Becker Intermediate School

Creating a Research Question:

Name, number, and teacher’s initials: _______________________________________________________

Topic: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Think about your topic. What do you already know, what would you like to find out? How can you write that as a question?

My Questions:

1. _________________________________________________________________________________________________.

2. _________________________________________________________________________________________________.

3. _________________________________________________________________________________________________.

4. _________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Evaluate Your Question: Check the boxes that apply

|The 5 Ws & an H |Yes or No |Fact Question |Narrow |Comparison |

|My question asks: who, what, |My question cannot be |My question is looking for |My question is specific |My question compares 2 or more |

|where, when, why, or how |answered with only yes or |factual answers | |things |

| |no | | | |

| | | | | |

5 Ws and an H

1. Who – key people

2. What – something specific about the topic

3. Where – geographic area or location

4. When – specific time

5. Why – reasons

6. How – explanation

Yes or No Questions: do not provide enough information

Fact Question: definitions, backgrounds, or statistics

Narrow Focus: specific “How much exercise do Labrador Retrievers need each day?”

Comparison Questions: “What is the average amount of food a Poodle eats versus a Labrador Retriever?”

Book Title, author, and call number ________________________________________________________


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