Biblically Documented - Angelfire


The message of this “STUDY GUIDE” is taken directly from the verses of the Bible, and is very thoroughly documented. You must study to “see” (I Thes.5:21, II Tim.4:3, Mat.7:15-20). God will reveal to those who diligently seek (Amos 3:7, Is.28:9, Jer.3:15, Prv.28:5).











7. THE ANTI-CHRIST will be a “left behind” Catholic politician.




































































74. END, THE









83. FEW

















100. GOLD



103. GROOM













116. HELL


































150. LIARS

151. LIGHT






157. MANY








165. MOURN







172. PANGS








180. PROOF












192. REICH









201. ROCKS






207. SAVED

208. SEA






























238. THE END








246. TRUTH





251. WAIT


253. WAY












265. WRATH


Biblical proof is purposely omitted from this section in order to allow for easy reading.

For Biblical proof click on the terms in blue.

We are fast approaching the end, the culmination, of the Abrahamic covenant. God’s promise to Abraham was that He would be their God forever and that they would be His people. And.., He will not forsake that covenant even though Abraham’s descendants violated their covenant with Him.

The descendants of Abraham thru Isaac and then Jacob eventually split into two nations the Bible identifies as houses -- the HOUSE OF ISRAEL and the HOUSE OF JUDAH. God called these two houses His wives. The Bible promises that God will save each “house” (make them alive) in their own order, and will eventually reunite them in Heaven. This reunitification will mark fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant. Christians are part of the Abrahamic Covenant. The sacrifice Jesus made for His followers made things easier for them with a new covenant. But as you shall see, the new covenant is in “partial” fulfillment of the old.

The two houses (nations) even had brief skirmishes with each other. Each house committed SPIRITUAL ADULTERY against God, their husband. Each house (wife) was determined by God to be an adulterous harlot and each house would have to be punished accordingly.

The HOUSE OF ISRAEL was slaughtered by the sword of her neighboring nations and was chased into the world where she eventually discontinued God’s Sabbaths. She married and intermingled into other cultures and accepted their gods. The HOUSE OF ISRAEL became LOST to God and unidentifiable to the world. Lost Israel began to multiply greatly and spread all over Europe and eventually, today, in every corner of the world. As you will soon see, the Lost House of Israel is today’s Christians.

The House of Judah (Jews), even though they kept God’s Sabbaths, was determined by God to have played the whore much more treacherously than did the House of Israel. Therefore, the House of Judah would be punished much more harshly than Israel would be punished. To those God has given much, He expects more.

However, God will forgive each house in its own turn. And He will then provide a harvest for each house. The Summer Harvest will be for the House of Israel and Winter Harvest will be for the House of Judah. Eventually they will be reunited again in Heaven, each having been made alive at its own God appointed time. Then He will be their God forever, and they will be His people.

Now let us discuss what we mean by “each will be harvested in its own time”. It is a Biblical FACT that Jesus came to seek and to save, SPECIFICALLY, although not SOLELY, the LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL. Now, if He succeeded in what He came to Earth to do, then we have to conclude that the LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL is today’s Christians. Using this conclusion, it is much easier to UNDERSTAND Biblical concepts.

Jesus came to seek and to save the LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL. Therefore, Christians are the Lost House of Israel. Those that He saved are called Christians by His name. His followers are those that believe Him to be the Son of God, and have accepted His “sacrificial” punishment in lieu of their own RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT. The “way” of the Lost House of Israel way was made easy by the yoke (cross) of Jesus.

Jews (the HOUSE OF JUDAH) did not accept Jesus as their MESSIAH; therefore their “way” of salvation will be much harder. Because they rejected the sacrifice of Jesus, Jews must suffer the purifying fires of Great Tribulation.

Remember that Jesus came to seek and to save the Lost House of Israel which is today’s Christians. At the time of CHRISTIAN HARVEST, Jesus will PROVE (give his SIGN) to the HOUSE OF JUDAH (Jews), and Arabs, and LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS, and all others that worship God, but have doubt, or simply do not believe that Jesus is His Son. Then and there, because of His SIGN, (His PROOF) they will finally believe. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus really is the Son of God.

However, these new converts will be LEFT BEHIND because their new found faith will be too late for CHRISTIAN HARVEST (RAPTURE). Too late for CHRISTIAN HARVEST, these newly converted Christians (converted by Jesus' SIGN, His proof in the clouds of heaven) must now wait for the Groom to return from His wedding to the Christian Church. They must endure RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT during a time of very great troubles upon this Earth. Jesus called these troublous times GREAT TRIBULATION.

SALVATION after CHRISTIAN HARVEST for these by His SIGN will not be easy. The Bible says that they must be TRIED and PURIFIED, refined as pure GOLD in the “TRYING FIRES” of GREAT TRIBULATION.

Satan will have a free reign on earth during the time of RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT. The unrestrained power of Satan is made possible because those who were preventing his takeover prior to CHRISTIAN HARVEST (true Christians and their COMFORTER), will be removed at Christian Harvest. This era of free reign for Satan will be a time of GREAT TRIBUALTION for those that have been LEFT BEHIND. It will be the time of OUTER DARKNESS upon the Earth (a time without the LIGHT OF THE WORLD). The earth will become engulfed in SPIRITUAL DARKNESS. All manner of power, evil, and deception will be available to Satan to torment and try the new “Christian” converts the Bible identifies as EARTH-DWELLERS.

Germany will enact a FOURTH REICH that will become one of two Superpowers………

During their GREAT TRIALS, these new converts (the FATHER’S ELECT) will have to WAIT for and remain FAITHFUL to Jesus until he returns from His WEDDING to the CHRISTIAN CHURCH. At mid-tribulation Jesus will return for those who have FAITHFULLY WAITED for Him. He will then harvest the EARTH -- the HOUSE OF JUDAH, Arabs, and all other EARTH DWELLERS who were converted by His SIGN and have stayed FAITHFUL to him during their GREAT TRIALS. This will be the HARVEST OF THE EARTH. The HOUSE OF JUDAH will finally be re-united with the HOUSE OF ISRAEL.

The HARVEST OF THE EARTH will mark THE END of the ABRAHAMIC COVENANT ERA. The HARVEST OF THE EARTH will culminate and fulfill the Covenant promises God made to Abraham. Immediately after the HARVEST OF THE EARTH, the Lamb of God will send WRATH upon those that have rejected Him and submitted to Satan even after seeing His SIGN, His PROOF in the clouds of Heaven. WRATH will not be for the ELECT of GREAT TRIBULATION nor will it be for true Christians who were harvested earlier in CHRISTIAN HARVEST often called (RAPTURE). It will be for those that have rejected the true Christ and worshipped Anti-Christ and/or bowed down to the GOLDEN IMAGE erected by ANTI-CHRIST in the HOLY PLACE in Jerusalem, or have taken his MARK in their forehead or hand, and have rejected Jesus in spite of seeing JESUS’ SIGN in the clouds of Heaven at the time of RAPTURE. It will be very important for EARTH-DWELLERS to be able to discern the true Christ for the Anti-Christ.

After WRATH Jesus, as the WARRIOR KING, a King of MANY CROWNS will return to planet Earth with all of his new kingdoms – the CHOSEN, the CALLED, and the FAITHFUL. Then He (the WARRIOR KING) will destroy those that have fought against Jerusalem with the brightness of His coming. Their tongue and eyes will melt in their skulls while the yet stand on their feet. Thusly, Jesus will cleanse the HOLY CITY of her filth. He will end Satan’s “free” reign on earth and bind him in a BOTTOMLESS PIT. Finally, our Lord will come all the way down to Earth putting His feet down at Mr. Olives. Then He will rule from a cleansed, rebuilt Jerusalem. The once darkened Earth will be full of the Light of the Lord. Knowledge of the Lord will be in the Earth as the waters cover the sea. He will be A KING of MANY CROWNS. With Satan bound and Jesus ruling, there will peace on Earth for 1000 years. Those awakened in the First Resurrection will rule with him.

As the Millennial Rule of Jesus begins, He will resurrect all who have ever lived on this planet that have not had a change to know Him. This is the Second Resurrection. This will be their SECOND BIRTH. The KNOWLEDGE of Jesus will be thoroughly taught throughout the Earth for a thousand years. This new life will give them a chance to live with and know Jesus. There will be no death during Jesus’ MILLENNIAL RULE on Earth. However, the newly resurrected souls of the MILLENNIAL RULE will be subject to the SECOND DEATH.

All who were saved in earlier harvests (the CHOSEN, the FEW, and the FAITHFUL) will reign with Jesus on Earth for this 1000 years in their newly awarded immortal bodies. They will not be subject to the SECOND DEATH.



The Bible clearly states that SALVATION will still be available to those who will be LEFT BEHIND at Christian Harvest (Luke 12:36, Zech.12:10, 13:9, Rev.15:2, 20:4, Dan.12:10). Let us look at the SCRIPTUAL PROOF. Too late to be saved by the sacrifice of Jesus, those left behind will have to atone for their own sins (Mat.24:20-22) in the purifying fires (punishment) of Great Tribulation (Dan.9:24).

Many here-to-fore non-believers will finally believe (Re.1:7, Zech.12:10) after seeing Jesus’ proof, His SIGN (Mat. 24:30) in the clouds of Heaven, as He harvests His Christian Church. Yes, finally, their knees will bow and their tongues will confess that Jesus is indeed the Son of God (Rev.1:7, Ro.14:11, Phi.2:10, 11, Zech.12:10). However, for their Salvation, they will have to wait for the groom, Jesus (Luke 12:36) to return from His wedding - His Coronation (Dan.7:13-14) - to the Christian Church. However, these new converts that are left behind will have to remain faithful to Jesus (Re.2:10) in spite of Satan's deceptions and cruelties (Re.15:2, 1 Thes.2:9-11). It will not be easy (Mat:10:21-22,28).

GREAT TRIBULATION is the time of Reconciliatory Punishment (Dan.9:24) for all persons living at that time who have not accepted the sacrifice of Jesus in lieu of punishment for their sins. This is the KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING (Dan.9:25) given to the prophet, Daniel (Dan.12:4,9,10) for his Jewish people - and Arabs and Lukewarm Christians - to finally SEE (have proof - Mat.24:30) and believe in Jesus to be the Son of God. However, their proof will not come until Christian Harvest -- just as their great trials are set to begin.

They will need strong Faith to endure the fiery trials of Great Tribulation. However, for those converted by His SIGN and then do remain FAITHFUL to Him, Jesus will come back for them. These new converts will include the Jewish Kingdom (Ho.6:11, Luke 12:36, Mat.25:31, Zech.13:9). Then King Jesus (notice that He is now wearing the Christian Crown, Rev.14:14) will then deliver the Jewish Kingdom (Ho.8:10) up to His Father (1 Cor. 15:24), and they shall be given the HARPS of God the Father (Rev.15:2). Remember that Jesus is the heir to the Jewish throne (Mat.25:31). Then King Jesus, a king of many crowns, the King of Kings, will return to Earth and will then rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple (Zech.6:12-13). Jesus will then rule from the Holy City (Zech.14:17) for 1000 years.


Jesus has other flocks to harvest, (John 10:16).., not just the Christian Church. He will be a King of Many Crowns (Re.19:12,16, Dan.7:14). There will be at least FOUR HARVESTS - probably many more.

1) HARVEST OF FRIST FRUITS (I Cor.15:22, Re.14:4, Is.28:4) -- This harvest is on-going at this very moment. These persons are CHOSEN (Is.41:8-9, 42:1, Mat.22:14, Jo.13:18, I Cor.15:22). As they die, they immediately go to be with the Lord (Jo.5:24, I Cor.15:51) where they are preparing themselves to become the Bride of Christ (Re.19:7-8). Christians that die and are not CHOSEN will wait in their graves (I Cor. 15:52, I Thes.4:16-17) for Resurrection Day.

2. CHRISTIAN HARVEST - this is the SUMMER HARVEST - often called the Rapture. These are those that Jesus will harvest as He displays His SIGN (His proof) to the unbelievers in the clouds of heaven (Mat.24:30).

3) HARVEST OF THE EARTH – this is the WINTER HARVEST for Jews (Ho.6:11, Luke 12:36, Mat.25:31, Zech.13:9), Arabs, and others who believe in God, but until Jesus puts HIS SIGN (proof) IN THE SKY (MAT.24:30), they will refuse to accept Him to be the Son of God. He will return for these, the FAITHFUL of Great Tribulation, in the midst of their fiery trials.

4) GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT that will also offer Salvation to those resurrected (Re.20:6, John 28-29) during the Millennial rule of Jesus.



To be made alive means to be raised from the dead, or harvested while yet carnally alive, and then granted eternal life in an immortal body. To be changed from mortal to immortal. Jesus identified “salvation” as a crown of eternal life - a new spiritual life that has no end. He promised that those who are “born-again” through Him will be MADE ALIVE forever. However, each of us will be MADE ALIVE IN OUR OWN ORDER (I Cor.15:22-24). ALL WHO ARE GRANTED ETERNAL LIFE WILL NOT BE “MADE ALIVE” AT THE SAME TIME.

The Bible has separated the “made alive” opportunities of Abraham’s descendants into three groups. The book of Revelation identifies them as the CHOSEN, the CALLED, and the FAITHFUL. Each of these groups will be “made alive” in God’s own special preordained order. There will be other flocks that Jesus will harvest. However, our Bible teaches us very, very little about the other flocks.

Each of the descendants of Abraham, that are in Christ prior to Rapture, or after seeing His PROOF will be made alive, but in their own order. And although not many pastors teach this, the Bible is very specific on this matter. The First Fruits are the first to be made alive and will become the Bride of Christ. The First Fruits are passed immediately from death into life and have preceded us into heaven. They have been CHOSEN to be, and are now preparing themselves to be the Bride of the Son of Man. The Chosen are FEW. Some of the Chosen are still alive today. If they remain alive until CHRISTIAN HARVEST, they will be taken up with the CHRISTIAN CHURCH. However, they will join the Chosen Bride rather than stay with the invited guest.

The next group to be made alive will be Christ’s at His coming. These are they that will be invited to the Wedding of Son of Man to His Chosen Bride. The invited guest are MANY. This is the CHRISTIAN CHURCH, a number that no man can count. They will be harvested at the SIGN of the Son of Man. This will be the SUMMER HARVEST. It is this harvest that most of us have always been taught about. This is the Rapture. These, also, will belong to Christ. This is the Lost House of Israel. These are those that Jesus came to seek and to save. The LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL is the CHRISTIAN CHURCH.

Then at the end of the Abrahamic Era, in the midst of Great Tribulation, Jesus shall harvest the Kingdom of Judah and deliver them up to His Father. This will take place at the Harvest of the Earth also called Winter Harvest.

Then there will be those that will be made alive at the Great White Throne Judgment. If there were none that are going to be saved during the Millennial Rule, then why will there be a Millennial Rule on Earth. Why will the people of the Millennial Rule get 1000 years to know Jesus?

The inhabitants of the Millennial Rule are not to be confused with the “dead” of Great Tribulation that have accepted the Mark of the Beast and will not be raised up for the Millennial Rule. These dead persons will not live again until the 1000 year reign is over. Then they shall be judged by their works.


The CHRISTIAN CHURCH is a great multitude that no man can number (Re.7:9). They are MANY and they are CALLED (invited) to the WEDDING (Mat.22:14). They will be given WHITE ROBES (Re.7:13) which is the WEDDING GARMENT for the wedding (Mat.22:11). They have been washed white in the Blood of the Lamb (Re.7:14). The presence of wedding garments means that they are already in Heaven (Re.6:11), and therefore will not suffer the horrors of Great Tribulation. The CHRISTIAN CHURCH will suffer only the BEGINNINGS OF SORROWS (Mat.24:8).

The era immediately preceding CHRISTIAN HARVEST (Mat.24:8,29) is called the BEGINNING OF TROUBLES (Mat.24:8). Great troubles for the world will become increasingly intense and horrible as the TIME OF THE END nears. These early sorrows have already begun and Christians should recognize this fact. However, the world will be BLIND to the warnings that Christians should be able to see. These warnings tell us that CHRISTIAN HARVEST is imminent. Christians will suffer only the beginnings of Great Troubles (Re.2:20-21, 3:10,15-16, Ps.2:12, Ho.8:10, I Pe.1:6-7, Is.54:7-8) that will serve as signs (Mat.24:4-7) to warn Christians. Then God will save Christians out of the Great Troubles that have began on the Earth (Prov.11:8, Jer.30:7, Re.7:14).

Christians should be able to “see” the BEGINNINGS OF SORROWS: and remember, they are just the beginning……

Consider that Satan has infiltrated and taken over every Christian celebration. Christians, we are giving our children over to idolatry (Ezek.23:39). Christmas – “Do you believe in Santa Claus,” is now more popular than, “Do you believe in Jesus”. We tell our children that they should be “good” for Santa Claus, not Jesus. The turkey and gluttonous eating has now taken over our day of “Thanksgiving”. Halloween, the “holy” eve of All Saints Day has become an evening for witches, devils, and demons. Halloween is now more popular than All Saints Day. The vile celebrations of Mardi Gras have now overshadowed Lent. The Teutonic God of fertility, Eastre, with her symbols of fertility: the egg, the rabbit, and elaborate dress, has now taken over “Resurrection Sunday”. Green beer parties are now the celebrated highlights of St. Patrick’s Day. Most people don’t see sorrows in these things, but they are not looking through the eyes of Jesus.

Other SORROWS that have recently engulfed mankind are the global plagues of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Consider the rising brashness, the growing strength, and the increasing popularity of homosexuality. Consider AIDS and other mutant strains of sexually transmitted diseases.

Consider the decline in morality. Consider the decay of the family – the high rate of divorces. Consider the growing popularity of single mothers. Consider teenage pregnancies and the abortion of infants.

Consider the insensitiveness to the homeless and other destitute persons. Consider the exploitation of teenage runaways which has become big business for prostitution “pimps” and other vultures of Satan.

Consider that gangs have now taken over our inner cities, and are rapidly spreading into rural areas at an alarming pace. Consider the idolizing and worshipping of sport and entertainment celebrities.

Consider the ever-increasing vulgarity, violence, and sex on our televisions. Consider the ever increasing non-taxed, demoralizing, porno of the internet. Consider the fact that pornography cannot be stopped – it is politically stronger than the Church.

Consider that it is politically incorrect to mention the name of Jesus at public functions. Consider that God, prayer, and the Bible have been taken from our public schools, and have been replaced by drugs, vulgarity, condoms, and violence. Consider that Jesus and Christianity have become the ‘bad-guy’ in our society.

Consider our economic dependency on credit, and credit cards. Consider that “price labeling” is done now by using isobars and the 666 system (Rev.13:18).

Consider the great storms and earthquakes that the world has recently suffered, and the increasing number of floods, draughts, and famines. Consider our great World Wars, and threatened encounters of atomic warfare. Consider the polluted air we breathe, our polluted steams, and lakes, and oceans. Consider the erosion of the ozone.

Consider the falling away of Christianity from the teachings of Jesus. Consider how many “weak believers” Darwinism has weaned from the Church.

Consider that most Christian churches label as “cults” other churches that “go visiting” in obedience to the instructions of Jesus. Consider the numbers of wolves in sheep’s clothing that are electronically fleecing the believers of the world.

Consider that the price of oil is steadily rising and that almost the entire world is dependant on what OPEC nations want to charge us for oil. Consider that OPEC nations are Muslin and that Mohammad is the False Prophet.

Consider that the gravity of these plagues should they continue at such an accelerated pace. God will not tolerate our wickedness much longer.

If you cannot see the beginnings of sorrows in these things, then you cannot see through the eyes of Jesus. One thing is for certain, God sees GREAT SORROWS in all of these things, and He is the one that is doing the countdown.

These things are going to become increasingly worse as we approach CHRISTIAN HARVEST and the era of “GREAT TRIBULATIONS”. Consider that 90% of these things have only in recent years begun to plague the Earth. Most of these plagues did not exist 50 to 100 years ago.

These things should warn Christians that Christian Harvest is imminent. Christians will suffer only the beginnings of Great Troubles (Re.2:20-21, 3:10,15-16, Ps.2:12, Ho.8:10, I Pe.1:6-7, Is.54:7-8) that will serve as signs (Mat.24:4-7) to warn Christians. Then God will save (rescue) Christians out of the Great Troubles that have just began on the Earth (Prov.11:8, Jer.30:7, Re.7:14). Immediately after CHRISTIAN HARVEST, at a time when Christians and the Holy Ghost are no longer here, Great Tribulations will begin in earnest.


God’s Jewish people have always required a SIGN (I Cor.1:22, Mat.16:1, John 6:30, 4:48, Lu.11:16). Jesus said at the time of the end there will be great signs from Heaven (Lu.21:11). The SIGN of Jesus will appear in the clouds of Heaven when He comes to gather His CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Mat.24:30).

Very soon now the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give her light (Mat.24:29). The Earth will become engulfed in OUTER DARKNESS. Suddenly, a blinding flash of light shall stretch across the whole Earth (Mat.24:27) from East to West. Every eye shall look upward (Luke 21:28). It will be a show, a miracle, beyond spectacular. Then the SIGN of the Son of Man will appear in the sky for the entire entire world) to see (Mat.24:30, Is.40:5, 52:10, 26:11, 18:3, Mat.26:64, Rev.1:7, Is.60:3-5). Jesus’ SIGN in the sky will be HIS “PROOF” (Mat.24:30) to doubters and nonbelievers.

What will His SIGN be? God does not change, therefore, His “visible” PROOF (John 20:29) to the doubting “TRIBES” of the EARTH (Mat.24:30, Zech.12:10) will be the same today as He gave yesterday to His doubting disciple, Thomas (John 20:25-30). Everybody (Rev.1:7) will see His pierced hands and feet, and His pierced side. They will see the stripes upon His back and His crown of thorns. These are the SIGNS (Mat.24:30) of Jesus, and everybody will see them, even the Jews who “pierced” Him (Rev.1:7, John 18:36).

Mankind will have to look upward (Lu.21:28, Acts 1:10-11) to see His SIGN, a miracle beyond imagination and description. Simultaneously, every eye (Rev.1:7, Is.40:5, 50:10, 26:11) on this planet will see Jesus in the clouds of heaven. However, He will not at this time come all the way down to planet Earth.

The SIGN of the SON OF MAN will be revealed as He descends through the clouds of Heaven (Mat.24:30) to HARVEST the CHRISTIAN CHURCH. It is at this time that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus really is the “SON OF GOD” (Is.45:23, Rom.14:11). There will be GREAT JOY, but there will also be WEEPING and GNASHING OF TEETH for those who will be left behind (cast) in OUTER DARKNESS.

As the entire world witnesses His SIGN to the “TRIBES” (Mat.24:30) of the EARTH, the SON OF MAN will send His angels to gather (rescue) His CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Mat.24:31, I Thes.4:16-17) “out of” the GREAT TRIBULATIONS (Rev.7:14) that are “just beginning” (Mat.24:8) to engulf the EARTH.

The whole world will witness Christians ascend into the clouds (Rev.11:12) just as His followers witnessed Him ascend into the clouds (Acts 1:11). For those that are LEFT BEHIND, there will be great Weeping and GNASHING OF TEETH as they behold the ascension of their loved ones and friends.

Notice that Jesus is still the “SON OF MAN” as He displays His SIGN (Mat.24:30). The Bible does will not address Jesus as KING JESUS until he comes back from his CHRISTIAN WEDDING (Luke 12:36) to gather the EARTH (Re.14:14). Then he will be wearing His Christian crown. See: CROWNS.

The APPEARANCE of His SIGN will be His PROOF to the unbelieving world that He truly is the Son Of God born to man to be a SACRIFICE for the sins of man. It will be too late for unbelievers to be blessed at CHRISTIAN HARVEST (Jo.20:29), but at the appearance of his SIGN in the clouds of Heaven they, the whole world, will be convinced. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess (Jo.20:29) that Jesus is the truly the Christ, the Son of God (Phi.2:10-11), even the Jews that had him pierced (Re.1:7). Those converted because of His SIGN will not be blessed (John 20:29) by RAPTURE. They will be LEFT BEHIND to WAIT the return of Jesus (Lu.12:36) from His WEDDING (Dan.7:13-14) to the CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The now believing LEFT BEHIND persons are those identified as the SAINTS of GREAT TRIBULATION and as EARTH DWELLERS.

Following Christian Harvest, there will be a time of great dread and horror, a time of Great Trials (Re.2:22, Mat.24:21), a time of Great Tribulations for those that are left behind. This will be the time of THE END of the Abrahamic Covenant. It will be the time of Jacob’s Trouble (Jer.30:7).

The time period of “The End” is generally accepted by most Bible scholars as the Seventieth Week of Daniel. Great trials, pains, and sorrows will be possible because there will be no inhibitor (Holy Spirit) (II Thes. 2:7) to stop the full onslaught of Satan (Re.12:12, II Pe.3:14). For He who prevents these things today will be taken off this planet at the time of Christian Harvest (II Thes. 2:7).

Great Tribulations will be a test for the new Christians that have been converted by the SIGN of Jesus (Re.2:10, James 1:12). To gain salvation during Great Tribulation, LUKEWARM Christians, Jews, Arabs, and all other convertees will have to suffer their own TRIALS (Zech.13:9, Rev.2:10, Dan.12:10), SCOURGING (Mat.10:17, Is.28:15), and DEATH (Rev.2:10, 6:8, 14:131 Mat.10:21,28, 38-39, 24:22, Is.28:15, Dan.11:33-35, Rev.13:7, 12:17, 11:7) just as Jesus suffered these same punishments for the iniquities of His “productive” Christian followers. See: DEATH TRIALS and OVERFLOWING SCOURGE. These are the BIRTH PANGS (I Thes.5:3) that the House of Judah must suffer to bring fourth children, (fruit) to her husband.

This will be the FIERY trials for Jews and LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS that have been converted by the SIGN (Mat.24:30) of Jesus at CHRISTIAN HARVEST (Re.2:10, James 1:12). Those that remain FAITHFUL to Him during their trials will be harvested in the HARVEST OF THE EARTH that will occur 1335 days after CHRISTIAN HARVEST (Dan.12:12, Zech.12:10, 13:9, Ho.6:11). Therefore those that are left behind must wait “faithfully” 1335 days (Dan.12:12) for the Groom (Luke 12:36) to return for them. No, we don’t know the hour or the day of Christian Harvest (Rapture), but after Christian Harvest the “time-frame” of things to come is Biblically outlined for us. See: TIME CHART). Even Satan knows the time schedule of things to come (Re.12:12).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.



The time period of “The End” is generally accepted by most Bible scholars as the Seventieth Week of Daniel. This will be the time of great trials and troubles (Re.2:22, Mat.24:21) -- the time of Jacob’s Trouble (Jer.30:7). These great trials, pains, and sorrows will be possible because there will be no inhibitor (Holy Spirit) or the Christian Church to stop the full onslaught of Satan (II Pe.3:14).

This will be a test of new Christians converted by the SIGN of Jesus. (Re.2:10, James 1:12) To gain salvation during Great Tribulation, LUKEWARM Christians, Jews, Arabs, etc. will have to suffer their own TRIALS (Zech.13:9, Rev.2:10, Dan.12:10), SCOURGING (Mat.10:17, Is.28:15), and DEATH (Rev.2:10, 6:8, 14:131 Mat.10:21,28, 38-39, 24:22, Is.28:15, Dan.11:33-35, Rev.13:7, 12:17, 11:7) just as Jesus suffered these same punishments for the iniquities of His “productive” Christian followers. These are the BIRTH PANGS (I Thes.5:3) that the House of Judah must suffer to bring fourth fruit to her husband.

This will be the FIERY trials for Jews and LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS that have been converted by the SIGN (Mat.24:30) of Jesus at CHRISTIAN HARVEST (Re.2:10, James 1:12). Those that remain FAITHFUL to Him during their trials will be harvested in the HARVEST OF THE EARTH that will occur 1335 days after CHRISTIAN HARVEST (Dan.12:12, Zech.12:10, 13:9, Ho.6:11– see TIME CHART). No, we don’t know the hour or the day of Christian Harvest (Rapture), but after Christian Harvest the “time-frame” of things to come is Biblically outlined for us.

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.

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Today the CHRISTIAN CHURCH is spiritually divided. On one side is the true Church that worships Jesus as the Son of God and accepts His SACRIFICE for their REDEMPTION. Then there is an errant Church whose pastors are pursuing money and power. This errant Church is entirely dependant upon ritualistic psychology -- teaching and saying those things that are pleasant and pleasing to the carnal body and to the church body. Their flocks love to hear the soothing and flattering words of this kind of teaching. These pastors, beautiful and loved by their congregations, rarely teach of Jesus. Their flocks do not hear of the full and complete sacrifice Jesus made for their sins. These pastors encourage ritualistic acts to aid in forgiveness of sin and in healing the carnal body. The carnal body feels that if I just pray so many minutes or hours a day, I will be healed – I will be forgiven. And the pastors seem to encourage such carnal activities in an effort to aid Jesus in what He did at the cross. And in doing so, it is apparent that we have not accepted the fact that Jesus did it all. Nothing else is necessary. We cannot add to what He has done.

These errant Churches of many numbers brags to itself, “I am rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing:” (Re.3:17). But, Jesus called this Church wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. These are not a true Christian Churches. They are committing spiritual adultery. This is whoredom against our Father in Heaven. Their carnal effort to help Jesus in His sacrificial effort for the sins of mankind is a slap in His face. This is anti- Christianity. This is the foundation from which the ANTI-CHRIST person will arise.

From errant Christianity, (the Catholic Church is the mother of all Christian churches), many will come and claim to be the Christ (Mat.24:5,23-24, Mr.13:22, I John 2:18, II John 1:7). False apostles and prophets (II Cor.11:13-14, Re.2:2, 16:13), wolves in sheep’s clothing (Mat.7:15) run rampant through the Protestants churches of today. But this is not where their leader will come from.

The Catholic Pope of today will probably be taken in the CHRISTIAN HARVEST. However, remember that whoever, of those left behind, takes his place after Christian Rapture will not be a true Christian. After the departure in Christian Harvest of the present pope, a “non-Christian” politician, will be appointed by the FOURTH REICH to assume the Papacy. Germaic Reichs through-out history have appointed many of the Popes of the Roman Catholic Church. And remember, this will occur at a time when the Catholic faith, as will all other Christian faiths, be in shambles because true Christian have been taken in Christian Harvest (Rapture).

This newly appointed pope, an individual, a man (Re.13:18), will be POSSESSED and spiritually controlled by the very powerful demonic spirit (I Jo.4:3), ABADDON (Re.16:13-14). Abaddon has possessed humans throughout history (Re.12:4, I John 4:3, Job 1:6).

This politically appointed Pope of Great Tribulation (II Thes.2:7-8, I John 2:18, 4:3) will claim to be Christ (II Thes.2:4,7-8, Dan.11:37, Re.13:11,13,15, I John 2:18) and will deceive many with the miracles and great wonders he is able to do.

The BEAST (the Fourth Reich of Europe) will invade and conquer all of the Middle East in a whirlwind of quick battles. This will be in effort to control the vast oil reserves in that region. However, they will not invade Israel. Instead, they will sign a Peace treaty with Israel (Dan.11:21-24) that will guarantee Israel’s “PEACE AND SAFETY”. In return Israel will allow the Fourth Reich to send its Christian “head” (Re.13:3,11,15), the newly appointed Pope, to establish his SEAT (his place of authority) in Jerusalem (II Thes.2:4, Dan.11:36-38).

The new peace treaty with Israel will allow the Pope access to the Most Holy place (Mat.24:15, II Thes.2:4) of the Jewish religion as a part of the PEACE PACT. The Anti-Christ Pope will then erect a GOLDEN IMAGE of himself in the Jewish Most Holy Place and demand that all Jews, Muslins, and left-behind Christians bow down and worship it at certain intervals of the day (Dan.3:5, Re.13:15). This is the Abomination that maketh desolate. See: DESOLATION, ABOMINATION OF).

Ruling from Jerusalem the new Pope will demand to be worshipped as the Christ (II Thes.2:4, Re.13:12-16). The post-rapture, Germanic appointed Pope, raised from left-behind bishops of the Catholic Church, will become the Anti-Christ of Great Tribulation. The beast (the occupying Fourth Reich Germanic forces in Jerusalem) will kill all who do not bow down to the GOLDEN STATUE of their Anti-Christ Pope (Re.13:3-18). See: DEATH TRIALS and OVERFLOWING SCOURGE. The Bible declares that all who do bow down to this Golden Statue will be condemned to an eternal burning hell (Re.14:9-11).

The key to salvation after Rapture is knowing HOW TO DESCERN THE REAL CHRIST FROM THE ANTI-CHRIST.


With an Israelis-FOURTH REICH PEACE TREATY intact, the newly appointed pope of the FOURTH REICH will move the Vatican (his “seat” of authority – Rev.16:10) to Jerusalem (Zech.14:2,12). There, using the powers of the Fourth Reich (Dan.11;38-39) to enforce his assertions (Rev.13:12), the replacement Pope shall claim to be “God on Earth” -- the Christ -- the “LAMB” of God (Rev.13:11, Mat.7:15, Dan:11:36-37). And he shall perform such great signs and wonders (Rev.13:13-14) that those with no UNDERSTANDING (Dan.12:10) will believe that he really is the Christ (II Thes.2:9-12). He will convincingly remind Earth-dwellers, “Doesn’t the Bible say that Christ will reign from Jerusalem (Jer.3:17, Zech.14:17)?” He will ask, “Am I not reigning from Jerusalem?” He will declare that the Scriptures are fulfilled and that he has began “his” millennial reign. Aware that they have been left behind by the “other Christ”, Earthdwellers will be very susceptible to the delusions, signs, and great wonders of Anti-Christ (Rev.13:13-14) and will be very anxious to cling to something, anything that offers salvation from hell (Re.6:16).

Though he shall “fake” the appearance of the Lamb of God (the two horns of a lamb, Rev.13:11, Mat.24:4-5, 7:15), the Anti-Christ shall speak for, and do the works of his father (John 8:44, Dan.11:39) the great Dragon (Rev.13:11, 12:13). However, the works of his father shall reveal his true identity to Earth-dwellers with understanding (Dan.12:12).

EARTH-DWELLERS should beware of him that comes in sheep’s clothing (Mat.7:15) and declares to be the Christ (Mat.24:5). The WISE (Dan.12:10) will be wary of those that say here is Christ, or there is Christ (Mat.24:23), remembering that Jesus shall not descend to Earth (Mat.24:26) until after the Harvest of the Earth, and after the Battle of Armageddon (Zech.14:2-3,12, Mat.24:28).

The True Christ shall not just “walk in” after a peace-treaty. As lightning cometh out of the East and reaches unto the West, so shall the coming of Son of Man be (Mat.24:27).

The WISE and FAITHFUL of GREAT TRIBULATION will KNOW and UNDERSTAND that the real Christ is in Heaven marrying His Bride (Dan.7:13 -14). They will also know that Jesus will return for the faithful that wait patiently (HARVEST OF THE EARTH) before He brings WRATH upon the Earth.

Wrath includes the utter destruction of Jerusalem (Zach.14:11, Mat.22:7, 24:16, Zech.14:2, Is.52:9, 64:11, Jer.9:10,11, 44:2, Eze.9:8, 12:20,14:21, Amos 2:5, Mic.3:12, 4:1) by the warring factors of Fourth Reich vs. Kings of the East in a battle in the great plains (Zech.14:2,12) of Megiddo. This will be the third and final destruction of Jerusalem (Zech.14:11, Ezek.28:29). Was there WRATH before the reign of this Anti-Christ? The FAITHFUL will know that WRATH must occur before the real Jesus Christ descends to Earth (Acts 1:11) with all of His harvested saints (Zech.14:5, Rev.17:14) as the WARRIOR KING. At that time He will come ALL THE WAY DOWN to place His feet upon Mt. Olive. Then he will make war against those that have fought against Jerusalem (Zech.14:3,12, Re.17:14). Is this how the Anti-Christ took control of Jerusalem? Or did he come in peacefully (Dan.11:21).

Did the Anti-Christ return from the skies as we will see Jesus return (Acts 1:11)?

The True Christ will not move His “seat” of authority from Rome to Jerusalem as did the Anti-Christ.

The FAITHFUL will know that there will be a great brightness (II Thes.2:8, Mat.24:27,) immediately preceding the descension (Acts 1:11) of the real Christ to Mt. Olive that shall destroy those that have fought at Jerusalem (Zech.14:12). …as lightning shineth from East to West (Mat.24:27), there will be no mistake for those that know what to expect.

Those that UNDERSTAND will know that Jerusalem will be destroyed before the real Christ returns to Earth. Therefore, this entity that now rules from an “intact” Jerusalem cannot be the true Christ. They will know that the real Christ will have to rebuild the TEMPLE (Zech.6:12-13, Acts 15:16) and rebuild the city of Jerusalem (Zech.14:11, Is.44:28, Ezek.21:27, Is.45:13) before He can rule from Jerusalem (Zech.14:16). The city from which the Anti-Christ rules has not been destroyed at the time of his reign (at least not for more than 1900 years).

Earth-dwellers with UNDERSTANDING (Dan.11:33-35, 12:10) will also know that the real Christ would never allow the construction of a GOLDEN IMAGE of Himself (Ex.20:4). Nor will He order such an image to be worshipped. Nor will He pretend that the image can speak. Nor will he order the executions of those who will not bow down to that Golden Image. The Golden Image is the indignation

The real Christ will never allow Himself to be called, Father (Mat.23:9) as the world shall address the Anti-Christ.

And the real Christ did not, and will not in the future, flaunt His powers in public doing great convincing wonders as the Anti-Christ is going to do (Re.13:14-15, II Thes.2:9).

If you UNDERSTAND (Dan.12:10, 11:33-35) the things that must come to pass, then you shall not be deceived by Anti-Christ ( II Thes.2:9-11). But, the wicked will do wickedly and will not understand (Dan.12:10).

Those that don’t UNDERSTAND (Dan.12:10) will be easily deceived. The replacement Pope (GOD ON EARTH???) will be their Christ, and they will worship his image. They will wonder after him and call him, Father. They will praise his wonderful works and the marvelous things he can do. He will deceive them (II Thes.2:11-12) as he has deceived 1/3 of the angels in Heaven.

The Anti-Christ shall exalt himself above God (Dan.11:36), and shall place his faith (honor) in a new God -- the “magical” marvels of science and the military might and superior technology (Dan.8:9-12) of the Fourth Reich (Dan.11:38-39).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND at Christian Harvest must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” After seeing His SIGN in the heavens, newly converted Earthdwellers must remain FAITHFUL to Jesus. They must confess that Jesus is their Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to them or their families. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.

Though some would argue that it is taken out of content, the passages of Mat.10:17- 42

apply to the era of Great Tribulation just as much as it did to the disciples Jesus was teaching. If I were left behind to endure the horrors of Great Tribulation, I would certainly absorb these verses and let them guide me through. Also see: Re.2:10 and 3:16-18.


See also: EIGHT HEAD. The Fourth Reich is the BEAST of GREAT TRIBULATION (Re.11:7, 13:3-4,11-18, Dan.7:11, 7:17, 2 Pe.2:4-15, Ju.1:10). He will give power to the Anti-Christ Pope (Re.13:4,12).

John, the Revelator, saw a head that was wounded by the sword (Rev.13:3) and described it as though it was “existing”, not “existed” or “will exist” (Rev.17:10). Therefore, the head that was wounded by the sword must be the one that “existed” and ruled over Palestine at the time of John’s writings. That fourth head was the Roman Empire (Dan.7:7). And this “beast”, which gave power to the Roman Empire that was alive at the time of John also has to be alive today. Therefore, let us trace the history of this beast and see if indeed it lives eternal.

Babylon 625-539 B. C. was the first head.

Medo-Persia 538-330 B. C. was the second head.

Greece 330 B. C. – was the third head.

The Roman Empire 31 B. C. was the fourth head.

Now let us trace the lineage of the Roman Empire:

Roman Empire 31 B. C. – 476 A. D. During this period of time the GERMANIC states (Descendants of Dan) moved in, and within a couple of hundred years took complete control of this powerful empire. The beast then uses the Germainc states to exercise control of this empire.

Roman Empire splits – 4th Century

West – Rome

East – Constantinople

Dark Ages 476 A. D. – 800 A. D. Germanic appointed Popes control Western Division

Dec. 25, 800 A. D. Pope appoints Emperor of the West and unified the Germanic States..

962 A.D. – Western Empire gives birth to the FIRST GERMAN REICH. This was the FIFTH HEAD of the BEAST that still lives today.

1157-1254 A.D. the Western Empire is renamed the HOLY EMPIRE (It is still the FIRST REICH).

1254 A. D. – name changed to Holy Roman Empire (still the First Reich – the BEAST lives on)

1795 Holy Roman Empire defeated by France (Napoleon).

1805 Holy Roman Empire dismantled by the armies of France – (this is the wound by the sword that looked to be fatal to the BEAST – FATAL TO THE EMPIRE OF GERMANIC STATES. (Rev.13:3).

1806 Francis II of France dissolves hapless “First Reich” (962-1806). The BEAST appears to be dead.

1871-1918 Roman Empire revived under Germanic control – SECOND REICH. The BEAST was revived and lives on. WWI, Germanic Empire attempts world supremacy. This was the SIXTH HEAD. Again it appears to be dead.

1934-1945 Third Reich (another Germanic Empire under Adolph Hitler) attempts world supremacy – WWII – (Holocaust for Jews). This was the SEVENTH HEAD that had to continue a short space (Rev.17:10). The BEAST is revived again causing world war -- WWII.

The FOURTH REICH will be the EIGHTH HEAD. Today, Germany controls most financial and military operations in mainland Europe. Germany will come to full imperialistic power (Fourth Reich) after Jesus RAPTURES the CHRISTIAN CHURCH and the United States has been left in financial, political, and military chaos. The FOURTH REICH will be of the other seven heads, and will go into perdition with them (Rev.17:11).

This thing, this BEAST, is eternal. It cannot be destroyed. However, even it is under God’s control. It will be shut up and sealed in the Bottomless Pit during the Millennial Rule of Jesus on Earth (Re.20:3), and eventually it will be cast into a lake of fire and brimstone where the Devil and False Prophet are and they will all be tormented day and night forever (Re.20:10). The BEAST of John’s day is very much alive today and will attempt genocide of Jews during Great Tribulation. To get the entire prophetic story of things to come in easy to understand language, click END-TIME PROPHECY.


The Bible promises and identifies two “all-powerful” prophets that will witness for our Lord in the city of Jerusalem during GREAT TRIBULATION. The Old Testament witness (Rev.11:3) of Great Tribulation will be Elijah the Prophet (Mal.4:5), and his New Testament “companion in tribulation” will be John the Revelator (Rev.1:9, 10:10-11). These two prophets will be invincible for 1260 days of witnessing for Jesus (Rev.11:3-5, Dan.12:3,10) even though Christianity will be outlawed by the Anti-Christ (Dan.8:12, 11:31) and all that violate this ban of C.

These two witnesses will destroy anybody who would hurt them, and will inflict the earth with plagues as often as they will (Rev.11:5-6). Anti-Christ forces will both hate and dread them. They will cause great resistance to Anti-Christ and will be the strength of the FAITHFUL. They will be an inspiration to other witnesses, and the FAITHFUL of God throughout the world (Dan.12:3, 11:32).

They will warn that, “If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb; And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have not rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name (Rev14:9-11).

And when the 1260 day testimony (Re.11:3-5, Dan.12:11) of these WITNESSES (Mat.24:22,) is finished, the BEAST of tribulation will overcome them (Rev.13.7), and slay them (Mat.24:22, Dan.7:21,25, 11:33, Rev.11:7, 13:7,15, 12:17, 2:22).

For three and one-half days, Anti-Christ forces shall televise their victory (Rev.13:7) over these SAINTS OF GOD – Elijah and John -- -- “to every kindred and tongue and nation” (Rev.11:9). It will be a time of great rejoicing for ANTI-CHRIST forces. The whole planet will witness the spectacle and many will rejoice with ANTI-CHRIST because of the plagues that the WITNESSES wrought upon the EARTH. The ANTI-CHRIST will not even allow his workers to dispose of their decaying, fly infested, bodies. In world-televised appearances, ANTI-CHRIST shall boast of his victories and assure the fearful unbelieving portion of mankind that they need not fear Jesus. He will boast that he can, and will assuredly defeat Jesus when He returns to Earth at Mount Olives (Zech.14:2-4). His defeat of God’s WITNESSES will convince many that he is invincible (Re.13:4).

However, God is going to resurrect His (WITNESSES) Saints in 3 1/2 days (Rev.11:11-12, Dan.7:25). He will call them up to Him (Rev.11:12, 18:4), and their “WORKS” will follow them (Rev.14:12-13) to their rest. Notice that their enemies will see them rising up to Heaven. This also tells me that those who are left behind at Rapture will be able to see Christians rising up to meet Him in the air. (This fact of being able to see Christians rising up in the air will be part of the SIGN of Jesus.)

LUKEWARM WITNESS(ES) are POST-RAPTURE CHRISTIANS that have been Left Behind because of slothfulness. Lukewarm witnesses of Great Tribulation are “half-way” believers of today that are “lukewarm” about supporting and working for Jesus (Mat.25:26, James 2:17-22). LUKEWARM Christians (Re.3:16) of today will be spewed out of His mouth and will be LEFT BEHIND. However, they will become stringent, “hot”, productive witnesses (Dan.11:33, 12:3,10) after they see His SIGN in the heavens (Mat.24:30) as He gathers His True Believers (John 20:25) at Christian Harvest.

These LEFT BEHIND, now very “hot”, believers will become WITNESSES (Dan.12:3, Re.11:3, 3:18) for Jesus during their GREAT TRIBULATIONS. They will become witnesses to Earth-dwellers and will help to purify their faith in Jesus (Dan.12:1-3,10). They will “buy” for Him, PURIFIED GOLD (Re.3:18) that their nakedness might be covered with the white raiment necessary for Heaven (Mat.22:12, Re.3:16-18).

At the TIME OF THE END, many will be tried and purified, and washed white in His blood (Dan.12:10). Blessed are they who WAIT 1335 days (Dan.12:12) for the Groom to return from His CHRISTIAN WEDDING (Luke 12:36). And the WITNESSES of GREAT TRIBULATION that turn many (Dan.12:10) to righteousness (Jesus) shall shine as the stars for ever and ever (Dan.12:3).


Earth-dwellers converted by the SIGN of the Son of Man, His proof, (especially the Jews living in Israel) and converted Arabs will be rounded up after the time of WITNESSES and put on trial for their lives (Re.2:10, II Pe.3:14) See: VICTORY OVER THE BEAST. The trial will be simple: deny Jesus, bow down to the GOLDEN IMAGE of ANTI-CHRIST and take the MARK OF THE BEAST.., or die (Re.13:15, 12:11, 2:10, 6:11, 14:13, 20:4, Mat.10:21,28,39, Zech.13:9). Those that die for Jesus will be saved (Re.2:10, Mat.10:21,28, Re.2:7,16-17, 3:5,10, 12:11). Those that take the MARK OF THE BEAST (make a covenant with DEATH AND HELL, Is.28:15,18) in an attempt to escape the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE of deaths will shortly lose both body and soul in hell (Mat.10:28, Is.28:15,18).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.

The DEATH TRIALS will be a time of great Jewish pain and suffering – a time identified as a FLOOD (Dan.9:26, Rev.6:8, 12:17, 13:7, Is.43:22) of Jewish Deaths.

I call this the DEATH TRIALS of the Jewish Christians converted by the SIGN of SON OF MAN. The trial will be simple, deny Jesus and accept the MARK OF THE BEAST, or die.

These trials and executions will be the final FLOOD of Jewish deaths. This great death toll of Jews is what the Bible identified as the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE (Is.28:15-18, Jer.6:22-26, Ezek.9:1-11). Your encyclopedia identifies earlier Jewish punishments as POGROMS. The OVERFLOWING SCOURGE is the RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT (Dan.9:24) the “born-again” birth pangs (I Thes.5:3, Is.13:8,19-21, 26:17-18, 54:1, John 16:20-22) that the Judean Kingdom must suffer to gain eternal life.

LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS, and others who are WAITING (Luke 12:36) for Jesus to return from His wedding must resist the wiles of Anti-Christ unto their death (Rev.13:15, 2:10, 6:11, 14:13, 20:4, Mat.10: 21,28,39, Is.43:22), or they must endure until Jesus APPEARS after His wedding to the CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Luke 12:36) in the sky (Rev.14:14, 15:2) for them (Ho:6:11, John 16;20, I Cor.15:24, Dan.12:12, Mat.24:22). This will occur at the HARVEST OF THE EARTH.

The DEATH TRIALS - OVERFLOWING SCOURGE (IS.28:15) will last for 45 days. From the time Christians (DAILY BREAD) are taken away (harvested) till the time ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION is set up shall be 1290 days (Dan.12:11). The Death Trials will last 45 days. Blessed is he who WAITS (LUKE 12:36) and cometh to the 1335th day (Dan.12:12).

The FAITHFUL saints of God who refuse to bow down to the GOLDEN IMAGE of ANTI-CHRIST will be SCOURGED --whipped and beaten (Mat.10:17) -- and immediately executed. Some will be decapitated (Rev. 20:4). Others will die by the sword (Rev.6:8), and yet most, the masses, will be executed in gas chambers (i.e. WWII Holocaust). Some will starve to death in the prisons (Rev.6:8). And I guess demons don’t change much - they seem particularly fond of feeding Christians to wild beast (Rev.6:8, First century Romans, Dan.6:16). The bodies of God’s dead Saints (Rev.13:7) will be disposed of in fiery furnaces (Is.41:22, WW II, Dan.3:6) just as they were in Daniel’s time, and just as they were during WW II.

This final flood of death (Dan.9:26) will be particularly hard upon the FAITHFUL of Great Tribulation who will be living in Israel (Rev.14:9, Ezek.9:4, Zech.14:2, Is.4:4, Jer.6:1). They will have no place to hide.

For 1290 days, God’s two principal WITNESSES of Great Tribulation will be invincible (Rev.11:3-5). They will destroy anybody who would hurt them, and will inflict the earth with plagues as often as they will (Rev.11:5-6). Anti-Christ forces will both hate and dread them. They will cause great resistance to Anti-Christ and will be the strength of the FAITHFUL. They will be an inspiration to other witnesses, and the FAITHFUL of God throughout the world (Dan.12:3).

Anti-Christ forces have been preparing for the time (they know the timetable, also – Rev.12:12) when they shall be able to overcome God’s Saints (Rev.1:7, 13:7) (See: WITNESSES). With this great victory over the here-to-fore invincible WITNESSES of God of Anti-Christ shall then go after all of God’s FAITHFUL all over the world. He will convert, or force them to worship him, or he will kill them.

That’s when the accelerated and much dreaded death trials will begin. For the next 45 days, there will be roundups (Mat.10:17, Rev.2:10), quick trials (Mat.10:19, Rev.2:10), and executions (Mat.10:21,22, Rev.2:10) of all who will not take the “tattoo” identifying mark of the Fourth Reich, and who will not bow down to the image of Anti-Christ. Anti-Christ forces will use every trick in the book to locate, arrest, and then “convert or execute” God’s Faithful – the Saints of Great Tribulation. And except those days be shortened (45 days) there should no flesh be saved (Mat.24:22). To the FAITHFUL who resist to their death God will give a crown of eternal life (Rev.2:10, Mat.10:22,28).

These passages apply to the Faithful of Great Tribulation as well as it did to the disciples of Jesus. It is not taken out of context. These words are eternal and apply to all throughout the ages. Those that are Left Behind would do well to absorb these verses.

And brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father shall deliver up his own child: and children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s (Jesus’) sake: but, He that endureth to the end shall be saved (Mat.10:21-22).

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell (Mat.10:28).

Fear none of these things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil

shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried, and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. (Re.2:10).

And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it (Mat.!0:38-39).

Jesus’ ELECT of Great Tribulation will be betrayed by their own loved ones. Faithful parents will be forced to watch the scourging and executions of their own children (Mat.24:19) as part of the Satan’s effort to make them accept his mark and worship His Golden Image.

FAITHFUL EARTH-DWELLERS (Rev.6:10, 14:6, 13:6,8,14, 17:8, 11:10), must "ENDURE" (Mat.24:13, 10:22) these great trials (Rev.3:10, Mat.24:21-22) to their deaths. They must never deny that Jesus is the Son of God (I John 2:22). They must never bow down to the Golden Image of the Anti-Christ, because this is the abomination that maketh desolate (Rev.13:14-15, 14:9-13). And they must never accept the Mark of the Beast – the isobar tattoo that will allow them to buy and sell. To do any of these things, after having seen the SIGN of the Son of Man, will condemn one’s soul to hell (Dan.14:9-11).

And except the days of the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE be shortened (Mat.24:21-22) no flesh of God’s ELECT/FAITHFUL shall remain alive at the time of Harvest of the Earth. But for the Elect’s sake those days will be shortened and the Elect of the Lord will be saved out of the hands of the Wicked (Ps.37:32-40).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.


The FAITHFUL will be the third group of God’s Elect to be MADE ALIVE (I Cor.15:22-24). These are LUKEWARM believers and persons that did not believe before His seeing His SIGN, His PROOF, in the sky. But after seeing His SIGN, they now believe. However, their conversion will be too late for Christian Harvest. But, there is good news (Re.14:6-7) for those LEFT BEHIND Biblically identified as EARTH DWELLERS. THERE WILL BE ANOTHER HARVEST FOR THEM. However, to be saved at the HARVEST OF THE EARTH, (Re.14:14-16, 15:2), they must remain faithful (Re.2:10, 3:14, Lu.12:36) to Jesus during their Great Tribulations. They must faithfully WAIT (Daniel 12:12, Lu.12:36, I Pe.1:8, Zech.13:9, Is.4:4, Re.3:18) for the returning Christian Groom to come back (Luke 12:36) for them. Then at the Harvest of the Earth, these new convertees that have remained faithful to Jesus during their time of OUTER DARKNESS (no Light of the World – no Holy Spirit) will be taken by Jesus up to the Father (I Cor. 15:24). They (the Faithful Elect of God) will eventually return with Jesus to Earth when he returns as WARRIOR KING (Re.17:14, 19:11,14, 21:5), King of Kings. The Faithful, the Chosen, and the Called will all return with King Jesus to Earth (Re.17:14, 19:14).

The “meat” of this booklet is not so much about Christian Harvest. Generally Christians “should be” ready and anxiously awaiting the Christian Harvest (Rapture). Therefore the meat of the End Time season (Mat.24:43-51) should direct most of its attention to God's plans to harvest the rest of the Earth (Rev.14:14-16, Mat.13:39) after their time of Great Tribulation.

Yes, there will be a second great harvest that will occur 1335 days (Dan.12:12) AFTER the harvest of the Christian Church (see the TIME-CHART). NO, we cannot date Christian Harvest, but the days are Biblically numbered between Christian Harvest and what the Bible identifies as the, “HARVEST OF THE EARTH” (Rev.14:14-16). Even Satan knows the timetable (Rev.12:12).

The HARVEST OF THE EARTH (Re.14:14-16) is the WINTER HARVEST. It will be for Jews (Ho.6:11, Luke 12:36, Mat.25:31, Zech.13:9, Mal.3:1-5), Arabs, and others who believe in God, but until Jesus put HIS SIGN (proof) in the sky (MAT.24:30) had refused to accept Jesus to be God's Son. This is the harvest for all the rest of mankind including LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS and other “weak” believers that also had to see PROOF, His SIGN (Mat.24:30), to accept Him. If they can remain FAITHFUL to Jesus after seeing His SIGN, and overcome the wiles of Satan during the time of OUTER DARKNESS, they will be harvested (Is.26:9) at the Harvest of the Earth immediately before WRATH (Re.18:4).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.


Jesus first came to this planet as the Sacrificial Lamb of God. He was docile, and Peaceful to His enemies. He took all of the cursing and torment they could throw at Him without striking back. When He returns to Earth after WRATH, Jesus will return as the Warrior King of Kings (Re.17:14, 19:16). And in righteousness He will judge and make war (Re.19:11). And His armies that He has harvested and taken to Heaven will return to Earth with Him (Re.19:14). We know this because of their dress – clothed in fine linen, clean, and white (Re.19:14). They are the CALLED (invited - Guest of the Wedding), the CHOSEN (Bride), and the FAITHFUL that successfully endured Great Tribulation. And they shall reign on Earth with Jesus for 1000 years (Re.20:6).

The King of Kings (notice that He is no longer addressed as Son of Man) will touch His feet down upon the Mount of Olives just outside Jerusalem (Zach.14:4) and shall smite the nations (Re.19:15) that have fought against Jerusalem (Judah – Zech.14:2,12).

And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem: their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth (Zech.14:11).

Jesus also has other sheep (John 10:16) to harvest, not just the Christian Church. The returning King of Kings will wear one crown for each flock He saves. Notice that there is no crown mentioned at the time of Christian Harvest (Mat.24:30) and notice also that Jesus is still addressed as Son of Man. Now notice that at the time of the Harvest of the Earth (Re.14:14), He is wearing a single crown and is “like” unto the Son of Man, however, not “exactly” the Son of Man. The difference is that He is now King Jesus. He is now wearing the crown of His Christian Church. When He finally returns physically to Earth, He is addressed as King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Re.17:14, 19:16). At that time He will be wearing many crowns (Re.19:12) for the many flocks He has harvested (John 10:16, 5:28-29). The Christian Church will be but one of His Crowns. Then shall the Son of Man sit upon the throne of His Glory (Mat.25:31) and be called King (Mat.25:34).


After returning to Earth as KING OF KINGS, and after cleansing the TEMPLE, Jesus will rule from Jerusalem for 1000 years on this planet before creating a new Heaven and a new Earth. Why? Why will the King of Glory reign for 1000 years on this “old”, polluted Earth when better things are accessible to Him? Well, I’ll tell you why. Jesus is going to give everyone who has ever lived (and did not get a chance to KNOW Him) a chance to get to know Him. That is what the Millennial Reign is all about.

Each and every soul that has ever lived on this planet (and was not taken in earlier Harvests) will be made alive again at some point or another during the Millennial Rule of Christ on Earth (I Cor.15:22, John 5:28, Is.26:19) in order to get to know Jesus. All will be made alive, even those dastardly obviously evil persons we have known and have read about that we feel are certainly bound for hell will be made alive and will get to know Jesus. Even though Jesus awarded salvation to the thief on thief cross that acknowledged Him to be the Son of God – He did not condemn the other to Hell. Yes, even that thief will live again to get to know the Son of God that he died with and did not recognize.

Many of the SEA lived on Earth before Jesus, and in remote corners of the Earth, and therefore have never had an opportunity to know Jesus. They will live again (John 5:28-29, I Cor.15:22, Rev.20:5, 20:13) and get to know Jesus during the Millennial Rule. All not taken in one of the harvests will live again during the Millennial Rule. This will be the SECOND RESURRECTION (John 5:28, Re.20:6) afforded mankind, and therefore this group will be subject to the SECOND DEATH at the GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT. Do not verses 5 and 6 of Revelation 20 tell you that there will be a second resurrection? Compare these verses to John 5:28-29.

Everyone that is resurrected in the Second Resurrection will be tried by the release of Satan at the end of the Millennial Rule (Re.20:7-10).

The CHOSEN, the CALLED, and the FAITHFUL are the GLORY (Jer.13:11, Is.43:7, 62:1-3) of God are the fulfillment of God’s Covenant with Abraham and All are part of the First Resurrection. The SECOND DEATH will have no power over them (Rev.20:6). They have been made alive each in his own order (I Cor.15:22-24), and will live and reign with Christ for 1000 years over those that are raised up in the Second Resurrection. They already have Crowns of Life (Re.2:10).

But, what about those that are made alive again in the SECOND RESURRECTION? It is best explained in this verse: …when thy JUDGMENTS are in the EARTH, the inhabitants of the WORLD will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS (Is.26:9). The judgments of Jesus will have been rendered to the Earth (descendants of Isaac) when He returns to planet Earth to rule (Mat.25:31,34). When Jesus is ruling on Earth, during the Millennial Rule, the whole world will learn Righteousness (Jesus) – will get to know Jesus.

Interpretation: …when thy JUDGMENTS (ETERNAL REWARDS AND DAMNATIONS) are in the EARTH (have been meted out to Abraham’s descendants), the inhabitants of the WORLD (the SEA – everybody else) will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS (get to know Jesus – Is.26:9, 23:4, Re.20:13). The "Righteous EARTH" will, one day, reign with Jesus on this planet (Rev.20:6) and teach (Is.28:9, the “WHOLE WORLD” (Mat.26:13) the KNOWLEDGE of Jesus. The whole WORLD will be blessed (learn about Jesus) from the descendants of Abraham (Gen.18:17-18, 22:18, 26-4, EARTH). Therefore the judgment of the SEA will be at the end of the Millennial Rule (Re.20:13). “…and they shall be judged according to their works” …after they have had a chance to accept or reject Jesus.

I thank God that I will not be judged by my works.

Another interpretation: …when ABRAHAM’S COVENANT has been fulfilled and the worthy of his descendants have been awarded eternal life, they (the CHOSEN, the CALLED, and the FAITHFUL) will teach KNOWLEDGE (of Jesus) to those that were resurrected for His Millennial Reign.

Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried: but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand: but the wise shall understand: Daniel 12:10. The resurrected wicked will not be changed. After the 1000 years is finished and Satan is released to tempt them, they will follow him and will be destroyed (Re. 20:7-10).

KNOWLEDGE OF THE LORD (Is.11:9) shall be in all the EARTH (descendants of Abraham), as the water covers the SEA – (knowledge of Jesus covers those not of Abraham (Is.11:9, Hab.2:14). This will occur at the time when Satan is bound and cannot interfere (Is.11:9, Rev.20:2). Why else would Satan be bound, if not to give the souls of the SECOND RESURRECTION an opportunity they have never had? Now I submit to you, “Isn’t our God just? Isn’t He fair?”

Then, after 1000 years Satan will be loosed out of his prison to deceive those of the Millennial Rule (Rev.20:7-8) – that their loyalty to God and to Jesus might be tried. All of those that are deceived by Satan (millions upon millions), will follow him in his last gasp attempt to overthrow Jesus at Jerusalem. They will be destroyed (Rev.20:8-10) by fire from Heaven. Those that remain loyal and have done good (John 5:29), will be awarded life eternal (Mat.25:46) at the GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT.

The dead of the Sea that were made alive during the Millennial Rule, and those that were alive and witnessed the SIGN of the Son of Man, but yet rejected Him (Re.14:9-13) will be raised again to face judgment, after the Millennial reign of Christ is over (Rev.20:5). They will be resurrected (John 5:28-29) at the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev.20:13) and judged according to their works. And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire (Hell). All will have had their chance to get to know Jesus (KNOWLEDGE).

DEATH AND HELL (Rev.6:8), and all EARTH-DWELLERS (Re.20:13) that made a covenant with them (Is.28:15-18, Re.14:9-11) during their Great Trials, will also be resurrected (John 5:28-29), and judged (punished) at the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev.20:13). Notice that there is no mention of judging the DEAD of the Earth (Abraham’s descendants) at the Great White Throne Judgment. That is because the Earth was judged (rewarded and punished) prior to Millennial Rule. …when thy judgments are in the Earth, the inhabitants of the world (everybody else) will learn Righteousness (Jesus), (Is.26:9).

The Great White Throne Judgment, is a judgment of the “dead”. The dead of the SEA, and a judgment of the dead of the Earth that signed a covenant with Death and Hell (Is.28:15-18, Re.6:8) of Great Tribulation (Rev.20:15). Notice that the “living” will not be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment.

IMPORTANT “TERMS” OF PROPHECY with definitions and Biblical proof..,

ABADDON = (Re.9:11) is the Greek God, Apollyon or Apollo. He is king of the demons of the bottomless pit, and soon, if not already, he will possess (see: SPIRITUAL OCCUPATION OF MAN) the human that will eventually be identified as ANTI-CHRIST and/or FALSE PROPHET. This particular ANGEL OF DARKNESS has possessed many great leaders throughout history. One of the earliest is the prince of Persia (Dan.10:12-13) which did SPIRITUAL WARFARE with the angel, Michael. (The Prince of Persia was human. Our warfare is not carnal, it is spiritual, and so we must understand that Michael was doing spiritual warfare with the possessing spirit of the carnal man called, Prince of Persia). I also believe that Apollyon (Apollo) possessed Alexander the Great, Pope Innocent III (and other rogue popes); Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, and more recently I believe that he has occupied Saddam Hussein. Now he has jumped from the deceased Hussein to a new individual that will rise to the position of Imperial Premier (dictator) of the impending and fledging FOURTH REICH of Germany. This FOURTH REICH is presently called United Europe. This name conceals the true controlling entity – Germany. Go back to top.

ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION = This is the actual erection of the GOLDEN IMAGE of ANTI-CHRIST in Jerusalem as the after-rapture pope moves his seat of Vatican authority to Jerusalem. All will be ordered to bow down to this GOLDEN IMAGE at certain times of the day. Whoever does not bow down to this Golden Image will be arrested, tried, and executed. See: DEATH TRIALS and OVERFLOWING SCOURGE. Go back to top.

ABRAHAM, COVENANT OF – God’s promise to Abraham and his offspring that He will care for them forever (Gen.17:2,7, Is.66:22, Ps.105:8). He will be their God and they will be His people (Jer.11:10, Zech.13:9, Is.45:25, Hag.2:5, Ex.19:5). ). He told Isaac’s wife Rebecca that she would be the mother of thousands of millions – billions – (Gen.24:60).

Even though at times the descendants of Abraham broken this covenant and have deserted God, and in turn God has chosen to punish them, He will never completely desert His chosen people (Rom.11:1, Lev.26:43, II Kings 13:33, Ps.105:8-9). This covenant was passed on thru Abraham’s son Isaac to his grandson Jacob whose name was changed to Israel. The descendants of Israel, and in particular the House of Judah have been punished, driven to near genocide two times (1st Century AD and WWII). And they will be punished a third time after Christian Harvest in a period Jesus identified as a time of GREAT TRIBULATIONS. Great Tribulation will complete the RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT for their sins. Reconciliatory punishment is necessary because they have not accepted Jesus and His SACRIFICE for their sins. After their Great Tribulations, and after they have accepted Jesus because of His SIGN (see: BELIEVER, AFTER RAPTURE), God will forgive them and Jesus will gather the JUDEAN KINGDOM at their turn (I Cor.15:24) to His Father in Heaven. Go back to top.

ADULTERY, SPIRITUAL = (see also: WHOREDOM of Israelites) Worship or IDOLIZATION of other things or persons. The HOUSE OF ISRAEL and the HOUSE OF JUDAH went whoring after the persons, cultures, customs, and false gods of other nations (Jer.3:1, 11:10, Eze.14:5, Jer.11:10, 13:25-27, Eze.16:15-36, 23:2-7, Ho.1:2, Re.9:20, 17:15). God called this adultery. The book of Revelations mentions a GREAT WHORE (Rev.17:1) that sits on many waters (spread over many cultures) that have made the inhabitants of the EARTH (descendants of Abraham) drunk with her teachings (I Ti.4:1). The great whore is all the many inventive and created ways man has devised to reach the Father rather than going through Jesus and His sacrifice for their sins. The other ways of trying to reach God are intoxicating, addictive, alluring, and misleading (I Cor.10:21) to carnal man. Man feels good after he feels he has helped God in some manner by punishing himself. Any method man attempts to reach the Father instead of wholly and completely accepting the sacrifice of Jesus in lieu of their sins is Spiritual Adultery and unacceptable to the Father. Go back to top.

ANGELS OF DARKNESS = Fallen angels that were cast out of Heaven with Satan (2Pe.2:4, Jude 1:6, Re.12:9). They are Biblically identified as SPIRITUAL DEMONS and devils that CO-HABITAT - (POSSESS) and control individual men (Jude 1:4,6,8,16, Re.16:14, Mt.7:22, 8:16,31, 9:33,34 10:1,28, 12:24, Mark 1:34, 3:14-15, 7:26, 9:17-18, 16:9, Luke 13:22,). There are many different kinds of demons, each with his own particular powers (Mark 9:29). APOLLYON is their king (Rev.9:11). Satan is their God. These fallen angels have a chain of authority – subordinates are submissive to demons in higher power. Those of inferior authority give honor and praise and glory and are submissive to those demons of higher power. Therefore men being occupied by higher ranking demons get praise and glory from men being possessed by lower ranking demons. Some people are easily controlled by other people because their occupying spirits are subordinate to the controlling spirit.

Many demons can occupy one person (Mr.5:9). Have you ever wondered how a man like Jim Jones and David Koresh could control their congregations even to the point of suicide – loving parents killing their own children because their leader advises them to do so. These poor souls were possessed by demons that merely jump to another unsuspecting soul upon the death of their host. However, these demons cannot occupy Christians that are filled with the HOLY SPIRIT -- Spirit of God (Jas.2:19). Greater is He that is me than he that is in the world (I Jo.4:4). All Christians should seek to be filled with the Spirit of God. Go back to top.

ANGELS OF LIGHT = Eternal spiritual beings (Heb.1:14, Luke 20:36) that CO-HABITAT (abide with) humans (Gen.18:1-8, Dan.9:21, 10:2). They fight our SPIRITUAL WARFARE (I John 4:2) with the princes of darkness (Dan.10:20, Re.12:7) that also occupy and POSSESS humans (see ANGELS OF DARKNESS). Angels of Light do spiritual warfare for us but, they cannot compete with the Devil himself (Jude 1:9). But when the Holy Spirit fills our soul the spirits of darkness and even Satan himself will flee from us (Mr.8:33, Jude 1:9).

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ANTI-CHRIST = Today the CHRISTIAN CHURCH has become divided. There is the true Church that worships Jesus as the Son of God and accepts His SACRIFICE for their REDEMPTION. Then there is an errant Church that is pursuing money and power. This errant Church is entirely dependant upon rituals and psychology, teaching and saying those things that are pleasant and pleasing to the body. Their flocks love this kind of teaching. This errant Church says to itself, “I am rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing:” (Re.3:17). But, Jesus called this Church wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. This is not a true Christian Church. This is the foundation from which the ANTI-CHRIST person will arise.

From this errant Church of many denominations, many will come and claim to be the Christ (Mat.24:5,23-24, Mr.13:22, I John 2:18, II John 1:7). Some are false apostles and prophets (II Cor.11:13-14, Re.2:2, 16:13) and wolves in sheep’s clothing (Mat.7:15). The Pope of today will probably be taken in the CHRISTIAN HARVEST. However, a new pope, a political pope, will be appointed by the FOURTH REICH to assume the Papacy after Christian Harvest. This individual, a man (Re.13:18), will be POSSESSED and spiritually controlled by the very powerful demonic spirit (I Jo.4:3), ABADDON (Re.16:13-14). Abaddon has possessed humans throughout history (Re.12:4, I John 4:3, Job 1:6). This non-Christian, politically appointed Pope of Great Tribulation (II Thes.2:7-8, I John 2:18, 4:3) cannot be a true Christian because he was “left-behind” at Christian Harvest. This new Pope will claim to be Christ (II Thes.2:4,7-8), Dan.11:37, Re.13:11,13,15, I John 2:18). Jewish leaders will allow him access to their Most Holy place (Mat.24:15, II Thes.2:4) as a part of the PEACE PACT Israel will sign with the Fourth Reich. The Anti-Christ Pope will then erect a GOLDEN IMAGE of himself in the Jewish Most Holy Place and demand that all Jews, Muslins, and left-behind Christians bow down and worship it at certain intervals of the day (Dan.3:5, Re.13:15). This is the Abomination that maketh desolate. See: DESOLATION, ABOMINATION OF).

The BEAST (the Fourth Reich of Europe) will not invade Israel. Instead, they will sign a Peace treaty with Israel (Dan.11:21-24) that will guarantee Israel’s “PEACE AND SAFETY”. In return Israel will allow the Fourth Reich to send its “head” (Re.13:3,11,15), the newly appointed Pope, to establish his SEAT (his place of authority) in Jerusalem (II Thes.2:4, Dan.11:36-38). Ruling from Jerusalem the new Pope will demand to be worshipped as the Christ (II Thes.2:4, Re.13:12-16). The beast (the occupying forces of Jerusalem) will kill all who do not bow down to the GOLDEN STATUE of the Anti-Christ (Re.13:3-18). The Bible declares that all who do bow down to this Golden Statue will be condemned to an eternal burning hell (Re.14:9-11). Go back to top.


APPEARANCE OF THE SIGN OF SON OF MAN = For proof God’s Jewish people have always required a SIGN (I Cor.1:22, Mat.16:1, John 6:30, 4:48, Lu.11:16). Jesus said at the time of the end there will be great signs from Heaven (Lu.21:11). The sign of Jesus will appear in the clouds of Heaven when He comes to gather His CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Mat.24:30. The appearance of His SIGN will be His proof to the unbelieving world that He truly is the Son Of God born to man to be a SACRIFICE for the sins of man. It will be too late for unbelievers to be BLESSED at Christian Harvest (Jo.20:29), but at the appearance of his SIGN in the clouds of Heaven they, the whole world, will be convinced. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess (Jo.20:29) that Jesus is the truly the Christ, the Son of God (Phi.2:10-11), even the Jews that had him pierced (Re.1:7). The new converts (because of His SIGN) will not be blessed (John 20:29) at RAPTURE. They will be LEFT BEHIND to await the return of Jesus (Lu.12:36) from His wedding (Dan.7:13-14) to the Christian Church. The now believing, Left behind persons are those identified as the SAINTS OF GREAT TRIBULATION. Go back to top.

ARAB NATIONS TO BE DESOLATE AT CHRISTIAN HARVEST = Though they believe strongly in the God of Abraham their father, there will be no Arabs, or anybody else, saved in the CHRISTIAN HARVEST that have not accepted Jesus to be the Son of God. Most Arabs are Muslins (See: MOHAMMAD). Muslins are taught that Jesus was not the Son of God, that He was a mere prophet. Therefore they will have to WAIT and endure GREAT TRIBULATION with Jews. They will have to wait for the BRIDEGROOM to return for them (Lu.12:36, Ps.34:22). These, and many more are Biblically identified to be DESOLATE -- Babylon and Chaldea-Jer.51:26, Palestine-Joe.3:4, Assyria-Na.3:18, Ammonites-Eze.25:3-7, Mount Seir and Idumea Eze:35:14, Ninrim-Is.15:6, Noph-Jer.46:19, Moab-Jer.48:9, Edom and Teman-Jer.49:20, Samiria-Ho.13:16, etc. Go back to top.

ARAB NATIONS TO BE SAVED = All that are converted to Jesus by His SIGN (Is.66:19) at CHRISTIAN HARVEST (Is.56:6-8, 55:5,1, Zech.8:23, Gen.17:20) will be saved (Zech.10:1) when the Son of Man returns from His WEDDING (Luke 12:36) to HARVEST OF THE EARTH (Rev.14:14-16). Go back to top.

ARMAGEDDON, BATTLE OF = Refers to the battle between the KINGS OF THE “FAR” EAST (Rev.16:12) and the FOURTH REICH (Europe) that will occur just outside of Jerusalem in an area called Armageddon (Re.16:16). Europe (the Fourth Reich) will lose the initial engagements of the war in the territories of Iran and Eastern Iraq. After initial engagements, the Fourth Reich will steadily retreat back across the Euphrates River (Rev.16:12) into the plains of Armageddon just outside of Jerusalem. Here the FOURTH REICH will prepare for all out war to protect the Vatican (Anti-CHRIST) now located in Jerusalem.

The Kings of the East will cross the Euphrates River in pursuit (Re.16:14, 9:14). The two forces will finally fully engage each other at Armageddon just outside of Jerusalem. The Fourth Reich will be no match for the 200,000,000 mobile units of the Far East. Fourth Reich forces will be devastated at this battle. At this point the Fourth Reich will resort to Atomic weapons and of course the Far East will retaliate with Atomic weapons. China, Pakistan, India, Japan, and soon North Korea, all have atomic weapons. The dead will be numberless. Jerusalem itself will suffer a great and final destruction (Zech.14:2, Re.18:8-18) in this battle (Re.16:12-10).

After this final battle, Jesus will return to Earth as the Warrior King (Rev.19:11-16, Zech.14:3) to destroy those that have fought at Jerusalem and against Jerusalem. He will place His feet down on Mt. Olive (Zech.14:4). He shall destroy the enemies of His Jewish SAINTS with the brightness of His coming (II Thes.2:8). Their tongues will melt in their mouths, and their eyes will melt in their sockets (Zech.14:12) while they yet stand on their feet. Then He whose right it is (Ezek.21:27) will rebuild the TEMPLE (Zech.6:12-13) at Jerusalem, and shall rule the Earth (Zech.14:9) for 1000 years (Re.20:2-6). Go back to top.

BEAST OF GREAT TRIBULATION = The military forces of the FOURTH REICH are the Beast of GREAT TRIBULATION. Without Christians and the HOLY GHOST to inhibited Satan (II Thes.2:7), Satan will become all powerful on Earth. He will give European forces (the FOURTH REICH) his power (Re.13:4). No one can make war with him, the beast (Re.13:4) of Great Tribulation. (The RAPTURE has reduced the United States to a land of thousands of gang and ethnic wars – (New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina is prophecy of things to come). In a whirlwind of quick military battles (Re.13:4), the Fourth Reich will conquer all of the Middle East and Northern Africa in an effort to control that oil rich region. This acquisition of territories will also serve as a buffer zone against the threatening forces of the KINGS OF THE FAR EAST who also want to control the oil of the Middle East.

The present day Pope in all probability will be taken in the CHRISTIAN HARVEST. The Fourth Reich, as Germanic Empires have done throughout history, will then appoint a new Pope (Re.13:11-15) who will not be a true Christian as is evidenced by the fact that he was not taken at CHRISTIAN HARVEST. Then the beast will lend its power to the new Pope (Re.13:11-18).

The Beast (the Fourth Reich of Europe) will not invade Israel. Instead, they will sign a Peace treaty with Israel (Dan.11:21-24) that will guarantee Israel’s “PEACE AND SAFETY”. In return Israel will allow the Fourth Reich to send its “head” (Re.13:3,11,15), the newly appointed Pope, to establish his SEAT (his place of authority) in Jerusalem (II Thes.2:4, Dan.11:36-38). Eventually, while ruling from Jerusalem the new Pope will demand to be worshipped as the Christ (II Thes.2:4, Re.13:12-16). Please realize that this newly appointed pope is non-Christian. He was not taken in the Rapture. This newly appointed pope will be the ANTI-CHRIST. After beginning his rule from Jerusalem, he will erect a GOLDEN STATUE of himself (Dan.3:1-5, Re.13:3-18) and demand that at certain times of the day, all mankind should turn toward the statue and bow down and worship. The beast (the occupying forces of Jerusalem) will kill all who do not bow down to the golden statue of the Anti-Christ (Re.13:3-18). The Bible declares that all who do bow down to this Golden Statue will be condemned to an eternal burning HELL (Re.14:9-11).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation. Go back to top.

BEGINNINGS OF GREAT TROUBLES, = The CHRISTIAN CHURCH is a great multitude that no man can number (Re.7:9). They are MANY and they are CALLED (invited) to the WEDDING (Mat.22:14). They will be given WHITE ROBES (Re.7:13) which is the WEDDING GARMENT for the wedding (Mat.22:11). They have been washed white in the Blood of the Lamb (Re.7:14). The presence of wedding garments means that they are already in Heaven (Re.6:11), and therefore will not suffer the horrors of Great Tribulation (read Re.6:11, 10, and 9 in that order). The CHRISTIAN CHURCH will suffer only the BEGINNINGS OF SORROWS (Mat.24:8).

The era immediately preceding CHRISTIAN HARVEST (Mat.24:8,29) is called the BEGINNING OF TROUBLES (Mat.24:8). Great troubles for the world will become increasingly intense and horrible as the TIME OF THE END nears. These early sorrows have already begun and Christians should recognize this fact. However, the world will be BLIND to the warnings that Christians should be able to see. These warnings tell us that CHRISTIAN HARVEST is imminent. Christians will suffer only the beginnings of Great Troubles (Re.2:20-21, 3:10,15-16, Ps.2:12, Ho.8:10, I Pe.1:6-7, Is.54:7-8) that will serve as signs (Mat.24:4-7) to warn Christians. Then God will save Christians out of the Great Troubles that have began on the Earth (Prov.11:8, Jer.30:7, Re.7:14).

Christians should be able to “see” the BEGINNINGS OF SORROWS: and remember, they are just beginning……

Consider that Satan has infiltrated and taken over every Christian celebration. Christians, we are giving our children over to idolatry (Ezek.23:39). Christmas – “Do you believe in Santa Claus,” is now more popular than, “Do you believe in Jesus”. We tell our children that they should be “good” for Santa Claus, not Jesus. The turkey and gluttonous eating has now taken over our day of “Thanksgiving”. Halloween, the “holy” evening of demons, (which is the eve of All Saints Day), and is now more popular than All Saints Day. The vile celebrations of Mardi Gras have now overshadowed Lent. The Teutonic God of fertility, Eastre, with her symbols of fertility, the egg, the rabbit, and elaborate dress, has now taken over “Resurrection Sunday”. Green beer parties are now the celebrated highlights of St. Patrick’s Day. Most people don’t see these as sorrows, but they are not looking through the eyes of Jesus either.

Other SORROWS that have recently engulfed mankind are the global plagues of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Consider the rising brashness, the growing strength, and the increasing popularity of homosexuality. Consider AIDS and other mutant strains of sexually transmitted diseases.

Consider the decline in morality. Consider the decay of the family – the high rate of divorces. Consider the growing popularity of single mothers. Consider teenage pregnancies and the abortion of infants.

Consider the insensitiveness to the homeless and other destitute persons. Consider the exploitation of teenage runaways which has become big business for prostitution “pimps” and other vultures of Satan.

Consider that gangs have now taken over our inner cities, and are rapidly spreading into rural areas at an alarming pace. Consider the idolizing and worshipping of sport and entertainment celebrities.

Consider the ever-increasing vulgarity, violence, and sex on our televisions. Consider the ever increasing non-taxed, demoralizing, porno of the internet. Consider the fact that pornography cannot be stopped – it is politically stronger than the Church.

Consider that it is politically incorrect to mention the name of Jesus at public functions. Consider that God, prayer, and the Bible have been taken from our public schools, and have been replaced by drugs, vulgarity, condoms, and violence.

Consider our economic dependency on credit, and credit cards. Consider that “price labeling” is done now by using isobars and the 666 system (Rev.13:18).

Consider the great storms and earthquakes that the world has recently suffered, and the increasing number of floods, draughts, and famines. Consider our great World Wars, and threatened encounters with atomic warfare. Consider the polluted air we breathe, our polluted steams, and lakes, and oceans. Consider the erosion of the ozone.

Consider the falling away of Christianity from the teachings of Jesus. Consider how many weak believers Darwinism has lured from the Church.

Consider that most Christian churches label as “cults” other churches that “go visiting” in obedience to the instructions of Jesus. Consider the numbers of wolves in sheep’s clothing that are electronically fleecing the believers of the world.

Consider that the gravity of these plagues should they continue at such an accelerated pace. God will not tolerate our wickedness much longer.

If you cannot see the beginnings of sorrows in these things, then you cannot see through the eyes of Jesus. One thing is for certain, God sees GREAT SORROWS in all of these things, and He is the one that is doing the countdown.

These things are going to become increasingly worse as we approach CHRISTIAN HARVEST and the era of “GREAT TRIBULATIONS”. Consider that 90% of these things have only in recent years begun to plague the Earth. Most of these plagues did not exist 50 to 100 years ago.

These things should warn Christians that Christian Harvest is imminent. Christians will suffer only the beginnings of Great Troubles (Re.2:20-21, 3:10,15-16, Ps.2:12, Ho.8:10, I Pe.1:6-7, Is.54:7-8) that will serve as signs (Mat.24:4-7) to warn Christians. Then God will save Christians out of the Great Troubles that have began on the Earth (Prov.11:8, Jer.30:7, Re.7:14).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation. Go back to top.

BELIEVER, TRUE = One who believes that Jesus is the Son of God without having to see proof (John 20:25,29). Those that believe without having to see His SIGN, His PROOF, will be blessed by being harvested immediately after GREAT TROUBLES have just begun. Go back to top.

BELIEVER, AFTER RAPTURE = See also: EARTH-DWELLERS (Re.12:12, 13:6, 18:4). This group of believers is also called TRIBULATION SAINTS. These are those who finally “believe” that Jesus is truly the Son of God after seeing His PROOF – the SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN (Mat.24:30) --as He gathers His CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Too late for Christian Harvest, this group of believers will have to wait till Jesus returns from marrying His Christian Bride (Luke 12:36).

Jews require a SIGN to believe (I Cor.1:22, Mat.24:8,12:38-39, 16:1). Jesus will give them their required sign at CHRISTIAN HARVEST (Mat.24:30, Is.40:5). Many Jews will accept Jesus after seeing His SIGN. However, now they must remain FAITHFUL to Him during the PURIFYING FIRES of their RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT (Dan.9:24). His SIGN in the sky will be the same as He gave to His doubting disciple, Thomas – His nail scarred hands, the wound in His side, His stripes, etc. (John 20:24-29).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation. Go back to top.

BLESSED = In His words to Thomas (John 20:29), Jesus promises that those who believe in Him without having to be shown (see: SIGN of the SON OF MAN) will be blessed. For this particular meaning, Jesus promises that the believer will not have to endure RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT (Dan.9:24), because believing in Jesus’ SACRIFICE has cleansed the believer of all sins and he will be taken in SUMMER HARVEST rather than WINTER HARVEST (Mat.24:20). See SAVED.

Jews and Arabs, although descendants of Abraham, will not believe without PROOF. They will have to be shown. They will be shown by the SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN. Therefore they will not be “blessed” to be taken in the SUMMER (Christian) HARVEST. They will have to endure GREAT TROUBLES with the rest of the world and suffer (Dan.9:24) RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT. Jesus identifies the BLESSED at many points if one can but understand His meaning of the word. Also consider these verses: Mat.5:3-11, 24:46, 25:34, Luke 12:38, 13:35, 14:14, Jo.13:17, Re.4:7. Go back to top.

BLIND = Those who are SPIRITUALLY BLIND are unable to believe without seeing a sign - PROOF (Mat.12:38, I Cor.1:22, John 20:29). Those who will walk in the DARKNESS of GREAT TRIBULATION (Is.42:7, Ro.11:25, Mat.15:14, 23:16-17,24). The words of the gospel are sealed from their eyes (Dan.12:4,9,and 12, Re.5:1-5). Jews require a SIGN to believe (I Cor.1:22). They will not “see” (Mat.23:26, John 9:39, John 20:25, Is.26:11, 60:4-5), but they will see and be ashamed (Is.26:11, Re.1:7, Zech.12:10). Go back to top.

BORN AGAIN = This is the spiritual birth of the believer (John 3:3) – his second birth so to speak. The born again individual will be a part of the “FIRST RESURRECTION”. The SECOND DEATH (final death) will have no power over the born-again person (Re.20:6). Go back to top.

BOTTOMLESS PIT - A place where the angels of darkness are confined, and will be confined, until the Lord chooses to use them to do His will (Re.9:1, 11:7, 20:7), or until judgment (II Pe.2:4) when he shall cast them into hell (Re.20:10,14). Go back to top.

BREAD, SPIRITUAL = Spiritual nutrition available to all believers (John 6:35,41,48,and 56-58, Mat.15:24-26. Jesus is the Spiritual bread that must be fed to His sheep (John 15:15-17, 21:15-17). Go back to top.

BRIDE OF CHRIST = These are the CHOSEN. They are FEW and are symbolic (144,000) of all the tribes of Abraham except the tribe of Dan (Gen.49:17, Re.7:5-8). Dan has been replaced by Manasseh. Today’s Christians are the LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL, and most of the Bride of Christ will be Christians which are of the House of Israel. However, many of the CHOSEN FEW were chosen before the time of Jesus on Earth. The Bride is the LABORERS (Luke 10:2) of the harvest. They are the FEW (Mat.9:37, Luke 10:2). They are the FIRST FRUITS unto Christ and the Father (I Cor.15:23). They will be His even before (John.5:24) Christians who will become His at His coming (I Cor.15:23). They are the first ripe (Na.3:12, Mic.7:1, Jer.24:2, Song of Sol.4:16) of the Earth (Abraham’s descendants) that will be eaten by the gardener even before SUMMER HARVEST. Ever wonder why some have “gone on to be with the Lord” (John 5:24) and why some must “wait in the grave for the resurrection” (John 5:25, 6:40).

Those that are invited (CALLED) to the wedding are MANY, a numberless multitude (Re.7:9), but, they must rest in the graves and await the First resurrection (John 5:25). They will be the invited guest at the wedding of Jesus to His CHOSEN BRIDE. They are the Christian harvest. The harvest is plenty – MANY (Mat.22:14, Luke 14:23) but the laborers are FEW. MANY will be invited to the wedding (Mat.22:14) but FEW are CHOSEN to be the Bride of Christ (Mat.22:14).

The BRIDE OF CHRIST has been found to be without fault (Re.14:4, Jo.5:24). Upon death, the Bride of Christ goes immediately to be with the Lord (Jo.5:24). The Bride is considered virgins (Re.14:4, II Cor.11:2) and will be arrayed in FINE LINEN, CLEAN AND WHITE (Re.19:8). The CALLED (invited) guest of His wedding is a NUMBERLESS MULTITUDE, and will be arrayed in white robes and given palms for their hands (Re.7:9). This is their wedding garment (Mat.22:10-12).

Those not invited to the wedding (who then believe as a result of seeing His SIGN, John 6:40), but who then have gotten VICTORY OVER THE BEAST of GREAT TRIBULATION will be taken at Mid-Tribulation in the HARVEST OF THE EARTH (John 5:29, Re.14:16, I Cor.15:24, John 6:40) also called WINTER HARVEST. These, taken in the HARVEST OF THE EARTH, will be identified by having the HARPS of God (Re.15:2). They have no wedding attire (Mat.22:12-13) and will be cast into outer darkness to await the return of the groom for them (Lu.12:36).

All three groups, the CHOSEN, the CALLED, and the FAITHFUL will return with Jesus to Earth when He returns as WARRIOR KING (Re.19:11-16). Go back to top.

BRIGHTNESS OF HIS COMING = He will destroy His enemies with the brightness of His coming ( II Thes.2:8). This is the power of God that will destroy the Kings of the East and the Fourth Reich at His Second Coming. Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth (Zech.14:12). He will return with vengeance as King of Kings, Lord of Lords (Re.19:11-15). His armies that will return with Him (Re.17:14) are biblically identified as the CALLED, the CHOSEN, and the FAITHFUL. (The Chosen are His Bride, the Called are those invited to the wedding, and the Faithful are those Tribulation saints that remained faithful to Him (during their Great Tribulation) after seeing His SIGN.) Go back to top.

CALLED, MANY = These are the second group of God’s elect to be MADE ALIVE (I Cor.15:22-24). These are those who are invited to the wedding of Jesus to His Bride. Many are called. The House of Judah was initially invited but was found to be not worthy (Mat.22:8). Jesus came to seek and to save (invite) the House of Israel (Mat.15:24) because the House of Judah was not worthy. Those invited to the wedding are called MANY, a numberless multitude (Re.7:9), and they must rest in the graves and await the resurrection (John 5:25). They are invited (called) to the wedding out of Great Tribulation (Re.7:14) that has just begun. They are the harvest. The harvest is plenteous – MANY (Mat.22:14, Luke 14:23). MANY will be invited to the wedding (Mat.22:14) but FEW are CHOSEN to be the Bride are (Mat.22:14). Go back to top.

CHOSEN, FEW = See BRIDE OF CHRIST. These are the first group of God’s Elect to be MADE ALIVE (I Cor.15:22-24). These are the First Fruits unto Jesus and the Father (I Cor.15:22). These are those that are Chosen to be the BRIDE OF CHRIST (Re.14:4). They are the CHOSEN FEW (Mat.22:14). The CHOSEN FEW are the (symbolic????) 144,000 of all the tribes of Abraham except the tribe of Dan (Gen.49:17, Re.7:5-8) which has been replaced by Manasseh.

Today’s Christians are the LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL. Therefore most of the Bride of Christ will be Christians. However, many of the Chosen were chosen before the time of Jesus on Earth. The Bride is the LABORERS (Luke 10:2) of the harvest. The laborers are FEW (Mat.9:37, Luke 10:2). They are the first fruits unto Christ and the Father (I Cor.15:23). They will be His even before (John.5:24) those that will be His at His coming (I Cor.15:23). They are the first ripe (Na.3:12, Mic.7:1, Jer.24:2, Song of Sol.4:16) of the earth (Abraham’s descendants) that will be eaten by the gardener even before SUMMER HARVEST (Rapture). Ever wonder why some pastors teach, “gone on to be with the Lord” (John 5:24) and why other pastors teach, “wait in the grave for the resurrection” (John 5:25, 6:40). Well in some aspects they are both right.

Do not confuse the CHOSEN FEW with the MANY that will be CALLED (invited) to the wedding. Those invited to the wedding are called MANY, a numberless multitude (Re.7:9), and they must rest in the graves and await the first resurrection (John 5:25). The MANY are not the First Fruits (I Cor.15:22). The MANY will be Christ’s at His Coming (I Cor.15:22). MANY will be taken to the wedding out of the beginning of Great Tribulation (Re.7:14). They will be issued white robes for the wedding (Re.7:14, Mat.22:11=14). Go back to top.

CHRISTIAN CHURCH = The Christian Church is the Lost House of Israel that Jesus came to seek and to save (Mat.15;24-26, 10:5-6, 18:11). They are the true followers of Christ Jesus. They are called after His name. They will be CALLED (invited to the wedding. They are the SUMMER HARVEST and they are MANY. Go back to top.

CLEANSING OF SANCTUARY = Judah is God’s sanctuary (Ps.114:2, Lam.2:7, 4:1, 5:11, Eze.37:28, Dan.9:17). It is Judah (Jerusalem) that Jesus will cleanse (Dan.8:11, 13, 8:14), 2300 days after Jerusalem has being taken over by Anti-Christ forces (Dan.8:11, 11:31). The cleansing (purification - Zech.13:9) is symbolic of renewed Judean relationship with God for those Jews who now (after His SIGN) believe in Jesus to be their Messiah, the Son of God (Zech.12:10, 13:9). Those cleansed and purified have come through the purifying fires of Great Tribulation. And a sacrificed bullock without blemish (Jesus) is worthy to cleanse the sanctuary (Eze.45:18, 47:12). This is what Jesus will do with the BRIGHTNESS OF HIS COMING (II Thes.2:8) as He returns to destroy those that have contaminated His sanctuary with their golden idol (Dan.11:31). Go back to top.


COMFORTER = The Holy Spirit, Comforter, is today sheltering the Christian Church from the Wicked (mystery of iniquity – II Thes.2:7-8) who cannot take control of the world until the praying, Spirit filled Christians are taken out of the way. His removal at CHRISTIAN HARVEST will render those that are LEFT BEHIND (EARTH-DWELLERS) spiritually helpless and vulnerable to the spirits of darkness – see: OUTER DARKNESS. Go back to top.

CONCEPTS, BIBLE – Concerning Bible prophecy, a concept is a unifying idea derived from many verses that singularly conceal their prophetic connections, but collectively they support and prove previously sealed Biblical visions. The testimony of Jesus is the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY (Re.19:10). His testimony should support any prophetic concept or vision that might be considered true prophecy. We should look to the words of Jesus to support any prophetic declaration. Go back to top.

COVENANT PEOPLE = See also: ABRAHAMIC COVENANT. These are the descendants of Abraham. (Acts 3:25, Jer.11:10-11, Gen.17:4, 19, and 21, Ex.2:24, 19:5-6, Le.26:42, 44, Is.54:10, 61:8). They are under the COVENANT God made with Abraham. Jesus made a new, everlasting covenant with Christians (Mr.14:24). Go back to top.

COVENANT WITH DEATH AND HELL Concerning Judean punishment, so far there have been two attempts by Satan to annihilate God’s Jewish people. The first time was by Romans in 70 AD, and the second time was in W.W.II by the German Third Reich. The third and last attempt will be during GREAT TRIBULATION by the coming Fourth Reich (Rev.13:3, 17:10-14, Dan.11:36). The Bible identifies this final FLOOD (Dan.9:26, Rev.12:15) of Jewish deaths as the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE (Is.28:15). It will be their last. It will be their “reconciliatory” punishment (Dan.9:24).

In the last 45 days before HARVEST OF THE EARTH, the FOURTH REICH will attempt to round up and execute all of the Jews in Europe (especially in Jerusalem and Israel) who are testifying for Jesus (Re.12:17, 3:18, Dan.12:3,10,. These are those who will not bow down to the “Golden Image” of the Anti-Christ and who will not take the “credit card” tattoo of the Fourth Reich. (Re.20:4, 14:9-11, 15:2). These are Jews that will be converted by the SIGN of the SON OF MAN in the clouds of Heaven as He harvests His Christian Church.

This will be the final Holocaust – the last FLOOD of deaths (Dan.9:26, Is.28:15) – the final PURIFYING FIRE (Ezek.15:6-7, Is.4:4, Zech.13:9, I Pet.1:9) -- upon the Jewish people. (See “Pogroms” in your encyclopedia). This is the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE (Is.28:15) that many Earth-dwellers will try to escape by signing a covenant with DEATH AND HELL. They believe that by SIGNING an agreement with the FOURTH REICH that they will then be PASSED OVER when the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE shall pass (Is.28:15).

Death (Rev.6:8, Is.28:15) is the FOURTH REICH, and HELL is the ANTI-CHRIST.

However, the children of Abraham – Arabs and Jews (and others, too) -- that try to escape the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE), by signing this COVENANT OF DEATH with the FOURTH REICH, will lose both body and soul in Hell (Mat.10:28, Rev.14:9-11). Their new covenant will “cancel” the old covenant that they have inherited through their father, Abraham.

However, in no way does the “father of liars and murderers” (John 8:44) intend to honor this new covenant with Jews whom he hates so much. The possessing demon of the Fourth Reich dictator will kill the Jews anyhow (Is.28:18), just as he did in 70 AD, and just as he did in WW II. The Bible says he will make war upon the remnant of Jews that escaped his “flood” of WW II (Re.12:17).

And of course as we mentioned earlier, to submit to Anti-Christ (Hell), is to condemn oneself to everlasting Hell (Rev.14:9-11). Therefore, those that make this new covenant with DEATH AND HELL will lose both body and soul (Mat.10:28). To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation. Go back to top.

CROSS = The CROSS has come to symbolize the punishment Jesus took and the SACRIFICE He made for the sins of all who accept Him to be the Son of God. This author believes and accepts the use of this term, “cross” in that capacity. However, to overuse this term as a “catch-all” of the pain and suffering Jesus voluntarily accepted to REDEEM mankind is to belittle the fact that it was a SACRIFICE not an execution. Overuse of the term as a gimmick of new Christian “direction” can be a kind of SPIRITUAL IDOLIZATION. Jesus came to us in the flesh to accept our sin punishment. He was beaten and executed in our place. He voluntarily did this for us. The details and “why” are worth repeating over and over again especially to new Christians. It is much more important to emphasize the “why” rather than the “how” He died. Go back to top.

CROWN OF LIFE = The reward of eternal life promised to believers that love Jesus and accept His sacrifice for their sins.(James 1:1). This crown will also be awarded to the FAITHFUL (Rev.2:10, 15:2) of GREAT TRIBULATION that choose death (Mat.10:28, Re.13:15) before denial of Jesus (Mat.10.32). See: DEATH. Go back to top.

CROWNS OF JESUS, MANY = Jesus has other sheep (John 10:16), not just the Christian Church. He will wear one crown for each flock He tends and saves. Notice that there is no crown mentioned at the time of Christian Harvest (Mat.24:30). Now notice that at the time of the Harvest of the Earth (Re.14:14), He is wearing a single crown. This is the crown of His Christian Church. When He finally returns physically to Earth, He is called King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Re19:16). At that time He will be wearing many crowns (Re.19:12) for the many flocks He has harvested (John 10:16, 5:28-29). The Christian Church is not His only flock. Go back to top.

CRUMBS = Jesus (the Bread of Life) came only for the Lost House of Israel (Mat.15:24). The Bread of Life is intended for the Lost House of Israel. The crumbs are the bread bits and pieces that fall from the Master’s table and are gathered by those other than to whom it was intended (Mat.15:27-28) – these crumbs are eternal-life giving. And all, whosoever, are welcome to gather these crumbs of life. Go back to top.

DAILY = The worship of Jesus to be the Son of God will become a “daily”, act of worship during the time of Jacob’s Trouble – GREAT TRIBULATION. Jews now believing, after seeing His SIGN, have changed their ritualistic sacrifice of animals to a “daily” practice of worshipping the sacrificed Lamb Of God. The “bread” of life is now their DAILY BREAD (Luke 9:23, 11:3, Eze.46:13). The beast of two horns (Re.13:11) of Great Tribulation, after moving his seat of authority (II Thes.2:4, Mat.25:15, Dan.8:13, 11:31, Re.13:2.6) to Jerusalem (see: ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION) shall order that the daily worship of Jesus (TRUTH) be discontinued (Dan.8:11-12). Remember, this is occurring in the time of Great Tribulation. The saints of God (Jews) will have seen the SIGN of the SON OF MAN. They will at that time acknowledge Jesus to be their Messiah. In the same sentence of the same verse (Dan.8:12) notice that the “little horn” cast TRUTH (Jesus) to the ground. The BEAST will demand that EARTH-DWELLERS worship and acknowledge him to be the Christ (II Thes.2:4). And he will order all to bow down to his GOLDEN IMAGE (Dan.3:5, Re.13:15).

Consider the fact that today, and during Great Tribulation, Daily Bread (Luke 11:3) has and will replace Daily Sacrifice. Now consider that TRUTH (Jesus) is our Daily Bread (Mat.6:11, 26:26, John 6:35, 41,48,and 51). Now consider that TRUTH will be cast to the ground (Dan.8:12) during the time of Anti-Christ rule. The teachings that Jesus is the true Christ will be outlawed. Now we may see that the second appearance of Jesus in the sky will occur 1335 days after Christians -- “DAILY” bread (Dan.12:11, 8:12-13) -- are taken off the Earth (I Thes.2:11). Go back to top.

DARKNESS = A place of bondage for Satan and his followers (Jude 1:6, 13, I Jo.1:5, 2:9, II Pe.2:4,17, Gal.1:13). A prison? Maybe even the darkness, blackness of outer space. See also: DARKNESS, OUTER. Go back to top.

DARKNESS, OUTER = See also: OUTER DARKNESS = A period of time that will come upon this planet when the Holy Spirit and Jesus (the LIGHT of the world) will be removed from man. Those LEFT BEHIND will have no comforter. Jesus is the Spiritual Light of the world (John 3:19). When Jesus left this planet (John 9:5, 12:35), He said I will not leave you (spiritually) alone. I will send a COMFORTER to you who will testify of me. Therefore, the Light of Jesus is still with us through the Holy Spirit. When Jesus comes to gather His Church he will take the Comforter back with Him (II Thes.2:7). Without Spiritual Light (Jer.13:11, Eph.5:13-14) the world will be plunged into Spiritual darkness (Jo.8:12, 12:36,46, Amos 5:20, 8:9, Is.59:9, 60:2, 42:7, Jude 13, Zep.1:15) which Jesus, the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY (Re.19:10) identified as outer darkness (Mat.25:30, John 8:12, 12:46, 35, Lu.22:53, Acts 2:20). Those who walk in the LIGHT will not be caught by the thief of darkness (I Thes.5:2-5).

Those who do not believe in Jesus will have to go through the darkness (John 12:46, Mat.8:12). The children of the Judean Kingdom do not believe that Jesus is their Messiah, therefore they will be LEFT BEHIND, cast into OUTER DARKNESS (Mat.8:12). Those with no wedding garment, a garment washed white in the blood of Jesus, will have to endure outer darkness (Mat.22:13). During Great Tribulation some of the spiritually blind Jews (Mat.15:14) that are in outer darkness will see a great light (Turn to Jesus - Mat.4:16). Those that sit in the SHADOW OF DEATH will have a light (His SIGN – Mat.4:16) spring up to them.

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation. Go back to top.

DEAD, THE SPIRITUAL= Those who did not accept Jesus to be the Son of God that sacrificed Himself for the sins of mankind, and those that did not stay faithful to Him during Great Tribulation. They will be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev.20:12,13, John 5:29). Go back to top.

DEATH AND HELL = The Bible identifies the final flood of Jewish deaths as the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE (Is.28:15). During the great and RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT (Dan.9:24) of Daniel’s people the Jews, the BEAST will be slaughtering (Re.13:15) all who will not bow down to the GOLDEN IMAGE (Dan.3:5) of the Beast. However, all who die for Jesus will be saved by Him (Mat.10:28, Re.2:10).

Many Jews will take the MARK OF THE BEAST and worship the GOLDEN IMAGE in an attempt to escape DEATH at the hands of the BEAST (Is.28:15), not realizing that they have doomed their souls to HELL (Mat.10:28, Re.14:9-11). HELL will be grabbing up all who sign the covenant with DEATH AND HELL in an attempt to escape the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE (Is.28:18). The FOURTH REICH and the ANTI-CHRIST are the Death and Hell of Great Tribulation (Re.6:8, I Cor.15:26, Re.1:18, 20:13).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation. Go back to top.

DEATH, FIRST = This is the physical death of the body (Ro.5:12, John 11:14, Mr.9:1, 13:12, Lu.9:27, John 5:28) not to be confused with the spiritual dead (John 5:25, 8:51). Go back to top.

DEATH, SECOND = as identified in 20:14, Re.20:6. All who have ever lived before and after Jesus who have never had an opportunity to know Jesus (John 5:28,30, Is.11:9) will live a SECOND TIME. This is the “second” resurrection (Rev.20:6). All who are raised in the SECOND RESURRECTION are subject to the second and final death (Re.20:4,9). Those raised in the FIRST RESURRECTION (I Thes.4:16-17, I Cor.15:23), also called Christian Harvest will reign with Christ during His Millennial Reign (Re.20:6) and will not be subject to the Second Death (Re.20:6, John 11:26, Ro.6:9).

The second resurrection will be those that are raised up by Jesus to live (John 5:28-30) during the MILLENNIAL REIGN OF CHRIST. Their new life during the millennial reign of Jesus on Earth will enable them to get to know Jesus (Is.11:9) and get their names written in the Lamb’s BOOK OF LIFE. They are subject to The Second Death (Re.20:14). The second death is for those raised up in the Second Resurrection that fail to get their names written in the BOOK OF LIFE. They will be judged by their works (Re.20:13).

Do not confuse the Millennial second resurrection group with those that pass alive into GREAT TRIBULATION. This group is called Earth-Dwellers. They will have seen the SIGN (proof - Mat.24:30) of the Son of Man as He harvested the Christian Church. After seeing Jesus’ great proof in the skies of Heaven, there will be no forgivable reason for them to lose their “post-rapture” faith even during their Great Tribulations. Those that overcome the ANTI-CHRIST will receive eternal life and shall not be hurt of the second death (Re.20:4, 2:11). Those that submit to Anti-Christ during Great Tribulations and take receive the MARK OF THE BEAST will be condemned to eternal hell (Re.14:9-11). Go back to top.

DEATH TRIALS = Earth-dwellers converted by the SIGN of the Son of Man, His proof, (especially the Jews living in Israel) and converted Arabs will be rounded up after the time of WITNESSES and put on trial for their lives (Re.2:10, II Pe.3:14) See: VICTORY OVER THE BEAST. The trial will be simple: deny Jesus, bow down to the GOLDEN IMAGE of ANTI-CHRIST and take the MARK OF THE BEAST.., or die (Re.13:15, 12:11, 2:10, 6:11, 14:13, 20:4, Mat.10:21,28,39, Zech.13:9). Those that die for Jesus will be saved (Re.2:10, Mat.10:21,28, Re.2:7,16-17, 3:5,10, 12:11). Those that take the MARK OF THE BEAST (make a covenant with DEATH AND HELL, Is.28:15,18) in an attempt to escape the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE of death will shortly lose both body and soul in hell (Mat.10:28, Is.28:15,18).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation. Go back to top.

DEMON = A fallen angel (Jude 6, Re.12:4, 16:13-14) is Biblically identified as an unclean spirit (Mark 3:30, I Jo.4:1). These spirits possess humans (Mat.8:33, I Jo.4:1, I Ti.4:1, Acts 19:16, 16:16, 8:7. The ANGELS OF LIGHT (He.1:14) do spiritual warfare against the Angels Of Darkness (Eph.6:12, II Cor.10:4, 1 Cor.12:10, Ro.8;14) for humans (Lu.22:31, 13:16) that seek the LIGHT (Jesus). Go back to top.

DEMONIC POSSESSION = Each of us is possessed by spiritual beings (Mark 6:7) – some good and some bad. The Holy Spirit cohabitates (Acts 1:8) with most Christians and leaves no room (Eph.1:13, Mark 3:11) for demons. Therefore, spirit filled Christians do not harbor evil spirits. The Holy Spirit brings spiritual gifts of power to Christians (I Cor.12:8-11) to which He cohabitates. ANGELS OF DARKNESS possess unsaved beings (Mat.12:43-45) and wayward Christians, and bestow upon them their powers of darkness (Mat.4:9). When Christians allow room in their lives, demons will attempt to come in and then there is spiritual warfare for control of that soul. Unfortunately sometimes the demons win. Go back to top.

DESOLATION, ABOMINATION OF = During the time of Great Tribulation, Jewish leaders will have signed the peace treaty (Dan.11:30, II Thes.5:3) with the new European superpower (FOURTH REICH) that will allow the Fourth Reich to move the Vatican from Rome to Jerusalem. Jewish leaders will be very happy with this new agreement because the Vatican in Jerusalem will guarantee the protection of Israel by the Fourth Reich. Jews will finally declare PEACE AND SAFETY (I Thes.5:3). The temple of God’s Jewish people will become occupied (II Thes.2:4, Mat.24:15, Eze.7:20-22) by the ANTI-CHRIST (II Thes.2:4) who will then erect a golden statue of himself and place it in the Jewish “holy place” (Dan.11:31, II Thes.2:4, Mat.24:15).

There he will declare that he is the Christ (Re.13:8,15). He will order the newly converted Jews (those that believe in Jesus after seeing the SIGN of the SON OF MAN, Mat.24:30) to discontinue worshiping Jesus, (“DAILY”, Dan.9:27). The Anti-Christ will decree that all persons must bow down to his GOLDEN IMAGE (Dan.3:5,7,10,12,14,18, Eze.7:20), as spoken of by Daniel the prophet (Mat.24:15). The acts of bowing down to the golden statue (Is.44:17-19, Dan.3:5-6) of the Anti-Christ is identified by Daniel as abominations that will render one’s soul desolate (Dan.12:11, Re.13:15, 14:9-11). Bowing down to the golden image (Dan.3:20, Re.16:2), denial of Jesus to be the real Christ Messiah, submission to the beast, acceptance of the Mark of the Beast, (probably an isobar tattoo in the wrist or the forehead) will render one’s soul desolate (Re.14:9-11), and the perpetrator will lose both his life and his soul (Mat.10:28) in eternal burning hell (Re.14:11).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.

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DESOLATION, NO SOULS FOR THE LORD = Desolation of a Biblical people is that they are not producing fruit for the Lord God (II Ch.30:7, Is.10:3, Is.17:9-11, 24:12, 64:10, Mic.15:16). Jews will be desolate at the time of Christian Harvest (Eze.33:28-29, Dan.9:26, 8:13, 9:2, Zep.1:15, Jer.2:27). Go back to top.

DISCERNING THE REAL CHRIST FROM THE ANTI-CHRIST = With an Israelis-FOURTH REICH PEACE TREATY intact, the newly appointed pope of the FOURTH REICH will move the Vatican (his “seat” of authority – Rev.16:10) to Jerusalem (Zech.14:2,12). There, using the powers of the Fourth Reich to enforce his assertions (Rev.13:12), the replacement Pope shall claim to be the Christ -- the “LAMB” of God (Rev.13:11, Mat.7:15, Dan:11:36-37) on Earth. And he shall perform such great signs and wonders that those with no UNDERSTANDING will believe that he really is the Christ (II Thes.2:9-12). He will convincingly remind Earth-dwellers, “Doesn’t the Bible say that Christ will reign from Jerusalem (Jer.3:17, Zech.14:17)?” He will ask, “Am I not reigning from Jerusalem?” He will declare that the Scriptures are fulfilled and that he has began “his” millennial reign.

Though he shall “fake” the appearance of a Lamb (the two horns of a lamb, Rev.13:11, Mat.24:4-5, 7:15), the Anti-Christ shall speak for, and do the works of his father (John 8:44) the great Dragon (Rev.13:11, 12:13). However, the works of his father shall reveal his true identity to Earth-dwellers with understanding (Dan.12:12). Go back to top.

EARTH-DWELLERS should beware of him that comes in sheep’s clothing (Mat.7:15) and declares to be the Christ (Mat.24:5). The WISE (Dan.12:10) will be wary of those that say here is Christ, or there is Christ (Mat.24:23), remembering that Jesus shall not descend to Earth (Mat.24:26) until after the Harvest of the Earth, and after the Battle of Armageddon (Mat.26:27-28).

The True Christ shall not just “sneak in”. As lightning cometh out of the East and reaches unto the West, so shall the coming of Son of Man be (Mat.24:27).

The WISE and FAITHFUL of GREAT TRIBULATION will KNOW and UNDERSTAND that the real Christ is in Heaven marrying His Bride (Dan.7:13 -14). They will also know that Jesus will return for them (HARVEST OF THE EARTH) before WRATH OF THE LAMB.

The FAITHFUL will know that WRATH (Jerusalem will burn) must occur before Jesus will return ALL THE WAY DOWN to place His feet upon and rule planet Earth. Has there been WRATH before the reign of this Anti-Christ that is already on Earth?

The FAITHFUL will know that there will be a great brightness (II Thes.2:8, Mat.24:27,) immediately preceding the return of the real Christ that shall destroy those that have fought at Jerusalem (Zech.14:12). …as lightning shineth from East to West (Mat.24:27). There will be no mistake for those that know what to expect.

The FAITHFUL will know that Jerusalem will be destroyed before the real Christ returns to Earth. Therefore, this entity that now rules from an “intact” Jerusalem cannot be the true Christ.

They will know that the real Christ will have to rebuild the TEMPLE (Zech.6:12-13, Acts 15:16) and rebuild the city of Jerusalem (Zech.14:11, Is.44:28, Ezek.21:27, Is.45:13) before He will rule from there (Zech.14:16). The city from which the Anti-Christ rules has not been destroyed yet (at least not for more than 1900 years).

The True Christ will not move from Rome to Jerusalem as did the Anti-Christ.

Earth-dwellers with UNDERSTANDING (Dan.11:33-35, 12:10) will also know that the real Son of God would never allow the construction of a GOLDEN IMAGE of Himself (Ex.20:4). Nor will He order such an image to be worshipped. Nor will He pretend that the image can speak. Nor will he order the executions of those who will not bow down to that Golden Image.

The real Christ will never allow Himself to be called, Father (Mat.23:9) as the world shall address the Anti-Christ.

And the real Christ did not, and will not in the future, flaunt His powers in public doing great convincing wonders as the Anti-Christ is going to do (Re.13:14-15, II Thes.2:9).

If you UNDERSTAND (Dan.12:10, 11:33-35) the things that must come to pass, then you shall not be deceived by Anti-Christ ( II Thes.2:9-11). But, the wicked will do wickedly and will not understand (Dan.12:10).

Those that don’t UNDERSTAND (Dan.12:10) will be easily deceived. The replacement Pope (GOD ON EARTH) will be their Christ, and they will worship his image. They will wonder after him and call him, Father. They will praise his wonderful works and the marvelous things he can do. He will deceive them (II Thes.2:11-12).

The Anti-Christ shall exalt himself above God (Dan.11:36), and shall place his faith (honor) in a new God -- the “magical” marvels of science and the military might and superior technology (Dan.8:9-12) of the Fourth Reich (Dan.11:38-39).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.

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DOUBTING THOMAS = was a LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN. A person who will have to see the proof (SIGN – Mat.24:30) of Jesus, the Son of Man, before He will accept Him (John 20:25) as Savior/Messiah, the Son of God. Doubting Thomases (LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS) will not be BLESSED by Christian Harvest, but will have to wait for their newly “proven” LORD to return from His wedding to the Christian Church (Lu.12:36) to be harvested at the HARVEST OF THE EARTH. Go back to top.

DRAGON, GREAT = Satan himself (Re.12:3,9, 20:2). He will give the seat of power (Re.13:2) to the beast (dictator of the Fourth Reich).

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DREAMS = Stimulated visions, usually very distorted and unclear, created by the spiritual entities that seek to control, promote, and provoke human actions and reactions. Angels of light stimulate spiritual things of love, peace, and generosity. Angels of darkness stimulate greed of earthly treasures, lust, vengeance, vanity, etc. Be wary of who is provoking you to do what. Go back to top.

EARTH = The descendants of Abraham (Mat.24:30, Eze.9:9, 31:12, 35:14, Amos 3:1-2, Gen.28:14, Re.1:5, 14:3,15, 16:14, 12:12,16, 10:8, Luke 12:51, Job 37:12, Ps.33:8, 66:4, 85:11, Is.18:3, 54:5, Jer.4:28, 22:29-30) and of Jacob (Gen.28:14) that shall cover the Earth. Consider that our Bible was written by Jews primarily for Jews. EARTH-DWELLERS are descendants of Abraham that have been LEFT BEHIND at RAPTURE. Go back to top.

EARTH, ALLIES = During WWII the Allies were comprised of France, Canada, Australia, U.S., Russia, etc. These nations are descendants of the HOUSE OF ISRAEL which is the Biblical sister of the HOUSE OF JUDAH. Abaddon, the king of the spirits of darkness (Re.12:13,17) possessed Hitler and through him attempted Jewish genocide. The Earth (the Allies) saved her sister, Judah, by swallowing up the flood (Re.12:16) created by the Axis (Germany, Italy, and Japan). The Earth was also instrumental in restoring the nation of Israel in Palestine after about 2500 years of non-existence. Go back to top.

EARTH-DWELLERS The Book of Revelation identifies those that have been left Behind at Christian Harvest as “EARTH-DWELLERS” (Rev. 6:10, 14:6, 13:6,8,14, 17:8,11:10). The HARVEST OF THE EARTH is the time that God has planned to gather the EARTH-DWELLERS.

The Bible concerns itself primarily with the history of, and the future of, Abraham’s descendants. Although most descendants of Abraham pray to the God of Abraham, they do not believe that Jesus is His Son. They will have to see Jesus’ SIGN to believe that He really is the Son of the God of Abraham (John 20:29). But, conversion at the time of the SIGN will be to late for Christian Harvest. Therefore, the House of Judah (Abraham’s descendants) will be a big part of those Left Behind -- EARTH-DWELLERS. In fact the descendants of Abraham that have not accepted Jesus but were converted by His SIGN is the reason for the names, Earth-dwellers and Harvest of the Earth.

Arabs (as a whole) do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God. They will not be taken in Christian Harvest. They will also become EARTH DWELLERS. “LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS” will also be left behind, and will become Earth-dwellers.

The HARVEST OF THE EARTH is the LAST opportunity for the left behind Children of Abraham to gain eternal life. Jesus said that those that have to “SEE” a SIGN, to truly believe in Him (Is.26:11), will have to wait till the last day (John 6:40).

That portion of the descendants of Abraham who will not accept Jesus until they see His SIGN in the clouds of heaven as He gathers His Christian Church will be left behind on earth. Their conversion will be too late for Christian Harvest. They are Biblically identified as Earth-dwellers (The Bible clearly differentiates between those left behind and those taken up to Heaven (Re.13:6, 6:10). Their harvest will be the HARVEST OF THE EARTH (Re.14:15-16), also called WINTER HARVEST, which will occur after Jesus already has His Christian Crown (Re.14:14). Earth-dwellers will be taken off planet Earth before WRATH – at a time when Jesus (KING OF KINGS) will become their God. Go back to top.

EARTH, TRIBES = The twelve tribes of Jacob. Mat.24:30, Gen.49:28, Jas.1:1, Luke 22:30, Zech.9:1). Their harvest, the HARVEST OF THE EARTH (Re.14:15-16), will occur after Jesus already has His Christian Crown (Re.14:14).

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EIGHTH HEAD = The Beast of Great Tribulation (Re.11:7, 13:3-4,11-18, Dan.7:11, 7:17, 2 Pe.2:4-15, Ju.1:10, – will be the Fourth Reich of Europe. He will give power to the Anti-Christ Pope.

John, the Revelator, saw a head that was wounded by the sword (Rev.13:3) and described it as though it was “existing”, not “existed” or “will exist” (Rev.17:10).

Therefore, the head that was wounded by the sword must be the one that “existed” and ruled over Palestine at the time of John’s writings. That fourth head was the Roman Empire (Dan.7:7). And this “beast”, the Roman Empire that was alive at the time of John, also, according to John’s writings, has to be alive today. Therefore, let us trace the history of this beast and see if indeed it still lives today.

Babylon 625-539 B. C. was the first head.

Medo-Persia 538-330 B. C. was the second head.

Greece 330 B. C. – was the third head.

The Roman Empire 31 B. C. was the fourth head.

Now let us trace the lineage of the Roman Empire:

Roman Empire 31 B. C. – 476 A. D. During this period of time the GERMANIC states (Descendants of Dan) moved in and within a couple of hundred years took control of the powerful Roman Empire with very little struggle.

Roman Empire splits – 4th Century

Western Empire – Rome

Eastern Empire – Constantinople

Dark Ages 476 A. D. – 800 A. D. Germanic appointed Popes control the Western Empire. The popes become all powerful.

Dec. 25, 800 A. D. Popes now appoint emperors. The Pope appoints Emperor of the West and unified the Germanic States. This act is the impregnation of the REICH egg.

962 A.D. – Western Empire gives birth to the FIRST GERMAN REICH. This was the FIFTH HEAD of the BEAST that still lives today.

1157-1254 A.D. the Western Empire is renamed the HOLY EMPIRE (It is still the FIRST REICH).

1254 A. D. – name changed to Holy Roman Empire - which is still the First Reich of Germanic states – the BEAST lives on)

1795 Holy Roman Empire (Germanic states) is defeated by France (Napoleon).

1805 Holy Roman Empire dismantled by the armies of France – (this is the wound by the sword that looked to be fatal to the BEAST – FATAL TO THE EMPIRE OF GERMANIC STATES. (Rev.13:3).

1806 Francis II of France dissolves hapless “First Reich” (962-1806). The BEAST appears to be dead.

1871-1918 Roman Empire revived under Germanic control – SECOND REICH (Germanic Empire) attempts world supremacy – WW I. This was the SIXTH HEAD. Germany is defeated and the BEAST goes into hiding. but the BEAST lives on.

1934-1945 The BEAST continues. It rears its ugly head again - the Third Reich (another Germanic Empire) attempts world supremacy – WWII – (Holocaust for Jews). This was the SEVENTH HEAD that had to continue a short space (Rev.17:10). The BEAST is revived again causing world war -- WWII.

The FOURTH REICH will be the EIGHTH HEAD. It will come to full world power after Jesus Raptures the Christian Church and the United States has been left in financial, political, and military chaos. The FOURTH REICH will be of the other seven, and will go into perdition with them (Rev.17:11).

Reichs are Germanic states that have ascended to empire status out of the old Roman Empire. The BEAST of John’s day is very much alive today and will attempt genocide of Jews during Great Tribulation. Go back to top.

ELECT = Those are converted Christians and Jews that had to be shown the SIGN of Jesus (his PROOF) in order to believe. But, who now believe and are “FAITHFUL” to Him during their time of Great Trials and Tribulations. Almost all of the Elect will be killed (Re.13:15, 6:8, Mat.24:22, 10:21,22,28,32-33) during the DEATH TRIALS. But if they are faithful until death they will receive a crown of life (Re.2:10). Go back to top.

END, THE – This will be the culmination of the Abrahamic Covenant. The End of the Abrahamic Covenant is Biblically identified as the HARVEST OF THE EARTH (Re.14:14-16, 15:2) the harvest of Abrahamic descendants. Therefore, The End is the culmination of the Abrahamic Covenant (I Cor.15:24, Mat.10:22). It will occur at mid-tribulation (Dan.9:24,27) and is called HARVEST OF THE EARTH. This will be the end of opportunity for all of Abraham’s descendants which includes the Judean Kingdom (I Cor.15:24). Go back to top.

END-TIME = Any of the approaching eras of time immediately before, or after, Christian Harvest up to and including the Harvest of the Earth. Go back to top.

EUROPEAN COMMON MARKET (ECM) = This is the name many prophecy scholars give to the prophesied rise of Europe as a Post Rapture superpower nation. I choose to call this new superpower the FOURTH REICH as it will be spearheaded and controlled by the “Eighth Head”, the fourth empire of Germany. Go back to top.

EVERLASTING LIFE = Eternal life with Jesus in an immortal (I Cor.15:54), incorruptible (I Cor.9:25) never get sick, never die new body. I personally believe that it will be a spiritual existence and that we will co-habitat with, guide, and protect other carnal beings created in His likeness, as they prepare themselves for immortality with our eternal God. However there is insufficient scripture, to my knowledge at this time, to support my belief. Go back to top.

FAITHFUL = These are the third group of God’s Elect to be MADE ALIVE (I Cor.15:22-24). These are the persons that did not believe before His SIGN, but after being shown His PROOF they now believe. However, their conversion is too late for Christian Harvest. But, there is good news (Re.14:6-7) for Biblically identified EARTH DWELLERS. To be saved then, they must remain faithful (Re.2:10, 3:14, Lu.12:36) to Jesus during their Great Tribulation. They must faithfully WAIT (Daniel 12:12, Lu.12:36, I Pe.1:8, Zech.13:9, Is.4:4, Re.3:18) to the returning Christian Groom in order for Him to save them at the HARVEST THE EARTH (Re.14:14-16, 15:2). Then at the Harvest of the Earth they will be taken by Jesus up to the Father (I Cor. 15:24). They (the Faithful Elect of God) will eventually return with Jesus to Earth when he returns as WARRIOR KING (Re.17:14, 19:11,14, 21:5), King of Kings. Go back to top.

FALLEN ANGEL = These are the angels that followed Satan (Re.12:4,7-9, Jude 6) in a failed attempt to overthrow God in Heaven. They are cast to Earth with Satan and now inhabit (possess) and control humans (see DEMONIC POSSESSION). Humans filled with the Spirit of God cannot be inhabited by a fallen angel. Fallen angels are also called DEMONS.

FALSE PROPHET = The prophet Muhammad taught that Jesus was not the Son of God. He taught that Jesus was a great prophet, yes, but not the Son of God. Muslims do not believe that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected as the Bible teaches. And they do not believe that He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. Muslims do not believe that Jesus was the Son of God (I John 2:22). These are the false teachings of Muhammad, who himself claimed to be a prophet. If Jesus is the Son of God, as Christians believe, then Muhammad’s teachings are lies and false teachings. And since teachings are prophecies, then Muhammad was a false prophet. I believe that Mohammad taught lies. I also believe that Satan is the father of all liars (John 8:44). Therefore Satan has to be the father of Mohammad. Mohammad was a false prophet (teacher) and the originator of Islam. Therefore, I believe that Islam is the FALSE PROPHET of the coming Holy War. And they have already begun their final war on Christianity. See: Jihad. Go back to top.

FATHER OF LIARS = Satan is the father of all liars (John 8:44). And, if Mohammad is lying about himself being a prophet and is lying about Jesus being only another prophet then Satan is the father of Mohammad. Who do you believe, Jesus or Mohammad? One of them is lying. One of them is a son of Satan.

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FEED MY SHEEP = This is what Jesus demands of all Christians in leadership roles especially as we approach the times of the end. He wants us today to feed His sheep with the meat of today. The meat of today is the approaching Christian Harvest and the SIGN of the Son of Man and the impending great troubles. Servants who will not watch out for the LUKEWARM of their houses (churches, Mat.24:43-45) to feed them this "seasonal-nourishment" will suffer their houses (churches) to be broken-up at Rapture. The LUKEWARM of their congregations will be spewed out of His mouth (Rev.3:16) -- left behind at Christian Rapture.

And because much is expected of God’s servants, those that are evil (Mat.24:48-51), over- cautious (2 Pet.3:4), fearful, and afraid of criticism and therefore do not warn the Lukewarm of their flocks (Ezek.3:17) that slothfulness is unacceptable to Jesus, and that the Rapture is near, will lose their own personal wedding garments (Mat-22:12). Such pastors to whom God has entrusted much, will not be allowed to attend the wedding. They will be cast into outer darkness (Mat.25:45-51) with the LUKEWARM of their flock. There, with no wedding garment (Mat.22:11), they will walk naked (Rev.16:15), and the LUKEWARM of their flock will see their shame (Rev.16:15). Go back to top.

FEW = The number of people who will actually be chosen to be the BRIDE OF CHRIST are FEW. The Few are not to be confused with the MANY that will be called (invited) to the wedding. The MANY that are invited to the wedding will actually be the guest of the FEW that are CHOSEN to be the Bride.

The FEW will be the FIRST FRUITS unto Jesus and the Father (I Cor.15:22, Rev.14:4). These are the FIRST-RIPE of the Earth (Na.3:12, Mic.7:1, Jer.24:2, Song of Sol.4:16). This is the early fruit, the First Fruit that has ripened, and it will be eaten by the gardener even before the Summer Harvest (Is.28:4).

These are they that die without condemnation (John 5:24, Rev.14:3-5) - having not committed adultery with false gods (Jer.3:14, 5:7-8, Ezek.16:32-33, 23:37, Rev.2:22). They immediately ascend to Heaven at the very moment of their deaths (Mat.22:32, John 5:24). They do not sleep in the graves (John 5:24, Mat.22:32) awaiting His call (I Thes.4:15-16). He has “CHOSEN” them to be the virgin bride (Mat.22:14, 20:16, Eph.1:4) of Christ.

This group will come from the descendants of Isaac (Rev.7:14, 14:3) with whom the Covenant of Abraham has been inherited (Gen.17:19). Christians are also included in this group as Christians are the LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL that Jesus came to seek and to save. The “Sea” (not of Abraham’s descendants) will contribute very few (if any) to this “Virgin” group (Is.23:4).

There will be 12,000 from each of the tribes of Israel except the tribe of Dan (Rev.7:4). Manasseh, son of Joseph, will replace the tribe of Dan, therefore Joseph will be represented twice. Most of this group are already in Heaven preparing themselves as a bride prepares herself for her wedding (Rev.19:7-8). The CHOSEN Bride will be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white (Rev.19:8).

Jesus identified some members of this group as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Mat.8:11). He said plainly that these three persons are not dead, but alive (Mat.22:32). He also identified His disciples as CHOSEN (John 15:16, 19, Acts 1:24). Paul is also CHOSEN (Acts 24:14). We could probably add the great prophets of the Bible, and many other great names of the Bible to the list of the CHOSEN FEW. And I think that you and I could probably name others that have lived and died since the time of Christ on Earth. There are even some that are still alive today who I know will become a part of the Bride.

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FIERY FURNACE = The fiery furnace will be the means by which the physical bodies of those that refuse to bow down to the GOLDEN IMAGE and refuse to take the MARK OF THE BEAST are disposed. Just as it was during the time of Neburchassar (Dan.3:6, 20), and again in WWII (Holocaust), it will again be in the time of Great Tribulation. God often refers to bringing His unfaithful wives back into line with fiery trials. Is it just coincidental that Jewish bodies from floods of Biblical deaths are disposed of in Fiery Furnaces.

Awareness of the Fiery Furnaces will be the trials, the purifying agent (see: RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT) of GREAT TRIBULATION (Mat.13:50). Its purifying fires will refine the dross gold, descendants of Abraham, (Jas.5:3, Lam.4:1-2) into PURIFIED GOLD like transparent glass (Re.15:2, 3:18, Zech.13:9, Eze.22:19-22, I Pe.1:7).

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FIRES, PURIFYING = These are the trials and punishment of Great Tribulation (Re.15:2, 3:18, Zech.13:9, Is.33:14, Re.14:8, II Pe.3:14, Eze.22:19-22). These are the purifying fires (Re.3:18) that will refine the pure gold. Its purifying fires will refine the dross gold (Jas.5:3, Lam.4:1-2) into purified gold like transparent glass (Re.15:2, 3:18, Zech.13:9, Eze.22:19-22, I Pe.1:7). This punishment will make reconciliation for iniquity (Dan.9:24).

To gain salvation during Great Tribulation, LUKEWARM Christians, Jews, Arabs, etc. will have to suffer their own trials (Zech.13:9, Rev.2:10, Dan.12:10), scourging (Mat.10:17, Is.28:15), and deaths (Rev.2:10, 6:8, 14:131 Mat.10:21,28, 38-39, 24:22, Is.28:15, Dan.11:33-35, Rev.13:7, 12:17, 11:7) just as Jesus suffered these same punishments for the iniquities of His “productive” Christian followers. Jesus made the yokes of His followers “easy” (Mat.11:30). The burdens of Earth-dwellers will not be easy. They will literally have to take up their crosses and follow Him (Mat.10:38-39).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.

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FIRST RESURRECTION = There will be two Resurrections (Re.20:5-6). The First Resurrection will be those that are awakened by the trumpet of God (I Thes.4:16, I Cor.15:52) at the Christian Harvest. They will put on immortal bodies and will not be subject to a second death (Re.20:5-6). Those of the SECOND RESURRECTION will be awakened (John 5:28-29) at the time of the Millennial Rule to live with, and to get a chance to know, Jesus (Is.11:9). However, those of the SECOND RESURRECTION will be subject to the SECOND DEATH. Go back to top.

FIRST DEATH = The first physical death endured by the mortal human body. Everyone will die in some fashion or another for we will all put aside our mortal bodies (I Cor.15:53). This is the first death. All will die and all will live again (John 5:28-29). However, those awakened in the first resurrection will not be subject to a SECOND DEATH (Re.20:5-6).

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FLIGHT = the actual ascension into Heaven of those that are being taken in a particular harvest (Acts 11, 1 Thes.4:17, Rev.11:12, Is.60:2-3,8, Ex.19:4, Is.40:13). Go back to top.

FLOCKS, OTHER = Jesus has many flocks to gather, not just the Christian church. (John 10:16, Is.62:2-3, Zech.9:16). Each flock will be a crown upon His head (Re.19:12). Jesus will eventually be a King of Many Crowns. Go back to top.

FLOOD OF DEATHS= An overbearing, overwhelming, enormous number of Jewish deaths (Ps.90:5, Dan.9:26, Na.1:8, Ma.24:39, Re.12:15-16) – near genocide of the Jewish race. (See: OVERFLOWING SCOURGE, POGROMS, and DEATH TRIALS). Go back to top.

FOURTH REICH = See: REICH, FOURTH. Go back to top.

FRUITS = What one produces, whether it be a tree or a person or what God has produced. The fruits of the Earth are the souls of men. The fruits of Christian work (Mat.7:16, 21:43, 2Cor.9:10, Phi.1:11, Re.22:2) are the souls reached by the Laborers. God is the Husbandman of the Earth (Mat.21:34, 2Titus 2:6). Go back to top.

FRUITS, FIRST = These are the first ripe of the harvest that when the farmer sees them, he immediately picks them and eats them. God is the husbandman. The Earth is His garden. These are the fruits that are ripened BEFORE the first Harvest (2 Sam.16:1, Is.16:9, Jer.48:32, Mic.7:1, Mat.21:41). These are the Bride of Christ, being the first fruits of God’s garden unto Jesus and the Father (Re.14:4, Jas.1:18, Ro.8:23, 16:4, I Cor.15:10, 15:23, 16:15). God demands our first fruits (Eze.48:14, Ex.23:19, Le.2:12, Neh.10:35, Jer.2:3, Eze.20:40, 44:30). Go back to top.

FRUITS, SUMMER = These are the fruits that are ripened in the prime time for growing. It is usually the biggest Harvest. This is the most fruitful harvest. This is the CHRISTIAN HARVEST. These are the fruits that are ripened for the first Harvest (2 Sam.16:1, Is.16:9, Jer.48:32, Mic.7:1, Mat.21:41). Go back to top.

FRUITS, WINTER = These are the late fruits planted for the latter rain that will be harvested in the winter. Pray that your flight (harvest) will not have to wait for winter (Mat.24:20). Go back to top.

GATES = A portal or means by which the eternal life is accessed, symbolic of the 12 tribes of Israel (Re.22:14, Eze.48:31, Jer.14:2, 17:25, Lm.1:4, Zech.8:16). The foundation of new Jerusalem is made of the 12 Christian disciples of Jesus (Ps.118:19, Is.26:2, 60:18, 62:10-12. These are the twenty-four elders of Heaven (Re.4:4). Go back to top.

GLASS, TRANSPARENT = This is the redeemed of Great Tribulation that have been purified in the fires (Re.15:2). They have gotten VICTORY OVER THE BEAST (Re.15:2) and have been gathered by the newly crowned Christian King (Re.14:14) like unto the Son of Man (Re.14:14) at the Harvest of the Earth (Re.14:15-16, 21:18,21). To late to get white robes for the wedding, these will be awarded the Harps of God (Re.15:2). Go back to top.

GLORY OF JESUS = The saved souls of mankind is the Glory of God (Is.43:7, I Cor.11:7) His gathered flocks will become His glory (Is.46:13, 62:3, Jer.13:11, Jer.33:6-9, Mat.25:31). Go back to top.

GNASHING OF TEETH = is the anger of indignant, irate so-called Christians and “great” Christian leaders who will be LEFT BEHIND because they did not feed their flocks the Meat of the Season (Mat.24:45-51) and/or because Jesus really never knew them (Mat.7:22-23). See: FEED MY FLOCK and NAKEDNESS. Compare to: WEEPING. These are lazy (Mat.25:25) unprofitable (Mat.25:30, Re.3:15-16) pastors and priest that figure they have earned their way into heaven and great glory (Mat.13:41-42,50, 24:48-51). Some of these will have used Christianity for their own glory and to line their own pockets. These “holier than thou” persons will be bound hand and foot and cast (Mat.22:12) into OUTER DARKNESS where the congregations of their LEFT BEHIND flock (Mat.24:48-50) will see their NAKEDNESS (Re.16:15, 3:17:18 – their lack of a WEDDING GARMENT (Mat.22:12),). These “naked” pastors will be charged by Jesus to witness for Him (buy for Him gold) during the time of their FIERY TRIALS (Re.3:18) in order to earn their heavenly rewards (riches), and to get their heavenly garments (Re.3:18).

Some of the irate and angry gnashing of teeth will be by those LEFT BEHIND in OUTER DARKNESS that have been taught and believe that the ABRAHAMIC COVENANT is their passport to heaven (Mat.3:9, 8:10-12). Go back to top.

GOLD = The once corrupt (Jas.5:3, Lam.4:1-2) souls of Great Tribulation who were converted by the SIGN of the Son of Man and were able to remain faithful to Jesus and to endure the purifying fires (Re.15:2) of Great Tribulation (Re.3:18, I Pe.1:7). The Bible likens them as to pure gold (Zec.13:9, Mal.3:2-3, Hag.2:6-9, Re.1:13, Re.21:21). Go back to top.

GOLDEN IMAGE = A statue of Anti-Christ erected in Jerusalem after the Pope of Great Tribulation moves the Vatican from Rome to Jerusalem.

After abolishing all worship of Jesus, the Anti-Christ Pope shall erect a GOLDEN STATUE of himself (Dan.3:5-7, 11:31, Rev.13:14-15) that shall appear to come alive and speak. The Fourth Reich from which Anti-Christ will get his powers (Rev.13:12), will then issue a mandate that everyone in the whole world must turn their face towards Jerusalem and bow down and worship the GOLDEN IMAGE OF ANTI-CHRIST at given intervals (Dan.3:5-6). Everyone who will not bow down to this golden image will be killed, beheaded (Re.20:4), etc. and their bodies thrown into the fiery furnace – just like the Jews of Daniel’s time under the reign of Nebuchadnezzar. See: ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION, DEATH TRIALS, DEATH AND HELL, POGROMS, AND OVERFLOWING SCOURGE.

The worshipping of this Golden Image of Anti-Christ is what Jesus identified as the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION (Mat.24:15) spoken of by Daniel the Prophet (Dan.3:1-7, 11:31).

To save their physical life (Rev.14:9-12, Mat.10:28, Is.28:15) by bowing down to the GOLDEN IMAGE, even after Jesus has shown them His SIGN, is the abominable act that God shall hate so much that it will render their souls desolate (Rev.14:9) - no further opportunity for salvation. Worshipping this GOLDEN IMAGE will cause EARTH DWELLERS to suffer eternal punishment (Rev.14:9-11). Go back to top.

GREAT TRIBULATION = The time period of “The End” is generally accepted by most Bible scholars as the Seventieth Week of Daniel. This will be the time of great trials and troubles (Re.2:22, Mat.24:21) -- the time of Jacob’s Trouble (Jer.30:7). These great trials, pains, and sorrows will be possible because there will be no inhibitor (Holy Spirit) or the Christian Church to stop the full onslaught of Satan (II Pe.3:14).

This will be a test of new Christians converted by the SIGN of Jesus. (Re.2:10, James 1:12) To gain salvation during Great Tribulation, LUKEWARM Christians, Jews, Arabs, etc. will have to suffer their own TRIALS (Zech.13:9, Rev.2:10, Dan.12:10), SCOURGING (Mat.10:17, Is.28:15), and DEATH (Rev.2:10, 6:8, 14:131 Mat.10:21,28, 38-39, 24:22, Is.28:15, Dan.11:33-35, Rev.13:7, 12:17, 11:7) just as Jesus suffered these same punishments for the iniquities of His “productive” Christian followers. These are the BIRTH PANGS (I Thes.5:3) that the House of Judah must suffer to bring fourth fruit to her husband.

This will be the FIERY trials for Jews and LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS that have been converted by the SIGN (Mat.24:30) of Jesus at CHRISTIAN HARVEST (Re.2:10, James 1:12). Those that remain FAITHFUL to Him during their trials will be harvested in the HARVEST OF THE EARTH that will occur 1335 days after CHRISTIAN HARVEST (Dan.12:12, Zech.12:10, 13:9, Ho.6:11– see TIME CHART). No, we don’t know the hour or the day of Christian Harvest (Rapture), but after Christian Harvest the “time-frame” of things to come is Biblically outlined for us.

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.

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GROOM = Jesus will be the Groom (Mat.25:10, John 3:29, Like 5:34-35 of the Heavenly (Christian) wedding (Luke 12:36, Dan.7:13-14, Mat.22:2-14). The CHOSEN FEW will be His BRIDE. Go back to top.

HARLOTRY, SPIRITUAL = When a “Spiritual” person submits to the SPIRITS OF DARKNESS for worldly gain. “He then has a relationship with the Devil.” That person has committed adultery against God. Adultery with false gods means to revere more, love more, give more attention to anything, or anyone, more than you do God (Mat.22:36-40). PUT GOD FIRST IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Go back to top.

HARPS OF GOD = These will be the identifying symbols given to those who remain FAITHFUL to Jesus after seeing His SIGN as He harvests His Christian Church. Those awarded Harps of God will be harvested by Jesus at the HARVEST OF THE EARTH (Re.14:14-16, 15:2) at the culmination of Great Tribulations. Compare the identifying WHITE ROBES of the guest that are invited (called) to the Wedding, to the WHITE LINEN of the BRIDE, to the Harps of EARTH-DWELLERS that do not get to attend the wedding. Even though they were subjected to extreme duress and pain, those receiving the HARPS OF GOD did not worship the BEAST, nor did they accept His MARK (Re.15:2). They are identified as FAITHFUL. Among the “HARPERS” will be the JEWISH KINGDOM (Mat.8:12) that Jesus will deliver up to the Father in their own time (I Cor.15:22-24). Go back to top.

HARVEST = The harvest is mankind to be taken up to Heaven. The gathering of the mankind will be done by the Son of Man. There will be at least two harvests: the SUMMER HARVEST (Christian) and the WINTER HARVEST (HARVEST OF THE EARTH) for the descendants of Abraham. There will be other harvests of which Christians are not aware (John 10:16). And there will be a great harvest of the SEA after the Millennial Rule of Jesus on Earth. For more about harvesting the SEA, see Millennial Reign. See also: HARVEST, Pre-GREAT WHITE THRONE. Go back to top.

HARVEST CHRISTIAN – This harvest shall occur at the appearance of the Son of Man when He sets His SIGN, His proof, in the clouds of Heaven for the entire world to see. This is the SUMMER HARVEST – often called the RAPTURE. This is the harvest for the LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL that Jesus came to seek and to save. They will be MANY, a NUMBERLESS MULTITUDE (Re.7:9-14) that will be invited (called) to the wedding. Go back to top.

HARVEST OF THE EARTH = The message of this booklet is not so much about Christian Harvest as it is about all of the other harvests. Generally Christians “should be” ready and are anxiously awaiting the Christian Harvest (Rapture). Therefore the message of End Time Prophecy should direct much of its attention to God's plans to harvest the rest of the Earth and the Sea (Rev.14:14-16, Mat.13:39).

There will be a second great harvest that will occur 1335 days (Dan.12:12) AFTER the harvest of the Christian Church (see the TIME-CHART). NO, we cannot date Christian Harvest, but the days are Biblically numbered between Christian Harvest and what the Bible identifies as the, “HARVEST OF THE EARTH” (Rev.14:14-16). Even Satan knows the timetable (Rev.12:12).

The HARVEST OF THE EARTH (Re.14:14-16) is the WINTER HARVEST. It will be for Jews (Ho.6:11, Luke 12:36, Mat.25:31, Zech.13:9), Arabs, and others who believe in God, but until Jesus put HIS SIGN, (proof), in the sky (MAT.24:30) had refused to accept Jesus to be God's Son. This is the harvest for all the rest of mankind including LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS and unbelievers that had to see PROOF, His SIGN (Mat.24:30), to accept Him. They will be harvested (Is.26:9) after their GREAT TRIBULATIONS. If they remain FAITHFUL to Him during their Great Tribulations, they will be harvested in the Harvest of the Earth, the Winter Harvest, immediately before WRATH (Re.18:4).

Pray that your flight (harvest) be not in the winter or in the day of those keeping the Sabbath (Jews), because if it is you will endure Great Tribulations, paraphrased from Mat.24:20-21).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation. Go back to top.

HARVEST OF FIRST FRUITS (I Cor.15:22, Re.14:4, Is.28:4) -- This harvest is on-going at this very moment. These persons are CHOSEN (Is.41:8-9, 42:1, Mat.22:14, Jo.13:18, I Cor.15:22). As they die, they immediately go to be with the Lord (Jo.5:24, I Cor.15:51) where they then prepare themselves to become the BRIDE OF CHRIST (Re.19:7-8). Christians that die and are not CHOSEN will wait in their graves (I Cor. 15:52, I Thes.4:16-17) for the FIRST RESURRECTION day. Go back to top.

HARVEST, Pre-GREAT WHITE THRONE – There will be a Harvest for those that are resurrected for the Millennial Rule immediately before the Great White Throne Judgment. Those that have never had an opportunity to know Jesus will be made alive at the Second Resurrection. These are they that lived before Jesus’ time and/or they lived in remote corners of the Earth and have never had an opportunity to know Jesus. They will be resurrected (John 5:28-29) at the beginning of the Millennial Rule and will live under Jesus’ care for 1000 years. There will be peace on Earth with no demonic influence. At that time the KNOWLEDGE of Jesus will fill the Earth as a flood (Is.11:9, 26:9). And I ask, “Is our Lord fair?” Praise the Lord of Heaven.

But the dead of Great Tribulation (those that have made a covenant with Death and Hell (Is.28:15-18, Re.6:8, 14:9-12) will not live again until after the Millennial Rule (Re.20:5). They will be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment. Therefore, they will miss the Millennial Rule.

All that have ever lived, except souls taken in earlier harvests, and except the dammed that have made a covenant with Death and Hell (Is.28:15-18, Re.6:8, 14:9-12) during their Great Tribulations, will live again for the Millennial Rule. At the end of the Millennial Rule, Satan will be released from the Bottomless Pit to go out to deceive all who will follow him. Consider that ALL will be made alive again to get to know Jesus. Yes, even evil serial killers and rapist, even Adolph Hitler, will live again to get to know Jesus.

In making the next statement remember that the evil of yesterday will be living during the Millennial Rule. With that in mind, a great many of those made alive in the Second Resurrection (for the Millennial Rule) will immediately follow Satan after His release. Their true colors will then come out.

Satan will be very convincing. Many millions that have lived during the Millennial Rule with Jesus and have gotten to know Him well, will desert the Millennial King to follow Satan (Re.17:8) in his final attempt to overthrow Jesus. …none of the wicked will understand (Dan. 12:10). And as they surround Jerusalem, where Jesus will be ruling, fire will come down from Heaven and destroy them (Re.20:7). This will be their second and final death (Re.20:6).

Those of the Millennial Rule who do not follow Satan and remain loyal to Jesus will be awarded life eternal with Jesus. Many shall be purified and made white and tried, …the wise shall understand (Dan.12:10). Why else will there be a time for the Earth to be full of the KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS? Why else would Satan be released again for a short time (Re.20:3) to temp the nations (Re.20:7-8). The Millennial rule is their opportunity to get to know Jesus. The release of Satan out of the bottomless pit is their trial that will purify them. Those that pass the test will be awarded eternal life.

Then will come the GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT of those that are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. These will be cast into the Lake of Fire. Go back to top.

HARVEST, SPIRITUAL = The gathering of mankind by the Son of Man. God put us here on earth. He told us to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the Earth. The Earth has been replenished and therefore very soon now God will send Jesus to harvest this Earth. He is the Husbandman and we are the vine (Ja.5:7, Jo.15:1). Go back to top.


HARVEST, SUMMER = This is the CHRISTIAN HARVEST often called THE RAPTURE. Go back to top.

HARVEST, WINTER = The “WINTER” is the time of GREAT TRIBULATION. Therefore Winter Harvest will be the harvest for LEFT BEHIND believers that were converted by the SIGN of the SON OF MAN as He gathered the SUMMER HARVEST. Winter Harvest is the HARVEST OF THE EARTH. This is the harvest produced by the LATTER RAIN (James 5:7). This is what Jesus alluded to when He said, “Pray that your flight be not in the winter.”

Pray that your flight (harvest) be not in the winter or in the day of those keeping the Sabbath (Jews), because if it is you will endure Great Tribulations, Paraphrased from Mat.24:20-21).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.

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HE WHO PREVENTS = That man of perdition cannot take control of Earth as long as He who prevents is still on Earth (II Thes.2:7). He who prevents is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit works thru the fervent prayers of True Christians to inhibit the activities of Satan. However, He will leave Earth with the Christian Church. He will be taken out of the way by Jesus at the CHRISTIAN HARVEST and the Earth will be plunged into OUTER DARKNESS --SPIRITUAL DARKNESS. There will be no Comforter for those converted by His SIGN. Go back to top.

HEAVEN = An eternal home of peace and bliss, no tears, no death, for all of us as promised by the Father and the Son. Go back to top.

HELL = Eternal burning torment. Hell is for Satan, the Anti-Christ, the False Prophet (Rev.20:10), all of the fallen angels (Mat.25:41), and all who are not found in the Book of Life (Re.20:15). Hell is also for all who after seeing the SIGN of the Son of Man in the clouds of Heaven (Mat.24:30) still choose to follow Satan (II Pe.2:20) by worshipping the beast and his image (bowing to the golden image) and receive the Mark of the Beast in his forehead or in his hand (Re.14:9-11). Go back to top.

HELL, (ANTI-CHRIST) = A part of the deadly duo the Bible identifies as “DEATH AND HELL” The Bible identifies the final flood of Jewish deaths as an OVERFLOWING SCOURGE (Is.28:15). During GREAT TRIBULATION the great and final trials (Dan.9:24) of Daniel’s people the Jews, Death and Hell will arrest, try, execute, and incinerate all who will not bow down to the GOLDEN IMAGE of the BEAST. Many Jews and others of those Left Behind will take the MARK OF THE BEAST and worship the GOLDEN IMAGE in an attempt to escape DEATH at the hands of the Anti-Christ (Is.28:15). However, Jesus said to fear not him who is only able to kill you. Fear him more that is able to take your life and your soul. Those who submit to Death and Hell will actually make a covenant with them (Is.28:15-18). And by entering into this covenant in an attempt to save their physical lives, they have doomed their souls to hell (Mat.10:28, Re.14:9-11). And they will lose their lives anyway, because the BEAST will eventually kill them anyhow. The BEAST and the ANTI-CHRIST are the Death and Hell of Great Tribulation (Re.6:8, I Cor.15:26, Re.1:18, 20:13).

To escape Hell during Great Tribulations, Earthdwellers must wait Faithfully for Jesus to return for them even to the point of losing their lives for Him. Those LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation. Go back to top.

HOLOCAUST = An attempt to genocide the House of Judah (Jews). The first occurred in the first century by the Romans. The second was by the Germanic Third Reich in WWII. The third will be at the hands of Germanic FOURTH REICH after Christian Harvest. There were many smaller attacks and persecutions of Jews throughout the past 2000 or so years. See “Pogroms” in your encyclopedia). However, they were not to the magnitude of genocide as was the holocaust. The Bible identifies the final flood of Jewish deaths as the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE (Is.28:15). During the great and final trials (Dan.9:24) of Daniel’s people the Jews, the FOURTH REICH will be arrest, try, execute, and incinerate all who will not bow down to the GOLDEN IMAGE of the ANTI-CHRIST. Many Jews will take the MARK OF THE BEAST and worship the GOLDEN IMAGE in an attempt to escape death and punishment at the hands of the BEAST (Is.28:15), and thusly will doom their souls to hell (Mat.10:28, Re.14:9-11). The Beast and the Anti-Christ are DEATH AND HELL of Great Tribulation. (Re.6:8, I Cor.15:26, Re.1:18, 20:13). Go back to top.

HOLY CITY, JERUSALEM, DESTRUCTION OF = The HOUSE of JUDAH is Biblically synonymous with the City of Jerusalem (Dan.9:16, 24,25, Is.3:8, 12:10, Jer.29:2). The Holy City itself, and the Jews thereof (Is.40:2, Dan.9:24,26), are to be punished three (3) times (Ezek.21:27) before Jesus returns to take over and personally rebuild the city (Dan.9:24-25, Ezek.2 1:27, Is.44:28, 45:13). Jesus rebuilding the city is synonymous with God reestablishing His relationship with the Jews.

JERUSALEM was destroyed in 587 BC, and again in 70 AD. It will be destroyed again (burned, Mat.22:7) during the time of WRATH (Rev.6:16-17) that shall follow the HARVEST OF THE EARTH (Rev.14:16-20). This third and final destruction will occur at the hands of the “Kings of the East” (Rev.9:14-16, 16:12-14, Zech.14:2-3) and the FOURTH REICH. Then Jesus will return as the “WARRIOR” (Rev.19:11, 17:14) KING OF KINGS to destroy those that have fought against Jerusalem (Zech.14:12). The Bible refers to this destruction of the enemies of Jerusalem as the “CLEANSING OF THE TEMPLE” (Dan.9:12-14). Go back to top.

HOUSETOPS = A special place or position from which to be heard (Luke 12:3, Mat.10:27, 21:13). The positions (pulpits) of pastors and priests, etc. (Mat.24:45, 5:15, 23:38, 12:29,). The masters of the houses (Mat.23:30, 24:43). The Sheppard of the flock. Go back to top.

HOUSE, WHOLE = When both houses, the HOUSE OF JUDAH and the HOUSE OF ISRAEL, are spoken of in the Bible as being united in one house (Jer.13:11, Eze.37:11,16, 39:25, 45:6). Go back to top.

INDIGNATION = (Dan.11:36). The erection and worship of the Golden Image of Anti-Christ in the HOLY PLACE of Jerusalem during the time of Great Tribulations is the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION (degradation of Jesus - Mat.24:15) that can cause one’s soul to be cast into hell (Rev.14:9-12).

The Anti-Christ shall cast TRUTH, the teachings of Jesus, (Dan.8:12) to the ground and into the streets (Is.59:14. This ridicule of Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God (Dan.11:36) will be the same as the Jews did to Him when He was crucified. However, this time their degradation shall kindle His wrath. See also: DEATH TRIALS. Go back to top.

IDOLIZE = To revere, worship, love, become addicted to, can’t get enough of, a thing, a person, or an ideology. Americans idolizes sports, athletes, musicians, and movie stars. This is a form of worship. Anything you pay more attention to, give more attention to, love more than God, is Idolatry. You have placed the object of your affection above God. Americans attempt to tone it down and say it just an obsession. However, it is nothing less than Spiritual Adultery. SPIRITUAL ADULTERY means to revere more, love more, give more attention to anything, or anyone, more than you do God (Mat.22:36-40). PUT GOD FIRST IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Go back to top.

INIQUITY = Displeasing acts against God. Transgressions: (Dan.9:24 Ps.38:18, 85:2, 106:6). Iniquity is chastised with stripes (Ps.89:32, Is.53:5-6). Jesus was chastised with stripes for our iniquity. Breaking of God’s laws. Disrespecting God. Go back to top.

INVITED GUESTS = See: CALLED. These are those that are bidden to the Wedding. Many are called, invited to the wedding (Mat.22:9, Luke 14:16-23). The House of Judah was invited but were found to be not worthy (Mat.22:3,8). Jesus came to invite the LOST House of Israel (Mat.15:24). Go back to top.

ISRAEL, HOUSE OF See: ISRAEL, LOST HOUSE OF. This is today’s Christians. This is the house that Jesus came to seek and to save. THIS IS NOT THE GEOGRAPHIC NATION. This is not the HOUSE OF JUDAH. The Bible clearly makes differences between the two houses of the Children of Israel. Go back to top.

ISRAEL, LOST HOUSE OF = After being scattered by the sword into other countries (Eze.6:11, 11:16, 28:25, Is.45:25), the House of Israel became LOST – UNIDENTIFIABLE. She was persecuted, killed, and almost annihilated by the other nation into which she had been scattered.

For mere survival the HOUSE OF ISRAEL literally hid themselves among the inhabitants of other nations. They quit keeping God’s Sabbaths, circumcisions, and laws. They took on pagan holidays, religions, and rituals, etc. The HOUSE OF ISRAEL mixed with and married the pagan world. This made the descendants of the House of Israel unidentifiable to the world.

Eze. 34:5 And they were scattered, because there was no shepherd; and they became food to all the beasts of the field, and were scattered.

Eze. 34:6 My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my sheep were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and there was none that did search or seek [after them].

Eze. 34:11 For thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I myself, even I, will

search for my sheep, and will seek them out.

Jesus came to seek and to save the (Eze.34:11) unidentifiable, LOST, House of Israel (Mat.10:6, 15:24). And this writer believes that Jesus accomplished His mission. He has found and is even today continuing to save the LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL. His followers, those He has saved are today called Christians, therefore Christians have to be the descendants of the Lost House of ancient Israel. The House of Judah on the other hand is readily identified by their Sabbaths and customs. It is the House of Judah that God has brought home to Palestine to renew the geographic nation of Israel after approximately 2500 years of non-existence. Today the geographic nation of Israel would be better named Judah.

When Jesus came to earth, He came to save ONLY the LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL (Mat.15:24, 10:5-6, 18:11, Ezek.34:16). He declared, “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Mat.15:24). He told His disciples to go only to the Lost House of Israel (Mat.10:5-6). Jesus said, “You shall not have gone over the cities of Israel (because they will become so many and will spread so far) till the Son of man be come” (Mat.10:23). Now it stands to reason that if Jesus came to seek and save (Eze.34:11, Luke 19;10) only the Lost House of Israel (Mat.15:24), then the Lost House of Israel must be today’s Christians. To deny this is to claim that Jesus failed. Jesus said, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). Go back to top.

ISRAEL, NATION OF = This is today the country, the geographic nation of Europe named Israel. However, Its citizens are the remnants of the House of Judah. One must understand that it is the HOUSE OF JUDAH not the HOUSE OF ISRAEL that today makes up the country of Israel. God has called the remnant of the Jews that survived the holocaust of WWII home to occupy the “Land” of the Middle East “promised” to their ancestors. They called their renewed nation (after 2500 years of non-existence), Israel after their forefather. It could have been better named, Judah, for the settlers were all of the House of Judah – Jews (Ne.11:3). The country of Israel should not be confused with the unidentified lost descendents of the HOUSE OF ISRAEL that Jesus came to save. The House of Israel is today’s Christians. The HOUSE OF JUDAH is today the country named Israel. Go back to top.

JERUSALEM = the holy city of the Jews. The beloved city of Jesus. (Mat.23:27). The city of Jerusalem is often synonymous with the House of Judah (Jews). The city of Jerusalem, the Holy City itself, and the Jews thereof (Dan.9:24,26, Is.40:3 51;7), are to be punished three (3) times (Ezek.21:27) before Jesus returns to take over and personally rebuild the city (Dan.9:24-25, Ezek.2 1:27, Is.44:28, 45:13).

Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 BC, and again in 70 AD. It will be destroyed again (burned, Mat.22:7) during the time of WRATH (Rev.6:16-17) that shall follow the HARVEST OF THE EARTH (Rev.14:16-20). This third and final destruction will occur at the hands of the “KINGS OF THE EAST” (Rev.9:14-16, 16:12-14, Zech.14:2-3) and the FOURTH REICH of Europe. Then Jesus will return as the “WARRIOR” (Rev.19:11, 17:14) KING OF KINGS to destroy those that have fought against Jerusalem (Zech.14:12). The Bible refers to this destruction of the enemies of Jerusalem as the “CLEANSING OF THE TEMPLE” (Dan.9:12-14). Then Jesus will rule from Jerusalem for 1000 years (Jer.3:17, Zech.14:17). The Holy City is the Temple of God. The Jews are the Temple of God.. Go back to top.

JERUSALEM, SPIRITUAL = The city is symbolic of the Jewish nation. (Ps.125:2, Mat.23:27, I Ki.11:13, Ez.7:14, Dan.9:16, 24,25, Is.1:1, 2:1, 3:8, 12:10, 40:2, 52:9, Jer.4:3, 29:2). It is this Jerusalem that Jesus wept for (Luke 13:34). The city’s punishments coincide with the punishment of the HOUSE OF JUDAH. See: JERUSALEM. Go back to top.

JEWS TO BE SAVED = God will eventually be reconciled to the Jewish Kingdom (Dan.9:24) and save them at their appointed time (I Cor.15:24). He will forgive them (Zech.12:10, 13:9) and save them (Jer.33:7-11, 16) out of their great troubles, everyone that is written in the books (Dan.12:1). O Judah, He hath set a harvest for thee (Ho.6:11) at a time (I Cor.15:24) when He shall return from His Christian wedding (Lu.12:36, Is.46:13). The harvest for the Jewish nation will come at the end of Great Tribulations. It is called the Harvest of the Earth.

However, to gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.

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Jihad (This topic was taken and condensed from WIKIPEDIA: THE FREE ENCYCLOPEDIA that may be found on the internet at:

The links herein will take you out of this webpage to the listed items in the encyclopedia, WIKIPEDIA. But they have been left here for more detailed study.

Jihad and Islamic military jurisprudence. Jihad means "to strive or struggle" (in the way of God) and is considered the "sixth pillar of Islam" by a minority of Muslim authorities.[56] Jihad, in its broadest sense, is classically defined as "exerting one's utmost power, efforts, endeavors, or ability in contending with an object of disapprobation." Depending on the object being a visible enemy, the devil, and aspects of one's own self, different categories of Jihad are defined.[57] Jihad when used without any qualifier is understood in its military aspect.[58][59]

Within Islamic jurisprudence, jihad is usually taken to mean military exertion against non-Muslim combatants in the defense or expansion of the Islamic state, the ultimate purpose of which is to universalize Islam.

Under most circumstances and for most Muslims, jihad is a collective duty (fard kifaya): its performance by some individuals exempts the others. Only for those vested with authority, especially the sovereign (imam), does jihad become an individual duty. For the rest of the populace, this happens only in the case of a general mobilization.[63] For most Shias, offensive jihad can only be declared by a divinely appointed leader of the Muslim community, and as such is suspended since Muhammad al-Mahdi's occultation in 868 AD.[65] Go back to top.

JOY, EXCEEDINGLY GREAT = This is the joy of actually being harvested. The jubilation of being lifted into the air, of seeing Jesus (Is.66:5, I Pe.4:13, Jd.1:24, Is.12:3, 61:10, Phi.2:16). Go back to top.

JUDAH, HOUSE OF = After the Children of Israel split into two kingdoms, the House of Judah consisted of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. She is the wife of God and committed spiritual adultery against him. The HOUSE OF JUDAH is today the country named Israel. Jews are still identifiable to the world as they keep God’s Sabbaths. They were the salt of the EARTH, the light of the world (Mat.5:13-14). God had intended that they would bless the whole world. They were his wife. They committed SPIRITUAL WHOREDOM – ADULTERY. God decreed punishment upon the House of Judah.

The House of Judah has been punished, driven to near genocide (1st Century AD and WWII) two times. And they will be punished a third time after Christian Harvest (Great Tribulation). Their horrors and deaths during Great Tribulation will complete the reconciliatory punishment (Dan.9:24) for their sins. Their reconciliatory punishment is necessary because they have not accepted Jesus and the punishment He received in lieu of their sins. After they have witnessed the SIGN of the SON OF MAN, His PROOF, at the Rapture of the Christian Church, and have become a BELIEVER, and have suffered their own Reconciliatory Punishment, God will forgive them (Zach:12:10, 13:9) and Jesus will gather the Judean kingdom in their own time (I Cor.15:24) up to His Father in Heaven. Go back to top.

JUDAH, HOUSE OF, TO BE SAVED The House of Judah (Kingdom of Judah) will be saved in their own time (I Cor.15:22-24) even though at present they do not believe in Jesus. They will believe and be saved after they see His SIGN (I Cor. 15:22-24, Is.1:27, 29:18, 42:7, Is.45:25, 46:13, 59:20, Jer.23:6, 33:14-16, Zec.8:8, 10:6, Dan.12:1) in the heavens as He gathers His Christian Church. They will call upon the name of Jesus (Zech.12:10, 13:9) and anoint Him Most Holy (Dan. 9:24). God will eventually be reconciled to the Jewish Kingdom (Dan.9:24) and save them at their appointed time (I Cor.15:24). He will forgive them (Zech.12:10, 13:9) and save them (Jer.33:7-11, 16) out of their great troubles, everyone that is written in the books (Dan.12:1). O Judah, He hath set a harvest for thee (Ho.6:11) at a time (I Cor.15:24) when He shall return from His Christian wedding (Lu.12:36, Is.46:13).

However, to gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation. Go back to top.

JUDGMENT = A Judgment is an evaluation and/or determination, and finally the administration of reward or punishment. More than just decreed punishment, this word can also mean rewards (Mat.12:18, 23:23, Dan.7:22, Re.20:4). As well as it can mean punishment (Mat.5:22, 11:22, II Pe.3:7, Jd.1:6, Re.20:12). Go back to top.

JUDGMENT, GREAT WHITE THRONE = See also: MILLENNIAL RULE. A Judgment is an evaluation and/or determination, and finally the administration of reward or punishment. One must understand that the result of judgment can be more than just decreed punishment, the result of judgment can also mean reward (Mat.12:18, 23:23, Dan.7:22, Re.20:4). In the judgment of nations (Mat.25:31-46), King Jesus judges (evaluates) and then rewards.., or condemns. I believe that this is the Great White Throne Judgment because.., notice that it is being done by King Jesus setting upon His Judean throne (Mat.25:31). It is irrelevant at this juncture whether it is the same judgment or not. What is important is the fact that reward as well as condemnation is being rendered as a result of judgment. The Great White Throne Judgment will also be a time of reward for those that have accepted the Millennial Rule of Jesus and has remained loyal to Jesus even after Satan has been released for a short period to tempt them (Re.20:3, 7-9).

Death and Hell (Rev.6:8), and all Earth-dwellers (Re.20:13) that made a covenant with them (Is.28:15-18, Re.14:9-11), will also be resurrected (John 5:28-29), and judged at the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev.20:13). The dead of the SEA is judged here at the Great White Throne Judgment. Notice, however, that there is no mention of judging the DEAD of the EARTH at the Great White Throne Judgment. The Earth has already been judged.

At the Great White Throne Judgment, All that are not found in the book of Life will be cast into the Lake of Fire (Rev.20:15). Go back to top.

KING JESUS = Jesus will eventually become King of the Jews (Mat.25:31, Zech.9:9, Luke 1:26, Zeph.3:15, Re.15:3, 11:15, 17:4, 19:16, Ps.89:18, Is.43:15, Jer.23:5). The Bible recognizes Him as SON OF MAN until He sits upon His Judean throne (Mat.25:31). Notice that Son of Man is wearing a crown (for His CHRISTIAN CHURCH) when He harvests the Earth (Re.14:14). Notice that after the HARVEST OF THE EARTH (Re.14:14-16), at the beginning of His WRATH, Jesus is called God of the Earth (Re.16:1). Notice that when He finally returns to Earth, He is returning as a King with many crowns (Re.19:12). Consider that He has other flocks to bring into the fold, not just the Christian Church (John 10:16). Go back to top.

KING OF KINGS = Jesus will eventually become the King of the whole Earth. He will have many kingdoms (Re.19:16, Zech.14:9,16, Dan.7:13). Consider that He has other flocks to bring into the fold, not just the Christian Church (John 10:16). Go back to top.

KING, JESUS THE WARRIOR = Jesus will return to earth as the Warrior King (Re.19:16) placing His feet down on Mt. Olives which is before Jerusalem on the East (Zech.13:4). Returning with Him will be His armies (Re.19:14) which are the CALLED, the CHOSEN, and the FAITHFUL (Re.17:14). Upon His return the WARRIOR KING will destroy those (Zech.14:2) that have fought against Jerusalem (Zech.12:9) with the brightness of His coming (II Thes.2:8). And their flesh will melt away from their bones while the yet stand on their feet (Zech.14:12). Go back to top.

KINGDOM OF JUDAH) = This is the kingdom that Jesus is referring to (Mat.8:12). This is the HOUSE OF JUDAH. The Judean Kingdom (II Sam.7:13-16, I King 2:12, 9:5, II Ch.17:14, 22:10, Ne.9:35, Ps.22:28) is the Kingdom to which Jesus is heir. Jesus is not going to throw the children of His Heavenly Kingdom (Christians) into OUTER DARKNESS (Mat.8:12), He is going to cast the kingdom of the unbelieving Jews into OUTER DARKNESS. But at THE END (I Cor.15:24) of the Covenant days, God the Father will send Jesus to gather the kingdom of the Jews and deliver them up to God the Father (I Cor.15:24) at the Harvest of the Earth. Go back to top.

KINGDOM OF HEAVEN = The spiritual kingdom of God the Father that is in Heaven (Ps.103:19) but is ever present here on earth in the form of angels and the Holy Spirit. (Dan.4:3). Go back to top.

KINGDOM OF ISRAEL SPLITS INTO TWO = The descendants of Jacob (Israel) split into two kingdoms (I Kings 11:13,31, 2 Ch.10:19, 11:1-4, Ez.37:22). The Bible identifies the two kingdoms as the HOUSE OF ISRAEL and the HOUSE OF JUDAH (I Kings 11:13, 12:16-18, Ezek.37:16,22, Jer.3:18, 5:11,20, Ho.6:4, Is.8:14). It is God that identifies them as two families (Jer.33:24), not this author. It is God, as we shall prove, that is going to harvest these two families of Isaac at different intervals (I Cor.15;22-24) and reunite them (Ezek.37:16-19). I have learned not to question God.

Because of political bickering and jealousies, the two Houses split permanently. God has promised that one day He will reunite the HOUSE OF ISRAEL and the HOUSE OF JUDAH (Ezek.37:19, Jer:18, Ho.1:11, Romans 11:26). However, until after they are harvested by Jesus, they will remain two separate “houses” that will be “MADE ALIVE” - each in his own order (I Cor.15:22-24).

The two houses even had squabbles with each other, and if God had not intervened, they would have engaged in a very tragic war against each other (I Kings 12:21-24).

When both houses are mentioned in the Bible as a unit, they are referred to as the “whole” house of Israel (Ezek.37:11, 39:25, 45:6, Jer.13:11), and sometimes “ALL” of Israel (Romans 11:26). Otherwise, they are referred to as individual houses. These two houses are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with which God has established His covenant.

Modern day Jews are of the TRIBES of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. It is Biblically wrong to identify the Jews of today’s Israel as of the House of Israel (I Kings 12:21,23,24). The citizens of today’s country of Israel are of the House of Judah. Yes, the geographic location of their nation is named Israel. However, they are not the Biblically identified House of Israel.

The Biblical “HOUSE OF ISRAEL” includes all of the other tribes of Israel except the tribe of Dan. Remember that Dan is not included in the 144,000 virgins (Rev.14:1-5, 7:4-8) that make up the BRIDE OF CHRIST (Mat.25:1). (We will shortly discuss the Bride of Christ in great detail. Dan is the serpent that biteth the horse’s heel and maketh the rider to fall backwards (Gen.49:17).

After the children of Jacob split into two different nations, each of the two houses (Israel and Judah) played the Harlot (Jer.3:1-14, Jer.5:7-8,11, Ho.1:2) against God the Father by committing adultery with other Gods (Jer.3:14, 11:10-11, 31:32, Ezek.16:15-42). Their unfaithfulness would not go unpunished.


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KINGS OF THE EAST = This refers to what we call the Far East: India, China, Pakistan, Japan, North and South Korea, North and South Vietnam, etc. Their combined armies of 200,000,000 mobile war machines (Re.9:16-19) will engage the FOURTH REICH (European) armies in the Middle East and beat them back across the great river Euphrates (Re.16:12, 9:16) into an area just outside of Jerusalem called ARMAGEDDON.

There these two armies will engage in a great battle called the BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON (Rev.16:12). The Fourth Reich will be devastated at this battle. At this point the Fourth Reich will resort to Atomic weapons and of course the Kings of the East will retaliate with Atomic weapons. The dead will be numberless. Jerusalem itself will suffer great destruction (Zech.14:2, Re.18:8-18) in this battle (Re.16:12-10).

After this final battle, Jesus will return to Earth as the WARRIOR KING (Rev.19:11-16, Zech.14:3) to destroy those that have fought at Jerusalem and against Jerusalem (Zech.14:4). He shall destroy them with the brightness of His coming (II Thes.2:8). Their tongues will melt in their mouths, and their eyes will melt in their sockets (Zech.14:12) while they yet stand on their feet. Then He whose right it is (Ezek.21:27) will rebuild the temple (Zech.6:12-13) at Jerusalem, and shall rule the Earth (Zech.14:9) for 1000 years (Re.20:2-6). Go back to top.

KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING = This is the knowledge of who Jesus is and the understanding of what He has done for mankind. Those with KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING have the Spirit of God cohabitating with them (Ex.31:3, Pr.2:6, Is.11:2, 28:9, 53:11, Jer.3:15). Knowledge and understanding will increase at the time of the end (Dan.12:4, Ho.6:6). Being filled with the Holy Spirit will increase at the time of the end. Go back to top.

LABORERS = Christians with enough faith to work for Jesus. They are few (Mat.9:37-38,20:1). Faith that is too weak to induce a person to labor (work) for Jesus is dead (James 2:24). Many will be rejected in that day by Jesus because they have not done the will of the Father in Heaven (Mat.7:21-22). If their faith is LUKEWARM and they will be left behind at Christian Harvest – spewed out of His mouth (Re.3:16). See: LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS.

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LAKE OF FIRE = See also: HELL. Eternal punishment reserved for SATAN, the FALSE PROPHET, the BEAST (ANTI-CHRIST) and the FALLEN ANGELS (II Pe.2:4, Re.19:20), and those that will reject Jesus after seeing His SIGN (Re.14:14, 19:20). The Lake of Fire (Re.20:14) is for those that are not found in the Book of Life (Re.20:15). Go back to top.

LATTER RAIN = The POST-RAPTURE KNOWLEDGE that Jesus really is the Christ, He really is the Son of God, and He really will return (Luke 12:36) for those that WAIT for Him during GREAT TRIBULATION (Re.10:11, 11:1-14, Mal.4:5) is LATTER RAIN. The latter rain is the blessings of God for the era of Great Tribulation (Zech.10:1). This is rain for those that have become believers after seeing the SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN as He harvested the Christian Church. Much fruit of the earth will be produced by the latter rain (James 5:7, Dan.12:10, Hag.2:9). The latter rain will produce the fruit for the WINTER HARVEST – THE HARVEST OF THE EARTH. Go back to top.

LEFT BEHIND = These are those that will not be taken in the CHRISTIAN HARVEST. They have been left behind because they do not believe in Jesus. Or, even if they do, they don’t have sufficient faith in Jesus to produce works for Him. They have doubts that Jesus really is the SON OF GOD and that He really did come to sacrifice His life for their sins. They are Biblically identified as (EARTH-DWELLERS), and for their salvation will not occur until the Winter Harvest. They will have to WAIT for the Groom to return from marrying His CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Luke 12:36). Go back to top.

LIARS = Satan is the father of all Liars (John 8:44). Mohammad taught that Jesus was but a mere prophet. Now if MOHAMMAD is lying about Jesus being just another prophet then Satan is the father of Mohammad. And if Mohammad was a “prophet” then that makes him a FALSE PROPHET. Is the product of his teachings, ISLAM the FALSE PROPHET? Who do you believe, Jesus or Mohammad? One of them is lying. One of them is a son of Satan. The other is the Son of God. Go back to top.

LIGHT OF THE WORLD = Jesus is the Light (John 8:12, 1:4-5,7-9, Mat.4:16, Luke 2:32, John 12:35-36). of the world. Without Jesus, the world will be plunged into Darkness (John 1:5, 3:19, 9:5, 12:35-36). And there is coming a time of OUTER DARKNESS for those who will not believe (John 12;46) without having the proof of seeing His SIGN. Christians too, are the light of the world (Mat.5:14,16). When Christians are removed the world will be plunged into Darkness. Go back to top.

LINEN, CLEAN AND WHITE = This is the identifying WEDDING GARMENT of the BRIDE OF CHRIST (Re.19:8). Don’t confuse this wedding attire with the WHITE ROBES of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH, or the identifying HARPS of the FAITHFUL of GREAT TRIBULATION that wait for the Groom to return for them. Go back to top.

LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL See: ISRAEL, LOST HOUSE OF. The LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL IS TODAY’S CHRISTIANS (Mat.10:6, 15:24, Eze.34:16, Jer.50:6-7). Go back to top.

LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS = FAITH IS PERFECTED BY WORKS (James 2:22, Rev.3:2, Heb.6:1). Jesus measures the temperature (heat, Rev.3:15) of our faith by our WORKS (James 2:17, Rev.2:2,9,13,19, 3:2,8,15,18). Christian faith that is not strong enough to create works for Jesus is dead or lukewarm. These Christians will be cast into OUTER DARKNESS, LEFT BEHIND, spewed out of Jesus’ mouth ( Re.3:16) at Christian Harvest.

Jesus termed unproductive Christians as "SLOTHFUL” (Mat.25:26-30, Heb.6:2) and “LUKEWARM” (Rev.3:15-16). He warns (Rev.3:15, 2:22,16) that non-productivity (Mat.25:30, 16:27) is unacceptable (James 2:17, Mat.25:26). If you love Jesus, you must feed His Sheep (John 21:15-19).

BELIEF IS NOT ENOUGH! Christians must be thankful for the sacrifice Jesus made for our sins, and we must love God (Mat.22:37) enough to act for Him (Mat.25:30). Demons believe and tremble (James 2:19). Is Jesus going to save them from the torment He has planned for them? And because “BELIEF” is not enough, slothful, LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS are going to be SPEWED out of His mouth (Rev.3:16, Mat.25:30) at Rapture. Jesus said plainly that He is going to cast lazy (slothful) servants into Outer Darkness (Mat.25:30).

The Bible does tell us that we are saved by faith, and I believe this very much. However, the Bible also tells us that there are many degrees to our faith. Faith can be, “unyielding, unwavering, steadfast, bold, great, abundant, strong, sound, unfeigned, weak, lacking, and dead.

Weak, lacking, and dead faith, cannot be real faith because they do not produce action. “Faith” without action cannot be the real thing. Scripture does not lie. Jesus plainly sends the message that “slothfulness” (Heb.6:12, Mat.25:26) -- faith without productivity – is not real faith (Heb.6:12)? If we cannot be productive with even “one talent”, then Jesus is going to cast us into outer darkness with the hypocrites (Mat.25:26-30). It is He that says so, not me!

Because the faith of “slothful” Christians has not been perfected (James 2:17,20,22) by works, they will be left behind. They will have to “wait” (Dan.12;12, Luke 12:36) in outer darkness (Mat.25:30) with Jews and other Earth-dwellers. They, too, will have to wait (Dan.12:12) until Jesus returns from His Christian Wedding (Luke 12:36).

Therefore, the "GOOD NEWS" that another great harvest, the Harvest of the Earth, will follow Christian Rapture is not only for Jews and Arabs, it is also for the LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS, and everyone else (Rev. 14:14-16, 15:2, 20:4, Is.11:11-12) who will be left on Earth (I Thes.4:16-17, Mat.24:40-41) after Christian Rapture.

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.

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MADE ALIVE = To be made alive means to be raised from the dead, or harvested while yet carnally alive, and then granted eternal life in an immortal body. To be changed from mortal to immortal. Jesus identified “salvation” as a crown of eternal life - a new spiritual life that has no end. He promised that those who are “born-again” through Him will be MADE ALIVE forever. However, Each of us will be MADE ALIVE IN OUR OWN ORDER (I Cor.15:22-24). ALL WHO ARE GRANTED ETERNAL LIFE WILL NOT BE “MADE ALIVE” AT THE SAME TIME.

The Bible has separated the “made alive” opportunities of Abraham’s descendants into three groups. The book of Revelation identifies them as the CHOSEN, the CALLED, and the FAITHFUL. Each of these groups will be “made alive” in God’s own special preordained order. There will be other flocks that Jesus will harvest. However, our Bible teaches us very, very little about the other flocks.

Each of the descendants of Abraham, that are in Christ will be made alive in their own order. And although not many pastors teach this, the Bible is very specific on this matter. The First Fruits are the first to be made alive and will become the Bride of Christ. The First Fruits are passed immediately from death into life and have preceded us into heaven. They have been CHOSEN to be, and are now preparing themselves to be the Bride of the Son of Man. The Chosen are FEW. Some of the Chosen are still alive today. If they remain alive until CHRISTIAN HARVEST, they will be taken up with the CHRISTIAN CHURCH. However, they will join the Chosen Bride rather than stay with the invited guest.

The next group to be made alive will be Christ’s at His coming. These are they that will be invited to the Wedding of Son of Man to His Chosen Bride. The invited guest are MANY. This is the CHRISTIAN CHURCH, a number that no man can count. They will be harvested at the SIGN of the Son of Man. This will be the SUMMER HARVEST. It is this harvest that most of us have always been taught about. This is the Rapture. These, also, will belong to Christ. This is the Lost House of Israel. These are those that Jesus came to seek and to save. The LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL is the CHRISTIAN CHURCH.

Then at the end of the Abrahamic Era, in the midst of Great Tribulation, Jesus shall harvest the Kingdom of Judah and deliver them up to His Father. This will take place at the Harvest of the Earth also called Winter Harvest.

Then there will be those that will be made alive at the Great White Throne Judgment. If there were none that are going to be saved during the Millennial Rule, then why will there be a Millennial Rule on Earth. Why will the people of the Millennial Rule get 1000 years to know Jesus?

The inhabitants of the Millennial Rule are not to be confused with the “dead” of Great Tribulation that have accepted the Mark of the Beast and will not be raised up for the Millennial Rule. These dead persons will not live again until the 1000 year reign is over. Then they shall be judged by their works.

MADE WHITE = Cleansed by the blood of Jesus (Re.7:14). To be made sinless by His Sacrifice for our sins (Is.1:18, Dan.11:35, 12:10, Re.3:4,5,18, 4:4, 6:11). White robes are the attire for the Christian Wedding (Re.7:9,13,and 14). Go back to top.

MANY = This is the number of those that will be invited to the wedding (Mat.8:11. MANY are CALLED (Mat.22:14, He.9:28). Go back to top.


This new superpower of Europe, the Fourth Reich, will strengthen its grip on hapless America and other nations devastated by Christian Harvest by offering some measure of stability to their economically devastated governments. They will offer the destitute citizens of these nations an opportunity to buy and sell, import and export, on credit, by using (Rev.6:5) the new European credit system initially instituted in January, 1999. Right now private banks are already using this system. The concern to Earth-Dwellers will be when, after Christian Harvest, the new credit system will become the economic and political strength of the Fourth Reich-Vatican alliance. This will be a “state” or “secular-controlled” credit system backed by enormous ecclesiastical riches – a kingdom diverse from the first three (Dan.7:23).

No one under the control of the Fourth Reich will be allowed to buy or sell (Rev.13:16-17) without using the new credit system of the Fourth Reich. Remember that indebtedness is power to those that hold the liens. But, with this new credit system, credit cards that are often lost or stolen will not be used. Instead, invisible isobars will be tattooed into the skin of the right hand, or the forehead (Rev.13:16), of participants. As Earth-dwellers perform work to earn government Euros, they will be awarded buying credit, electronically, through some “humongous” computer located in Europe. As they make purchases, the government will subtract Euros from their account. HOWEVER, BE WARNED, THAT WHO-SO-EVER TAKES THIS MARK (accepts the tattoo so he can buy and sell, after witnessing the SIGN of the Son of Man) WILL BE DAMMED TO EVERLASTING TORMENT (Rev.14:9-11). Go back to top.

MEAT OF THE SEASON = It is a Biblical fact that there will still be a chance for Salvation after Christian Harvest. If you are a pastor, and God has given you UNDERSTANDING of end-time events, then you must immediately begin teaching the LUKEWARM of your flock (Mat.10:26-28): a) who they are, and b) why they are going to be left behind. What is whispered in your ear, you must shout from your pulpit (Mat.10:27). To reach the ears of your Lukewarm, (only God knows their heart) you must teach your whole congregation. To whom much is given, much is expected.

The meat of our season is the KNOWLEDGE that had to be sealed (Dan.12:4,9) until the time (era) of THE END (Ro.11:25). That’s today -- the time of the Christian Harvest. The harvest is plenty. Today, Jesus is carefully removing the seals (Rev.5:5), and training LABORERS (Jer.3:15) to teach the KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING (Jer.3:15, Dan.9:24, 12:4) of His plans for the “TIME OF THE END”. Servants who will not watch out for the LUKEWARM of their houses (churches, Mat.24:43-45) to feed them this "seasonal-nourishment" will suffer their houses (churches) to be broken-up at Rapture. The LUKEWARM of their congregations will be spewed out of His mouth (Rev.3:16) -- left behind at Christian Rapture.

“Evil” (Mat.24:48-51) over-cautious (2 Pet.3:4), fearful servants, who are afraid of criticism and therefore do not warn the Lukewarm of their flocks (Ezek.3:17) that slothfulness (Mat.25:26-30) is not acceptable to Jesus, and that the Rapture is near, will lose their own wedding garments (Mat-22:12). They will not be allowed to attend the wedding. They will be cast into outer darkness (Mat.25:45-51) with the LUKEWARM of their flock. There, with no wedding garment (Mat.22:11), they will walk NAKED (Rev.16:15), and the LUKEWARM of their flock will see their shame (Rev.16:15). Go back to top.

MESSIAH – The Jewish Savior. The Jewish Messiah is Jesus although they will not accept Him until they get their required SIGN (I Cor.1:22). Until they “see” His SIGN (Mat.24:30), they will not believe. But, they will believe and their knees will bow and their tongues will confess that Jesus is Lord (Re.1:7, John 1:11, Zech.12:10, 13:9). Go back to top.

MIGHTY MEN OF OLD = Giants, Sons of God.(Gen.10:9). Go back to top.

MILLENNIAL REIGN OF CHRIST = After returning to Earth as KING OF KINGS, and after cleansing the TEMPLE, Jesus will rule from Jerusalem for 1000 years on this planet before creating a new Heaven and a new Earth. Why? Why will the King of Glory reign for 1000 years on this “old”, polluted Earth when better things are accessible to Him? Well, I’ll tell you why. Jesus is going to give everyone who has ever lived (and did not get a chance to KNOW Him) a chance to get to know Him. That is what the Millennial Reign is all about.

Each and every soul that has ever lived on this planet (and was not taken in earlier Harvests) will be made alive again at some point or another during the Millennial Rule of Christ on Earth (I Cor.15:22, John 5:28, Is.26:19) in order to get to know Jesus. All will be made alive, even those dastardly obviously evil persons we have known and have read about that we feel are certainly bound for hell will be made alive and will get to know Jesus. Even though Jesus awarded salvation to the thief on thief cross that acknowledged Him to be the Son of God – He did not condemn the other thief to Hell. Yes, even that thief will live again to get to know the Son of God that he died with and did not recognize.

Many of the SEA lived on Earth before Jesus, and in remote corners of the Earth, and therefore have never had an opportunity to know Jesus. They will live again (John 5:28-29, I Cor.15:22, Rev.20:5, 20:13) and get to know Jesus during the Millennial Rule. All not taken in one of the harvests will live again during the Millennial Rule. This will be the SECOND RESURRECTION (John 5:28, Re.20:6) afforded mankind, and therefore this group will be subject to the SECOND DEATH at the GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT. Do not verses 5 and 6 of Revelation 20 tell you that there will be a second resurrection? Compare these verses to John 5:28-29.

Everyone that is resurrected in the Second Resurrection will be tried by the release of Satan at the end of the Millennial Rule (Re.20:7-10). This will not be a simple trial. Remember that Satan got 1/3 of all the angels in Heaven to follow him in a rebellion against God.

The CHOSEN, the CALLED, and the FAITHFUL are the GLORY (Jer.13:11, Is.43:7, 62:1-3) of God are the fulfillment of God’s Covenant with Abraham and All are part of the First Resurrection. The SECOND DEATH will have no power over them (Rev.20:6). They have been made alive each in his own order (I Cor.15:22-24), and will live and reign with Christ for 1000 years over those that are raised up in the Second Resurrection. They already have Crowns of Life (Re.2:10).

But, what about those that are made alive again in the SECOND RESURRECTION? It is best explained in this verse: …when thy JUDGMENTS are in the EARTH, the inhabitants of the WORLD will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS (Is.26:9). The judgments of Jesus will have been awarded to the Earth (descendants of Isaac) by the time He returns to planet Earth to rule (Mat.25:31,34). When Jesus is ruling on Earth, during the Millennial Rule, the whole world will learn Righteousness (Jesus) – will get to know Jesus.

Interpretation: …when thy JUDGMENTS (ETERNAL REWARDS AND DAMNATIONS) are in the EARTH (have been meted out to Abraham’s descendants), the inhabitants of the WORLD (the SEA, Is.11:9 – and everybody else) will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS (get to know Jesus – Is.26:9, 23:4, Re.20:13). The "Righteous EARTH" will, one day, reign with Jesus on this planet (Rev.20:6) and teach (Is.28:9, the “WHOLE WORLD” (Mat.26:13) the KNOWLEDGE of Jesus. The whole WORLD will be blessed (learn about Jesus) from the descendants of Abraham (Gen.18:17-18, 22:18, 26-4, EARTH).

Waters (knowledge of Jesus) will cover the Sea (those not of Abraham’s descent). Therefore the judgment of the SEA will occur at the end of the Millennial Rule (Re.20:13). “…and they shall be judged according to their works” …after they have had a chance to accept or reject Jesus. The Sea will not be condemned without having a chance to know Jesus. …the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as waters cover the sea. (Is.11:9).

Another interpretation: …when ABRAHAM’S COVENANT has been fulfilled and the worthy of his descendants have been awarded eternal life, they (the CHOSEN, the CALLED, and the FAITHFUL) will teach KNOWLEDGE (of Jesus) to those of the Sea (the rest of the world) that were resurrected for His Millennial Reign. …water shall cover the sea.

Will any of those resurrected for the Millennial Rule be saved? Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried: but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand: but the wise shall understand: Daniel 12:10.

The resurrected wicked will not be changed (given and eternal body). After the 1000 years is finished and Satan is released to tempt them, they will follow him and will be destroyed (Re. 20:7-10).

KNOWLEDGE OF THE LORD (Is.11:9) shall be in all the EARTH (descendants of Abraham), and they shall teach Righteousness to the Sea - as the water covers the SEA (Is.11:9, Hab.2:14). KNOWLEDGE of Jesus (living water) shall flow in two directions out from Jerusalem where He is ruling (Zech.14:8). This will occur at the time when Satan is bound and cannot interfere (Is.11:9, Rev.20:2). Why else would Satan be bound, if not to give the souls of the SECOND RESURRECTION an opportunity they have never had? Now I submit to you, “Isn’t our God just? Isn’t He fair?”

Then, after 1000 years Satan will be loosed out of his prison to deceive those of the Millennial Rule (Rev.20:7-8) – that their loyalty to God and to Jesus might be tried. All of those that are deceived by Satan (millions upon millions), will follow him in his last gasp attempt to overthrow Jesus at Jerusalem. They will be destroyed (Rev.20:8-10) by fire from Heaven. Those that remain loyal and have done good (John 5:29), will be awarded life eternal (Mat.25:46) at the GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT.

The dead of the Sea that were made alive during the Millennial Rule, and those that were alive and witnessed the SIGN of the Son of Man, but yet rejected Him (Re.14:9-13) will be raised again to face judgment, after the Millennial reign of Christ is over (Rev.20:5). They will be resurrected (John 5:28-29) at the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev.20:13) and judged according to their works. And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire (Hell). All will have had their chance to get to know Jesus (KNOWLEDGE).

DEATH AND HELL (Rev.6:8), and all EARTH-DWELLERS (Re.20:13) that made a covenant with them (Is.28:15-18, Re.14:9-11) during their Great Trials, will also be resurrected (John 5:28-29), and judged (punished) at the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev.20:13). Notice that there is no mention of judging the DEAD of the Earth (Abraham’s descendants) at the Great White Throne Judgment. That is because the Earth was judged (rewarded and punished) prior to Millennial Rule. …when thy judgments are in the Earth, the inhabitants of the world (everybody else) will learn Righteousness (Jesus), (Is.26:9).

The Great White Throne Judgment is a condemnation of the “dead” of the SEA (that followed Satan after his release form the bottomless pit), and a judgment of the dead of the Earth (that signed a covenant with Death and Hell, Is.28:15-18, Re.6:8, of Great Tribulation, Rev.20:15).

Notice that the “living” (that stayed loyal to Jesus after His Millennial rule) will not be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment. They have already been awarded eternal life.

At the Great White Throne Judgment, all that are not found in the Book of Life will be listed among the dead and will be cast into the Lake of Fire (Rev.20:15).

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MUHAMMAD = Muhammad taught that Jesus was but a mere prophet. Now if MUHAMMAD is lying about Jesus being just another prophet then Satan is the father of Muhammad, because Satan is the father of all liars (John 8:44). And if Muhammad was a “prophet” then that makes him a FALSE PROPHET and the product of his teachings, ISLAM is the FALSE PROPHET. Who do you believe, Jesus or Muhammad? One of them is lying. One of them is a son of Satan. See: Jihad. Go back to top.

MOUNTAINS = In prophecy mountains are the great religions of the world (Re.6:16, 16:20, 17:9, Mi.4:1, 6:2, Joe.3:18, Eze.36:1, Ps.87:1). At a time when EARTH-DWELLERS are LEFT BEHIND they will call upon their mountains (religions) and rocks (religious leaders) to save them from the WRATH of the Lamb (Re.6:16). Go back to top.

MOURN = To regret one’s rejection of Jesus (Amos 8:10, Zech.12:10-13, 13-6-9) after having been converted by His SIGN in the sky as He gathers His Christian Church. Notice that the “TRIBES OF THE EARTH”, Abraham’s children are going to MOURN (Mat.24:30, Zech.12:10, Jer.6:26, La.1:16) when Jesus displays His SIGN in the sky. There will be great “mourning” (regret for denying Jesus -- Zech.12:10-11, 13:6-9) among the tribe of Judah who He came to, but yet they rejected and crucified Him.

Christian Rapture, is the time when the Lost House of Israel (Christians) will have JOY, EXCEEDINGLY GREAT (I Thes.2:20, I Pe.1:8, John 16:22), while the other tribes (descendants) of Abraham will MOURN (Mat.25:30, Jer.31:10-13) greatly. They will mourn because the Judean Kingdom (Mat.8:12) will be cast into OUTER DARKNESS for not accepting their Messiah (John 1:11). There they must WAIT (Luke 12:36) for the groom to return from His wedding to gather them. But He will return for them and gather all that MOURN (Mat.5:4, Zech.12:10, 13:9, Ho.6:11).

They shall come with weeping, and with supplications will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble: for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn. (JER.31:9). Go back to top.

NAKEDNESS = No wedding garment (Re.15:16, Mat.22:12-13, Re.3:17). Pastors that do not FEED HIS SHEEP will walk naked (Re.3:17, 15:16), (no WEDDING GARMENT), at the time of Christian Wedding (Mat.22:10-13). They will be cast into outer darkness where their lukewarm congregation that has been left behind, will see their shame. His shame (nakedness) will be that his congregation will know then that they have not been feed with meat of the season,. The WATCHMAN has not watched for his flock.

Nakedness is Spiritual whoredom that leaves one desolate and out of favor with God (Na.3:5, Eze.16:36, La.1:8). Naked persons and nations cannot enter into the KINGDOM OF GOD (Na.1:8), therefore they will be (Re.15:16, Mat.22:12-13, Re.3:17) LEFT BEHIND. Go back to top.

NEW COVENANT = This is the sacrifice Jesus made to pay for the sins of all who will accept Him (Mat.26:28) that is written into the heart of all who love Him. This is the new promise of salvation (Jer.31:31, Ro.11:26,27). It is a spiritual covenant, it is not a covenant of law (II Cor.3:6). Go back to top.

NEW WORLD ORDER = See: FOURTH REICH and EIGHTH HEAD. This is a name that may be given the new controlling superpower of GREAT TRIBULATION. I choose to call this new super power the FOURTH REICH or perhaps the NEW WORLD ORDER.

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NUMBERLESS MULTITUDE = This is the number of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Re.7:9). They are MANY. Many are CALLED (invited) to the Wedding. They will wear WHITE ROBES (Re.7:13) for the wedding. They will come out of GREAT TRIBULATION because they have WEDDING GARMENTS washed white in the Blood of the Lamb (Re.7:14). Wedding garments mean that they will attend the Christian wedding (Re.6:11) and therefore will suffer only the beginning (Mat.24:8) of the horrors of Great Tribulation (Read Re.6:11, 10, and 9 in that order). The CHRISTIAN CHURCH will suffer only the BEGINNINGS OF SORROWS (Mat.24:8). Go back to top.

OUTER-DARKNESS = The “seat” of the kingdom of the beast (GREAT TRIBULATION) lies in darkness (Re.16:10). Jesus described the “WAITING” (Luke 12:36) place (Dan.12:12) of the CHILDREN OF THE KINGDOM as “OUTER DARKNESS” (Mat.8:12, Is.60:1-5, Jer.13:16). It is a place of weeping (MOURNING) by those who, after RAPTURE, regret their rejection of Jesus. It is also a place of GNASHING OF TEETH (anger) by indignant, irate so-called Christians who will be LEFT BEHIND because of their laziness (SLOTHFULNESS - Mat.25:26-30), and/or because Jesus really never knew them (Mat.7:22-23).

OUTER DARKNESS (Mic.7:8) is not eternal burning HELL as many Christians believe. It is rather a place without the LIGHT of the world (Is.42:7, La.3:1-2) -- a place without Jesus (John 8:12, 12:46), and without the HOLY GHOST who will be removed from this planet with the CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Outer Darkness is Great Tribulation. It is not Hell. But, it is on the verge of Hell (La.3:1-2). It is the SHADOW OF DEATH (Luke 1:17, Job 28:3, Ps. 23:4).

OUTER DARKNESS is the time when SATAN shall rule (II Pet.2:4, Jude 6,13,16, John 2:19, Rev.16:10, I Pet.2:9, Is.60:2, Eph.6:11) uninhibitedly, because He who now prevents Satan’s uninhibited rule (the COMFORTER (II Thes.2:7) and the CHRISTIAN CHURCH will be taken out of the way. The Comforter will be taken off this planet with the Christian Church. This will leave the planet in SPIRITUAL DARKNESS (Jo.8:12, 12:36,46, La.3:1-2, Amos 5:20, 8:9, Is.59:9, 60:2, 42:7, Jude 13, Zep.1:15).

Jesus is the Spiritual Light of the world (John 3:19). When Jesus left this planet (John 9:5, 12:35), He said I will not leave you (spiritually) alone. I will send a COMFORTER to you who will testify of me. Therefore, the Light of Jesus is still with us through the HOLY SPIRIT. When Jesus comes to gather His Church He will take the COMFORTER back with Him (II Thes.2:7). Without Spiritual Light (Jer.13:11, Eph.5:13-14) the world will be plunged into Spiritual DARKNESS which Jesus, the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY (Re.19:10) identified as OUTER DARKNESS (Mat.25:30, John 8:12, 12:46, 35, Lu.22:53, Acts 2:20). Those who walk in the LIGHT will not be caught by the thief of darkness (I Thes.5:2-5).

Those who believe in Jesus will not have to go through DARKNESS (John 12:46, Mat.8:12). The children of the JUDEAN KINGDOM do not believe that Jesus is their Messiah (John 1:11). Jesus said that the “CHILDREN OF THE KINGDOM” shall be cast into OUTER DARKNESS (Mat.8:12) where they shall have to “WAIT” for their “blessing” (Dan.12:12) until Jesus returns from His marriage (Luke 12:36) to His CHOSEN Bride.

Those with no WEDDING GARMENT (washed white in the blood of Jesus) will have to endure OUTER DARKNESS (Mat.22:13). During Great Tribulation some of the SPIRITUALLY BLIND Jews (Mat.15:14) that abide in outer darkness (Luke 12:36) will see a great light (Turn to Jesus - Mat.4:16). Those that sit in the SHADOW OF DEATH will have a light (His SIGN, Mat.24:30) spring up to them (Mat.4:16) – unbelieving Jews will get their required SIGN (I Cor.4:21), a light so they can “see” (Jo.9:39, Ro.2:19, I Jo.2:11).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation. Go back to top.

OVERFLOWING SCOURGE = See also: DEATH TRIALS. Earth-dwellers converted by the SIGN of the Son of Man, His proof, (especially the Jews living in Israel) and converted Arabs will be rounded up after the time of WITNESSES and put on trial for their lives (Re.2:10, II Pe.3:14) See: VICTORY OVER THE BEAST. The trial will be simple: deny Jesus, bow down to the GOLDEN IMAGE of ANTI-CHRIST and take the MARK OF THE BEAST.., or die (Re.13:15, 12:11, 2:10, 6:11, 14:13, 20:4, Mat.10:21,28,39, Zech.13:9). Those that die for Jesus will be saved (Re.2:10, Mat.10:21,28, Re.2:7,16-17, 3:5,10, 12:11). Those that take the MARK OF THE BEAST (make a covenant with DEATH AND HELL, Is.28:15,18) in an attempt to escape the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE of deaths will shortly lose both body and soul in hell (Mat.10:28, Is.28:15,18).

The DEATH TRIALS will be a time of great Jewish pain and suffering – a time identified as a FLOOD (Dan.9:26, Rev.6:8, 12:17, 13:7, Is.43:22) of Jewish Deaths.

I call this the DEATH TRIALS of the Jewish Christians converted by the SIGN of SON OF MAN. The trial will be simple, deny Jesus and accept the MARK OF THE BEAST, or die.

These trials and executions will be the final FLOOD of Jewish deaths. This great death toll of Jews is what the Bible identified as the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE (Is.28:15-18, Jer.6:22-26, Ezek.9:1-11). Your encyclopedia identifies earlier Jewish punishments as POGROMS. The OVERFLOWING SCOURGE is the RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT (Dan.9:24) the “born-again” birth pangs (I Thes.5:3, Is.13:8,19-21, 26:17-18, 54:1, John 16:20-22) that the Judean Kingdom must suffer to gain eternal life.

LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS, and others who are WAITING (Luke 12:36) for Jesus to return from His wedding must resist the wiles of Anti-Christ unto their death (Rev.13:15, 2:10, 6:11, 14:13, 20:4, Mat.10: 21,28,39, Is.43:22), or they must endure until Jesus APPEARS after His wedding to the CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Luke 12:36) in the sky (Rev.14:14, 15:2) for them (Ho:6:11, John 16;20, I Cor.15:24, Dan.12:12, Mat.24:22). This will occur at the HARVEST OF THE EARTH.

The DEATH TRIALS - OVERFLOWING SCOURGE (IS.28:15) will last for 45 days. From the time Christians (DAILY BREAD) are taken away (harvested) till the time ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION is set up shall be 1290 days (Dan.12:11). The Death Trials will last 45 days. Blessed is he who WAITS (LUKE 12:36) and cometh to the 1335th day (Dan.12:12).

The FAITHFUL saints of God who refuse to bow down to the GOLDEN IMAGE of ANTI-CHRIST will be SCOURGED --whipped and beaten (Mat.10:17) -- and immediately executed. Some will be decapitated (Rev. 20:4). Others will die by the sword (Rev.6:8), and yet most, the masses, will be executed in gas chambers (i.e. WWII Holocaust). Some will starve to death in the prisons (Rev.6:8). And I guess demons don’t change much - they seem particularly fond of feeding Christians to wild beast (Rev.6:8, First century Romans, Dan.6:16). The bodies of God’s dead Saints (Rev.13:7) will be disposed of in fiery furnaces (Is.41:22, WW II, Dan.3:6) just as they were in Daniel’s time, and just as they were during WW II.

This final flood of death (Dan.9:26) will be particularly hard upon the FAITHFUL of Great Tribulation who will be living in Israel (Rev.14:9, Ezek.9:4, Zech.14:2, Is.4:4, Jer.6:1). They will have no place to hide.

For 1290 days, God’s two principal WITNESSES of Great Tribulation will be invincible (Rev.11:3-5). They will destroy anybody who would hurt them, and will inflict the earth with plagues as often as they will (Rev.11:5-6). Anti-Christ forces will both hate and dread them. They will cause great resistance to Anti-Christ and will be the strength of the FAITHFUL saints of God. They will be an inspiration to other witnesses, and the FAITHFUL of God throughout the world (Dan.12:3).

Anti-Christ forces have been preparing for the time (they know the timetable, also – Rev.12:12) when they shall be able to overcome God’s Saints (Rev.1:7, 13:7) (See: WITNESSES). With this great victory over the here-to-fore invincible WITNESSES of God, Anti-Christ shall then go after all of God’s FAITHFUL all over the world. He will convert and force them to worship him, or he will kill them. He will arrest, try, and execute all who will not bow down to his golden image and receive his mark in their wrist or forehead. I call these the DEATH TRIALS. This will be the scourge of God. This will be Punishment before reconciliation with God. Anti-Christ forces will dispose of their bodies in open air incinerators (Dan.3:5-6, Mat. 24:15, WWII).

For the next 45 days, after overcoming the two Witnesses of God, there will be roundups (Mat.10:17, Rev.2:10), quick trials (Mat.10:19, Rev.2:10), and executions (Mat.10:21,22, Rev.2:10) of all who will not take the “tattoo” identifying mark of the Fourth Reich, and who will not bow down to the image of Anti-Christ. Anti-Christ forces will use every trick in the book to locate, arrest, and then “convert or execute” God’s Faithful – the Saints of Great Tribulation. And except those days be shortened (45 days) there should no flesh (of the Elect) be saved (Mat.24:22). But for the Elect’s sake those days will be shortened and the Elect of the Lord will be saved out of the hands of the Wicked (Ps.37:32-40). To the FAITHFUL who resist to their death God will give a crown of eternal life (Rev.2:10, Mat.10:22,28). The Son of Man will Harvest them at the time of Harvest of the Earth. And He shall deliver the Judean Kingdom, that was made to endure outer darkness, up to His Father in Heaven (I Cor. 15:24).

These passages apply to the Faithful of Great Tribulation as well as it did to the disciples of Jesus. It is not taken out of context. These words are eternal and apply to all throughout the ages. Those Left Behind would do well to absorb these verses.

And brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father shall deliver up his own child: and children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s (Jesus’) sake: but, He that endureth to the end shall be saved (Mat.10:21-22).

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell (Mat.10:28).

Fear none of these things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil

shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried, an ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. (Re.2:10).

And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it (Mat.!0:38-39).

Jesus’ ELECT of Great Tribulation will be betrayed by their own loved ones. Faithful parents will be forced to watch the scourging and executions of their own children (Mat.24:19) as part of the Satan’s effort to make them accept his mark and worship His Golden Image.

FAITHFUL EARTH-DWELLERS (Rev.6:10, 14:6, 13:6,8,14, 17:8, 11:10), must "ENDURE" (Mat.24:13, 10:22) these great trials (Rev.3:10, Mat.24:21-22) to their deaths. They must never deny that Jesus is the Son of God (I John 2:22). They must never bow down to the Golden Image of the Anti-Christ, because this act is the abomination that maketh desolate (Rev.13:14-15, 14:9-13). And they must never accept the Mark of the Beast – the isobar tattoo that will allow them to buy and sell. To do any of these things, after having seen the SIGN the PROOF of the Son of Man, will condemn one’s soul to hell (Dan.14:9-11).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.

PANGS = These are the pains that Judah must suffer to reconcile herself to God (Dan.9:24, I Thes.5:3, Mi.4:9-10). God likened her RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT (Dan.9:24) unto the pains that a woman feels as she is about to give birth (So.8:4-5, Mi.4:9-10, I Thes.5:3, Jer.4:31, Is.13:6-8, 21:3). She will be barren no longer. Finally Judah is bearing children (producing fruit) for the Kingdom of God. Her PANGS are the pain of the PURIFYING FIRES (Zech.13:9) of GREAT TRIBULATION. Go back to top.

PARDONED = 100% forgiven. Jesus did it all. We can do nothing to improve on the sacrifice Jesus made to pardon us from our sins and make salvation easy for us. In fact, for me to try to add to what He has done is like saying that what he did is insufficient or only partial. To try to add to my pardon is the same as not having enough faith in who Jesus is and what He did. See SAVED, BLESSED and REDEEMED. Go back to top.

PEACE AND SAFETY = A time when the HOUSE OF JUDAH (Jews) will finally acknowledge Peace (Jesus) as their Messiah and will feel safe because of a peace treaty they have just signed with the FOURTH REICH. Jews will not believe without a sign (I Cor.1:22, Jo.6:30, Lu.11:36, Mar.8:11, Mat:24:30), therefore they will not acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah until they see His SIGN, His Appearance, His PROOF, placed in the heavens for all the world to see (Mat.24:30), as He gathers His Christian Church. So, the prophecy of peace and safety will not be fulfilled until after Christian Harvest, at the time of Great Tribulation for Jews.

When they shall say “Peace (acknowledging who Jesus is) and Safety (assuming the protection of the FOURTH REICH)” then sudden destruction cometh upon them (I Thes.5:3) in the form of Death and Hell (Re.6:8). Death and Hell will come from their new ally, the Fourth Reich, not from their traditional Middle East enemies.

As a condition of their new PEACE TREATY, Israel (Judah) will allow the newly appointed Pope of the FOURTH REICH to move the Vatican to Jerusalem. This new “post-rapture” pope will then erect a GOLDEN IMAGE of Himself and place it in the Holy Place (See: ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION). Then He will order that all (especially the Jews in Israel) must bow down to the GOLDEN IMAGE at certain times of the day, or be put to death (Re.13:15-16). The FOURTH REICH will enforce this new mandate (Re.13:4,12). Many will bow down to the GOLDEN IMAGE of ANTI-CHRIST and take the MARK OF THE BEAST as proof of their loyalty to the Anti-Christ Pope in an attempt to avoid the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE of deaths (see: DEATH TRIALS) that have suddenly come upon Jews that want to stay faithful to Jesus after seeing His Sign. Those that submit to Anti-Christ will lose both body (Death) and soul (to Hell) (Rev.6:8, Mat.10:28).

Those that will not bow down to the GOLDEN IMAGE will be quickly rounded up, tried, executed, and the bodies disposed of in FIERY FURNACES (Dan.3:15, Mat.24:15, Holocaust of WWII). This shall be the destruction of the FAITHFUL, God’s ELECT (those converted to Jesus by His SIGN) and who are Waiting for the Groom to return for them. And except the days of DEATH TRIALS be shortened, none of the ELECT will survive (Mat.24:22) till Jesus returns to Harvest the Earth.

By bowing down to the GOLDEN IMAGE and receiving the MARK OF THE BEAST some Jews will believe that they have survived this new POGROM (FLOOD OF DEATHS). They will not realize that their death is imminent anyhow. Sudden destruction of Jerusalem will come form the KINGS OF THE FAR EAST. Jerusalem will be destroyed and leveled to the ground (Re.18:4-24). This will occur after the FAITHFUL of Christ and God (Re.15:2-3, Mat.24:22) have been taken up to Heaven (I Cor.15:24, Re.18:4) at the HARVEST OF THE EARTH (Re.14:15-16) – the WINTER HARVEST. Thusly, some of the ELECT will survive (Mat.24:22, Zech.13:9) the RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT (Dan.9:24) of the HOUSE OF JUDAH. Go back to top.

PEACE TREATY = (Dan.11:21-22). After Jesus removes (harvests) His CHRISTIAN CHURCH off of this planet, the FOURTH REICH (this new superpower by any other name) will, in a whirlwind of quick battles, crush and subdue the Middle East and North Africa (Dan.11:40). The purpose of this is two-fold: 1) Control of Middle East oil, and 2) create a buffer “battle zone” against the KINGS OF THE FAR EAST. A unified Far East will be the second great military power to emerge after CHRISTIAN HARVEST.

However, before undertaking this expansionist endeavor, the FOURTH REICH, will entice Israel to sign a military alliance with them. The agreement will include protection for Israel, and the guarantee of its sovereign statehood. The FOURTH REICH will ask of Israel only that Israel allow their newly appointed Pope to move the Vatican to Jerusalem. As an assurance of Peace and Safety (the protection of the Fourth Reich), Israel will allow the FOURTH REICH to send its “head” (Re.13:3,11,15), its newly appointed Pope to establish his “seat” (his place of authority) in Jerusalem (II Thes.2:4, Dan.11:36-38).

Ruling from Jerusalem the new Pope will erect a GOLDEN STATUE of himself, and will demand to be worshipped as the Christ (II Thes.2:4, Re.13:12-16). (See: ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION). With their closest and most powerful ally, the United States, devastated by Christian Harvest, Israel will gladly agree to a protection agreement with the world’s new superpower, the Fourth Reich. And with the Vatican placed in Jerusalem, Israel will know for sure that this new superpower will protect Jerusalem and the whole country. Israelis leaders will claim “PEACE AND SAFETY” for all of Israel. Go back to top.

POGROMS = Occasional and periodic mass killing of Jews. (See your encyclopedia). Two notable pogroms were: 1) the slaughtering of the Jews under Roman rule in the First Century, and 2) the Holocaust of WWII. There were many smaller less notable pogroms in Europe and Asia in between these two major pogroms. There will be a final pogrom during Great Tribulation the Bible calls the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE. Go back to top.

POPE, ANTI-CHRIST = The present day Pope in all probability will be taken in the CHRISTIAN HARVEST. The FOURTH REICH, as Germanic Empires have done throughout history, will after Christian Harvest, appoint a new Pope (Re.13:11-15). This new pope will not be a true Christian as is evidenced by the fact that he was not taken at Christian Harvest. Then the beast will lend its power to the new Pope (Re.13:11-18).

The BEAST (the FOURTH REICH of Europe) will not invade Israel. Instead, they will sign a PEACE TREATY with Israel (Dan.11:21-24) that will guarantee Israel’s “PEACE AND SAFETY”. In return Israel will allow the Fourth Reich to send its “head” (Re.13:3,11,15), the newly appointed Pope, to establish his seat (his place of authority) in Jerusalem (II Thes.2:4, Mat.25:15, Dan.8:13, 11:31,36-38, Re.2:13, 13:2.6).

Ruling from Jerusalem the new Pope will exercise all of the power of the FOURTH REICH (Re.13:12) and demand to be worshipped as the Christ (II Thes.2:4, Re.13:12-16). Please realize that this newly appointed pope is not a true Christian. Remember that He was not taken in the Rapture. He will be a politically appointed militant – a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This newly appointed pope will be the ANTI-CHRIST. After beginning his rule from Jerusalem, the FOURTH REICH will erect a GOLDEN STATUE of ANTI-CHRIST (Dan.3:1-5, Re.13:3-18) and demand that, at certain times of the day, all mankind should turn toward the statue and bow down and worship. The FOURTH REICH will arrest and execute all who do not bow down to the golden statue of the ANTI-CHRIST (Re.13:3-18). (See: DEATH TRIALS). The Bible declares that all who do bow down to this Golden Statue will be condemned to an eternal burning HELL (Re.14:9-11). Go back to top.

POSSESSION, SPIRITUAL = All humans are co-habited by spiritual beings (I John 4:2). Jesus said He would not leave us alone, that He would send a Comforter (The Holy Spirit) to co-habitat with us (John 14:26). The Holy Spirit has been cohabitating (filling) humans down through the ages (Mr.12:36, Lu.1:41, etc.) even before Jesus asked the Father to fill those He had chosen (Jo.17:1-26, 15:16). Unless the Spirit of God fills humans, they can be possessed by demonic spirits (I Sam.16:14,23, Is.19:2, Mat.8:16,33, John 10:21, Luke 8:36, Mr.5:15,18).

The King of Persia was possessed by Abaddon (Rev.9:11, Dan.10:13, II Ch.36:22). I personally believe that Abaddon possessed Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Saddam Hussein. See also: ABADDON, ANGELS OF DARKNESS, and ANGELS OF LIGHT. Go back to top.

POST-RAPTURE CHRISTIANS – (See also: WITNESSES) These are those that before CHRISTIAN HARVEST did not believe Jesus to be the Son of God. And it is those so-called believers that were LUKEWARM about supporting and working for Him. These are the LUKEWARM Christians (Re.3:16) of today that will become stringent, “hot” Christians after they see His SIGN in the heavens (Mat.24:30) as He gathers His True Believers (John 20:25)..

These LEFT BEHIND, now very “hot” believers will become WITNESSES (Dan.12:3, Re.11:3, 3:18) for Jesus during their GREAT TRIBULATIONS. They will become witnesses to others and will help to purify their faith in Jesus (Dan.12:1-3,10). They will “buy” for Him, PURIFIED GOLD (Re.3:18) that their nakedness might be covered with the white raiment necessary for Heaven (Mat.22:12, Re.3:16-18).

At the TIME OF THE END, many will be tried and purified, and washed white in His blood (Dan.12:10). Blessed are they who WAIT - 1335 days (Dan.12:12) for the Groom to return from His CHRISTIAN WEDDING (Luke 12:36). Go back to top.

PROOF = For Jesus’ proof that He is the Son of God, see: SIGN and APPEARANCE.

For proof of prophecies, the Bible tells us that we should prove prophecies (I Thes.5:20-21, I John 4:1). For proof of prophecy we should always look to the words of Jesus -- The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy (Re.19:10). A Biblical CONCEPT or PROPHETIC REVELATION should be derived from study of a multiple of Bible verses. The more verses, the stronger the PROPHETIC CONCEPT. Once a revelation is conceived in the mind of the Bible student, he should immediately seek supportive proof in the words of Jesus and from as many verses as is feasible. One verse standing alone is not very strong proof. See: For proof to the world that Jesus is indeed the Son of God, go to His SIGN Go back to top.

PROPHECY, = The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy (Re.19:10). The words of Jesus confirm prophecy. If you want to verify (PROVE) prophetic interpretation, go to the words of Jesus.

PROPHETIC REVELATIONS – See CONCEPTS. As a Bible student diligently studies, he will eventually become familiar with many thousands of verses. It is then that verses will began to have new meaning for him because of what he learned from other verses. Then other verses will be recalled that will also support this new revelation. Then that person will begin to realize that all scripture lends support to that revelation.

Concerning Bible prophecy, a concept is a unifying idea derived from many verses that singularly conceal their prophetic connections, but collectively they support and prove previously sealed Biblical visions. And as final proof, the student must go to the testimony of Jesus. If the words of Jesus support this new revelation then he can put it in print as a true prophetic revelation. I seriously doubt revelations that are derived from a single Biblical verse or that the words of Jesus do not confirm. Go back to top.

PROPHET = One who is inspired by God to rightly discern His Word and to feed His sheep in words and terms that they can understand. A prophet is a teacher who discerns and teaches the CONCEPTS of the Bible. God has always, and will always, send pastors (teachers) to interpret and feed His flock with KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING of His Word (Jer.3:15). Go back to top.

PUNISHMENT UPON THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL = As punishment (Jer.11:11,17) for adultery, the HOUSE OF ISRAEL was persecuted, slaughtered, and scattered (Eze.34:5=11, I Kings 14:15) by the Assyrian sword (721-718 BC) into the Pagan nations (Ho.7:8-9) of the world.

They hid themselves from their worldly enemies by discontinuing God’s laws and Sabbaths (Ex.31:12-17). They eventually became LOST -- unidentifiable to the world -- and spiritually LOST to God (I Kings 14:15-16, Jer.3:8). They intermarried with Pagans and worshipped their gods. God then (in the Bible) began referring to these particular descendants of Jacob as the LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL (Mat.10:6, 15:24, 18:11, Luke 19:10, Jer.50:4-6, Ezek.34:2-4,16).

“LOST” DOES NOT ALWAYS MEAN “UNSAVED”. Lost, at least in this case, means “unidentifiable”. Please note that the Jews of today still continue God’s Sabbaths. For that reason they are not considered (lost) unidentifiable. Sabbaths, circumcision, etc readily identify the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi as today’s Jews – the House of Judah. This is how Hitler located them (See: Third Reich).

The “fruitful” bough of Joseph (the Lost house of Israel) has run “over the wall” (Gen.49:22-26 -- multiplied greatly – Gen.24:60, Is.10:22, Ho.1:10) into the uttermost ends of the Earth. They fled North into Europe, then East into Asia, and then West into England. From England they spread to North America, to South America, to Australia, and to Africa (Gen.49:22-26). They have truly spread over the wall. Today, there is not a continent that does not house the descendants of the LOST House of Israel. The descendants of the Lost House of Israel are too numerous to count (Is.10:22, Ho.1:10, Deut.33:16-17, Ro.9:27). Their number is in the billions (Gen.24:60).

And the nations to which Lost Israel has fled have been blessed (Ho.14:5-7) with immeasurable natural resources and unmatched military might (Gen.49:22-26). God has not forgotten His covenant with the descendants of Isaac. They had become lost, unidentifiable to the world, but God knew who they were.

Jesus has redeemed the Lost House of Israel with His Sacrifice. The Lost house of Israel is today’s Christians. Jesus will gather them at the Summer Harvest. Go back to top.


The house of Judah has suffered many punishments in the form of POGROMS. They have suffered two major Pogroms: 1) under Roman rule the First Century, and 2) the Holocaust of WWII at the hands of the Third Reich. They will suffer a third attempt at exterminating all Jews during Great tribulation at the hands of the Fourth Reich. These punishments are ordained by the Hand of God. (Jer.11:11,17, Eze.8:17-18).

GREAT TRIBULATION will be the time of the greatest FLOOD (Dan.9:26, Rev.6:8, 12:17, 13:7, Is.43:22) of Jewish Deaths. I call this the DEATH TRIALS of the “Jewish Christians” converted by the SIGN of SON OF MAN. The trial will be simple, bow down to the GOLDEN IMAGE of Anti-Christ, deny Jesus, and accept his MARK OF THE BEAST, or die. If they agree to do these things, they will enter into a Covenant with Death and Hell (Is.28:15, Re.6:8), and will condemn their souls to eternal burning torment (Re.14:9-13).

These trials and executions will be the final FLOOD of Jewish deaths. This great death toll of Jews is what the Bible identifies as the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE (Is.28:15-18, Jer.6:22-26, Ezek.9:1-11). Your encyclopedia identifies earlier Jewish punishments as POGROMS. The OVERFLOWING SCOURGE is the RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT (Dan.9:24) the “born-again” birth pangs (I Thes.5:3, Is.13:8,19-21, 26:17-18, 54:1, John 16:20-22) that the Judean Kingdom must suffer to gain eternal life.

LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS, and others who are WAITING (Luke 12:36) for Jesus to return from His wedding must resist the wiles of Anti-Christ unto their death (Rev.13:15, 2:10, 6:11, 14:13, 20:4, Mat.10: 21,28,39, Is.43:22), or they must endure until Jesus comes back from His wedding to the CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Luke 12:36). The Son of Man will appear in the sky (Rev.14:14, 15:2) for them (Ho:6:11, John 16;20, I Cor.15:24, Dan.12:12, Mat.24:22) wearing a crown for His Bride, the Christian Church. He will call unto those that have faithfully, waited for Him, to “come up here”, that you receive not the Wrath that will befall Anti-Christ forces (Re.18:4). This will be the HARVEST OF THE EARTH.

DEATH TRIALS (the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE, IS.28:15) will last for 45 days. From the time Christians (DAILY BREAD) are taken away till the time ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION is set up shall be 1290 days (Dan.12:11). The Death Trials will last 45 days. Blessed is he who WAITS (LUKE 12:36) and cometh to the 1335th day (Dan.12:12).

The Abomination of Desolation (Death Trials) will occur 1290 days after Christians are taken away (Dan.12:11). (See the TIME-CHART).

The FAITHFUL of God who refuse to bow down to the GOLDEN IMAGE of ANTI-CHRIST will be SCOURGED --whipped and beaten (Mat.10:17) -- and immediately executed. Some will be decapitated (Rev. 20:4). Others will die by the sword (Rev.6:8), and yet most, the masses, will be executed in gas chambers and their bodies incinerated in Fiery Furnaces (Is.41:22, Dan.3:5-6, WWII-Third Reich). Some will starve to death in the prisons (Rev.6:8). And I guess demons don’t change much - they seem particularly fond of feeding Christians to wild beast (Rev.6:8, First century Romans, Dan.6:16). The bodies of God’s dead Saints (Rev.13:7) will be disposed of in fiery furnaces (Is.41:22, WW II, Dan.3:6) just as they were in Daniel’s time, and just as they were during WW II (Is.41:22).

This final flood of death (Dan.9:26) will be particularly hard upon the FAITHFUL of Great Tribulation who will be living in Israel (Rev.14:9, Ezek.9:4, Zech.14:2, Is.4:4, Jer.6:1). They will have no place to hide.

For 1290 days, God’s two major WITNESSES of Great Tribulation will be invincible (Rev.11:3-5). These will be the Abrahamic Covenant of the Old Testament, Elijah the prophet (Mal.4:5), and the New Testament witness of John the Revelator (Re.1:9, 10-11). These two prophets will live again during the Great Tribulation era and will Witness for Jesus among the Earth Dwellers that must endure these trials. They will destroy anybody who would hurt them, and will inflict the earth with plagues as often as they will (Rev.11:5-6). Anti-Christ forces will both hate and dread them. They will cause great resistance to Anti-Christ and will be the strength of the FAITHFUL. The two principal Witnesses of God will be an inspiration to other witnesses, and the FAITHFUL of God throughout the world (Dan.12:3).

Anti-Christ forces have been preparing for the time (they know the timetable, also – Rev.12:12) when they shall be able to overcome God’s Saints (Rev.1:7, 13:7) (See: WITNESSES). With this great victory over the here-to-fore invincible WITNESSES of God of Anti-Christ shall then go after all of God’s FAITHFUL all over the world. He will convert them to worship him, or he will kill them.

That’s when the accelerated and much dreaded death trials will begin. For the next 45 days, there will be roundups (Mat.10:17, Rev.2:10), quick trials (Mat.10:19, Rev.2:10), and executions (Mat.10:21,22, Rev.2:10) of all who will not take the “tattoo” identifying mark of the Fourth Reich, and who will not bow down to the image of Anti-Christ. Anti-Christ forces will use every trick in the book to locate, arrest, and then “convert or execute” God’s Faithful – the Saints of Great Tribulation. And except those days be shortened (45 days) there should no flesh be saved (Mat.24:22). To the FAITHFUL who resist to their death God will give a crown of eternal life (Rev.2:10, Mat.10:22,28).

The words of God are eternal. They apply to all in all generations. Consider:

And brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father shall deliver up his own child: and children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s (Jesus’) sake: but, He that endureth to the end shall be saved (Mat.10:21-22).

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell (Mat.10:28).

Fear none of these things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried, an ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. (Re.2:10).

And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it (Mat.!0:38-39).

Jesus’ ELECT of Great Tribulation will be betrayed by their own loved ones. Faithful parents will be forced to watch the scourging and executions of their own children (Mat.24:19) as part of the Satan’s effort to make them accept his mark and worship His Golden Image.

FAITHFUL EARTH-DWELLERS (Rev.6:10, 14:6, 13:6,8,14, 17:8, 11:10), must "ENDURE" (Mat.24:13, 10:22) these great trials (Rev.3:10, Mat.24:21-22) to their deaths. They must never deny that Jesus is the Son of God (I John 2:22). They must never bow down to the Golden Image of the Anti-Christ, because this is the abomination that maketh desolate (Rev.13:14-15, 14:9-13). And they must never accept the Mark of the Beast – the isobar tattoo that will allow them to buy and sell. To do any of these things, after having seen the SIGN of the Son of Man, will condemn one’s soul to hell (Dan.14:9-11).

And except the days of the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE be shortened (Mat.24:21-22) no flesh of God’s ELECT/FAITHFUL shall remain alive at the time of Harvest of the Earth. But for the Elect’s sake those days will be shortened and the Elect of the Lord will be saved out of the hands of the Wicked (Ps.37:32-40). Go back to top.

PURIFYING FIRES = These are the purifying trials and tribulations (Zach.13:9, Mal.3:2-3, Re.3:18) of GREAT TRIBULATION that will purify the EARTH-DWELLERS that have been LEFT BEHIND in OUTER DARKNESS. See also: Reconciliatory Punishment, Overflowing Scourge, and Death Trials. Go back to top.

PURIFIED GOLD This is the ELECT of God that has been made pure (Zech.13:9, Re.3:18, Dan.11:35, 12:10, Job 23:10, Lam.4:1-2, Hag.2:8) in the PURIFYING FIRES of GREAT TRIBULATION. To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation. See: Death Trials and Overflowing Scourge

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RAPTURE = A term that has come to represent CHRISTIAN HARVEST. The Rapture represents a “whisking away”, of Christians in the twinkling of an eye. (I Cor.15:52, I Thes.4:16-17).

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RECONCILIATION FOR INIQUITY = forgiveness for Judean SPIRITUAL ADULTERY (Dan.9:24, Zech.12:10, 13:9). It is a kind of making-up between the “Husband and Wife” God and Judah. Judah pays reconciliatory punishment for her infidelity. Go back to top.

RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT = See: PUNISHMENT UPON THE HOUSE OF JUDAH, GREAT TRIBULATION, DEATH TRIALS, OVERFLOWING SCOURGE, DEATH AND HELL, BIRTH PANGS, POGROMS, and GOLDEN IMAGE. To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation. Go back to top.

REDEEMED = Washed clean and white by the finished sacrifice of Jesus for my sins. Jesus did it all. There is nothing I can do or add to it. It is complete, finished. To believe that I must do something to help Him in the complete work He has done for me is to have weak faith in Him. It would be like believing that He has half-way done the Job. See SACRIFICE, BLESSED, and SAVED, Go back to top.

REICH =. A term for German “Imperialism”. German Empire. See: Third Reich and FOURTH REICH. Reichs are Germanic states that have ascended to empire status out of the old Roman Empire. Go back to top.

REICH, THIRD = Adolph Hitler’s German Empire of WWII. The instrument of death upon the Jewish people of WWII. (See: HOLOCAUST and POGROMS). The FOURTH REICH will become the instrument of death (See: DEATH AND HELL and OVERFLOWING SCOURGE) upon the Jews during GREAT TRIBULATION. God will use the FOURTH REICH as the PURIFYING FIRES of GREAT TRIBULATION. Go back to top.

REICH, FOURTH = See also: EIGHT HEAD. The Fourth Reich is the BEAST of GREAT TRIBULATION (Re.11:7, 13:3-4,11-18, Dan.7:11, 7:17, 2 Pe.2:4-15, Ju.1:10). He will give power to the Anti-Christ Pope (Re.13:4,12).

John, the Revelator, saw a head that was wounded by the sword (Rev.13:3) and described it as though it was “existing”, not “existed” or “will exist” (Rev.17:10). Therefore, the head that was wounded by the sword must be the one that “existed” and ruled over Palestine at the time of John’s writings. That fourth head was the Roman Empire (Dan.7:7). And this “beast”, which gave power to the Roman Empire that was alive at the time of John also has to be alive today. Therefore, let us trace the history of this beast and see if indeed it lives eternal.

Babylon 625-539 B. C. was the first head.

Medo-Persia 538-330 B. C. was the second head.

Greece 330 B. C. – was the third head.

The Roman Empire 31 B. C. was the fourth head.

Now let us trace the lineage of the Roman Empire:

Roman Empire 31 B. C. – 476 A. D. During this period of time the GERMANIC states (Descendants of Dan) moved in, and within a couple of hundred years took complete control of this powerful empire.

Roman Empire splits – 4th Century

West – Rome

East – Constantinople

Dark Ages 476 A. D. – 800 A. D. Germanic appointed Popes control Western Division

Dec. 25, 800 A. D. Pope appoints Emperor of the West and unified the Germanic States..

962 A.D. – Western Empire gives birth to the FIRST GERMAN REICH. This was the FIFTH HEAD of the BEAST that still lives today.

1157-1254 A.D. the Western Empire is renamed the HOLY EMPIRE (It is still the FIRST REICH).

1254 A. D. – name changed to Holy Roman Empire (still the First Reich – the BEAST lives on)

1795 Holy Roman Empire defeated by France (Napoleon).

1805 Holy Roman Empire dismantled by the armies of France – (this is the wound by the sword that looked to be fatal to the BEAST – FATAL TO THE EMPIRE OF GERMANIC STATES. (Rev.13:3).

1806 Francis II of France dissolves hapless “First Reich” (962-1806). The BEAST appears to be dead.

1871-1918 Roman Empire revived under Germanic control – SECOND REICH (Germanic Empire) attempts world supremacy – WW I. This was the SIXTH HEAD. The BEAST lives on.

1934-1945 Third Reich (another Germanic Empire) attempts world supremacy – WWII – (Holocaust for Jews). This was the SEVENTH HEAD that had to continue a short space (Rev.17:10). The BEAST is revived again causing world war -- WWII.

The FOURTH REICH will be the EIGHTH HEAD. It will come to full world power after Jesus harvests the CHRISTIAN CHURCH and the United States has been left in financial, political, and military chaos. The FOURTH REICH will be of the other seven, and will go into perdition with them (Rev.17:11).

This thing, this BEAST, is eternal. It cannot be destroyed. However, even it is under God’s control. It will be shut up and sealed in the Bottomless Pit during the Millennial Rule of Jesus on Earth (Re.20:3), and eventually it will be cast into a lake of fire and brimstone where the Devil and False Prophet are and they will all be tormented day and night forever (Re.20:10). The BEAST of John’s day is very much alive today and will attempt another genocide of Jews during Great Tribulation. Go back to top.

REGENERATION = Spiritual rebirth. The spiritual renewal of man’s relationship with God. (Mat.19:28, Re.20:6, Tit.3:5) as accomplished by Jesus’ teachings and His taking our punishment for sin upon Himself. Go back to top.

RESURRECTIONS — more than one. There will be at least TWO RESURRECTIONS (Rev.20:6, John 5:25 & 28 and I Cor.15:22). However, there will be only one death for those who believe without having to see His SIGN (proof Mat.24:30, John 20:25, 27-29) and TWO DEATHS for UNBELIEVERS (Rev.20:5-6). Go back to top.

RESURRECTION, FIRST = This is CHRISTIAN HARVEST, the RAPTURE, the SUMMER HARVEST. This resurrection will occur at the appearance of Jesus’ SIGN in the heavens (Mat.24:30, II Thes.4:16) at the sound of the Trumpet. The SECOND DEATH will have no power over those harvested (both dead and alive – II Thes.4:17) in the FIRST RESURRECTION (Re.20:6).

There will be a SECOND RESURRECTION for all who have ever lived (John 5:28, Re.20:6) and they will get a chance to KNOW Jesus when KNOWLEDGE of Jesus has greatly increased (Dan.12:4) and is throughout the EARTH as water covers the SEA (Is.11:9, Hab.2:14). See MILLENNIAL RULE. Go back to top.

RESURRECTION, SECOND = Though the Bible does not specifically say the words “second resurrection”, it implies that there will be one (John 5:28, Re.20:6). It does mention a SECOND DEATH. It also mentions that the SECOND DEATH will have power over those awakened at the Second Resurrection (Re.20:6). At some point during the MILLENNIAL RULE of Jesus on this Earth, all that are in the graves will hear the voice of Jesus and shall awaken (John 5:28) to have their chance to know Jesus and then be tried by Satan (Re.20:7-9). For an in-depth study of the Second Resurrection, go to MILLENNIAL REIGN in the expanded study section.

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REUNITED ISRAEL = After Christian Harvest (House of Israel), and the Harvest of the Earth (House of Judah), the two houses will be reunited forever (Ho.1:11, Eze.37:1-37, Jer.23:6, Zec,10:6, ). Go back to top.

RIGHTEOUSNESS = Jesus is Righteousness. Substitute His name when you see the word Righteousness. (I Jo.2:29, I Pe.2:24, Mat.5:10, Ps.85:11,13, Is.56:1, 61:10, Jer.23:6, 33:15, Dan.9:24, 12:3, Zech.8:8). Go back to top.

ROCKS = Heads of great religions.(Mat.16:18, Jude 1:12-13, I Cor.10:4, Ro.9:33). At the time when the WRATH of the Lamb is upon them, the doomed of mankind will call upon their religions and religious leaders (rocks) to hide them and save them (Re.6:15-16).

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.

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ROD OF IRON = (Ps.2:6-9, Is.10:34, 11:1-16). Many pastors believe and teach that the MILLENNIAL RULE of Jesus on Earth will be a time of great bliss and peace, and there is much Scripture to back it up. This bliss is for those willfully submitting to and loving and worshipping Jesus as their God. However, the Bible clearly states also that there will be whole nations (of the SEA) that will be resentful of His EARTHLY Jewish rule (Zech.14:16-21, Is.14).

The CHOSEN, the CALLED, and the FAITHFUL are the GLORY (Jer.13:11, Is.43:7, 62:1-3) of God are the fulfillment of His Covenant with Abraham. They are the children of the EARTH. All are part of the FIRST RESURRECTION and will rule with him (Re.17:14, 20:4). The SECOND DEATH will have no power over them (Rev.20:6). They have been made alive each in his own order (I Cor.15:22-24), and will live and reign with Christ for 1000 years. They already have CROWNS OF LIFE. There will be peace on Earth for this numberless multitude (Re.6:9,14-17).

But, what about those that are made alive again in the SECOND RESURRECTION? It is best explained in this verse: …when thy JUDGMENTS are in the EARTH, the inhabitants of the WORLD will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS (Is.26:9 11:10-16). See: MILLENNIAL RULE.

Many will conform to the Rule of Jesus and be blessed with 1000 years of blissful peace, others will not (Ps.2:6-9). Some nations will receive plagues and famines because they will not conform (Zech.14:17-1). Some will appear to conform to get His blessings (as they do today) and others will conform only because He has ordered them to conform (rod of iron, Is.11:4, Zech.14:17-18) not because their heart tells them to.

Then, after 1000 years Satan will be loosed out of his prison to deceive the non-conformist (Rev.20:7-8) – those that had to be ruled with a ROD OF IRON that their loyalty to God and to Jesus might be tried. All of those that are deceived by Satan, will follow him in a last gasp attempt to overthrow Jesus at Jerusalem. They will be destroyed (Rev.20:8-10) by fire from Heaven. Those that remain loyal and have done good (John 5:29), will be awarded life eternal (Mat.25:46) at the GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT. Go back to top.

SACRIFICE OF JESUS = Jesus paid for the sins of his followers by allowing himself to be beaten, tortured, and crucified to his death – a sacrifice he made for us because he loves us. It is we that deserved this punishment – not him. And because he willfully accepted this punishment for us we call it a sacrifice. If you believe that He is the Son of God, and you accept the sacrifice He made for your sins, then you are sin-free – completely and wholly - sin-free – redeemed by His blood. No matter what you have done, you have been washed clean by his sacrificed blood. Jesus paid it all. he did not half way do the job. HE DOES NOT NEED YOUR HELP TO FREE YOU FROM SIN, HE ASKS ONLY THAT YOU LOVE HIM AND ACCEPT THE SACRIFICE HE MADE FOR YOU. Go back to top.

SAINTS OF GREAT TRIBULATION = These are those that will become true believes because He will prove who He is by His SIGN in the sky as He gathers His CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Their new found faith will be severely tried in the fires of GREAT TRIBULATION. Go back to top.

SANCTUARY = is the ancient TEMPLE of Jerusalem (Ez.41:21). The TEMPLE is symbolic of the HOUSE OF JUDAH. The sanctuary is Judah (Ps.114:2, Is.43:24). The HOUSE OF JUDAH (Dan.8:14) will be restored to God at the TIME OF THE END (Ez.37:26-27). Go back to top.

SALVATION = See: SAVED. Go back to top.

SAVED = Pardoned and forgiven from sin. Rescued from sin bondage. Saved from having to suffer great trials (Great Tribulation) for our sins. The SAVED will be gathered at CHRISTIAN HARVEST. The saved need not be TRIED with GREAT TRIBULATIONS, because we are already PARDONED by Jesus’ SACRIFICE. BLESSED (John 20:29) are those who believe, they will be pardoned from the hour of trials (See: PURIFYING FIRES) that shall come upon Earth to try those not taken in CHRISTIAN HARVEST. Go back to top.

SEA = …when thy JUDGMENTS are in the EARTH the inhabitants of the WORLD will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS (Is.26:9), and the KNOWLEDGE OF THE LORD (Is.11:9) shall be in all the EARTH (descendants of Abraham), as the water covers the SEA (Is.11:9, Hab.2:14).

Interpretation: …when thy JUDGMENTS (ETERNAL REWARDS) are in the EARTH (have been awarded to Abraham’s descendants (the CHOSEN, the CALLED, and the FAITHFUL), the inhabitants of the (whole) WORLD (the EARTH, SEA, and RIVERS) will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS (get to know Jesus – Is.26:9, 23:4, Re.20:13).

The "EARTH" (the CHOSEN, the CALLED, and the FAITHFUL) will, one day, reign with Jesus on this planet (Rev.20:6) and teach the “WHOLE WORLD (SEA) ” (Mat.26:13) the KNOWLEDGE of Jesus. The judgment of the SEA will be at the end of the MILLENNIAL RULE.

Another interpretation: …when ABRAHAM’S COVENANT has been fulfilled and the worthy of Abraham’s descendants have been awarded eternal life, they (the CHOSEN, the CALLED, and the FAITHFUL) will reign with Him during the Millennial (Rev.20:6) and will teach KNOWLEDGE of Jesus to those that were resurrected (second resurrection) for His Millennial Reign. See also: WITNESSES.

THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE LORD Jesus (Is.11:9) shall be in all the EARTH (descendants of Abraham), as the water covers the SEA (Is.11:9, Hab.2:14). This will occur at the time when Satan is bound and cannot interfere (Is.11:9, Rev.20:2). Why else would Satan be bound, if not to give the souls of the SECOND RESURRECTION an opportunity they have never had? Now I submit to you, “Isn’t our God just? Isn’t He fair?”

Then, after 1000 years Satan will be loosed out of his prison to deceive (the SEA) those of the Millennial Rule (Rev.20:7-8) – that their loyalty to God and to Jesus might be tried. All of those that are deceived by Satan and follow him in his last gasp attempt to overthrow Jesus at Jerusalem will be destroyed (Rev.20:8-10) by fire from Heaven. Those that remain loyal and have been judged to have done good works (Re.20:13, John 5:29), will be awarded life eternal (Mat.25:46) at the Great White Throne Judgment. They will get their names written in the Book of Life during the Millennial Rule. Why else would the books wait to be opened until after the Millennial rule? And until after Satan has tried those of the SECOND RESURRECTION. Our God is a just God. Notice that there is no mention of judging the Earth at the Great White Throne Judgment. The Earth has already been judged and is ruling with Him.

The dead of the Sea that were alive and witnessed the SIGN of the Son of Man, and all others who have had their opportunities in their lifetimes, but have rejected Jesus, will not live again until the Millennial reign of Christ is over (Rev.20:5). They will be resurrected (John 5:28-29) at the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev.20:13) and judged according to their works.

DEATH AND HELL (Rev.6:8), and all EARTH-DWELLERS (Re.20:13) that made a Covenant with Death and Hell (Is.28:15-18, Re.14:9-11), will also be resurrected (John 5:28-29), and judged at the GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT (Rev.20:13). All that are not found in the book of Life will be cast into the LAKE OF FIRE (Rev.20:15).

Everyone who has ever lived on this planet will get a chance to “see” and then accept or reject Jesus. Notice that all, everyone of the EARTH and SEA, who was alive and had an opportunity to “see” Jesus’ SIGN at the time of CHRISTIAN HARVEST, and yet still chose to reject Him to follow Satan, will suffer eternal damnation (Rev.14:9-13 and 20:15).

Those who believe in Jesus without having to “SEE” will be BLESSED (John 20:29) by not having to suffer reconciliatory punishment for their sins. Those who have to see it to believe it (John 20:25-30) may still gain eternal life by paying for their own sins during their time of GREAT TRIBULATION which will be their RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT. Now who can say that our Lord is not just (Ezek.18:29, 31:7). Go back to top.

SEAL OF GOD = Mourning will occur after Earth-dwellers have witnessed the SIGN of the Son of Man in the heavens as Jesus gathers His CHRISTIAN CHURCH. MOURNING is the earlier rejection of Jesus to be the Son of God. These are they that have been tried (Dan.12:10) and have been purified as PURE GOLD (Zech.13:9). God will seal them from farther harm (Re.9:4) and He will take them off Earth before WRATH (Re.18:4). These are the FAITHFUL of God and shall return with Him (Re.17:14) for His Millennial rule. Go back to top.

SEAT, -- THRONE of ANTI-CHRIST = The ruling place of the appointed Pope – the Anti-Christ – the BEAST of two horns (Re.13:11) of GREAT TRIBULATION. With an Israelis peace alliance intact with the Fourth Reich, the replacement pope will move the Vatican (his “SEAT” of authority – Rev.16:10) to Jerusalem (Zech.14:2,12). There, using the powers of the FOURTH REICH to enforce his assertions (Rev.13:12), the replacement Pope shall claim to be the Christ -- the “LAMB” of God (Rev.13:11, Mat.7:15, Dan:11:36-37). And he shall perform such great signs and wonders that those without UNDERSTANDING (See: DISCERNING THE REAL CHRIST FROM THE ANTI-CHRIST) will believe that he really is the Christ (II Thes.2:9-12). He will convincingly remind Earth-dwellers, “Doesn’t the Bible say that Christ will reign from Jerusalem (Jer.3:17, Zech.14:17)?” He will ask, “Am I not reigning from Jerusalem?” He will declare that the Scriptures are fulfilled and that he has began “his” millennial reign with his SEAT of authority in Jerusalem.

After moving his (throne) seat to (Re.16:10, II Thes.2:4, Mat.25:15, Dan.8:13, 11:31, Re.13:2.6) Jerusalem, the anti-Christ shall disallow and prohibit the cornerstone of Christian worship, the “DAILY” sacrament of bread and wine” (Luke 11:3, Dan.11:31, 8:13, 12:11). The pope of GREAT TRIBULATION will cast TRUTH (the teachings that Jesus is the Son of God) to the ground (Dan.8:12). He shall forbid all Christian worship just as his Roman ancestors did in First Century AD. After abolishing all worship of the former Jesus, He shall erect a GOLDEN STATUE of himself (Dan.3:5-7, 11:31, Rev.13:14-15) that shall appear to come alive and speak (See: ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION, DEATH TRIALS, and OVERFLOWING SCOURGE). Go back to top.

SEVENTY WEEKS = This is the time of JEWISH RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT. Much discussion has been made of exactly how the seventy weeks fit into God’s plans. I seriously don’t believe that anyone has been shown its exact meaning and I choose not to debate other Bible scholars. I believe that it more important to study the content of PUNISHMENT rather than the time frame. And it is much more important to study the SEVENTIETH WEEK of that seventy week time-frame. Go back to top.

SEVENTIETH WEEK OF DANIEL = This is the TIME OF THE END. This is a period of 2520 days (old Jewish Calendar) that shall include the era of BEGINNINGS OF SORROWS, Great Sorrows (GREAT TRIBULATION), and WRATH. Go back to top.

SHADOW OF DEATH = See: DEATH AND HELL, and DEATH TRIALS. Shadow of Death is the time of GREAT TRIBULATION. See also: OUTER DARKNESS. Go back to top.

SHEEP’S CLOTHING = Appearing to be and pretending to be Christ-like. Doing it for profit and gain but believing not. The best example I can find in the Bible is Mat.7:21-23 and Mat.25:44-45. Go back to top.

SIGN OF SON OF MAN = God’s Jewish people have always required a SIGN (I Cor.1:22, Mat.16:1, John 6:30, 4:48, Lu.11:16). Jesus said at the time of the end there will be great signs from Heaven (Lu.21:11). The greatest of all signs will be the SIGN of Jesus that will appear in the clouds of Heaven as He gathers His CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Mat.24:30).

Very soon now the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give her light (Mat.24:29). The Earth will become engulfed in OUTER DARKNESS. Suddenly, a blinding flash of light shall stretch across the whole Earth (Mat.24:27) from East to West. Every eye shall look upward (Luke 21:28). It will be a show, a miracle, beyond spectacular. Then the SIGN of the Son of Man will appear in the sky for all (the entire world) to see (Mat.24:30, Is.40:5, 52:10, 26:11, 18:3, Mat.26:64, Rev.1:7, Is.60:3-5). Jesus’ SIGN in the sky will be HIS “PROOF” (Mat.24:30) to doubters and nonbelievers.

What will His SIGN be? God does not change, therefore, His “visible” PROOF (John 20:29) to the doubting “TRIBES” of the EARTH (Mat.24:30, Zech.12:10) will be the same today as He gave yesterday to His doubting disciple, Thomas (John 20:25-30). Everybody (Rev.1:7) will see His pierced hands and feet, and His pierced side. They will see the stripes upon His back and His crown of thorns. These are the SIGNS (Mat.24:30) of Jesus, and everybody will see them, even the Jews who “pierced” Him (Rev.1:7, John 18:36).

Mankind will have to look upward (Lu.21:28, Acts 1:10-11) to see His SIGN, a miracle beyond imagination and description. Simultaneously, every eye (Rev.1:7, Is.40:5, 50:10, 26:11) on this planet will see Jesus in the clouds of heaven. However, He will not at this time come all the way down to planet Earth.

The SIGN of the SON OF MAN will be revealed as He descends through the clouds of Heaven (Mat.24:30) to HARVEST the CHRISTIAN CHURCH. It is at this time that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus really is the “SON OF GOD” (Is.45:23, Rom.14:11). There will be GREAT JOY, but there will also be WEEPING and GNASHING OF TEETH for those who will be left behind and cast into OUTER DARKNESS.

As the entire world witnesses His SIGN to the “TRIBES” (Mat.24:30) of the EARTH, the SON OF MAN will instruct His angels to gather (rescue) His CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Mat.24:31, I Thes.4:16-17) “out of” the GREAT TRIBULATIONS (Rev.7:14) that are “just beginning” (Mat.24:8) to engulf the EARTH.

The whole world will witness Christians ascend into the clouds (Rev.11:12) just as His followers witnessed Him ascend into the clouds (Acts 1:11). For those LEFT BEHIND, there will be great Weeping and GNASHING OF TEETH as they behold the ascension of their loved ones and friends.

Notice that Jesus is still the “SON OF MAN” as He displays His SIGN (Mat.24:30). The Bible does will not address Jesus as KING JESUS until he comes back from his CHRISTIAN WEDDING (Luke 12:36) to gather the EARTH (Re.14:14). Then he will be wearing His Christian crown (Re.14:14). See: CROWNS.

The APPEARANCE of His SIGN will be His PROOF to the unbelieving world that He truly is the Son Of God born to man to be a SACRIFICE for the sins of man. At the appearance of his SIGN in the clouds of Heaven, the whole world, will be convinced, but it will be too late for those converted to be blessed at CHRISTIAN HARVEST (Jo.20:29). However, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess (Jo.20:29) that Jesus is the truly the Christ, the Son of God (Phi.2:10-11), even the Jews that had him pierced (Re.1:7). Those converted because of His SIGN will be LEFT BEHIND to WAIT for the return of Jesus (Lu.12:36) from His WEDDING (Dan.7:13-14) to the CHRISTIAN CHURCH. These, now believing, LEFT BEHIND persons are those identified as the SAINTS of GREAT TRIBULATION and as EARTH DWELLERS.

SILVER DROSS = The wickedness of the HOUSE OF ISRAEL (Ezek.22;18-22, Zech.13:9,

Mal.3:3) that shall be refined in the GREAT TRIBULATION. Go back to top.

SIN PUNISHMENT = This is the punishment we all deserve for our sins. Jesus took the sin punishment for His believers upon Himself. See: SACRIFICE. Those who do not believe will not be PARDONED - REDEEMED and will have to suffer their own sin-punishment during GREAT TRIBULATION. See: RECONCILIATORY PUNISHMENT, PUNISHMENT UPON THE HOUSE OF JUDAH, DEATH TRIALS, OVERFLOWING SCOURGE, DEATH AND HELL, BIRTH PANGS, POGROMS, and GOLDEN IMAGE. Go back to top.

SLOTHFUL = Doing nothing. Neither hot nor cold (Re.3:15-18). Lazy. Not enough belief and faith in Jesus to do something for Him (Mat.25:26, Ro.12:11). The slothful are like the man that had one talent and did nothing with it. He was cast into outer darkness (Mat.25:24-30). Jesus will spew the slothful out of His mouth at CHRISTIAN HARVEST and they will have to earn (buy) for him PURE GOLD refined in the PURIFYING FIRES of GREAT TRIBULATION (Re. 3:15-18). Go back to top.

SODOM AND EGYPT = Spiritual names for Jerusalem. Consider that Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem (Re.11:8). Go back to top.

SON OF MAN – The Bible addresses Jesus as the Son of Man until He comes into at least one of His many Kingdoms. Until He is King Jesus, He is addressed as the Prince (Son) of God the Father born to man. He is the heir apparent to the Judean throne, and to all the thrones of this world – and maybe other worlds, too. He said that He has other flocks (Jo.10:16) to harvest, not just the Christian Church and that all of His flock will be made one. As each of His flocks is made alive (I Cor.15:22-24), in its own order, Jesus will become its King. Thusly, eventually, becoming a King of MANY CROWNS (Re.19:12) – the KING OF KINGS (Re.17:14). Notice that He is Son of Man as He gives his SIGN (Mat.24:30) to the unbelieving world as He harvest the Christian Church. Notice that Son of Man now wears a crown (for the Christian Church) as He harvests the rest of the Earth (Mid-tribulation) at the Harvest of the Earth (Re.14:14). Go back to top.

SORROWS = Great catastrophic events that will cause unparalleled grief upon mankind. For detailed study, see SORROWS, BEGINNING OF. Go back to top.

SORROWS, BEGINNING OF = Christians will not have to suffer “great” sorrows. We will suffer only the “beginning” (Mat.24:8) of sorrows (see TIME-CHART) so that LUKEWARM Christians can be warned of the imminent APPEARANCE of Jesus. Suffering only the “beginning of sorrows” will strengthen the faith of productive Christians, and serve to warn LUKEWARM Christians. Early sorrows will purify the Christian Church.

Even though non-believers cannot “see” the sorrows, I feel that mankind’s sorrows have already begun in earnest.

Consider that Satan has infiltrated and taken over every Christian celebration to make man’s shenanigans an abomination to God. Christians, we are giving our children over to idolatry (Ezek.23:39).

Christmas – “Do you believe in Santa Claus,” is now more popular than, “Do you believe in Jesus”. We tell our children that they should be “good” for Santa Claus, not Jesus.

The turkey and gluttonous eating has now taken over our day of “Thanksgiving”.

Halloween, the “holy” evening of demons, which is the eve of All Saints Day, is now more popular than All Saints Day.

Mardi Gras has now overshadowed Lent.

The Teutonic God of fertility, Eastre, with her symbols of fertility, the egg, the rabbit, and elaborate dress, has now taken over “Resurrection Sunday”.

Green beer parties are now the celebrated highlights of St. Patrick’s Day.

Other SORROWS that have recently engulfed mankind are the global plagues of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol.

Consider the decline in morality. Consider the decay of the family – the high rate of divorces. Consider the growing popularity of single mothers. Consider teenage pregnancies and the abortion of infants.

Consider AIDS and other mutant strains of sexually transmitted diseases.

Consider the rising brashness, the growing strength, and the increasing popularity of homosexuality.

Consider the insensitiveness to the homeless and other destitute persons.

Consider the exploitation of teenage runaways which has become big business for “pimps” and other vultures of Satan.

Consider that gangs have now taken over our inner cities, and are rapidly spreading into rural areas at an alarming pace.

Consider the idolizing and worshipping of sport and entertainment celebrities.

Consider the ever-increasing vulgarity, violence, and sex on our televisions.

Consider the available pornography on the internet.

Consider the fact that pornography cannot be stopped – it is politically stronger and more accepted in public than the name of Jesus.

Consider that it is politically incorrect to mention the name of Jesus at public functions.

Consider that God, prayer, and the Bible have been taken from our schools, and have been replaced by drugs, vulgarity, condoms, and violence.

Consider our economic dependency on credit, and credit cards and the enormous debt of our nation and its people.

Consider that “price labeling” is done now by using isobars and the 666 system (Rev.13:18).

Consider the great storms and earthquakes that the world has recently suffered. Hundreds of thousands are dead at a single catastrophe. Consider how insensitive the rest of the world is concerning these matters.

Consider our great World Wars, and threatened encounters with atomic warfare.

Consider the polluted air we breathe, our polluted steams, and lakes, and oceans.

Consider the erosion of the ozone.

Consider the falling away of Christianity from the teachings of Jesus.

Consider that most Christian churches label as “cults” other churches that “go visiting” in obedience to the instructions of Jesus.

Consider the numbers of wolves in sheep’s clothing that are electronically fleecing great riches from the believers of the world.

Consider how many weak believers Darwinism has weaned from the Church.

Consider that many of the poorer nations of the world become more industrialized they will want a bigger and bigger share of the world’s supply of oil. They will bid higher and higher prices for that oil. The US will be forced to outbid them. Oil prices will skyrocket. Poorer nations will hate the US more and more for our glutinous consumption and hoarding of the world’s oil supply.

Consider that while billions of people throughout the world are starving to death, the US is turning food products into gasoline for our vehicles of pleasure.

Consider the dependency of this nation on gasoline. As gasoline rises to $10.00 per gallon by the year 2011, consider that the cost of “wheat and barley” (Re.6:6) will be beyond the reach of the world’s poor.

Consider that America will become more and more hated as we approach Christian Harvest.

Christians beware. Keep you eyes upon Jesus and what He did for you at the Cross.

If you cannot see the beginnings of sorrows in these things, then you cannot see through the eyes of Jesus. One thing is for certain, God sees GREAT SORROWS in all of these things, and He is the one that is doing the countdown.

These things are going to become increasingly worse as we approach the era of “GREATER TRIBULATIONS”. Consider that 90% of these things have only in recent years begun to plague the Earth. Most of these plagues did not exist 100 years ago. Consider the gravity of these plagues should they continue at such an accelerated pace.

God will not tolerate our wickedness much longer.




The Bible identifies GREAT TRIBULATION as a time of GREAT sorrows (Mat.24:8, Is.13:8, Rev.18:7, Is.17:11). Jesus identified the beginning of Tribulation as just the BEGINNING of sorrows (Mat.24:8). He said that “early" sorrows would serve as “signs” (Mat.24:4-7) to warn (LUKEWARM) Christians of His imminent APPEARANCE (Luke 21:28). Are these early sorrows warning you? Can you “see” what is happening? Are you warning those you love?

We have established that sorrows have already begun. Now let us now look at the proof that Jesus is going to harvest the Christian Church very soon after just the “beginning” of great sorrows.

Jesus said that when you shall see these things -- the “early” warnings -- begin to come to pass then look up, your redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21:28).

Jesus promised to give adulterous Christians an opportunity to repent (Rev.2:20-21) before He casts them into GREAT TRIBULATION. Therefore, early sorrows will serve to purify (Rev.2:22, 3:10) the Christian Church (LUKE 8:13, I Tim.4:1).

Christians will be gathered immediately after the sorrows of those early days (Mat.24:29).

Productive Christians shall suffer a little to give fellow Lukewarm Christians an opportunity to repent (Rev.2:22, 3:10, 3:15-16).

Hold fast to the Son lest you “fall away” when His wrath is kindled “just a little” (Ps.2:12).

Though the LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL (Christians) be swallowed up by the Gentiles (Ho.8:8), yet they shall SORROW only a little for the burden (the sacrifice) of the King of Princes (Ho.8:10).

For a short season, if need be, Christians will be tried (I Pet.1:6-7).

The righteous (followers of Jesus – Christians) shall be delivered out of (the time of) Jacob’s trouble (Prov.11:8, Jer.30:7, Rev.7:14).

God warns that for a “small moment” He will forsake the HOUSE OF ISRAEL -- Christians (Is.54:7).

“For a little wrath I hid My face from thee” (Is.54:8).

The Numberless Multitude - guests adorned with white robes for the wedding - will come out of Great Tribulation (Rev.7:14). But, out of what part of Great Tribulation, the beginning, the middle, or near the end? Jesus said that it will occur immediately after the tribulations of those days (Mat.24:30). What days? ---- The days of the BEGINNING of sorrows (Mat.24:8).

We are in the days of “early sorrows”. These early sorrows will intensify until RAPTURE. Christians should expect the sorrows of the Christian Church to become even greater as the Rapture nears. The early sorrows will intensify and will quickly turn into great sorrows. Then, after Christians have been taken in the Christian Harvest, the great sorrows will turn into Great Tribulations. Then Great Tribulations will then turn into DEATH TRIALS as the HARVEST OF THE EARTH approaches. Then the WRATH of the LAMB will occur after the rest of the Earth is Harvested (Winter Harvest). Go back to top.

SORROWS, GREAT -- See the sorrows in the BEGINNING OF SORROWS then imagine how bad these sorrows can become without the comfort of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will be here for the Beginning of Sorrows but will be removed to allow the sorrows to grow into greater unimaginable horror. See also: GREAT TRIBULATION. Go back to top.

SPEWED OUT OF HIS MOUTH – this is synonymous with being LEFT BEHIND (Re.3:16) and is directly connected to SLOTHFUL believers. Consider that those spewed out of His mouth are NAKED (they have no WEDDING GARMENT ( Re.3:17). Therefore, they will not be allowed to attend the WEDDING (Mat.22:12). They will have to remain behind and (become WITNESSES for Him) buy (gain) for Him, GOLD that has been purified in the fires of Great Tribulation in order to receive white raiment (Re.3:18, 19:14) and to rule (sit – Re.3:21, 20:4) with King Jesus during the Millennial rule. Those that are spewed out of His mouth (left behind) and become witnesses for Him during the Great Tribulations will purify (buy) many souls for Him (Dan.12:10, Re.3:18). These once slothful unproductive believers, now witnesses, will be called the FAITHFUL of Great Tribulation, and will be harvested at the Harvest of the Earth. The FAITHFUL will return with King Jesus, (with the Chosen and Called) when He returns to Earth as the Warrior King. Go back to top.

SPIRIT, HOLY = A third part of the TRINITY that today co-habituates with, and comforts, Christians. See: Spirit of God (Gen.6:3, 41:38, Ju.2:10, I Sam.10:10, Ps.51:10-11, Zech.4:6). Demonic demons cannot possess a person who is filled with the Holy Spirit. Go back to top.

SPIRIT OF PROPHECY = The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy (Re.19:10). If the words of Jesus do not confirm “would-be” prophecy, then I would seriously doubt that prophet and his teachings. Go back to top.

SPIRITUAL DARKNESS = Also called OUTER DARKNESS. A period of time will come upon this planet when the Holy Spirit will not be here to comfort humans. This will be a time that human spirits will no longer be able to communicate with God thru the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Light of the world that works thru the Holy Spirit (John 3:19). When Jesus left this planet (John 9:5, 12:35), He said I will not leave you (spiritually) alone. I will not leave you in Spiritual Darkness. I will send a Comforter to you who will testify of me. Therefore, the Light of the World, Jesus is still with us through the Holy Spirit. The Light of the World (Jesus) still lights the way for mankind. When Jesus comes to gather His Church he will take the Comforter back to Heaven with Him (II Thes.2:7).

Without Spiritual Light (Jer.13:11, Eph.5:13-14) the entire world will be plunged into Spiritual darkness (Jo.8:12, 12:36,46, Amos 5:20, 8:9, Is.59:9, 60:2, 42:7, Jude 13, Zep.1:15) which Jesus, the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY (Re.19:10) identified as OUTER DARKNESS (Mat.25:30, John 8:12, 12:46, 35, Lu.22:53, Acts 2:20).

Those who do not believe Jesus is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD will have to go through the darkness of GREAT TRIBULATION (John 12:46, Mat.8:12). Those with no wedding garment will have to endure OUTER DARKNESS (Mat.22:13). During GREAT TRIBULATION some of the SPIRITUALLY BLIND Jews (Mat.15:14) that are in OUTER DARKNESS will see a great light (turn to Jesus - Mat.4:16. Dan.12:10). Go back to top.

SPIRITUAL GIFTS = The HOLY SPIRIT comes into the heart and abides with those who, through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice for mankind, have invited Him in. He, the HOLY SPIRIT brings power and gifts with Him that are given freely to the recipient.

God has given us all gifts in some manner or another (Acts 2:38, Ro.6:23, 12:6, I Cor.12:1-31, 13:2, Eph.2:8-9) that He would like for us to use in His services for mankind. Some of us never use them, or rarely use them. Some of us use them for personal gain. However, each of us will account for our gifts and our slothfulness (Mat.24:45-51, 25:14-30). God expect us to make gains for Him with our gifts. The consequences may be devastating (Mat.25:26-27).

Among these gifts is the gift of prophecy (Ro.12:6), He.2:4, Ga.5:22, I Cor.12:1,9,28, 14:12). All who diligently study Bible prophecy in the verses of the Bible will be able to “see” things to come. Go back to top.

SPIRITUAL OCCUPATION OF MAN = See also POSSESSION. Spirits good and bad, possess – cohabitate – occupy – mankind. (I John 4:2). God is a Spirit (Jo.4:24). Jesus is the Spirit of Truth (Jo.14:17) and the Spirit of Prophecy (Re.19:10). The Holy Spirit, our present day COMFORTER, fills the hearts of all Christians believers (I John 4:2). If the Holy Spirit fills our hearts there is no room for DEMONIC SPIRITS. We cannot commune or worship God in our flesh. We must do it through our Spirit and in TRUTH (JESUS) (Jo.4:23). It was not the flesh of David that spoke to Jesus (Mat.22:43). Even Satan is a spirit (Mat.10:20). Spirits, good and bad, possess – cohabitate – occupy – control – all of mankind. See also CO-HABITATION OF MAN.

Spirits control our temperament and tell us what to do (Lu.12:12), and can even have control over our flesh (Lu.13:L11, Ro.8:11). Notice that God controls spirits and puts spirits, both good and bad, in mankind to do His will. Ever wonder about split personalities (Mat.12:45). As you read the following passages, notice also that some spirits are submissive to other spirits and that is why some humans are able to control other people and even throngs of people – Jim Jones – David Koresh – Islamic suicide bombers, etc.

Old testament evidence: ( Lv.19:31, Nu.11:25, Ju.9:23, I Sam.16:14, I Ki.22:21-23, II Ki.19:7, II Cor.33:6, Job 4:15, Ps.51:10-11, Ec.8:8, 12:5-7, Is.11:2, Is.19:3, 37:7, Eze.2:2, 13:3, Ho.4:12). Jesus spent a great deal of His ministry casting out DEMONIC SPIRITS (Mat.8:16, 10:1, 12:43-45, Ro.8:11). Christians, through Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, can control their spirit world (Luke 10:20). Go back to top.

SPIRITUAL WARFARE = God is Spirit (John 4:24, Mat.3:16). We worship Him through our Spirit (Jo.4:23-24, I Cor.14:14-16, 15:44). We communicate with Him through our Spirit (Mat.10:20, John 6:63, Acts 2:4). His warfare with Satan and the fallen angels is not carnal (Eph.6:12, Mat.12:13, 26:41, Mr.1:27), it is Spiritual (Eph.6:12). See: FALLEN ANGELS and POSSESSION.

The ongoing war between spiritual forces is for mankind. Even though Satan and his FALLEN ANGELS of darkness have been cast out of Heaven to the Earth, they have not been prevented from putting up a fight for mankind. However, they are limited in what God will allow them to do. I believe that Spiritual worship offered up to the Father is cherished and adored by Him. This is His Spiritual victory for He is a jealous God. However, He does not want us unless we come to Him willingly. Because He allows us a free choice, Satanic forces are continually bombarding us with things to lure us away from our spiritual relationship with God the Father. Satan tempts us to seek worldly things in an attempt to get us to neglect and even reject our spiritual relationship with God. Go back to top.

SPIRITUALLY BLIND = is when a co-habiting demonic spirit (see: SPIRITUAL POSSESSION) will not let you see God’s side of a spiritual issue (Ro.8:11, II Co.4:4, Ro.11:25, Jo.9:39, Mat.23:24,26, Re.3:17, II Pe.1:9, I Jo.2:11). The demonically possessed individual will not, and cannot, consider the other side of an issue. His heart is hardened. We say that he has a one tract mind. His reasoning is being controlled by his occupying spirit.

Go back to top.

STRONG DELUSION BEFORE RAPTURE = The strongest delusion Satan has in his favor today is the fact that pastors are teaching that “today is the only day of salvation”. They are teaching that if Jesus comes today, and you are not taken, you will go straight to hell. This is not true. Many millions and millions will be saved during Great Tribulation, and all who have died prior to Great Tribulation without knowing Jesus will be resurrected and live with Jesus during His Millennial rule. This deception is only one of several that Anti-Christ will use to cause many Earth-dwellers to follow him during the time of GREAT TRIBULATIONS (I Thes.2:10, II John 1:7, Re.12:9, 13:14, 18:13, 19:20, 20:3,8,10). Go back to top.

STRONG DELUSION OF GREAT TRIBULATION = The victory by ANTI-CHRIST over the WITNESSES OF GREAT TRIBULATION is another “strong delusion” that will make another lie -- that Anti-Christ forces can defeat Jesus -- very believable (II Thes.2:11-12). This lie is a PURIFYING FIRE that will cause a falling away from, and therefore purify, the “FAITHFUL” of Great Tribulation. The wicked shall cleave to this lie (Dan.11:32, 12:10) and shall join Anti-Christ forces (Rev.16:14) in an all out effort to defeat Jesus as He returns to Earth after Battle of Armageddon (Rev.16:16). They shall turn to Anti-Christ to protect them from the Wrath of the Lamb (Rev.6:16-17).

It is after the victory over the (WITNESSES) of God in Jerusalem (day 1290 after Christian Rapture) that the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION will be set up (Dan.12:11). The FOURTH REICH will mandate (Rev.13;12) that all EARTH-DWELLERS turn towards Jerusalem to worship the GOLDEN IMAGE of ANTI-CHRIST. Then for 45 days everybody that refuses to worship the image of the BEAST and take the MARK OF THE BEAST will be arrested, tried, and executed (see DEATH TRIALS). Their bodies will be taken to incinerators for disposal. (See also: BELIEVERS AFTER RAPTURE. Go back to top.

TEMPLE OF GOD = is synonymous with God’s relationship with the HOUSE OF JUDAH (Israel), the wife of God. Jews feel that without a temple, they cannot really communicate with God. Jesus’ is the “TEMPLE” for Christians to commune with God. He raised His own body (the Temple of Christians) in three days. He will raise the Jewish temple during the time of their Great Tribulations. See: TEMPLE, CLEANSING OF and TEMPLE, REBUILDING OF. Go back to top.

TEMPLE, CLEANSING OF – Rebuilding the TEMPLE OF GOD is synonymous with God’s reconciliation with the HOUSE OF JUDAH. Cleansing the Temple is synonymous with Judean Punishment. (See also: GREAT TRIBULATION, DEATH TRIALS, OVERFLOWING SCOURGE, DEATH AND HELL, BIRTH PANGS, POGROMS, and GOLDEN IMAGE.

Jesus will cleanse (refine, Zech.12:10-11, 13:9) the HOUSE OF JUDAH as GOLD is refined. This will be done during their GREAT TRIBULATIONS after Jesus has harvested His CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Zech.6:15). When Jesus comes again and rules from planet earth, (MILLENNIAL RULE) He whose right it is shall rebuild the temple (Zech.6:12-13, 8:8-9). (See: PURIFYING FIRES). Go back to top.

TEMPLE, REBUILDING OF = Jesus will physically rebuild (Zech.6:12-13, 8:8-9, Amos 9:11, Acts 15:16, 17:24, John 2:19) the Jewish Temple just prior to His Millennial Rule. The cleansing of the temple will occur during the GREAT TRIALS (Tribulations) of the Jewish people as they are purified as pure GOLD is refined. Go back to top.


TESTIMONY = the spoken words of a witness. The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy (Re.19:10). Go to the words of Jesus to confirm prophecy. Go back to top.

THE END = These words spoken to Daniel (Dan.12:9,13) refer to the fulfillment - the culmination of the Abrahamic covenant. For Jews the time of THEIR END is the era of GREAT TRIBULATION. The exact day of their end is the HARVEST OF THE EARTH when those that have finally accepted Jesus will be gathered off this planet. Their “belief” in Jesus will finally occur after seeing His proof, His SIGN, as He gathers His Christian Church.

For the SEA, (the rest of mankind) the time of the end refers to the MILLENNIAL RULE of Christ on this planet for 1000 years. This will be their time to get to know Jesus. Go back to top.

THOMAS, DOUBTING =A person who will have to see the proof of the Son of Man before He will accept Him (John 20:25). Those who doubt Jesus will not be taken in the CHRISTIAN HARVEST. Those who believe without having to see His PROOF, His SIGN (Mat.24:30), will be BLESSED (John 20:29) by being taken off this planet at CHRISTIAN HARVEST just as GREAT TRIBULATIONS are just beginning. Go back to top.

TIME CHART OF THE END = This is a chart of WHEN the events of THE END (the Seventieth Week of Daniel) will take place. No, we do not know the hour or the day of the return of Jesus for His Church, but after the RAPTURE (CHRISTIAN HARVEST) the days of end-time occurrences are numbered in the Bible. Evan Satan knows the time-table (Re.12:12).[pic]

TIME OF THE END – (See: THE END). For the House of Judah (Daniel’s people, Dan.12:9,13), this is the time of GREAT TRIBULATION (that will occur after Christian Harvest). This will be the era before WRATH. This time period will begin with CHRISTIAN HARVEST and will end with HARVEST OF THE EARTH. The Harvest of the Earth will usher in Wrath. Go back to top.

TREE OF LIFE = Jesus, as He is figuratively portrayed, in New Jerusalem (Re.22:14). He is the LIGHT, and He is the RIVER of LIFE. Go back to top.

TRIALS = TRIBULATIONS. These are the PURIFYING FIRES that will purify the HOUSE OF JUDAH into pure GOLD during Great Tribulations. (See: PUNISHMENT UPON THE HOUSE OF JUDAH = See also: DEATH TRIALS, OVERFLOWING SCOURGE, DEATH AND HELL, BIRTH PANGS, POGROMS, and GOLDEN IMAGE. To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation. Go back to top.

TRIBES OF THE EARTH = These are the 12 tribes of Israel, using one of the sons of Joseph, Manasseh (Jos.13:7), to replace Dan (Re.7:5-8) – tribes of the earth (Mat.24:30, Gen.49:28, Jas.1:1, Luke 22:30, Zech.9:1). Please note that their HOLY CITY, Jerusalem, had 12 gates – one for each of the tribes of Israel. Notice that there are also 12 gates (Re.21:21) by which New Jerusalem may be entered. And notice finally that those that do His commandments, (the descents of Abraham), have a right to the TREE OF LIFE (Re.22:14), Jesus, and they may enter into to New Jerusalem through the gates (the COVENANT OF ABRAHAM). The Earth (the Jewish Kingdom included) will be harvested by Jesus (Re.14:14-16) and brought up to the Father (II Cor.15:23-24) – made alive in their own order. (See HARVEST OF THE EARTH. See also, EARTH). Go back to top.

TRIBULATIONS = TRIALS. These are the PURIFYING FIRES that will purify the HOUSE OF JUDAH into pure GOLD during Great Tribulations. To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.


TRUTH – Truth is another prophetic name for Jesus. (Jo.14:6,17, 15:26, 16:13, 8:32,44, 5:23, 4:23, Mat.15:27, I Jo.4:6, 5:7, II Jo.1:2, Ps.69:13, 85:10-11, 145:18, Is.38:18, 65:16). Truth will have fall in the streets (Is.59:14). Truth, Knowledge of Jesus, will be cast to the ground (Dan.8:12), by Anti-Christ during the time of Great Tribulation. See: Abomination of Desolation. Jesus (Truth, Peace) will be taught to the Jews (Zech.8:3,8, twelve gates, one for each tribe v.16) by WITNESSES during the time of their Great Tribulations. Go back to top.

UNDERSTANDING = See also: KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING. Knowledge is knowing who Jesus is, and understanding is realizing what He has done, is doing, and will do for mankind (Jer.9:24). Apply this meaning to all areas in the Bible that use the terms of KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING.

Understanding is also the God given ability (a Spiritual Gift) to SEE (Jer.5:21), to discern prophecy (Col.2:2, Re.13:18), to grasp the future plans of God (Dan.9:22, 10:1, Re.13:18) for mankind, and to teach (Jer.3:15) others. Understanding comes to those who submits to, and earnestly seeks Jesus (Ps.119:104, 111:10, 119:98-99, I Cor.14:15). Those that refuse to submit to Him remain blind and cannot UNDERSTAND (Dan.12:10, Pro.3:5, 27:9, Jer.3:15). Go back to top.

UNITED EUROPE – See FOURTH REICH. An economically united Europe, with Germany as its head, is already a fact. Their monetary unit, the Euro has now in 2007 become stronger than the dollar. Complete military unification will occur after Summer Harvest (which is the Christian Harvest) as this new super power tries to reign in the oil producing nations of the Middle East. This will be done in a whirlwind of quick battles as the middle east is no military match for “United Europe” (Dan.11:40). This will anger the KINGS OF THE EAST who will then begin a campaign of their own to control Middle Eastern oil. Go back to top.

VICTORY OVER THE BEAST = (Re.15:2, 14:9-11) ALL who acknowledge Jesus during the time of their own great punishment (Dan.9:24), and FAITHFULLY (Rev.2:12) WAIT (Dan.12:12) 1335 days for Him to return from His wedding (Luke 12:36), will gain VICTORY OVER THE BEAST of GREAT TRIBULATION, and will be given a CROWN OF LIFE (Rev.2:10). They will be “MADE ALIVE” (I Cor.15:24) at the HARVEST OF THE EARTH (Ho.6:11, Jer.23:6, 33:16, Rom.11:25-26). They will be taken up to the Father by the Son (I Cor.15:24) who they had denied before seeing His SIGN.

To gain eternal life during the era of Great Tribulation, a person LEFT BEHIND must not “…worship the beast, or his image, or receive his mark…” He must confess that Jesus is His Lord, and never deny Him to be the true Son of God no matter what Anti-Christ forces do to him or his family. Any one of these things will cause one’s eternal damnation.

In the last 45 days (See: TIME-CHART) before harvest of the Earth, the FOURTH REICH will attempt to round up and execute (see: DEATH TRIALS) all of the Jews in Europe (especially in Jerusalem and Israel) who are witnessing for Jesus (Re.12:17, 3:18, Dan.12:3,10), and who will not bow down to the GOLDEN IMAGE of Anti-Christ (see: ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION) that has been erected in the Holy Place of Jerusalem, and who have not reported to identification centers to be tattooed with an isobar on the wrist or in the forehead so that they might buy and sell (Re.20:4, 14:9-11, 15:2). Actually, this isobar will be more than buy or sell, it will be a means of keeping track of, and identifying, EARTH-DWELLERS. Those not complying with these FOURTH REICH orders will be gathered up, tried and executed. Their bodies will then be taken to incinerators just as they were during the days of Nebuchadnezzar, and in the days of Adolph Hitler - the Holocaust. See also: Pogroms.

Yes, during Great Tribulation the enemies of Judah will again erect crematoriums. Just as they did in the time of Daniel, and as they did in WW II. It will be a very sobering and dreadful thing for Jews to realize that the Fourth Reich is erecting crematoriums in Jerusalem and other parts of Israel. Oh, dear Jew, pray that your flight (harvest) be not in the Winter (Mat.24:20).

These executions and threats (Mat.10:21,28,32,32) will cause one fourth (Re.6:8) of all Earth-dwellers to comply with Fourth Reich orders. Those complying with Fourth Reich orders (see: ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION) will sign a covenant with the FOURTH REICH and ANTICHRIST (DEATH and HELL - Re.6:8, Is.28:15). They believe that by SIGNING the agreement, they will then be PASSED OVER when the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE shall pass (Is.28:15). However, those that make this new covenant with DEATH AND HELL will lose both body and soul (Mat.10:28).

BE WARNED, THAT WHO-SO-EVER TAKES THIS MARK (accepts the tattoo so he can buy and sell) WILL BE DAMMED TO EVERLASTING TORMENT (Rev.14:9-11). This test will be their last, their “RECONCILIATORY” PUNISHMENT (Dan.9:24). However, in no way does the “father of liars and murderers” (John 8:44) intend to honor this new covenant with Jews whom he hates so much. The possessing demon of the Fourth Reich dictator will kill the Jews anyhow (Is.28:18), just as he did in 70 AD, and just as he did in WW II. The Bible says he will make war upon the remnant of Jews that escaped his “flood” of WW II (Re.12:17).

This final FLOOD OF DEATHS, (Dan.9:26, Rev.12:15) is biblically identified as an OVERFLOWING SCOURGE (Is.28:15). By signing this COVENANT OF DEATH with the FOURTH REICH, EARTH-DWELLERS will lose both body and soul in Hell (Mat.10:28, Rev.14:9-11). This new covenant will “cancel” the old covenant that they have inherited through their father, Abraham. Go back to top.

VIRGINS, SPIRITUAL = These are the BRIDE OF CHRIST. They should not be confused with the MANY that will be CALLED (invited) to the wedding. These are they that die without condemnation (John 5:24, Rev.14:3-5) - having not committed adultery with false gods (Jer.3:14, 5:7-8, Ezek.16:32-33, 23:37, Rev.2:22). They do not sleep in the graves (John 5:24, Mat.22:32) awaiting His call (I Thes.4:15-16). They immediately ascend to Heaven at the very moment of their deaths (Mat.22:32, John 5:24).

This group will be the FIRST FRUITS unto Jesus and the Father (I Cor.15:22, Rev.14:4). These are the FIRST-RIPE of the Earth (Na.3:12, Mic.7:1, Jer.24:2, Song of Sol.4:16). This is the early fruit, the First Fruit that has ripened, and it will be eaten by the gardener even before the Summer Harvest (Is.28:4) which is the Christian Harvest.

And He has “CHOSEN” them to be the His VIRGIN BRIDE (Mat.22:14, 20:16, Eph.1:4). They are exempt from condemnation (John 5:24, Rev.14:5).

This group will come from the descendants of Isaac (Rev.7:14, 14:3) with whom the Covenant of Abraham has been inherited (Gen.17:19). Christians are also included in this group (explained later). The “Sea” (not under the covenant of Abraham) will contribute very few (if any) to this “Virgin” group (Is.23:4).

The Bride will include 12,000 from each of the tribes of Israel (Re. 14:1-5, 7:4) except the tribe of Dan (Rev.7:4). Manasseh, son of Joseph, will replace the tribe of Dan. Most of this group are already in Heaven preparing themselves as a bride prepares herself for her wedding (Rev.19:7-8). Some are still alive today. The CHOSEN Bride will be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white (Rev.19:8). Those CALLED to attend the wedding will wear robes washed white in the blood of the Lamb.

Jesus identified some members of this Bride as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Mat.8:11). He said plainly that these three persons are not dead, but alive (Mat.22:32). He also identified His disciples as CHOSEN (John 15:16, 19, Acts 1:24). Paul is also CHOSEN (Acts 24:14). We could probably add the great prophets of the Bible, and many other great names of the Bible to the list of the CHOSEN FEW. And I think that you and I could probably name others that have lived and died since the time of Christ on Earth. There are even some that are alive today who I believe will become a part of this group. Go back to top.

WAIT = Those that are LEFT BEHIND are Biblically called “EARTH DWELLERS” (Re.3:10, 6:10, 8:13, 11:10, 13:8,14, 14:6-7,15-16, 17:2,8). EARTH-DWELLERS will have to “wait” for Jesus to return from His Christian WEDDING to gather them (Luke 12:36, Dan.12:12, Mic.7:7, Is.59:9, La.3:26, Job 29:23). Earth dwellers must resist the BEAST and “wait” (Is.25:7-9, Zech.12:10, 13:9) for 1335 days (Dan.12:12). Many will be purified and washed white by their trials (Dan.12:10). They will faithfully wait to the end (HARVEST OF THE EARTH) will be harvested at that time. Then King Jesus who can now be addressed as King because of His marriage to the Christian Church, will also become the God (King) of the Earth (Re.16:1). Then the Wrath of the Lamb will come upon those not taken in the last harvest, the Harvest of the Earth, also called Winter Harvest.

Go back to top.

WARRIOR KING = The Warrior King is Biblically named FAITHFUL AND TRUE, because the armies that are with Him are TRUTH (Christians) and FAITHFUL (Jews). KING JESUS will return to Earth (Zech.14:3-4) with His armies (Re.19:14), the CHOSEN, the CALLED, and the FAITHFUL (Re.17:14), and will make war (Re.19:11, Zech.14:3) on those who have fought against Jerusalem (Zech.14:4). He shall destroy them with the brightness of His coming and their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth (Zech.14:12). Go back to top.

WATER = During the Millennial Rule of Jesus on Earth, water shall cover the Sea (Is.11:9), and Living water shall flow out of Jerusalem (Is.14:8). Jesus is the fountain of Living Waters (Jer.2:13, 17:13). Water is Knowledge (Ps.78:20, Is. 44:3, 11:9, 12:3, 28:17, 32:1-2, 35:6, Pro.25:21,25, ) and acceptance of Jesus. (Jer.2:13, Mat.10:42, 12;43, Jo.3:5, 4:10,14, 7:38, Is.41:17-18, 58:11, Re.22:17). Go back to top.

WAY = Jesus is the WAY. The method of salvation. The gate of salvation. The pathway of salvation. The doorway of salvation. The Straight Street. Go back to top.

WEDDING = the union of Jesus to His Christian Church (Dan.7:13-14, Mat.22:2-14, 25:1-13, Luke 12:36). Go back to top.

WEDDING GARMENT = WHITE ROBES that have been washed white by the blood of Jesus (Re.7:13-14) is the proper dress for those CALLED (the invited guests) to Jesus’ Wedding (Mat.22:11-12). His BRIDE will be arrayed in LINEN CLEAN AND WHITE. Go back to top.

WEEPING = Jesus described the “WAITING” (Luke 12:36) place (Dan.12:12) of the children of the KINGDOM OF JUDAH as “OUTER DARKNESS” (Mat.8:12, Is.60:1-5, Jer.13:16). It is a place of weeping (MOURNING) by those who, after RAPTURE, greatly regret their rejection of Jesus. Many Christians will be left behind because of their laziness (SLOTHFULNESS, Mat.25:26-30). They will be weeping, also.

Jesus will eventually forgive those that MOURN their rejection of Him (Zach.12:10, 13:9) and wait faithfully for Him to return from His wedding to gather them at the Harvest of the Earth (Winter Harvest).

Compare WEEPING to GNASHING OF TEETH which is the anger of indignant, irate so-called Christians and “great” Christian leaders who will be LEFT BEHIND because they did not feed their flocks the Meat of the Season (Mat.24:45-51) and/or because Jesus really never knew them (Mat.7:22-23). Go back to top.

WHITE ROBES – that have been washed white by the blood of Jesus (Re.7:13-14) is the proper dress (Mat.22:11-12) for those CALLED (the invited guests) of Jesus’ WEDDING (Mat.22:11-12) to the CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Go back to top.

WHOREDOM of Israelites = The descendants of Israel mingled with other cultures and peoples, abandoned God’s Sabbaths and assumed pagan worship (Jer.11:10, 13:25-27, Eze.16:15-36, 23:2-7, Ho.1:2). See also: SPIRITUAL ADULTERY. Go back to top.

WINTER HARVEST – is the last harvest. The WINTER HARVEST is a result of the LATTER RAIN that watereth the Earth (Ho.6:3). It is the HARVEST OF THE EARTH – a harvest prepared for the HOUSE OF JUDAH. This is the FLIGHT of those that have to WAIT for their salvation (Luke 12:36) during their Great Tribulations. Their flight (harvest) will be in the winter (Mat.24:20).

Pray that your flight (harvest) be not in the winter or in the day of those keeping the Sabbath (Jews), because if it is, you will have to endure very Great Tribulations, (Paraphrased from Mat.24:20-21). Go back to top.

WITNESS(ES) OF GREAT TRIBULATION = (See also: POST-RAPTURE CHRISTIANS) – The Bible promises and identifies two “all-powerful” prophets that will witness for our Lord in the city of Jerusalem during GREAT TRIBULATION. The Old Testament witness (Rev.11:3) of Great Tribulation will be Elijah the Prophet (Mal.4:5), and his New Testament “companion in tribulation” will be John the Revelator (Rev.1:9, 10:10-11). These two prophets will be invincible for 1260 days of witnessing for Jesus (Rev.11:3-5, Dan.12:3,10) even though Christianity will be outlawed by the Anti-Christ (Dan.8:12, 11:31) and all that violate this ban of Christianity will be arrested, tried, and put to death.

These two witnesses will destroy anybody who would hurt them, and will inflict the earth with plagues as often as they will (Rev.11:5-6). Anti-Christ forces will both hate and dread them. They will cause great resistance to Anti-Christ and will be the strength of the FAITHFUL. They will be an inspiration to other witnesses (Dan.12:3), and all that wait (Dan.12;12) for Jesus to return from His wedding. (Luke 12:36).

They will warn that, “If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb; And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have not rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name (Rev14:9-11).

And when the 1260 day testimony (Re.11:3-5, Dan.12:11) of these WITNESSES (Mat.24:22,) is finished, the BEAST of tribulation will overcome them (Rev.13.7), and slay them (Mat.24:22, Dan.7:21,25, 11:33, Rev.11:7, 13:7,15, 12:17, 2:22).

For three and one-half days, Anti-Christ forces shall televise their victory (Rev.13:7) over these SAINTS OF GOD – Elijah and John -- -- “to every kindred and tongue and nation” (Rev.11:9). It will be a time of great rejoicing for ANTI-CHRIST forces. The whole planet will witness the spectacle and many will rejoice with ANTI-CHRIST because of the plagues that the WITNESSES wrought upon the EARTH. The ANTI-CHRIST will not even allow his workers to dispose of their decaying, fly infested, bodies. In world-televised appearances, ANTI-CHRIST shall boast of his victories and assure the fearful unbelieving portion of mankind that they need not fear Jesus. He will boast that he can, and will assuredly defeat Jesus when He returns to Earth at Mount Olives (Zech.14:2-4). His defeat of God’s WITNESSES will convince many that he is invincible (Re.13:4).

However, God is going to resurrect His (WITNESSES) Saints in 3 1/2 days (Rev.11:11-12, Dan.7:25). He will call them up to Him (Rev.11:12, 18:4), and their “WORKS” will follow them (Rev.14:12-13) to their rest. Notice that their enemies will see them rising up to Heaven. This also tells me that those who are left behind at Rapture will be able to see Christians rising up to meet Him in the air. (This fact of being able to see Christians rising up in the air will be part of the SIGN of Jesus.)

WITNESS(ES) LUKEWARM = For 1290 days, God’s two major WITNESSES of Great Tribulation will be invincible (Rev.11:3-5). These will be the Abrahamic Covenant of the Old Testament, Elijah the prophet (Mal.4:5), and the New Testament witness of John the Revelator (Re.1:9, 10-11). These two prophets will live again during the Great Tribulation era and will Witness for Jesus among the Earth Dwellers that must endure these trials. They will destroy anybody who would hurt them, and will inflict the earth with plagues as often as they will (Rev.11:5-6). Anti-Christ forces will both hate and dread them. They will cause great resistance to Anti-Christ and will be the strength of the FAITHFUL. The two principal Witnesses of God will be an inspiration to other witnesses, and the FAITHFUL of God throughout the world (Dan.12:3).

There will be many other Witnesses during the era of Great Tribulation. (See also: POST-RAPTURE CHRISTIANS) LUKEWARM WITNESS(ES) are POST-RAPTURE CHRISTIANS that have been Left Behind because of slothfulness. Lukewarm witnesses of Great Tribulation are “half-way” believers of today that are “lukewarm” about supporting and working for Jesus (Mat.25:26, James 2:17-22). LUKEWARM Christians (Re.3:16) of today will be spewed out of His mouth and will be LEFT BEHIND. However, they will become stringent, “hot”, productive witnesses (Dan.11:33, 12:3,10) after they see His SIGN in the heavens (Mat.24:30) as He gathers His True Believers (John 20:25) at Christian Harvest.

These LEFT BEHIND, now very “hot”, believers will become WITNESSES (Dan.12:3, Re.11:3, 3:18) for Jesus during their GREAT TRIBULATIONS. They will become witnesses to Earth-dwellers and will help to purify their faith in Jesus (Dan.12:1-3,10). They will “buy” for Him, PURIFIED GOLD (Re.3:18) that their nakedness might be covered with the white raiment necessary for Heaven (Mat.22:12, Re.3:16-18).

At the TIME OF THE END, many will be tried and purified, and washed white in His blood (Dan.12:10). Blessed are they who WAIT 1335 days (Dan.12:12) for the Groom to return from His CHRISTIAN WEDDING (Luke 12:36). And the WITNESSES of GREAT TRIBULATION that turn many (Dan.12:10) to righteousness (Jesus) shall shine as the stars for ever and ever (Dan.12:3).

WIVES OF GOD = God identified the HOUSE OF ISRAEL and the HOUSE OF JUDAH as His wives (Jer.31:31-32, Is.54:1-6, Jer.3:1,20, Ezek.16:1-32). Go back to top.

WOMAN OF REVELATION = of is the HOUSE OF JUDAH. The EARTH is the HOUSE OF ISRAEL (the Christian nations) and came to the rescue of Judah (Re.12:16) during the time of their HOLOCAUST (see FLOOD OF DEATHS). During GREAT TRIBULATION, the House of JUDAH will be protected 1260 days by her covenant with the FOURTH REICH (See: OVERFLOWING SCOURGE, DEATH AND HELL, and DEATH TRIALS). Notice that at the time the Dragon pursues the WOMAN, the woman is keeping the commandments of God and also revering the testimony of Jesus Christ (Re.12:17, 14:12, 15:3) so we know that this is after the house of Judah has accepted Jesus (see: SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN). Go back to top.

WORKS, SAVED BY = We are saved by Faith in Jesus. However, faith apart from works is dead (Jas.2:26). If our faith does not produce work (Mat.25:14-30), it is but LUKEWARM and will be cast into OUTER DARKNESS (Mat.8:11-13).

However, the question is, “Is works in itself sufficient for salvation”. No it is not. Faith in Jesus and His sacrifice for our sins is absolutely necessary. However, faith without works is dead. Our faith must be strong enough for us to want to please Him. Then KING JESUS, at Judgment Day will say to us, “Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Mat.25:34).

Before Jesus presented Himself a sacrifice for the sins of mankind, Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for RIGHTEOUSNESS (Gen.15:6). Remember that Jesus is Righteousness. And how about all of the Biblical saints of God that lived before Jesus? Our faith in Jesus justifies us (Jas.2:35). Our works will follow us (Re.14:13). We will be judged according to our works (Re.20:12,13). We are saved by the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We will be judged (rewarded) according to our works. Go back to top.

WRATH = WRATH (administered by the Lamb – Re.6:16) will be a time that the Lord will consume those of the Earth that have fought against Him (Re.6:17). He will devour them with the fire of His jealousy, (Zeph.3:8). Christians will suffer the BEGINNING OF SORROWS and Judah will suffer GREAT TRIBULATIONS, but neither will face the WRATH of the Lamb. Christians (the SUMMER HARVEST) are not appointed to this wrath (I Thes.1:10, 5:9). Judah (the WINTER HARVEST) is also not appointed to this wrath (Zeph.3:20). Wrath will occur after Jesus has gathered all of His flocks (John 10:16 --harvests) including the House of Judah (Jerusalem, Zeph.3:20, Re.11:18, 14:9-10, Zech.12:9-10). Go back to top.




Among non-believers there is more rape, dope addicts, alcoholics, disease, murder, stealing, adultery, child abuse, pornography, divorce, sorrow, despair, depression, suicide, and war.

Now, our scientific community, and our government know this to be true, so you tell me, why would they take God and Jesus and prayer out of our schools. Why would our government make unlawful the use of the name of Jesus in our public places?


Have you, as a Christian, ever doubted just for a moment the Biblical accounts of Creation? Has science ever gotten to you - just a little? Have you ever thought that maybe at some point in time dinosaurs really did roam the Earth, and that the Earth is much older than the accounts of the Bible provide?

I know that the Bible is not wrong, because I can see the Spiritual blending, the orchestration of the verses, the chapters, and the books. I can see multiple levels of understanding that are deeply embedded in the Bible verses. The verses of the Bible house spiritual meanings that the ancient authors could not have comprehended. I know that primitive man alone could not have choreographed this collection of awesome and inspired “writings”. The Bible could not have been written without help from intelligence beyond anything that man can imagine.

God has shown me Spiritual proof that His divinely inspired writings are very real indeed. His Holy Spirit has walked with me and talked with me. I have seen and felt His grace, His power, and His love. And I know that Jesus is His Son that came to Earth in the flesh and sacrificed His sinless body in lieu of the sin punishment that I deserve. His sacrifice has REDEEMED all who accept Him. I believe and accept the sacrifice that Jesus made for me. I have learned to lean on that sacrifice. His sacrifice is my shield and my weapon against Satan. He has taken upon Himself the load of my sins and has made my yoke easy. I have been made clean by the punishment He suffered for me. I know that the Bible is not wrong.

But, on the other hand, I have seen the sound and convincing evidence science has to offer. Those carbon dated bones and rocks can be very convincing.

But.., how can this be?

It can be because my Creator is also the creator.., of evolution!

Maybe man has grossly misinterpreted what the Bible is really saying. Can it be that the Bible is describing very accurately (although unscientifically) exactly what science is advocating? Can it be that both are saying the same thing? I believe that they are. I believe that the only difference is that man (science) is seeing a superficial carnal interpretation, and the Bible is speaking spiritually. Remember Christian, that your warfare is spiritual not carnal.

I believe that Satan has used man’s “trust’ in carnal science to mislead weak believers concerning what the Bible is really saying.

The world, without hesitation, has accepted the carnal, interpretation of our spiritual Bible.

Let me say it this way. Unspiritual, carnally minded man has attempted to interpret the spiritual things of the Bible. I

Be reminded Christian, your warfare is Spiritual not carnal. Carnal Science cannot interpret Spiritual things.


The SCIENCTIFIC INTERPETATION OF OUR ORIGIN goes something like this: IN THE BEGINNING, there was a humungus big rock just hanging out in the vast emptiness of space. And it was the only rock in all of the vastness of space. And all of the emptiness of space was without light and energy.

Now the rock was so big that it contained all of the stars, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and anything else in all of the vastness of space all wrapped up in one gigantic massive rock. Then science tells us that there spontaneously materialized an unexplained “natural” burst of energy that “super-naturally” exploded that “super-big rock”. Now even though this spontaneous materialization of energy defies all of the laws of science, it happened. Science cannot explain it. It happened. And it was a natural occurrence, science will be quick to tell us.., cause there is no supernatural.

Then, billions of years later, on this particular bit of space dust we call Earth, life spontaneously materialized and evolved into “man”.

The theory you have just read is the scientific answer to the “Creation” of the Bible. They argue that their answer, spontaneous materialization is right because it is the only possible answer. That there may be supernatural powers out there is “impossible”.

And, science will be quick to warn that their answer to Creation is “natural” and in line with the natural laws of science. Science is sure that all, everything, can all be explained within natural laws. They just don’t have all of the answers right now. But one thing is for sure, it was not a “supernatural” being. Supernatural beings cannot exist; therefore it must have been natural.

Science is adamant that a big rock was just “hanging out” in space, and that the energy to explode it just spontaneously materialized. But, it was definitely not caused by a supernatural being. In all of its considerations of possibilities, science refuses to consider that this unexplainable occurrence may have been caused by a “power” that is “bigger than natural”.

Perhaps science should learn to think spiritually and then go to the Bible to validate scientific hypotheses.


The vanity of man is what got him kicked out of the Garden of Eden. He wanted to be like God. And now the vanity of carnal man just plain refuses to acknowledge the existence of a being or beings that existed prior to his existence, still exist, and are superior and smarter than him. Man refuses to believe that another being can be so far advanced of him as to have left the carnal plane and now exist spiritually in an immortal state – on a spiritual plane.

Man thinks he knows a lot, but man has a lot to learn. In fact until man learns to rationalize “spiritually”, man’s thought processes will continue to be limited to carnal understanding. To understand God, and to understand His Spiritual Word, man has to start thinking at the next level – the Spiritual level.

Man gave up his sanctuary in the Garden of Eden to seek “knowledge” (Gen.2:17). Man wants to be smart and creative as is God, to know all, see all, and do all (Gen.3:5). Well, to do that, man must start thinking spiritually. We have to “evolve” to the next level.


I believe that the Biblical accounts of Creation are accurate. However, I don’t believe that carnally thinking man has correctly interpreted those accounts. We have erred in how we have interpreted the writings of early man. The early writers of the Bible described carnally, as best they could relate, the Spiritual things that God related to them. The spiritual meanings are there, however, we have to read beyond the carnal words.

The writers described the things they saw in the very limited terminology of their day. The technical scientific terms and descriptions that modern science would today consider as possibly valid and accurate were not available to the early writers of the Bible.

And even if scientific processes had been available to them at that time, who among the living at that time, could possible have understood what such “scientifically minded prophets” were saying to them?

Scientific jargon and processes could not have been understood until our time, today, a time when knowledge has been greatly increased (Dan.12:4)? And God knew that today man’s increased knowledge would weaken his belief. In fact in these last days before Christian Harvest, God is going to use man’s intellect to separate the weak believers from the strong (II Thes.2:11).

Of course, the accounts of Creation were not technically written. They were written in plain kindergarten language that referred to everyday identifiable items as to be understood, at least to some degree, by the unlearned, infant-like, “un-evolved,” minds of that day. Consider that only about one of ten-thousand, if that many could even read at that time.

Let us consider our understanding of the Book of Revelation and the Book of Genesis. It is my speculation that carnal man does not understand either book. And the problem lies therein. And because our pastors teach and preach a carnal meaning of the prophecy of these books, everyone looks for carnal interpretation. Christians should be reminded again that our warfare is spiritual, not carnal.

The prophetic books of the Bible are very slowly becoming better understood. The reason for that better understanding is not our increased knowledge, but rather that the Holy Spirit, in a preset timetable, is slowly rendering “spiritual” understanding.

The carnal mind will only accept carnal things it can see and touch. Though they could never have realized it, the early writers of the Bible were writing more spiritually than carnally. Their accounts of historical occurrences have much deeper, more involved, spiritual meanings than just the superficial meaning of the words – and to correctly interpret the Bible mankind must realize that. Man must think spiritually and interpret spiritually to understand the Bible.

Although in the past man has made great strides in Spiritual interpretations of the Bible, I personally don’t believe that most prophecy was intended to be understood until today, the time of the end when knowledge has been greatly increased (Daniel 12:4).

There again, when we see the word KNOWLEDGE, we assume the meaning to be the mental advances of mankind – and carnally, rightfully so. However, spiritual man sees KNOWLEDGE as meaning SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING. So the verse (Dan.12:4, that man will become much smarter at the time of the end), means to me that as time progresses man will have a greater understanding of the spiritual meanings of the Bible

Complete spiritual understanding will not occur until all prophecy is fulfilled at the time of the end. At that time fulfilled prophecy will serve as a solid foundation of PROOF that Jesus is truly the Son of God. This proof will be “soul saving” for those left behind at Christian Harvest and for those raised up in the Second Resurrection that they might stay strong and loyal to Jesus during their Great Trials and Tribulations. For Biblical proof of these concepts, see the GLOSSARY OF TERMS on this website.

If after getting their “required sign” and “proof” those who have been left behind remain FAITHFUL to him during their time of trials, Jesus will return for them (Luke 12:36) at the Second Harvest (Winter Harvest). Proof is not necessary for true believers with Spiritual faith. These are those that believe without having to “see”. These believers will be taken in the First Harvest (Summer Harvest) of mankind.



Now let me now relate to you what my “spiritual” believing mind is telling my carnal doubting body really happened. And I caution you, this is what I spiritually believe, not what I can Biblically or scientifically prove.

But before I begin, I need to emphasize this fact: BELIEF OR NON-BELIEF IN CREATION WILL NOT SAVE YOU OR CONDEMN YOU. The only thing that will do that is belief (or non-belief) in Jesus to be the Son of God and to accept (or deny) his punishment at the cross as atonement for your own personal sins.


For a change, I will “attempt” to use the Bible to validate science.

The Bible does not deny the fact that giant men (Gen.6:4) and giant creatures (Job 41:1-34) roamed the earth, and other giant creatures swam in the sea at some time in history. It endorses that fact. The Bible even speaks of a time on Earth, before man existed here, (Re.16:18, Jer.4:23-26) that there were unimaginably huge earthquakes (shifting of continents?). Now in recent years science has found that there were giant earthquakes and even movement of the continents before man was put (evolved?) on Earth. Science has finally validated what the Bible has been saying for thousands of years.

The Bible does not deny evolution. The Bible does not deny that plants and animals, and man, have, and are presently evolving (Gen.1:22,-24).

Did not God tell us that we would evolve mentally – actually “grow up”? God expected man to evolve mentally. The angel Gabriel told Daniel that at the time of the end, man’s intelligence would be greatly increased (Dan. 12:4). Isn’t this mental evolution?

The truth of the matter is that spiritually blind, scientifically thinking mankind has pushed evolution to the forefront. And the concept that the Bible denies evolution is a stumbling block for weakly believing Christians. It has caused a great many (weak) Christians to fall away from the Faith. At the time of the end, to separate the week from the strong, God will send “strong delusion that the weak should believe a lie”, II Thes.2: 11.

God knew that one day “evolution” would become “the major barrier” to Biblical acceptance. Evolution is the “strong delusion” that makes weak believers accept the scientific lie that the Bible has been proven wrong. Remember that evolution is only “strong delusion”, it is not a lie. THE LIE IS THAT SCIENCE WANTS US TO BELIEVE THAT THE BIBLE DENIES EVOLUTION.

Christians, the Bible does not deny evolution? So, don’t try to help the Bible by denying evolution for it.


The Bible does not say that God spoke the earth full of creatures. The Bible says that He placed the earliest of their kind on this planet (after He had provided a habitable planet for their growth) and then fully expected them to be fruitful and to multiply and fill the Earth (Gen.1:20-22). And they did.

The Bible does not deny the fact that giant men (Gen.4:6) and giant creatures (Ps.104:26, 74:13-14, and Job 41:1,10,21,31-32) use to roam the earth and swim in the seas. It endorses that fact.” It recorded that fact thousands of years before science did.

So because you accept that dinosaurs use to roam the earth, it does not mean that you are denying the Bible.

And it does not mean that you will be condemned to hell. In fact it is IRRELEVANT to your salvation unless you allow it weaken your belief in God and what His Son did for you at the cross.


The way I see it is that there is only one differentiating factor between the accounts of evolution and creation -- the time element. Now consider this, the Bible tells us that a day to God is as a thousand years to man. This does not mean that there is a thousand to one ratio between God and man. What this Spiritually tells me is that God does not adhere to man’s concept of time. God is eternal. He does not wear a watch. A million years to God is but a flicker time. And guess what, science agrees that a million years of the Earth’s existence is but a flicker of time. So there is no argument, unless you try to confine God’s work to man’s time frame.

Time is carnal. Time is conceptual and perceptual. Time is different to all living things. Consider that time passes very slowly when there is nothing to occupy your mind. But, if you are having an enjoyable time – then time seems to fly by. Time passes slow for the very young and passes fast for the elderly. Time is irrelevant to dead things…... and spiritual things. Time is carnal.

Scientists tell us that the dinosaurs were on earth but a flicker of its existence – about 200,000,000 years. Because we live in mortal, carbon bodies, this concept of time is hard to grasp. Perhaps if we were eternal spiritual beings existing in immortal bodies as does God, then we could better understand the word, “forever” and how 200,000,000 years is but a flicker of existence.

“Eternal”, “forever”, and “endless”, are spiritual terms. And if your carnal mind tells you it can conceive these concepts then your carnal mind is errant.

The Bible describes creation in the only measure of time understandable by mankind at that time -- in terms of days and nights. These terms serve only to “spiritually” tell me that God creates things in intervals of time “as we know time”. He did not do it all at once. It was done in spaced-out periods of time.

Ezekiel described the chariot of God the only way he could at that time. The writer of Revelation described the things he saw in the only manner available to him. One day, spiritual man, will understand it all, but that day is not yet. Today, we are still in the carnal stage of our “evolution” (Romans 8:21-22). We will not understand fully until after “the end” of our carnal existence (Dan.12:4).


Let us talk for a moment about carnal images. I am going to scientifically prove that God created all of the creatures on this planet.., yes, even the dinosaurs. And that He used the same mold on all of His creations.

God created all creatures on this planet in the same likeness. He used the same mold on them all. However, over many millions of years most of the creatures evolved into a different appearance. We all change – all of the time. But, Consider that most all animals MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO, and those of today, have two eyes, one nose, two nostrils, one head, one mouth, one esophagus, one anus, etc. What I am trying to say is that they are all made from the same mold -- in the same likeness. We, carnal man also, are all of the same design. All animals, all birds, all insects, all reptiles are made from the same mold – the same basic DNA.

And if all creatures (evolution has changed some) were made in the same design there has to be a common denominator – a common designer. We were all created by the same designer? He used the same pattern, the same mold to make all of His creatures.

No animal has eyes in back of his head or an eye at the end of a finger (as useful as it might be). No animal has just one nostril, or one eye, or two heads. Not even lizards or snakes, or dinosaurs, or birds, or bats, or snails, or fish, or grasshoppers, or flies, or roaches.

Yes there are exceptions. Spiders have weird eyes, octopi have eight arms, and earthworms have no eyes, etc. However, I believe that the deviants from this hypothesis originally had the same design as all of Gods other creatures. But, that over time they evolved to what they are today. Simply put, they evolved into their present state from their original mold. In the millions of years of their existence – they changed – they evolved. But, originally they, too, were made form the same pattern.

Consider the “roach”. Science tells us that the roach is hundreds of millions of years old and has not changed. The structure of his DNA is indeed very solid permitting no opportunity for change. However, even the earliest roach is of the same design as all other creatures. Even he had two eyes, two nostrils, etc.

I just know, by looking around me, that all animals were made from the same mold. Some great designer used the same pattern.

Science tells us that mammals are not kin to insects. Then how can the likeness of insects to reptiles, reptiles to animals, and animals to insects be explained? There must have been a common mold. A common creator?


There are three races of humans on this planet, Negroids, Caucasians, and Mongoloids. Each was made in the same image as all other animals, two nostrils, two eyes, etc. However, even though the DNA structure and the physical image of apes is very close to our own – there is a difference. And the proof is in the fact that we are not reproductively compatible with apes and other animals no matter how much alike we look – or how close our DNA is.

Now, with that said, let us continue. I believe that God created us in His image. This does not mean carnal “look-a-likes”. This means that He has given us a spirit that is compatible with His own Spirit. OUR SPIRIT IS LIKE HIS. He is Spirit. I don’t believe His Spirit has a carnal image the same as our carnal body. However, I think He can take a carnal appearance like our own if He chooses to do so.

Our Creator made man different from all other life – at least on this planet - in another very remarkable way. He gave us a means of communicating with Him. He gave us a Spirit made in the likeness of His Spirit. No other animal on this planet can communicate with God. I cannot communicate with God carnally. I do not carnally hear His voice. I can only communicate with Him Spiritually. God is spirit and carnal man can only communicate with Him spiritually. When the Bible speaks of man being created in the image of God, we must again interpret “spiritually”. God is spirit. We are carnal. Our carnal body does not look like God’s spirit. However, our spirit can communicate with God. Our spirit was made in the same likeness as His spirit to allow for communication and bonding between creation and creator. More on this later.

The barrier to animal and human reproduction with each other is in the genes. God in his gracious wonder has made man’s tiny gene in such a way as to keep man clean and pure. However, each of the three human races is reproductively compatible with the other two human races. Because God has genetically allowed racial crossovers in His design of us, I spiritually see nothing wrong with interracial marriages. I did not see that in my carnal mind. However, today, I can spiritually see the Truth in inter-racial marriages.

And He did not design mankind for asexual reproduction. Each of the sexes needs the opposite sex for reproduction. This tells me that sex with the same sex is not favorable with God. If sex with the same sex is ok with God, He would have allowed a way for same sexes to reproduce.

And another great difference between humans and animals is the gap of intelligence. Even the closest of our look-a-likes, the great apes, is not even a close second when it comes to intelligence. There again, I believe that God has designed and geared our genes in a special way as to allow for acceleration of intelligence far beyond what he made available to His other creatures.

And consider this, that in all of the drawings of extraterrestrial beings made by people that have claimed sightings, these alien beings all have (you guessed it) one head, two eyes, a single nose, two nostrils, two ears, a single mouth, two arms, two hands, two legs, etc.

(PERSONALLY, I refuse to believe that my God is a one planet God. Therefore, I know that there are other beings out there. Yes, I believe that there are extraterrestrial beings that travel the universe. And, I believe that they serve the same God and are subject to the same universal laws that we are).

Assuming that we are not alone in all the vastness of the universe; wouldn’t it be a strange coincidence that aliens who did not evolve from Earth’s “spontaneous life forms”? would also have our likeness, two eyes, one head, etc. Where did they get their likeness of us?

I am inclined to believe that the same likeness pattern that was used to make man and animals on Planet Earth, our Creator also used to make the extra-terrestrials on other worlds. One day we will see the “proof”.

If God does not intervene, and if man does not destroy himself, where will man be 500 years into the future? How about several thousand years? Or, maybe a couple of million years?

If man survives a million years, I believe that he will eventually evolve into eternal spiritual beings. However, I don’t believe that man can achieve this alone. Without help man will eventually destroy himself.

Man cannot do it alone. However, with the help of our creator.., all of His creation can be ours (Ro.8:19-23).

God knows that mankind alone cannot reach the next plateau of “evolution”. Therefore God has made plans to (rescue) save mankind. Will you be among the number rescued, saved from carnal destruction and damnation? Are you saved?

I can assure you, there are other beings out there. And I believe that they, too, were created in His image and that He is their God. Therefore they, also have one head, two eyes, etc. But, as God does not interfere with man’s free choice, they too, respect our free choice and they do not interfere? Can it be that they are subject to the same higher power, subject to the same higher laws, to which God holds us accountable?



Let’s talk about the universe. I believe, as science believes, that the universe is expanding. I believe that Earth is a young planet. I believe that there are trillions x trillions of planets out there that are older than Earth is and that many of those planets support civilizations older and more advanced than our own. I believe that they also are God’s creations, having one head, two ears, two eyes, etc., and were made with the same mold as we were. Do I believe that God is one of them? No. I believe that God created the big bang that created the planets. Then He created “carnal” beings on those planets just as He did here on Earth.

Consider that Gen.1:1 tells us that God created the heavens as well as the earth. This tells me that He created Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, etc. as well as Earth. And this tells me that He created other suns, and other galaxies, and other universes. I believe that there are other universes. I cannot believe that our universe is the only one in the entire span of endless space. I believe that our expanding universe is a “creation” of God, and that there are advanced beings out there that are waiting for the “manifestation” of humans on Earth (Romans 8:19-22). And I believe that this manifestation is the “trading-in” of our carnal bodies for eternal spiritual ones.

I believe that one day carnal man, at the sound of a trumpet, will become spiritual (evolve, with God’s help to the next level). Only then can man join his older, celestial, spiritual brothers (Romans 8:14-23) at the next plane of our existence. As a spiritual being under God’s care, we will know no more sorrow or tears. There will be no sickness and pain. We will put away our watches because time will be of no significance. We will not marry or give in marriage. Man will be a spiritual being, a priest of God.

And as priests of Christ and God, I believe that we will traverse the universe. We will “rule” with Him over other creations and planets and carnal beings that they, too, will eventually be manifested into our eternal spiritual world. We will rule with Him, as changed beings, just as we did during His Millennial rule here on Earth (Re.20:6). And His creations of other worlds will then probably call us angels.

Maybe God will take us into the deep nothingness of space and “find” another big rock to explode, to create another universe, to fill with life. And it will all be done in but a flicker of eternal time.


Science tells me that if I leave our universe traveling billions and billions of times faster than the speed of light that I would never get to anything because there is nothing else out there. Even after a billion years of traveling at that speed, there would be nothing but a big black void in front of me and all around me. And that if I looked back at our own universe it would appear as a single flicker of light in my rear view mirror. I couldn’t mistake it for another universe because it would be the only flicker of light in all of endless space. All around me would be nothing but blackness. No other universes, no stars, no planets -- nothing but blackness. And even if I was traveling at a billion miles per second, it would appear that I was not moving at all because there would be nothing, no relative points to which I could gage my speed.

But, maybe there are other big rocks out there. Maybe they are so big and the gravitational pull so great that light cannot escape from them. Maybe that is why our scientists have not discovered them.

If our universe at one time was nothing more than a single humongous, enormous, gigantic rock suspended out there in the nothingness of space, then where did that big rock come from? And better yet, I want science to explain to me where the energy came from that caused that rock, so big that it cannot even be described or imagined, to defy the laws of science, to explode.

Can you imagine the size of that rock? Can you imagine how much energy it would take to explode such a rock.

Doesn’t science know that it is unnatural, even scientifically unlawful, for such an occurrence to ever have happened? Science is telling us that something natural defied the laws of nature. Let me assure you dear reader, to defy the laws of nature something has to be supernatural.

What unnatural thing could have caused the “big bang”?

And why only one rock?

Yes, I believe that the Earth was once void of life. It was nothing more than a big boiling mass of rock that was and is still expanding out from the center of the universe. The earth and other rocks and suns are expanding out because something, perhaps a “big bang”, propelled them outward. Lets give science credit. Something definitely moved all of those, very heavy, heavenly bodies against the law of gravity. We know that their speed is propelling them outward, but, what supernatural energy (against the laws of science) gave them their initial push? Carnal science cannot explain naturally what has happened unnaturally.

So far, I am in somewhat agreement with science. My big difference with science is that I believe that I know what caused the “big bang” and science does not even dare an explanation. They explain it as “some unexplainable force”. Our teachers in our classrooms teach us, “It happened that way. Science says it happened that way. So, accept it.” And who questions our classroom teachers? Today, I can understand the confusion of a Bible believing student. I can understand how the weak believer will fall away from the faith.

Science is asking us to believe that the big rock just materialized in the nothingness of space, and that its sudden explosion was caused by an unexplainable, unnatural, unimaginably gigantic force of energy. However, they tell us that the force that caused that explosion was definitely not supernatural? They dictate to us that there has to be a logical explanation, they just do not know what it is.

Isn’t science asking me to accept “physical impossibility” as science defines fact? Is science, without admitting it, daring to tread the no-no’s of supernatural? To believe what science is telling me, one has to believe that something supernatural happened. But, don’t dare use the “Devine” word.

Science does not believe that a supernatural being can exist. However, science does believe that an unexplainable gigantic source of energy that exploded an unexplainably super-sized rock does exist. Hello! Is anybody at home?

If science will but open its eyes, their mouth will have to say – “yes, it happened supernaturally”. To me it is more possible that a supernatural being exist than it is that a “natural” force exploded a supernaturally sized rock.

If it cannot be explained naturally, science will close its eyes and offer no scientific explanation. Scientist will simply say, “Believe it. It happened that way. Accept it. We can’t explain how it happened naturally, but, it definitely was not a supernatural being.”

Science wants me to believe that scientifically impossible events cannot be caused by a supernatural being because it is scientifically impossible for a supernatural being to exist. WOW!

I wish science would just admit aloud and in writing, rocks don’t just explode without a greater force causing it. Even those traveling around in space don’t just explode. Something unnatural or someone unnatural caused that explosion. Yet science tells us that the unnatural cannot exist in the natural state.

Masses because of density and gravity tend to attract each other. So the power (energy) needed to explode that big rock, and send its “pieces” continually expanding, (when they are naturally attracted to each other) had to be big, gigantic, humongous.., bigger than natural. It had to be a supernatural energy. Only my God is that big!


Scientific theories of what actually happened are full of unexplained and unreasonable hypotheses. Science wants us to believe that this big bang caused some pieces of the big rock to explode into gasses. And that only one (our planet Earth) of the trillions and trillions of planetary pieces of that big rock accumulated the necessary oxygen and other gases needed for life (as we know it). And that the other trillions and trillions, and “zillions and gazillions” of pieces of the exploded rock got the bad gasses and are unable to sustain life (as we know it).

What are the odds that this planet, that got enough life supporting gases to fill the oceans with water and to fill the atmosphere, would also wind up just the right distance from a reliable source of heat, light, and energy? And that it would have the right speed in its revolutions around the source of light, heat, and energy as to resist the gravitational pull of that source. And it would rotate on its axis so to distribute the light and heat. And it would tilt on its axis of rotations as to even better distribute the heat and energy. We serve a marvelous God.

Scientist want us to believe that all of the exploding rocks in the universe, passing through the same areas of space as did our Earth, collected bad gases and that only our Earth collected the good life supporting gases. Does that sound like the order of “chance” to you? Or, does it sound like the gases on this planet might have been altered and corrected, by design, to create water and to sustain plant and animal life?



The theory of evolution is entirely dependent on the acceptance of a single “scientific” theory I have chosen to call the “spontaneous materialization” theory.

Science wants us to believe that a big rock spontaneously materialized in the vast voids of space. Science does not know where it came from or how it got there. They want us to accept that it just spontaneously materialized.

Science then wants us to believe that sufficient energy for a “big bang” just spontaneously materialized and exploded the big rock. Now this is good scientific stuff we’re talking here. Don’t laugh at science! And don’t you dare label their Spontaneous Materialization theory as being supernatural. It will hurt their feelings. It just happened, it was not supernatural. There has to be a logical explanation.

The scientific community, in their efforts to foil the truths of the Bible, also wants us to believe that life just spontaneously materialized on this planet.

“It materialized, you hear! It was not created!” they preach to our students while they are yet in Elementary School. And you know what, most humans believe the ‘spontaneous materialization” theory because it is being taught to us in our schools while we are yet young and impressionable and we dare not question our teachers. If it is being taught in our schools, then we know that it is a fact. Right?

If life spontaneously materialized on this planet dependant upon oxygen, cannot life have SM up on other planets using whatever gas was on that planet? A different lifeform, different from life as we know it.

“No,” science informs us, “because all animal life needs oxygen”. Now, to say that all life, even life on other planets, must have oxygen for energy is to admit that life on other planets was made from the same mold, in the same image, and with the same life requirements as life on Earth. Can there be a common denominator -- a common Designer?

There is no genetic link between the oxygen breathing animals of this planet and the “might be” animals of other planets. Then because science is looking for oxygen breathing animals on other planets, they are admitting that all animal life, no matter where, was made in the “image” as the animal life here on Earth: to depend upon oxygen for energy.

If we were not created by design, then extraterrestrial life does not have to look like us, two nostrils, etc., and it does not have to breathe oxygen like us. If there is no common creator, science may be looking for the wrong kind of life.

Science is telling us, whether they realize it or not, that they too, believe that all life is designed the same way, in the same likeness with lungs, nostrils, and a heart that pumps blood, and requires oxygen for energy. Isn’t science wonderful? They don’t know it but they are telling us that they strongly suspect that all life, here and in the far reaches of outer space, had to be made from the same mold by the same Creator.

To believe that we are the only one of our kind in the entirety of the universe, and beyond, is ridiculously self-centered. Whether we are God fearing or whether we are scientifically blind, it makes no difference, man as a whole does not accept the fact that there are others out there. I refuse to believe that my God is a one planet God. Therefore, I know that there are other beings out there.

And I believe that when we find them, or when they come to us, they will have one head, two eyes, two nostrils, one mouth, etc. And they will breathe oxygen like us. They, too, will be beings made in the likeness of our Creator with a soul and a Spirit. And they will serve the same creator that we serve. And they will be subject to the same universal laws to which we are subject.

Do you, as a Christian, believe that God, the Lord of the universe, chose to make only Earth inhabitable? And that He chose to place His likeness only on this planet? Do you believe that He is that limited – a one planet God? If you are God fearing, shouldn’t you believe that God must have “created” (made habitable) other worlds and other planets and that He also created other beings on those worlds, also “in His image”?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we contacted other worlds and they affirmed our worship in God and His Son and the Holy Spirit? It would be the greatest of all SIGNS, the greatest of all PROOFS. However, a sign of this magnitude is not going to happen until we see Jesus’ SIGN, the SIGN of the Son of Man in the clouds of heaven (Matt.24:30) as He gathers His Christian Church off of this planet.

I personally don’t think that we will make extraterrestrial contacts until after Jesus comes to rule this planet for 1000 years. I believe that then we will all be brothers, heirs to all of God’s creations (Romans 8:17, 21-22).

However, I am sure that what I believe is to the scientific community just as far fetched as their spontaneous materialization theory is to me.


In a manner, the path of the non-believing scientific community doesn’t make any sense. It is not lolgical. Any good scientist will tell you that at the accelerated pace of man’s intelligence, if nothing stops him, man will eventually learn to perpetuate his life. Man will learn to live forever.

Yet, the non-believing scientific community is betting their eternity that no other being has reached that plateau. They are betting that there is no Divine Creator that is offering us eternal existance. They are betting eternal damanation that the universe, the stars, and planets, and all life, spontaneously materialized from nothingness.

Their wager is scientifically illogical. Why, because, they can never win. They will never know if they were right. They will only know if they are wrong and after their death have to face their Creator as His adversary. They are betting an awful lot on a no-win scenario. What calculated scientific idiocy. I’d rather put my money in ENRON or SANFORD.

Now I ask the scientifically educated rocket scientists of our world, isn’t that a stupid gamble? You are betting eternal, burning hell on spontaneously materialization. Talking about super faith in science. Christians should have that much blind faith in Jesus.

And yes, Christians, too, are in a way, wagering eternal life. We are placing our fate, our hope, our faith in unscientific words that were written thousands of years ago. And, we have no scientific proof what-so-ever. However, if Christians are wrong, we will never know it. Therefore, we can only win. Christians cannot lose. We will never, never have to “pay-up” even if we are wrong. What a scenario! What a wonderful Creator we serve, who offers His followers a “no-lose” scenario. And yet the scientific minds of today dare to call Christians stupid.

However, it is not the “no-lose scenario” that fuels my faith. My faith is fueled by my spiritual relationship with God and with His Holy Spirit. My spirit communicates with His Spirit – therefore I know that He is real.


The scientific mind may then argue that my belief in God, and that He sent His Son to suffer and die to pay for my sins (infractions of His Universal Laws), actually hinders me from living a “full, good life”. Non-believers say that I am a loser and that I am wasting my life.

But, it is just the opposite. I have a better life than most non-believers. I have less stress, less pain, and more peace than unbelievers.

Think about this fact, true Christians make this world a better place to live. There is more peace and harmony among humans that believe in Jesus and the peace and love He advocates, than there is in those that do not believe.

Among non-believers there is more rape, dope addicts, alcoholics, disease, murder, stealing, adultery, child abuse, pornography, divorce, sorrow, despair, depression, suicide, and war.

Now, our scientific community, and our government know this to be true, so you tell me, why would they take God and prayer out of our schools. Why would they forbid and make unlawful the use of the name of Jesus in our public places?

Our scientific community advocates and teaches non-belief in God even though belief in God is the only thing holding humankind in check with itself (II Thes.2:7)? They are making illegal that which does the most good to hold evil in check.

Why have they done this?

Doesn’t this utter stupidity suggest that an unnatural power, though it be the power of darkness, is in the driver’s seat of our “elected” officials and judges? Doesn’t this tell you that an ungodly power is in control of our public schools?

I can answer this question for you even though even some Christians will not believe me. Our scientific community is possessed (co-habited physically and controlled) by fallen angels (demons) that entice and control their decisions and actions. These angels of darkness, spiritual beings, control their minds. These fallen, jealous, occupying spirits want only the worst for humans, the most beloved of God’s creations. It is not us they hate so much; it is God they are fighting.

If you were Satan and you wanted to get God out of the American system, wouldn’t you start in the schools?

The possession and control of humans by spiritual beings is explained in the GLOSSARY of this website. Go to the topic entitled, “Spiritual Possession of Humans”.


Yes, I believe that the universe is expanding and that an unknown and unexplained force caused the expansion of the heavenly bodies. If this were not true, the law of gravity would cause it to retract, not expand. Yes, of course, gravitational pull is slowing them down, but, what supernatural force propelled them in their original denial of gravity? If science chooses to call it a big bang, that is OK with me. However, if there was a supernatural “bang”, then something supernatural cause it.

“Who created the big rock, and who created the energy that caused it to explode?” Rocks and Energy do not just materialize.

If spontaneous materialization is scientifically acceptable for Evolution, why is it not OK for Creationalism? Maybe God spontaneously materialized eons before He made the big rock and exploded it.

But, science argues, “We have evidence of a giant explosion”. But, I tell you they don’t. They have evidence that the universe is expanding – but they are guessing as to why.

Christians may argue back that because the expansion of the universe is against the laws of science then it is supernatural. The expansion is scientific evidence that something beyond the natural occurred and is occurring.

Now let us suppose for a moment that God caused a big bang – God exploded a big rock. Did He also create the big rock? I believe He did. Then science would ask, “Where did God come? The truth is, “I really don’t know.” But, to get my scientifically minded friends to accept His existence, I need only to explain to them that, “He just “spontaneously materialized”, an undetermined trillion of years ago.

But, divine spontaneous materialization will not satisfy the scientific mind. Even though science has asked the world to accept their explanation of “spontaneous materialization” for the big rock, and spontaneous materialization of the energy it took to explode it, they refuse to consider that a supernatural being may have “spontaneous materialized”. I am not saying that God spontaneously materialized. The Bible says that God is and ever was. This tell me spiritually that I cannot carnally measure and conceive His age, or His origin.

Let me repeat myself; I’m not saying that God spontaneously materialized. I don’t know where God came from. I merely point this out to show the one-sidedness of science when it comes considering the possibility of a “divine” supernatural force -- God.

Where will man be one hundred years from now? How about two hundred, or a thousand? In a hundred thousand years, a million years, could mankind become as God (Gen.3:5) to explore and colonize other worlds? Could we have by that time created an immortal, renewable, indestructible “body”, and have transferred our conscious minds (or spirits) into that body? Or, maybe even have left the carnal plane and gained a spiritual eternal existence without need of a material body?

Haven’t we now created images of ourselves that will live forever? Haven’t we now created recordings of our voices that will can forever? Haven’t we created machines that do our thinking for us? Cannot we now exchange body parts? Cannot we now make mechanical body parts? Cannot we now clone animals and humans? Cannot we now grow new body parts from stem cells? Are we not freezing our bodies in hopes that some future generation will have all the answers and awaken us?

I know that if today’s man could see himself a million years from now (if there is no God and if we have survived as a species), that future man would then be as gods compared to today’s man.

If there is no God, and if we do not self distruct, we eventually travel to other habitable planets and clone images of ourselves and our animals to populate those new planets? These are the things science teaches us. The thing that I feel is so ridiculous is why science cannot believe that it might have already happened here on Earth, and that all creation is now waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God (Romans 8:19) – perhaps waiting for man to “mature spiritually”.

Every year, every moment there are new discoveries that extend man’s life. Therefore, I know that science is striving for the eventual eternal existence of human life - even though they adamantly deny that such a thing is possible or may already exist.

How small is your scientific mind to disbelieve that in a few thousand years, at man’s present, accelerating, and spiraling, intelligence, (and if there is no God to interfere) man will eventually achieve immortality on his own. All of the new mechanical parts we now make for out bodies is but the infant of man’s immortality efforts.

God offers mankind an opportunity to skip the scientific (physical) attempts at immortality, and jump directly from “carnal” existence all the way up to “spiritual” plane of existance. God makes this offer to those of who abide by His universal laws (which is impossible for carnal man). However, He created a way for us. He sent His only begotten Son Jesus to take our punishment for us. All we have to do is believe and accept that fact. On the other hand, the disobedience of God’s universal laws is called “sin” and is punishable by death (Ro.6:23).

All of mankind has been guilty of breaking God’s universal laws. However, those that have accepted the sacrificial death of His Son who came to earth in the flesh to pay for our sins, have been forgiven and are therefore redeemed. To these God offers eternal spiritual existence with His universal family.

In the Garden of Eden man gave up the security offered by God to pursue his own intellect – knowledge. Man wanted to be like God to know all things – to make his own decisions and rules about what is good and what is evil.

Man chose to pursue intelligence (science) over the ways of God. God allowed man this freedom of choice. God, thus far, has not interfered. God promised that He would not intervene in mankind’s mental pursuit until there came a time when man’s intelligence would be so greatly increased, (Dan. 12:4) that it would threaten man’s own existence. Man has arrive at that point. That is today. We can expect God’s intervention at any time.

Let me assure you dear reader, God can deliver on His promise of eternal life because our Spirit, which our scientific processes cannot comprehend, is eternal. He placed your spirit in the mortal, corruptible body you have, and He will give you an immortal body if your spirit will place your trust and love in Him, (I Cor.15:52-55).

Jesus, the Son of God born to man in the flesh, has paid the price for mankind’s corruption and violations of God’s “universal” laws. God’s only criteria to granting you eternal life is acceptance of the sacrifice that His Son made for payment of your sin debt. If man will accept that fact, He will be pardoned for those violations and will be awarded eternal life with the rest of God’s creation. Man will skip “carnal evolution” and jump directly from mortality to the spiritual plateau of immortality (I Cor.15:52-55).


(The Bible does not confirm this theory in the specific words needed for scientific hypothesis. Therefore, most theologians and most scientists (those of both sides) will disagree with my theory. However, my “spirit” which has been taught by His Spirit knows that this is very close to what actually happened.)

I know that a “being” vastly superior to mankind created and then cultivated planet Earth to be inhabited by His creations.

In the beginning God created the big rock. Then He placed it in a big void area of space where there was no energy or light – only darkness, and where a big exploding and expanding universe would not harm other “created” and maturing universes.

Then God created the energy necessary to cause the big rock to explode into trillions x trillions x trillions x trillions x trillions of smaller rocks, dust particles and gasses we now call our expanding universe. Most of the combustible, gaseous particles were attracted to larger pieces of the exploding rock which would eventually make these larger expanding rocks flammable.

Some smaller rocks were gravitationally attracted to the bigger rocks and began to orbit them. Many collided with the bigger rocks and became part of the mold. However, some are still circling around the larger pieces and are held in orbit by gravitational attraction.

Then God caused some of the larger pieces with gaseous particles to burn. This gave warmth and light to the smaller pieces of the expanding rock that revolved around the larger burning rocks. Each of the burning rocks that has smaller rocks circling man has called solar systems.

And the Earth, too, which was at that time no more than a ball of molting rock, was gravitationally attracted and began to revolve around this bigger piece of the rock soon to become our sun. At that time the big rock at the center of our solar system had attracted most of the hydrogen, helium, oxygen, and other gasses in our tiny area of the expanding universe.

Over billions of years the crust of the Earth had cooled down, but it was void and without light. The gases attracted by our “sun” had not yet begun to burn. And God saw the earth that it was ideal (good) for His plans to inhabit with His likeness. Then billions of years ago, to give light and warmth to the Earth, God ignited the large gaseous rock in the middle of our solar system. (Just as He continually does to other suns in our galaxy and other galaxies.) “Science” tells us that new suns are created daily.

Then, in order to distribute the light and the warmth given off by our sun, God caused the Earth to spin on its axis as it revolved around our now warm and light-giving “sun”. This caused darkness and light on certain parts of the earth at certain times. God called the darkness night, and the light He called day.

He also caused the Earth to wobble on its axis so as to distribute light and warmth to the poles as well as the girth of the planet. No other planet in our solar system rotates or wobbles. Doesn’t this tell our scientific community that there is something unique about this planet? Is our planet the offspring of mere “chance”? Isn’t our God awesome?

But the heat and harmful rays of the burning sun was too much and would burn and kill the animal life that God had planned for this piece of rotating, revolving rock. So God placed a barrier outside of Earth’s atmosphere to filter out the harmful rays of the sun. Science calls this the ozone layer. Science doesn’t know why it is there, or how it got there. They only know that there could be no life on this planet without it. Maybe it too, spontaneously materialized.

And then God confirmed that the day and the night were good, meaning in scientific jargon that the warmth and light needed for life on this planet was sufficiently well distributed.

Then God placed water upon the face of the Earth so much so that it covered the entire face of the planet (science confirms this).

Now I ask you, dear reader, how could molten rock have attracted enough hydrogen and oxygen away from the sun and other planets in this solar system to have enough water to cover this planet in the quantity it has, after the rock cooled? Yet it is a scientific fact backed by the Bible that water covered the entire face of this planet at least one time.

Then God pushed up the crust of the Earth so that dry land appeared, thusly separating the land and the water (Ps.136:6). I personally believe that this took billions of years -- a few flickers of God’s time. Either that, or God heated the center of the Earth causing the crust to expand outward pushing up from the water to create land masses. Science say that the heat was always there, but what heated the Earth before there was water? I don’t have these answers.

Then God placed a firmament – an atmosphere -- in between the water layer above the firmament and the water layer below the firmament.

(He eventually caused the upper water layer, from the windows of heaven, to flood the earth, Gen.8:2) - again.

Again God looked at His creation, and was now satisfied that His creation could now sustain life.

God then created life. He created the microscopic bugs and the big bugs. He created little animals, and He created big, huge animals, too. And He created plant life. And He saw that His plant and animal creations were good. God would now allow the plant and animal life He placed on planet Earth to (evolve) multiply and fill the earth after their kind (Gen.1:22). The Earth with its creatures would now prepare herself for the eventual placement of God’s most glorious creation -- man.

Now God has no watch in which He guages time. He is infinite, and the beings existing with Him are infinite. I believe that He must have gone on to other work, other big rocks to explode, other worlds, and perhaps other universes of which we have no knowledge and no telescope strong enough to reach. Or, perhaps God took only a few “seconds” of His time to watch the Earth grow and mature over the next few hundred million years.

When God again turned His attention to Earth, after only a few flickers of eternal time, the Earth was plush with vegetation and all manner of animals swam in its seas, and walked and crawled upon its surface. At this time God continued to mold His creation for the eventual placement of man. He removed all of the animals of which man could not maintain dominion (Gen.1:28). Science tells us a big asteroid must have destroyed all the big bad animals.

I don’t know what God used, I only know that God was creating a haven, a paradise, a Garden of Eden if you will, for His grandest creation – and most beloved creation -- man. Yes, Planet Earth is the Garden of Eden God made for man.

Remember even scientist tell us that all of the dinosaurs, etc. were mysteriously long gone by the time man appeared. Even most of the giant mammals were removed before the eventual advent of man. The Bible confirms that there was a time on the Earth that man did not exist here (Re.16:18).

Then God made man. He made man using the same pattern as He had made all of the other animals, but in a special way. God made man in His own “spiritual” image. Man’s body would become the temple of God’s Spirit. God would Spiritually abide in us. Our carnal bodies would house the eternal spirit that God would place in us.

Man was the most glorious of all of God’s creations -- man would have a soul and mental capabilities awarded to no other animal.

God intended to take care of carnal man until mankind was ready for eventual spiritual manifestation. He would be man’s God, his Protector, and Provider. Man would be His children. Man was His special creation, created by Him and for Him, to eventually take his place in the vastness of God’s other creations.

If you don’t think man is different from the other animals consider that man has evolved millions of times faster than other animals. For example, science tells us that the dinosaurs were here on earth for 200 million years and that man, a mere animal, as were dinosaurs, has been here less than 200 thousand years. That means that dinosaurs were on Earth one thousand times longer than man.

Although they had 200 million years, the dinosaurs got no farther in evolution then stalking, killing, and eating each other. In 1/1000 of that time man has left this planet and is seeking the stars. If man exists for another 199,800,000 years and continues to evolve as rapidly as he has, man will by that time because God has made us in His Spiritual image, become pure energy – immortal. A Spirit?

We will be able to tele-transport ourselves to other worlds. Will we become as God (Gen.3:5)? To become like God is what man chose in the Garden of Eden. We chose to pursue KNOWLEDGE so that we could become as God.

However, Man could skip the “carnal evolution” that might be, and jump directly from mortality to the spiritual plateau of immortality (I Cor.15:52-55), if He but only turn back to his Creator and Benefactor.

Clearly God has made man different from the other animals. The DNA differences are small but, monumentally gigantic. We have the inherent ability to accumulate knowledge at an accelerated pace. God wanted a carnal host worthy of hosting spirits. We have inherited from God the ability to think, reason, and acquire knowledge millions of times quicker than other animals. God said that our knowledge would be greatly increased all the way to the time of the end (Dan. 12:4). Man is different. WE HAVE A SPIRIT. Our spirit can communicate with God’s Spirit. No other animal can communicate with God because we must communicate with Him is Spirit. There is no other way and animals have no spirit.

God made man in His image and He made man compatible with His own sons. “...the sons of God saw the daughters of man that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. …and they bare children to them which became mighty men – men of renown (Gen.6:2-4). God had elevated His creation, man, to the level of His own sons, reproductively compatib, to become as His own children, calling Him Father and heirs to all God has promised His own (Ro. 8:17).

I am sure that my own theory has lots of flaws in it. One day I will have all of the correct answers. Until then though I will place my faith in the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God born to mortal man and that He allowed or gave Himself to become a sacrifice for the sins of mortal man. And that whoever believes and accepts His sacrifice will be awarded eternal life with Him and the Father. He will give us an immortal body to replace this carnal one.

One day, I will travel the universe with God, my Father. I will rule with Him on worlds that I cannot imagine. I will be His son, He will be my Father.

Jesus has other flocks to harvest (John 10:16, Luke 12:16), not just the sheep of His Christian Church. I invite you to go to the GLOSSARY OF TERMS located on this web page to explore other prophetic terms and how they will affect God’s plans for the manifestation of mankind.


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