RIT Online Learning Peer Evaluation

RIT Online Learning Peer Evaluation

Version 1.1

Prepared by:

Team Green Apple

11 May 2006

Revision History

|Name |Date |Reason For Changes |Version |

|Amber Bahl |12/01/05 |Initial Creation |1.0 |

|Amber |01/23/06 |Created Use Cases |1.1 |

Feature Requirements: Creating Evaluation (FR-CE)

|Feature ID |Feature Name |Description |

|FR-CE1 |Create New Evaluation |The application shall allow instructors to create new evaluation. |

| | |Creating an evaluation requires an instructor to select/create |

| | |questions/responses, select a group type and a schedule. |

|FR-CE2 |Create New Evaluation from |The application shall allow instructor to create new evaluation from template.|

| |Template | |

|FR-CE3 |Saving an Edited Evaluation |The application shall allow the instructor to save the evaluation to the list |

| | |of previously saved evaluations. |

|FR-CE4 |Delete a Saved Evaluation |The application shall allow the instructor to delete a previously saved |

| | |evaluation. |

|FR-CE5 |Set Evaluation’s open and close|The application shall provide the instructor with an option to set an open and|

| |date |close date for the evaluation. |

|FR-CE6 |Immediately close an open |The application shall provide an option where the evaluation is immediately |

| |Evaluation |closed instead of waiting for the closing date and time. |

|FR-CE7 |Allow Evaluation to be open |The application shall provide an option where the evaluation is immediately |

| |immediately |open instead of waiting for the opening date and time. |

|FR-CE8 |Allow option to close |The application shall close evaluations once all the evaluations are |

| |Evaluation when all are |submitted. |

| |submitted | |

|Use Case ID: |FR-CE1 |

|Use Case Name: |Create New Evaluation |

|Created By: |AB |Last Updated By: |01/22/2006 |

|Date Created: |01/22/2006 |Date Last Updated: |01/22/2006 |

|Actors: |Instructor |

|Description: |The application shall allow instructors to create new evaluation. |

| |Creating an evaluation requires a instructor to select/create questions/responses, select a |

| |group type and a schedule. |

|Trigger: |Instructor wanting to create a New Evaluation. |

|Preconditions: |The RIT Online learning server is up and running. |

| |The user is authenticated by RIT Online learning |

|Postconditions: |The New Evaluation is created. |

|Normal Flow: |User enters an Evaluation name. |

| |The application receives the Evaluation name and acknowledges the client. |

| |The application then asks user to select an existing template or to create a new template. |

| |The user can save the evaluation and can come back to it at a different time. |

| |Once the evaluation is made the instructor enters an Open and Close date and time. |

| |After entering the date, time the instructor associates an evaluation to a Group Topic. |

|Alternative Flows: |None |

|Exceptions: |If the Online Learning server becomes unavailable then the talk will fail. |

|Includes: |None |

|Priority: |Medium |

|Frequency of Use: |High |

|Business Rules: |None |

|Special Requirements: |None |

|Assumptions: |None |

|Notes and Issues: |None |

|Use Case ID: |FR-CE2 |

|Use Case Name: |Create New Evaluation from Template |

|Created By: |AB |Last Updated By: |01/22/2006 |

|Date Created: |01/22/2006 |Date Last Updated: |01/22/2006 |

|Actors: |Instructor |

|Description: |The application shall allow instructor to create new evaluation from template. |

|Trigger: |Instructor wanting to create a New Evaluation. |

|Preconditions: |The RIT Online learning server is up and running. |

| |The user is authenticated by RIT Online learning |

|Postconditions: |The New Evaluation is created. |

|Normal Flow: |User enters an Evaluation name. |

| |The application receives the Evaluation name and acknowledges the client. |

| |The application then asks user to select an existing template. |

| |The user can save the evaluation and can come back to it at a different time. |

| |Once the evaluation is made the instructor enters an Open and Close date and time. |

| |After entering the date, time the instructor associates an evaluation to a Group Topic. |

|Alternative Flows: |None |

|Exceptions: |If the Online Learning server becomes unavailable then the talk will fail. |

|Includes: |None |

|Priority: |Medium |

|Frequency of Use: |High |

|Business Rules: |None |

|Special Requirements: |None |

|Assumptions: |None |

|Notes and Issues: |None |

|Use Case ID: |FR-CE3 |

|Use Case Name: |Saving an Edited Evaluation |

|Created By: |AB |Last Updated By: |01/22/2006 |

|Date Created: |01/22/2006 |Date Last Updated: |01/22/2006 |

|Actors: |Instructor |

|Description: |The application shall allow the instructor to save the evaluation to the list of previously |

| |saved evaluations. |

|Trigger: |Instructor wanting to save an edited evaluation. |

|Preconditions: |The RIT Online learning server is up and running. |

| |The user is authenticated by RIT Online learning |

|Postconditions: |The edited Evaluation is saved. |

|Normal Flow: |User enters an Evaluation name. |

| |The application receives the Evaluation name and acknowledges the client. |

| |The application then asks user to select an existing template or to create a new template. |

| |The user can save the evaluation and can come back to it at a different time. |

|Alternative Flows: |Edit an existing evaluation. |

| |Select an evaluation and click edit |

| |Edit the evaluation and click save |

| |The user can save the evaluation and can come back to it at a different time |

|Exceptions: |If the Online Learning server becomes unavailable then the talk will fail. |

|Includes: |None |

|Priority: |Medium |

|Frequency of Use: |High |

|Business Rules: |None |

|Special Requirements: |None |

|Assumptions: |None |

|Notes and Issues: |None |

|Use Case ID: |FR-CE4 |

|Use Case Name: |Delete a Saved Evaluation |

|Created By: |AB |Last Updated By: |01/22/2006 |

|Date Created: |01/22/2006 |Date Last Updated: |01/22/2006 |

|Actors: |Instructor |

|Description: |The application shall allow the instructor to delete a previously saved evaluation. |

|Trigger: |Instructor wanting to delete an Evaluation. |

|Preconditions: |The RIT Online learning server is up and running. |

| |The user is authenticated by RIT Online learning |

|Postconditions: |The evaluation is deleted. |

|Normal Flow: |User selects an evaluation to delete. |

| |The application receives the Evaluation name and acknowledges the client. |

| |The evaluation is deleted from the database. |

|Alternative Flows: |None |

|Exceptions: |If the Online Learning server becomes unavailable then the talk will fail. |

|Includes: |None |

|Priority: |Medium |

|Frequency of Use: |High |

|Business Rules: |None |

|Special Requirements: |None |

|Assumptions: |None |

|Notes and Issues: |None |

|Use Case ID: |FR-CE5 |

|Use Case Name: |Set Evaluation’s open and close date |

|Created By: |AB |Last Updated By: |01/22/2006 |

|Date Created: |01/22/2006 |Date Last Updated: |01/22/2006 |

|Actors: |Instructor |

|Description: |The application shall provide the instructor with an option to set an open and close date |

| |for the evaluation. |

|Trigger: |Instructor wanting to set open and close date for an evaluation. |

|Preconditions: |The RIT Online learning server is up and running. |

| |The user is authenticated by RIT Online learning |

|Postconditions: |The New Evaluation is created. |

|Normal Flow: |Follow steps 1 through 4 from FR-CE1 |

| |Once the evaluation is made the instructor enters an Open and Close date and time. |

|Alternative Flows: |Follow steps 1 though 4 from FR-CE2 |

| |Once the evaluation is made the instructor enters an Open and Close date and time. |

| |Note: Open Close date, time could also be changed by editing an existing evaluation. |

|Exceptions: |If the Online Learning server becomes unavailable then the talk will fail. |

|Includes: |FR-CE1, FR-CE2 |

|Priority: |Medium |

|Frequency of Use: |High |

|Business Rules: |None |

|Special Requirements: |None |

|Assumptions: |None |

|Notes and Issues: |None |

*Note: This could be an option in the evaluation edit page. A detailed use case analysis is not required for the below use cases.

|Use Case ID: |FR-CE6 |

|Use Case Name: |Immediately close an open Evaluation |

|Created By: |AB |Last Updated By: |01/22/2006 |

|Date Created: |01/22/2006 |Date Last Updated: |01/22/2006 |

|Actors: |Instructor |

|Description: |The application shall provide an option where the evaluation is immediately closed instead |

| |of waiting for the closing date and time. |

|Trigger: | |

|Preconditions: | |

|Postconditions: | |

|Normal Flow: | |

|Alternative Flows: | |

|Exceptions: | |

|Includes: | |

|Priority: | |

|Frequency of Use: | |

|Business Rules: | |

|Special Requirements: | |

|Assumptions: | |

|Notes and Issues: | |

*Note: This could be an option in the evaluation edit page.

|Use Case ID: |FR-CE7 |

|Use Case Name: |Allow Evaluation to be open immediately |

|Created By: |AB |Last Updated By: |01/22/2006 |

|Date Created: |01/22/2006 |Date Last Updated: |01/22/2006 |

|Actors: |Instructor |

|Description: |The application shall provide an option where the evaluation is immediately open instead of |

| |waiting for the opening date and time. |

|Trigger: | |

|Preconditions: | |

|Postconditions: | |

|Normal Flow: | |

|Alternative Flows: | |

|Exceptions: | |

|Includes: | |

|Priority: | |

|Frequency of Use: | |

|Business Rules: | |

|Special Requirements: | |

|Assumptions: | |

|Notes and Issues: | |

*Note: This could be an option in the evaluation edit page.

|Use Case ID: |FR-CE8 |

|Use Case Name: |Allow option to close Evaluation when all are submitted |

|Created By: |AB |Last Updated By: |01/22/2006 |

|Date Created: |01/22/2006 |Date Last Updated: |01/22/2006 |

|Actors: |Instructor |

|Description: |The application shall close evaluations once all the evaluations are submitted. |

|Trigger: | |

|Preconditions: | |

|Postconditions: | |

|Normal Flow: | |

|Alternative Flows: | |

|Exceptions: | |

|Includes: | |

|Priority: | |

|Frequency of Use: | |

|Business Rules: | |

|Special Requirements: | |

|Assumptions: | |

|Notes and Issues: | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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