Castleview Spring Challenge – Primary P2It’s hard to believe the Easter holidays are here in this strange time we are experiencing. It is important to recognise the holidays and have a rest and a break. However this is tricky whilst we are all doing social distancing and staying at home. So here is a holiday challenge, Can you do these 10 things ?192805263796001. Decorate a ‘Pieces of Me’ puzzle. Use the template attached or draw your own. Decorate each piece of the puzzle to show all the things that are special about you.174217481427002. Make some chocolate Easter nests to share with the family. All you need is chocolate, shredded wheat and mini eggs! 192703385593003. Make your own perfume. Go on a walk or look in your garden to see what flowers, petals or leaves you can find. Collect them in a jar or bottle and fill it up with water. 1771295692977004. Go on a Spring Hunt. Go on a walk and see if you can find these 10 things: the sun, blossom, a daffodil, a squirrel, a bird, a bird's nest, an insect, a green leaf, a butterfly and a feather. You can use the template attached or create your own. 1809736113030005. Challenge a family member to a throwing competition. Scrunch up paper into a ball or make sock balls. Create different targets to aim into (each earning you different points).1868834151116006. Make a “Jar of Wishes”. Fill up a jar with wishes of things you’d like to do when lockdown is over, such as “play with my friends”, “visit my family” or “go to the beach”. 1872083265194007. Make a meal for everyone in your home. Choose a healthy recipe and get an adult’s help. It could be a simple soup that uses up all the vegetables in your fridge. 1972812471687008. Design and decorate an “egg-citing” Easter egg. Use whatever materials you like to design and decorate your own Easter egg. You could use paper and pens, a boiled egg or paper mache. 1738334229649009. Create your own board game. Design your own board game using whatever resources you like. You get to create the rules then play it with your family.16381962664200010. Go on a virtual day out to the zoo. Try to spot some of the animals from your home. Then, you could design your dream zoo using a picture or a story. Website Links:2. Easter Nests Recipe: . Soup Recipe: HYPERLINK "" . Paper Mache isntructions: . Edinburgh Zoo live stream: ................

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