center000Pick and Mix Family Challenges:6th – 21st July 2020For the last weeks of this term we have put together a series of challenges that can be completed by the children and the wider family. There are lots of activities covering a wide range of subjects for you to pick and choose from. These activities are suitable for multiple ages so you can choose whichever ones you fancy trying as a family. Try to complete a selection of tasks from the different subject areas.Mathematics:Challenge 1: MAPS50038068008500Make a map of your street or local area. Can you write directions for a route around your map? Can you draw your map on a co-ordinate grid?Challenge 2: BAKE589915105156000Choose a bun or biscuit recipe and practise measuring out your ingredients using your scales. Can you adapt your recipe to make half/double the amount? Decorate your buns/biscuits with icing or sweets and work out what fraction of each colour/sweets you have used. Challenge 3: PATTERN SPOTTERS205359043497500Look for patterns around your home or local area. Can you describe the patterns? Make your own patterns using different items. 20751807810500Challenge 4: RECORD BREAKERSDid you know that the world record for the most kick ups in a minute is 339? Choose an activity and estimate how many times you think you could do it in a minute. Set a timer and complete the activity-how close was your estimate?Challenge 5: SHAPE HUNT11811059626500Go on a Maths shape hunt around your home or local area or even build your own model using junk modelling. What 2d or 3d shapes can you see/have you used? Can you describe their properties-sides/faces/vertices? 01524000Challenge 6: WHAT IS THE QUESTION?If the answer is 37, what is the question? You can try other possibilities by changing the number, or even to a fraction, decimal or percentage. E.g If the answer is 1/5 what is the question? Challenge 7: 96647079502000How many ways can you make the number 10? Can you add, subtract, multiply and divide? What other ways can you find e.g using fractions or percentages, using items, objects or pictures?Challenge 8: 222885020574000Play a board game like snakes and ladders. You could add a twist by changing the rules, for example use 3 die and choose the 2 dice you want to use after you have rolled. Design your own board game or create an outdoor board game.23114006223000Challenge 9: ARRAYS-2540059055000What arrays can you see in your environment or at home? What multiplication or division facts do they show? How many different arrays can you make with 12 counters? 16? 24?Challenge 10: BUILD ITWhat can you use to build a tower over a metre tall? Can you make a bridge or a boat to hold 500g of weight? Make a measure challenge for someone else to complete!2851159461500English:Challenge 1:176403022542500Re-enact a favourite scene from a book you have been reading. Try and play as many of the characters yourself (or maybe ask another family member to join you!) Challenge 2:157734046164500Re-tell a fairy tale to someone – maybe even change one or two of the characters or alter the ending! Challenge 3:-6540514033500Pictionary – take it in turns to choose a word and draw it for other people to guess. An object will be easiest but if you really want to challenge yourself pick a verb or adjective. Challenge 4:1684020317500Choose an animal and create the most imaginative sentence you can. Could you include a describing word, a simile or a conjunction e.g. “after…”Challenge 5:-654057048500A-Z race – can you create an alphabet or nouns (things), adjective (describing words) or verbs (doing words)? Does your list have any totally unique words in that nobody else has used? Challenge 6:Adjective race – pick a noun (a thing) and see how many words you can think of to describe it in 1 minute. Can you write down more words than someone else in your family? Remember to challenge yourself to use the most adventurous vocabulary you can.Challenge 7:Synonyms and Antonyms – work with someone else for this activity. One person says a word and the other person has to say something with an opposite meaning (antonym) or with a similar meaning (synonym). 17602202286000Challenge 8:Choose a piece of art work (painting, sculpture, drawing) and write a story inspired by it. Challenge 9:134493024193500Listen to a piece of music – write about what it reminds you of. Does it make you think of a particular place and what is it like? Do you imagine a person? Who are they?Challenge 10:73914062293500Invent your own sport and describe it – is it rocket powered football or unicorn hockey? How many people does it involve? Where would you play it?ArtChallenge 1: Spaghetti BridgesConstruct a free standing bridge out of spaghetti, strong enough to support a 250g bag of sugar. Think about bracing strands together for strength.22307558509000Challenge 2:Rock PaintingGrab some rocks and paint your favourite pets or animals.Challenge 3: Piet Mondrian - Broadway Boogie Woogie219075049530000Find out about this famous painting. Create your own version. Tips: Use limited colours; Try using masking tape to keep lines straight211645512065000Challenge 4:Create a picture using food. Be as imaginative as you dare!-4191047752000Challenge 5: Tone is the lightness or darkness of a colour. Any specific colour can have an almost infinite number of different tones. Paint an apple using just one colour (any colour). Create shading using tone. Challenge 6: This artwork is created by Robert Oxley. What do you think of his artwork? Who is your favourite artist and why? Produce a fact file or mini book. Challenge 7:148209047815500 Khamsa – or Moroccan Good Luck Hand – means ‘five’ in arabic. The traditional Khamsas are often made out of precious metals. Create your own khamsa hand. Do some research first.Challenge 8:114109530289500 the link above for instructions on how to make a colourful paper mask.Challenge 9: are an important part of life and ceremony in many cultures. Use the link above for instructions on how to make Coffee Can Drums.Challenge 10:Collaged Birds. Use card, paper, magazines, newspaper to make your own collage of a bird.LanguagesChallenge 1: In either French or Spanish, see if you can write down all the numbers from 1 to 20.24212558382000Challenge 2: Find a well-known song that has been translated into French or Spanish, and see if you can learn that song in that language. Challenge 3: Choose a French or Spanish artist and recreate a piece of artwork in his or her style. Can you write a short biography or remember key facts about the artist?Challenge 4: In either French or Spanish, keep a diary of the weather for a week describing what the weather is like every day, with a picture.2198370444500Challenge 5: Can you paint ten different splats of ten different colours, then label each splat with its colour in either French or German. 202501537782500Challenge 6: Find out what food a French or Spanish family might eat for breakfast, lunch or tea and then design a menu in that language for a day’s food. Challenge 7: Play Bingo with your family in either French or Spanish, using any of the numbers up to 20. When someone calls Bingo, they have to read out all the numbers they have crossed off on their grid, in French or Spanish.-5524540513000Challenge 8: Using uncooked spaghetti and mini marshmallows see if you and your family can build The Eiffel Tower (from Paris) or Gaudi’s Familia Sagrada (from Barcelona). Challenge 9: With someone in your family, use two soft toys to say hello, how are you and goodbye in either French or Spanish. Do it several times to practise your pronunciation.Challenge 10: Research either the country of France or Spain, and include ten facts, for example, capital city, climate, landmarks, famous people. Science Learning Tasks – InvestigatingBelow are a series of science investigations that you can carry out at home using materials found around the house. The challenge for each of these investigations is to explain what is happening using science and scientific language. I hope you enjoy investigating at home with your families and I would love to hear what you have found out! Any questions: Mr D Knott – Cantley Primary SchoolInvestigation 1Dissolving You need two glasses, warm & cold water and substances to try and dissolve (sugar, salt, coffee, sand, etc).Add a teaspoon of your substance to a glass of warm and cold water, stir and observe the differences.Repeat for other substances noting your observations. Investigation 2Fireworks in a glassYou will need: warm mater, oil, a tall glass and food colouring.Fill the glass with the warm water, mix a small amount of oil with the food colouring in another container. When the oil and food colouring is mixed, pour it into the water and watch what happens and see if you can work out why!Investigation 3Fun with densitySee overview sheet for more informationInvestigation 4Lava lampSee overview sheet for more information.Investigation 5Grow a rainbowSee overview sheet for more information.Investigation 6Paper planeYou need several sheets of a4 paper. Make a paper plane and see how far you can make it fly. Experiment with different designs to see which flies the furthest. Why do you think your winning design went the furthest? Discuss!Investigation 7Minibeast HuntGo outside and have a look for bugs! Record what you see and take photos of anything you don’t recognise. Research and find out more about the bugs you find. Investigation 8Leak proof bagSimply fill a Ziploc bag about two-thirds full of water and then carefully poke a sharp pencil all the way through it. For dramatic effect, hold the bag over your someone’s head and watch them squirm. Don’t worry: Not a drop will spill because plastics are made of long chains of molecules called polymers and piercing the bag forces them apart, but they quickly press back sealing the hole you’ve made.Investigation 9Naked eggA simple but interesting investigation, gently place an egg into a glass of white vinegar, the acid in the vinegar will slowly breakdown the egg over serval days. Check it regularly and record what happens in a results table. Investigation 10Tornado in a jarFill a jar halfway with water and put a small amount of washing up liquid in.Put a lid on the jar and shake it in a circular motion.Watch what happens and see if you can explain what is happening. History:Challenge 1: Watch the video below about courageous people in history. a biography about one of the people from the story. Challenge 2:162242522606000Create a model of a building, invention or artefact from history. Write an information card to go with your model. Examples: Egyptian Pyramid, Tudor House, A Greek Shield, a steam train or a gas mask. 145986512255500Challenge 3: Write a letter to someone famous in history who you have learnt about. What questions could you ask them? What do you want to know more about? Challenge 4: Create an object timeline. Can you find as many objects from different years (you could even draw some older objects to add to your timeline). Once you have your objects, order them in chronological order and label the years8826513716000Challenge 5:Throughout history, places to live have changed and are different. They range from simple mud huts to elaborate castles. Your challenge is to build your own ideal home either as a den or as a model or drawing. Challenge 6:Create a timeline of someone’s life with main events. You can research someone famous, a key person in history or you could create based on yourself or someone in your family.Challenge 7:Compare the features of books from the past with books available now. Create your own ideas about what books might look like in the future. Your challenge is to design this book. 16871954127500Challenge 8:Film your own history documentary about something in history which interests you. You could draw pictures or even interview people. Challenge 9:-184154000500Research and prepare a brief speech about the life a famous person in history. Write your speech in the first person (as though you are that person from history). Could you dress as the person you wrote about and present the speech you wrote? Challenge 10:Create a page of information and pictures for a school Horrible Histories book. Your page can be about ANY area of history you are interested in: From the Scary Stone Age to the Mucky Millennium. Remember you can include: interesting information; perfect pictures; Crazy comic strips; jolly jokes and quick quizzes.Geography:Challenge 1: Design your own country. Give it a name; draw its outline on a big piece of paper; plot its capital city, some exciting landmarks to see and some interesting places to visit. What type of animals and plants can be found in your country? What language is spoken, what flag does it have, what food is eaten and what is the national currency?22752058826500Challenge 2: Construct a weather station in your garden. A cut-open plastic bottle can be a rain gauge (mark centimetres up the side), a compass can help identify the direction of the wind and, if you cut the toe off a lightweight sock and attach it to a stick, it will literally become a wind sock. Make a chart and record the weather for a period of time and see how much it changes. Why not present your findings as a weather report? 167449510795000Challenge 3: Map Your SensesPlan an unusual, but safe, journey around your local area. On your journey, take notes on the things you see, smell, hear, touch, and taste along the way and take photographs if you can. On your return home, create a sensory map of your walk.Challenge 4: Flags of the World SnapUse the internet or books to research some of the flags of the world. With another member of your family, draw some of the flags onto paper or card and make into an exciting game of Snap! Or use them for a fact cards quiz.Challenge 5: Protect a Special PlaceIf you could protect one space in your local area for ever, what would it be? Design a sign that sets out your message about why you want to protect it. Take a photo of yourself with your sign at your special place.Challenge 6: Make a Papier-M?ché Globe196278522987000Use newspaper strips, glue and a balloon to make your own Planet Earth. Use coloured paints to show land and water. Can you add borders and labels to show where you live and the places you may have visited or want to visit in the future? Challenge 7: Play ‘Name a country’ -654055524500Each player takes it in turns to name a country, starting with A, then B, then C, then D, etc. If you get stuck, look through an atlas and discover a new part of the world! Try playing it at the dinner table, in the car or on a walk. Challenge 8: Geography Top Ten Lists Make some Top Ten Lists to improve your geography general knowledge. Why not try making lists for the ‘Longest Rivers in the World’, the ‘Highest Mountains in the World’, ‘Most Populated Countries in the World’ and the ‘Largest Cities in the World’?Challenge 9: Satellite ZoomUse the free map on Google Earth to see the world in satellite photo form. Gaze over the landscapes, zoom in and imagine what life is like in the Sahara, the Serengeti or Siberia. Can you spot any famous natural or man-made landmarks as you zoom around the world?Challenge 10: Where in the world does it come from?181800561150500Look at the food items in your kitchen cupboards and check the packaging to find out where they have come from. How far has your food travelled? Use an atlas or an internet map to locate these countries and try to find out more about them. PSHE:-2921032194500Challenge 1: Kindness jar. Create a kindness jar for your family. When anyone does something kind, they write it on a piece of paper and pop it in the jar. Enjoy reading through all of the kind acts your family has done! Challenge 2: Mindfulness tummy breathing. Lay on your back. Place a toy or a small object on top of your tummy. Watch the object as it moves up and down with your breath and enjoy taking a mindful moment! Challenge 3: Collage of positive news. Create a collage of positive news. What have your family seen which shows positivity and good news?18942059779000Challenge 4: Proud Cloud. Draw a cloud. Write within it something which a family member has done which you are proud of. Give the proud cloud to your family member. 225171042354500Challenge 5: Plan your future. What do you want to achieve in the next year, next five years, next ten years? Talk to your family about what their aims and goals are. You could create a poster of these plans which you can display around your home.Challenge 6: Inspiring quotes. “Start Where You Are. Use What You Have. Do What You Can” – Arthur Ashe. A quote can help you with an idea, with a problem and how to help achieve a goal. What quotes can you and your family find which help you?Challenge 7: Photo collage. Find 5 photos of things you find meaningful or memorable. Create a collage of these photos and share with your family.4254538290500Challenge 8: Write a letter or postcard. Send someone you haven’t seen for a long while a postcard or letter. Tell them what you have been doing and what you are looking forward to doing when you see them next. 6477068961000Challenge 9: Caring Scrapbook. What you care about affects how you feel and what you can do. Think about all the people and things you care for in your life. You could make a scrapbook to collect your ideas. Challenge 10: Mindful Energy Slime. This slime reacts to energy just like people do. You can squeeze it with high energy and release it with low energy. Notice how you feel before and after you make and play with it. Put a few big scoops of cornflour in a mixing bowl (about a cupful). Mix in enough water to make a thick liquid. Add food colouring if you wish. Stir to mix. Try squeezing your slime!Music:Challenge 1: Make your own guitarUsing tissue boxes, shoe boxes without the lids or fruit punnets you can create a string-type instrument. (Some smoothie boxes have a box template with instructions too!)Use the box for the base of the instrument and take four to six rubber bands. Wrap the rubber bands around the base, the long way, and make sure there is space between the rubber bands. Experiment with ways of making sounds with the bands.Challenge 2: Sounds on journeys181038513462000Listen out for sounds on journeys and think about how these sounds could be recreated at home?Could you draw a journey and then play this journey by using body percussion, vocals and sound makers in the home? Challenge 3: Sound drawing229743034544000Drawing to sounds and music can be a lovely listening activity. Have a go at ‘dancing with your hands’ whilst using their crayons, pencils, felt tips, paint brushes. Listen carefully to a piece of music and respond to the music through what you are drawing.Does the type of music you listen to change the type of image you draw? Challenge 4: Creating instruments A fun activity is to try to create shakers by using pasta and rice in empty bottles.You could also try using bottles either filled, or with varying degrees of water, or empty and scraping them with spoons or twigs to make sounds, or just upturned pans and colanders.Maybe watch challenge 9 and 10 for some ideas for some amazing musical creations!Challenge 5: AntakshariThis is a popular local game played in India and the Middle East, Antakshari is a game played in teams. It usually involves singing of Bollywood or regional movie songs, but you can change the rules to sing any songs you like.Start the game by choosing a letter of the alphabet. The first person or team sings a line or two of a song beginning with that letter. The next person or team has to sing a song starting with the letter that the first team’s song ends with.And so on, each team has to sing a song starting with the consonant that the previous team’s song ends with. How long can you keep the songs going!Challenge 6: KaraokeYou can enjoy this with family as well as friends. You can either use a machine if you have one or write down a list of songs to try.2730557023000You could divide yourselves into teams. Can you sing-along with the song correctly?Challenge 7: Musical limboLimbo is a game that tests how flexible the body is. Add music, and it becomes all the more fun. In musical limbo, you don’t just walk under the beam. You have to go dancing under it!Challenge 8: Rhythmic bounce Choose a piece of music and try to keep a steady beat whilst bouncing a ball – how good are you at keeping the beat steady and not letting the ball drop?Challenge 9: Creating musicLinked to creating your own instrument (as in challenge 4) watch the following YouTube video. How is the performer making the different sounds?Street artist playing crystal glassessIs this something you could try – make sure you are supervised by a grown-up!Challenge 10: Listening to musicThere are many types of music. Watch the following YouTube video and try to describe how the instruments work. How were they created? Describe the materials used to make the instrument. Enjoy – do you recognise the tune?Wintergaten – Marble MachineRimbaTubes – Snubby J Star Wars MedleySocial, Emotional and Mental Health:Challenge 1: KindnessThink of a time when someone was kind to you. What happened? What did they do? How did you feel? Draw or write about it and think about how kindness can take many different forms. Draw an outline of your hand on a piece of paper. On each finger write or draw an idea of how to be kind to other people.Challenge 2: Sensory Walk130746519621500Go on a sensory walk. Talk about what you can see, what you can smell and what you can hear. Try drawing a picture later using your senses to remind you of what you saw on your walk. Challenge 3: Lockdown Experience chatHave a chat with an adult about lockdown. What has been your and their favourite experience? What have you found difficult? 21348706921500Challenge 4: Being BraveRead the story ‘Be Brave Little Penguin’ by Giles Andreae about bravery or watch using the below link with an adult.‘. What was brave about what the character did in the story? How do you think the penguin felt when he needed to be brave? Can you share with an adult all the brave things you’ve already done in your lives? Do you think it’s brave to ask for help if you need it and why?Challenge 5: Travel the World-266709017000We may not be able to leave the house, but we can find out about people in other countries and visit the world from home.Chose a new country to visit, virtually. Learn the things that are special about the new places you go to…. What animals live there? What do they eat? Which continent is it? Identify its location on a map. What is its climate like? What does the Flag look like? Challenge 6: Things to look forward to jar.Ask an adult for an empty jar. Write a list of 10 things you are looking forward to doing when you can (for example, go to play around a friend’s house or go to the park). Cut out the wishes, fold up and put into the jar. When things are a bit more normal, choose some wishes from your jar.Challenge 7: Mighty mirror: a nice way to see the best in yourselfSit with an adult in front of the mirror and say some great things about yourself. (It could be “I can run really fast!” or “I draw lovely pictures.”)You can do this activity regularly! 23228304889500Challenge 8: Start a diary!This could be for a week, month or longer. Write a short entry every day about what you do and how you feel. It will be good to look back on when you’re older. Challenge 9: Secret Code!Create your own secret code. You could use numbers, letters or pictures. See if you can get someone in your home to crack your code. Write some kind messages for your special people using your new code.-38103619500Challenge 10: MindfulnessRead the book ‘The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse By Charlie Mackesy or watch on the below link with an adult. In this story the Mole really likes cake! What do you really like (could be an object, food, toy or hobby) that helps distract you when you feel worried or scared? You could draw an illustration to create a new page using your favourite thing.RE:The following challenges are based on a series of short animated films which explore different religions. You will need to watch the films via the links first, and then have a go at the challenge for that day.Challenge 1: 190119044577000Discuss times when you have shown kindness to other living things and create a collage of pictures of living things cut from magazines with the title "be kind to living things".You could also make a bird feeder to put outside. Challenge 2:Think of questions you would like to ask Mary and Joseph about their thoughts and feelings at different times during the story.You could take turns playing the role of Mary or Joseph with a member of your household, answering questions in a 'hot seat' style. 3:How does it feel when you lose something special?How long would you spend looking for a lost item?Think about the idea of loving our neighbour. Who is our neighbour?Draw some ideas of people who are our 'neighbours', who we might be able to help, in a local and global sense (e.g. refugees, homeless people). Challenge 4:Would you say Easter is a happy time or a sad time, or both?Write your ideas down on paper, explaining your reason why for your thinking. 5: Can you make a Diva lamp using playdough?Follow this link for a simple playdough recipe about how Hanuman and Rama were able to defeat Ravana by working as a team.How does working as a team help us? Think of some activities as a team and alone, comparing both to see when are you able to achieve more. 6: Think of ways that we care for all creatures; from the smallest to the largest, for example feeding our pets.Create a class bug hotel, demonstrating a practical way to care for even the smallest creatures. 7: Think about how the 5 pillars of Islam are 5 things Muslims do to keep their faith strong.What things do we have in our life that keep us strong or teach us the right thing to do?Design and write a postcard from Mecca and make or draw a prayer mat. 8:Make unleavened bread following this link people didn't have time to wait for their bread to rise as they were leaving in a hurry.Think about how it would have felt to leave in a hurry.What are the most important things you would take with you if you had to leave your home? What makes a good leader? Was Moses a good leader? 9:With your adult’s permission, fill a bowl full of water and place a flower on top.Make bowls from modroc or papier mache and jasmine flowers from tissue paper.Would you be able to give up your belongings like Duni Chand?Think about a time when you have been generous. What should Duni Chand do with his wealth rather than keeping it?Think about the meaning of equality. Is anyone more important than the others? 10:Can you think of a place that is really special to you?How would you feel if that place was spoiled or ruined?Draw a picture or make a collage of a menorah. 1: 2228850508000Create your own sports day – as we cannot have our usual sports days in school have a go at recreating some of the events with your family either at home or when out on a walk. Challenge 2: Learn and perform the ‘Blinding Lights’ Dance Challenge with 1 or 2 others (there is a tutorial on YouTube)Challenge 3: Do log rolls down a hill or across a lawn/room, just keep rolling!19558007302500Challenge 4: Skip with a rope for a minute20840703556000Challenge 5: Do a Joe Wicks work-out – some are only 5 mins and lots are for childrenChallenge 6: Join GoNoodle for free and do 1 every day.Challenge 7: Do a throwing challenge like throwing paper balls into a bin, rolled socks into the washing basket etc-4762525273000Challenge 8: Do a ‘keepie-uppie’ challenge either with a football and your body or tennis racket/ball or frying pan and paper ball – be creativeChallenge 9: Do a Cosmic Yoga or yoga activity – look online for some ideas1811655000Challenge 10: Go for a minimum 30 minute walk/bike ride with some family ................

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