Exercise. Cycling, Scooting, Walking, Running and Energetic Play all count and they make you feel happy too!What do you like to do to play outside?ART Make a Minion BookmarkThe link below gives instructions in a video for how to create a Minion Bookmark.If you don’t have the correct colours, you can create all sorts of different characters or design one of your own with the same method. Pokemon, Angry Birds, owls, cats and rabbits all work really well. PRACTICALReflection Time Daily ReflectionInstead of focusing on what your haven’t achieved in a day or on what ‘s gone wrong, let’s focus on what went well… you’ll be able to find something!Reflect at the end of your day with these simple thinking prompts:What went well today?How do I feel about this?What didn’t go so well?How I feel about this?Tomorrow I will try…Tomorrow I’d like to…You can write this reflection down, draw it or just talk about it with someone else. TEACH YOUR GROWN-UPIt’s over to you!Choose any of the tasks from your learning grid to teach a GROWN-UP at home. Maybe you could ask them what they’d most like to learn about. Remember we learn in lots of different ways. Your grown-up might prefer to learn about your learning by Talking and ListeningWatchingDoing or MakingYou can think about this together. Some tasks will suit one kind of learning more than others. Have great fun!MAKE YOUR OWN CHALLENGE!This week, challenge yourself to try something new. This week’s challenge comes from Keira and her mum!BRITISH SIGN LANGUAGEWe have all had to learn to communicate in new and different ways recently. Can you learn to sign?Try learning to say hello/goodbyeAsk how someone is and sign your own name. The Alphabet slides are attached below to help you. Remember to stay at home, stay safe and to look after yourselves and your families. I’ll be giving you all a wee phonecall as usual and I look forward to chatting with you. If you’d like to get in touch with me, remember you can send me an email at:gw07hornerosalind@glow.sch.ukHave a super week! ? Mrs Horne x This week, let’s focus on the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. You could find out a little more about Luke’s Gospel which each mystery is based on and even create your own pictures or images of the stories. ................

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