Creating Positive Workplace Behavior - Jared Camper

Creating Positive Workplace BehaviorFebruary 82014Throughout each organization are different variations in team development, creating a sense of ownership, and pride. This essay is designed to point out some of the benefits, and how to create a positive environment at work. In it, I will also discuss what ways we can maintain our interaction with our employees; keeping it a fun, and meaningful environment.BSAD328 Organizational BehaviorTable of contentsABSTRACT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAGE 0INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAGE 2 PROMOTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOR -----------------------------------------------------------PAGE 3 NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR/CONFLICT RESOLUTION IMPACT ----------------------------PAGE 4IMPROVEMENT METHODS ----------------------------------------------------------------------PAGE 5ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR – MY OPINION -------------------------------------------PAGE 6CONCLUSION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAGE 7REFERENCES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAGE 8IntroductionIn this day and age, our society has shifted to relaying more on social media for communication, instead of face-to-face interaction. The idea behind organizational behavior is to create an environment(s) that will produce substantial results. So what is positive behavior, and what are the impacts of a negative environment? This essay is designed to point out some of the benefits of creating a positive environment, but also what ways we can maintain our interaction with our employees; keeping the environment we work in a fun, and meaningful environment.The idea of any progressive company is to provide an influenced, streamlined corporation that continually creates a positive and successful place to be. Ideas brought to generate positive workplace behavior come in various options. “Remaining consistent within an organization means that “its structure, mission statement, values, management philosophies and all other aspects must be aligned with one another” (Kane-Urrabazo, 2006, p. 191). So how do we effectively maintain a positive workplace; how do we guarantee to our employees that what needs are expressed, and requested, we do whatever it takes to fulfill them? Then factor into account how common communication consists via live chat, Skype, or any other interactive communication. Although these are only a few questions I have asked myself, there’re pertinent in any situation. "Team viability is defined as team members' satisfaction and continued willingness to contribute" (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013, p. 304). This quote identifies certain outlooks of development for not only managers but also for those who they work for and with. Understanding first what ideas, and the thought process of employees not only assists in creating ideas, and a positive environment to work in, but it also allows managers to evaluate different approaches. This also assists in making adjustments in order to correct potential inefficiencies that have incurred.Promoting positive behaviorPositive workplace behavior to me is a collective idea of individual strengths that is perceived, gathered and applied to assist in the development of a business or company. The very idea, and manner we implement these methods effects how it will ultimately impact positive progression in any environmental setting. Continual monitoring and implementation of the effects will create a more enjoyable work environment and also allow for further analysis on how to better improve employee attitudes and behaviors by identifying negative trends and addressing them appropriately. Although there is no one particular way to label which process’ are better than the other (in my opinion), I do believe if done collectively across the work center the impact will be far more substantial, and successful instead of the opposite. Another variation in promoting positive behavior as described by Awang, M., Ahmad, A. & Ali, M., (2013, p. 207) incorporates multiple strategies (I have tailored it to read employees, not pupils): Strategy 1: treating employees with respect;Strategy 2: discussing with employees their feelings towards any issues;Strategy 3: co-operating with government agencies; if necessaryStrategy 4: encouraging leadership roles;Strategy 5: praising employees;Strategy 6: guiding employees to modify their problematic behavior;Strategy 7: allowing employees to provide explanation when blamed for something; (one of the most important strategies in my opinion)Strategy 8: recording employees’ behavioral problemsAgain, these eight strategies listed provide managers a specific guideline to follow to not only correct potential problems, but to also raise expectations of others when it comes to promoting positivity in any environment. Lastly, remembering how contagious uplifting behaviors are and reflecting on this behavior in regards to employee attitudes in an environment are imperative. Each of us at some point has been exposed to someone who exerted their irritation about every aspect of their work place; there was nothing any one person could do to help correct or assist in changing this attitude, and make a positive impact. Negative behavior/conflict resolution impactConflict resolution is a “process in which interpersonal communication is used to allow two conflicted parties to reach an amicable and satisfactory point of agreement” (Salami, S. O., 2010, p. 77). Certain acts of?counterproductive?work?behavior?(CWB - behavior that harms), and organizational citizenship?behavior (OCB - behavior that helps) can be negatively related in the extent that people who perform one tend to not perform the other. Some arguments conclude that under various circumstances these active?behaviors?may occur together or sequentially (Spector, P. E., & Fox, S, 2010). It is the responsibility of us as manager’s to identify these variations in behavior whether it refers to CWB or OCB, whether the actions are positive or negative. So what are the appropriate steps to take when dealing with negative behavior? Understanding first what the root cause is will assist in identifying what manner to approach the issue. Categorizing what steps led to this action, or occurrence will also elevate the problem solving method to use. Although each of the listed ideas above are viable methods to increase conflict resolution methods, one final method I believe is the most important is the give and take method. Incorporating this idea; “each party gives up something that the other party wants--using this style may result in positive work behavior and attitudes” (Salami, 2010, p. 77). I find this an important approach, but I do believe it should be used cautiously. Taking each of the discussed ideas into consideration; remember the ultimate goal is to maintain an enjoyable and proactive work environment. Finding a swift resolution to any problem, especially when it directly impacts an individual/group has to be done gradually thus ensuring a positive implementation.Improvement methodsOne of the first steps to encouraging a positive work environment is to make the initial identification that something or someone needs improvement. Not all of us have the same operating ideologies or pet peeves (so to speak). Do the attitudes or actions warrant a change; especially when any new process has its risks? Steps to first take are “identifying targeted behavior which should include inputs from the individual worker(s) themselves; to include dealing with any potential safety concerns first” (Bucholz & Brady, 2008, p. 52). In accomplishing this step, a manager is given an identified problem and where it originated from. One of the most important ideas I believe every manager must remember to remain extremely cautious and not use coercive power. In do this, the credibility of what ideas or requests that have been exhibited by management are lost; due to the harsh manner coercion is used. The text describes this as “Threats of punishment and actual punishment” (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013, p. 439). Again, if you want subordinates to remain open to change(s), distance yourself from coercion, and incorporate expert power (ability to influence other parties based on knowledge and expertise). Explain why the identified idea is reasonable, and back it up with how it will be beneficial to them over time. Using this information they can now look at what options are available to correct the various problems immediately. The next important aspect is to not only create a solution, but to continually monitor the implementation stages. This to me is the key point in any situation; has the change been a success, or is another solution a more viable option? The last thing to analyze is if the change(s) are for one specific person, or the entire company? We all should have these predetermined goals (behavioral ideas) placed at the forefront of our decision making process; knowing how to respond to variations in any work environment may narrow a manager’s ability down to processing an effective ideological method of creating the most beneficial work environment (Self). Organization behavior – My opinionEach one of us must be aware of how organizational behavior plays a significant role on a process, or in an environment. Remaining flexible, and harnessing a willingness to adopt, adapt, and change when necessary provides those around us the idea each employee means something. A rule of thumb for me is to never appear superior, view behavior at eyes level, and what it means to those around you. Lastly, remain flexible to the needs of your subordinates; putting their wants, and aspirations in front of your own. This very idea to me will lead to a successful and prosperous organization. Inspiration is that in which one finds a progressive means to success (Self); employees are the backbone of any company. ConclusionWith any situation, expecting positive results to promoting behavioral methods will further our ability to deal with negative situations as they occur. Recognizing and planning for behavioral differences allows each employee, employer, and manager to coincide in fulfilling operations at the highest level. Also, incorporating the eight strategies as mentioned by Awang, M., Ahmad, A. & Ali, M. (2013), will better assist in streamlining the overall attitude of a company. As a manager, it is impossible to please everyone, but maintaining an awareness of the company employees as a whole, and what their needs are will help create an inspiring, and enjoyable place to be.ReferencesAwang, M., Ahmad, A., & Ali, M. (2013). Professional teacher’s strategies for promoting positive behavior in schools. Asian social science, 9(12), 205-211. doi:10.5539/ass.v9n12p205 Bucholz, J. L., & Brady, M. P. (2008). Teaching positive work behavior with literacy-based behavioral interventions. Teaching exceptional children, 41(2), 50-55.Kane-Urrabazo, C. (2006). Management's role in shaping organizational culture. Journal of nursing management. 14(3), 188-194. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2934.2006.00590.xKreitner, R., & Kinicki, A. (2013). Organizational behavior (10th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.Salami, S. O. (2010). Conflict resolution strategies and organizational citizenship behavior: The moderating role of trait emotional intelligence.?Social behavior & personality: An international journal,?38(1), 75-86.Spector, P. E., & Fox, S. (2010). Counterproductive work behavior and organizational citizenship behavior: Are they opposite forms of active behavior? Applied psychology: An international review. 59(1), 21-39. doi:10.1111/j.1464-0597.2009.00414.x ................

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