Personal Development Plan

Personal Development Plan


|IfL Membership No: |

|(or other professional body as appropriate) 10119345 |

|Period from: September 2015 |To: May 2016 |

|1. Current activities and responsibilities |

|List here the outcomes from Step 2, Current Activities |

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|As a trainee teacher I am gaining experience from attending work placement. It is important that I am professional at all times while teaching in placement making sure I adhere to the rules and |

|regulations of the organisation. I have to be a positive role model for the students and due to this it is important I make sure I maintain my professional role and understand my responsibilities.|

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|It is my responsibility to make sure I plan detailed lesson plans as a professional teacher follows a set plan. Firstly, this is a guided plan to make a sure all learning outcomes are met. It is |

|also an organised plan with set timings to make sure everything we have prepared fits in with the lesson. Lastly, if anyone else was to take over my lesson they would be able to follow it. |

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|My job as a tutor is to make sure I am clear with my instructions so that desired outcomes are met. I am responsible for their learning and I would be unsuccessful in my role if they were unsure |

|of what to do. |

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|It is also my duty to observe students carefully and to make sure they are on task, so that I can assist them with any issues, concerns or even give them suggestions for development. |

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|It is important that learning outcomes are met as this is crucial for their learning as they are created using the scheme or work set by the examining body. I am also responsible for creating |

|achievable day to day outcomes and this is completed using the blooms taxonomy. In order to adhere to the frame work I have to make sure I am organised so I can give myself enough time to complete|

|each module. |

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|When marking their work I have to make sure that I am carefully reading their work using the scheme of work to make sure no errors are made as I have the responsibility of awarding them with the |

|final grade. |

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|The students’ safety and welfare is my responsibility and this can be implemented by making sure any potential hazards or harm spotted is removed or reported to the relevant people. It is |

|important the students are in a safe working environment and are not at risk of any danger. |

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|It is my responsibility to make sure students are well behaved so that my teaching and others learning is not affected. |

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|It is also my responsibility to embed a sufficient amount of maths and English in to my lessons to meet curriculum needs and further enhance students’ skills. |

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|2. What am I good at? |

|List here the outcomes from Step 2, Strengths and Unused Competencies |

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|After my observation with my tutor I was given detailed feedback on strengths and points of developments in my teaching. Thereafter, I made sure I used the points of development to improve this. |

|Prior to my observation had the habit of not filling in my lesson plans with enough information. I was unsure of how much content was needed. Now when I plan my lesson, I make sure I give a |

|detailed, thorough step by step plan so that anyone reading the plan would be able to follow it without me being there. I am also able to take on constructive criticism to develop further and I |

|believe this is a major strength especially in teaching as it is vital to aspire to improve. |

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|I also feel I am good at instructing students to make sure what I am expecting from them is delivered. I do this by repeating myself verbally, writing the instructions on the board, having it up |

|on the Power Point slide and also asking them to write down all the instructions. This way I have made sure students are clear about the expectations set. By receiving positive feedback from |

|students I have found that doing this has been helpful for the students. |

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|By maintaining a strong relationship with my students I am able to identify any issues worries, concerns and problems that my students may be encountering. This way I can identify if any support |

|or help is required. When students come in to the classroom on a morning, a general conversation about their home life, weekend, future plans are discussed to make sure all students are happy and |

|in a state to learn. We have now formed a relationship of trust and due to this I can help solve any barriers that may occur in their learning. I also have qualifications in counselling from my |

|previous studies but I have not yet had the chance to implement this in my setting as I have not been given this responsibility by higher authorities. Also, there have not been any instances where|

|I have had to use these skills. I am approachable and my students are aware that that the help and support is there by regularly assuring them that am here to help. They are also aware that I am |

|able to refer them to the correct professionals if needed. |

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|As I have experience in teaching assisting, I am generally very helpful and observant when assisting students when they are completing class tasks or typing up their work. I make sure I spend |

|enough time with each student one to one to make to make sure sufficient support is given. |

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|I believe I am good at meeting class outcomes. I like to review my teaching to make sure of this by firstly, showing my tutor the work produced by students. I also ask students directly through a |

|plenary to make sure students are sure they are happy and weather the outcomes are met or not. One strategy I have used in the classroom is allowing students to put down feelings on sticky notes.|

|At times students may not be honest about any struggles and concerns and due to this anonymous feedback is welcome in my classroom. There has never been a time where a student has been unsure of |

|meeting outcomes. I make sure of this by using various strategies and resources to teach. For example, I delegate tasks which are completed in groups, pairs and individually. I also give case |

|studies, games and individual research. This is how I am confident I have met my outcomes. |

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|A strength I have in the classroom is using my energy and enthusiasm in creating fun-learning environments. I use fun resources such as online gaming, YouTube videos, and online speakers. At times|

|I allow music to be played whilst they are completing set tasks. I believe this fun engaging energy of a teacher is crucial to students learning to improve motivation. Recently, I have been |

|experimenting with various technological tools and trialling it in my classroom. Tutors at the organisation have not used this strategy as of yet and I believe it is a huge success in engaging |

|students. I also use role play activities in my classroom so that they can demonstrate their understanding of certain topics. Previously, the students had not used this approach in the classroom |

|and were hesitating to take part. As we are approaching the end of the year students are feeling much more confident to try out new learning techniques. |

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|3. What do I want/need to learn? |

|(list here the outcomes from step 2,areas of development). |

|In my experience of teaching I have had to concentrate on behaviour management as well as ensuring effective lesson. This has been difficult as I have no experience in being responsible for a full|

|class of students as I have always worked one to one with learners in my previous jobs. I want to learn how to deal with students who refuse to listen to my instructions. Poor behaviour affects |

|motivation in class and does not allow learning to take place. There was an incident where a student refused to take part in any class activities claiming it was wasting her time. I did not know |

|how to deal with this situation at the time. I explained the importance of these worksheets and I continued teaching the other students who were willing to learn. |

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|I have been informed from my feedback that my subject knowledge is rather week and this plays a barrier in exploring topics in depth. I am also aware that I do not embed a sufficient amount of |

|maths in to my lesson and this is due to low ability in this subject. I hope to develop this issue by reading more around the subjects using relevant text books, online resources, and websites |

|such as TES and speaking to other maths and health and social care specialists. |

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|Marking is also something I want to develop as I have has the chance to mark one unit I taught. I have not yet received feedback but I would like more guidance to understand what is sufficient to |

|achieve each criteria. |

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|One of my weaker areas is not being able to adhere to the time frame stated in my lesson plan. Failing to keep up with the time can delay future lesson plans. It is important I set realistic time |

|frames as I have many units to complete in a particular time frame. |

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|I also want to improve my questioning skills in class so that i can thoroughly test the learners’ knowledge. This can be achieved by finding the confidence to do so without worrying about student |

|reactions as well as improving my knowledge around the subject |

|4. What are my personal development objectives? |

|Use the outcomes listed in points 2 and 3 and cross refer them to your remit in point 1, to come up with a list of objectives. Try making these SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic |

|and timely). For example: I will attend one interview technique workshop to improve my interview skills, by March 2005, in time for the next recruitment intake |

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|-While continuing to compile detailed lesson plans I will set myself realistic timeframes to meet all the learning outcomes, by December 2016, in time for my next observation. |

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|-I will use my relationship with the students to improve behaviour problems for a more effective and motivating lesson for both myself and other students, by December 2016 for when I am teaching |

|my new set of students. |

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|-As I can take constructive criticism, I could have my health and social care and maths knowledge tested by my mentor and other relevant peers by September 2016, in time to teach my new class in |

|the new year. |

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|-Using my enthusiastic energy, I will find the confidence to develop my questioning skills, by December 2016, when I will have had relevant experience |

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|5. Why do I want to develop this area? |

|This helps to assess the importance of undertaking each objective. You can refer back to these reminders as prompts at a later stage. |

|Even though I have improved in filling in detailed lessons plans, I want to develop my time keeping so that each outcome is met for the planned session in the time frame I have stated. I have to |

|be realistic and know how long it takes the students to complete the work set. The more experience I gain working with my students, the easier it is to estimate how long each task would take. As |

|there are other modules that have to be completed and marked in a set time frame, I do not want to fall behind and let the work load pile up. |

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|I could use my positive relationship with the students to implement good behaviour in the classroom. They would understand the importance of good behaviour if I explained how it affects me as a |

|teacher and them as students. It is important they understand this as I believe a teacher should shape their behaviour as well as knowledge, preparing them for life outside of college. I also want|

|to make sure others learning is not affected and there are no delays in my teaching. |

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|It is very important I brush up on my own knowledge as I am responsible to teach this subject. If I do not find the confidence to teach any topic then I cannot expect the students to have trust in|

|me. I want to be able to know my knowledge thoroughly so that I can deliver my job effectively. By acting upon feedback and having experienced staff guiding me I believe I can achieve this goal. |

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|Using my fun enthusiastic energy, I should find the confidence to be able to question them more without worrying about their reaction. By making learning fun using various learning tools, I can |

|ask in-depth questions without it being viewed as ‘boring’ and keeping student engagement. This may assist me in gaining more answers from them. This point links in well with my issue on behaviour|

|management as I am still working on how to deal with difficult situations. I believe once I have started to implement good behaviour and set my expectations I will find the confidence to teach. As|

|I have not had too much experience in teaching as of yet, I have not had the opportunity to concentrate on behaviour management solely. |

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|6. What will I do? |

|Write yourself an outline action plan for achieving your objectives. Be realistic and schedule around your workload, accounting for any busy or quieter periods (see the tips on scheduling in the |

|section about Gantt charts). |

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|By the end of the year, December 2016 in time for my next observation i can showcase an improvement in my time keeping. I will have gained a sufficient amount of teaching experience and got to |

|know the students better. This will allow me to start estimating time with a bit more confidence. I can also ask for guidance from my mentor when planning time on my lesson plan. I will hope to |

|implement this throughout my teaching which will only assist me in making sure curriculum outcomes are achieved and all modules are completed on time without any delays. |

|I will aim to tackle student behaviour with a bit more confidence by the end of the year December 2016. I will need to firstly find the confidence by using my positive relationship with them to |

|make them understand the importance of good behaviour. Having a strong relationship can enable me to have conversations about diverse subjects making them realise the importance of respecting |

|others and their learning. My observations with both my tutor and mentor will give me a clearer idea of whether I am doing well and if there are any improvements suggested i will take that on |

|board. When I begin my new year it will be a fresh start where i will be able to compile a mutual behaviour agreement plan with the students. I hope to thereafter continue this for the rest of my |

|teaching career. |

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|I hope to have my knowledge improved by September 2016, even though I understand that the more experience in teaching health and social care the more I will develop further. By reading up on |

|subjects over the summer period i will be able to soak in more knowledge as I will not have other course commitments. I can thereafter come in with a fresh mindset and ask my mentor to test my |

|knowledge and findings so that I can find the confidence to implement this in my classroom. I hope I can develop my understanding and plan a knowledge test every few months. |

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|By the end of the year (Christmas), I will use my energy and enthusiasm to build on my questioning skills through fun and engaging techniques. I could plan tasks online and fun quizzes which can |

|encourage students to take part. This way I will be successful in thoroughly exploring subjects in detail. I will also research more around subjects before teaching them so that when I am teaching|

|I can ask further questions to open up more conversations. |

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|8. Target dates for review and completion |

|These will be part of your schedule but try and set them as deadlines to avoid putting tasks ‘on hold’. |

|Be able to set realistic time frames in my lesson plans –December 2016 |

|Be able to tackle poor behaviour in the classroom-December 2016 |

|Improve subject knowledge -September 2016 |

|Improve questioning skills- December 2016 |




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