Guidance on how to use Wix


Creating a website was once a task left to people who were happy working with complicatedlooking code and to achieve a published set of pages that worked and looked attractive often required expensive design software too.

Now there are many applications that can be used by anyone with pretty basic skills to create good-looking websites with a range of functions like the ability for users to buy products, send messages, browse photo albums and watch videos for free. Wix is one that is particularly easy to use, and with no download required, can be utilised by staff or students on almost any computer with an internet connection.

Traditionally, a website may have been thought of as something that a business should have as a showcase for its activities or as an archive of information maintained by experts in their field but now a website can be the digital paper for whatever you might have written or drawn or the media for whatever audio or visual productions you may wish to share.

Using Wix

The following illustrates how a student, using a Chromebook (with no software installed, just a browser and some apps) set about creating a website which he could use to store material and information for coursework.

The quickest way to create a website without worrying about screen resolution or colour schemes is to use one of the Templates provided. At start a New site.

Select one from the many categories provided.

Wix loads an editing tool appropriate for your selected template. This one includes the facility to add extra pages, change colours and add an e-commerce feature.

You're then presented with a page with sample content. Changing the Title of the page is just a matter of clicking an area and retyping.

Fonts can be changed too.

From the Add menu there is a range of items to choose from to include in the page: from simple text areas and images to design features, media and e-commerce. Often you will only need to replace existing text and images to make the site your own.

As Page names are changed, they are automatically reflected in the navigation menu

There are options to rearrange the order of pages, set a different Home page and to add keywords which will help the site to be found by Search engines. Fancy transitions can be set up for pages so that, in some browsers, they may appear to fade in or slide across the screen.

Everything is saved on Wix servers as you go. No need to store anything locally so the site can be worked on or updated anywhere, anytime.

This student is going to use the site for his GCSE Physics portfolio so is editing a page about Forces.

There are helpful guidance notes throughout the editing process - here instructions as to how to change fonts across the site are shown.

Image galleries are easy to set up and, again, you're guided through the process.

Here the student is adding some model car pictures from his local drive. Images are compressed and resized automatically for the display required on the page and stored in users' accounts so they can be accessed quickly again if necessary for use on other pages.

Here a slide show is included that will display a sequence of images on the Home page Options to change the background, colours and fonts are available at all times.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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