Creation vs Evolution - Lesson #3

Creation vs Evolution - Lesson #3Fossils and the Geological Time Table-Introduction-In each of our first two lessons in this series, I have begun with Rev 4:11 & 1 Pet 3:15.-We need to be able to make a defense of - and therefore provide evidence for - the reason of our hope. Therefore, we need to be able to defend (provide evidence for) our faith - to be able to explain why we believe, teach and practice what we do.-Without proper Christian evidences, it is difficult to build a solidified faith.-Last week, we discussed the Biblical age of the earth. -The theory of evolution claims that the earth is 4.6 billion years old. However, we saw last week that the scriptures reveal something entirely different - a much younger earth that is actually several thousand (approx 6,000) years old.-However, I stated last week that those who support the theory of evolution would simply discard all the information I presented last week. Why? - because it comes from the scriptures.-Since they don’t believe in the existence of God, they certainly don’t believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God.-So, we’ll continue in our series this morning by looking at some information outside of the scriptures. This morning, we’ll focus on fossils and the geological time table.-Science vs False Claims-The word “science” comes from a Latin term that simply means “knowledge.” -In true science, conclusions are to be drawn based upon what the evidence supports.-Again, from the biology book that I borrowed from the school (Biology, Miller, Kenneth R., Levine, Joseph S., ? 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc. as Pearson Prentice Hall, Boston, Massachusetts 02116): “What scientific explanation can account for the diversity of life? The answer is a collection of scientific facts, observations, and hypothesis known as evolutionary theory. Evolution, or change over time, is the process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms. A scientific theory is a well-supported testable explanation of phenomena that have occurred in the natural world” (pg 369).-Notice how the text book intertwines the words “facts,” “observations,” “testable” with the theory of evolution.-Consider another quote from the text book, Biology: “By Darwin’s time, scientists knew that fossils were the remains of ancient life, and that different layers of rock had been formed at different times during Earth’s history. Darwin saw fossils as a record of the history of life on Earth. Darwin…proposed that Earth was many millions - rather than thousands - of years old…Since Darwin’s time, the number of known fossil forms has grown enormously. Researchers have discovered many hundreds of transitional fossils that document various intermediate stages in the evolution of modern species from organisms that are now extinct. Gaps remain, of course, in the fossil records of many species, although a lot of them shrink each year as new fossils are discovered. These gaps do not indicate weakness in the theory of evolution itself. Rather, they point out uncertainties in our understanding of exactly how some species evolved” (pg 382-383).-On page 421, the biology books contains a chart for the Geologic Time Scale showing the various layers of rock and the dates evolutionists have assigned to them in terms of millions of years.-What Does the Evidence Show?-Based upon the claims of evolutionists, we should find small, simple organisms in the lower (oldest) layers of the earth. There should then be a gradual development of more complex and larger organisms/creatures spread out over the vast periods of time in a progression as we move into the more shallow (younger) layers of the earth. Is that actually what we find?-Geologic Time Table-In the book, The Mythology of Modern Geology - A Refutation of Evolution’s Most Influential Argument, Wayne Jackson notes this: “The geologic time table is nothing more than a graphic conglomeration of assumptions, wistfully conceived and arbitrarily thrown together, in an attempt to prove the unprovable hypothesis of organic evolution. The concept of the geologic time table is in direct conflict with both the inspired record of the Bible, and the factual evidence of earth science” (pg 4). “Undoubtedly it comes as a real shock to many students when they learn that the geologic column nowhere exists in fact. It is only a paper column!...[I]f found assembled together in any one location, it would span a depth of approximately 130 miles…The earth’s crust is only twenty-five to thirty miles thick” (p10)!-There are gaps within the strata found in many locations throughout the world. In other words, layers that are said to have represented millions of years are simply missing.-In some parts of the world, layers are found in different sequences. In other words, some layers said to be millions of years older are actually on top of layers that are said to be millions of years younger.-Fossil Record-If we subscribed to the theory of evolution, we certainly would expect the fossil record to reveal a slow, gradual progression from simple forms of life to more complex forms.-However, Wayne Jackson reveals that the fossil record reveals an “…explosion of life [with] every major invertebrate animal group…found in the so-called Cambrian level - with no observable ancestors” (The Bible and Science, pg 46).-In Reason and Revelation (Sept. 2002), we find the following: “Hayden” [staff writer of the U.S. News and World Report article referred to earlier in the article] “also noted, however, that ‘many creatures still appear quite suddenly in the fossil record.’ He went on to admit that the first animals appearing in the fossil record are ‘complex animals…Paleontologists… have searched far and wide for fossil evidence of gradual progress toward these advanced creatures but have come up empty.’”-“There are fossil graveyards in many areas of the world which contain the preserved remains of all sorts of creatures, wildly thrown together in massive burial sites, and quite obviously interred very quickly. Moreover they are grossly distorted, suggesting that they died rather violently. In his book, The Fundamentals of Geology, George Price has an entire chapter titled, ‘Graveyards,’ in which he documents these extensive fossil burial grounds - worldwide - which argue for rapid burial” (Jackson, The Bible and Science, pg 50-51).-Again, from The Bible and Science: “If evolution were the great fact of history, one should find fossilized organisms in various stages of development - from the incomplete to the complete - with the gaps filled in. But that is not the case; every organ and structure is complete. Not a single fossil has been discovered with half-formed features” (pg 47).-The claims by evolutionists of “transitional fossils” reveals their attempt at deception, their creative imagination, their hardness of heart toward God and/or their ignorance. Such claims are not supported by evidence.-There is no evidence of “missing links.” The fact is, they are missing because they do not exist - Gen 1:11-12, 21, 24-25-Charles Darwin stated that missing links were perhaps “…the most serious objection which can be urged against the theory” (Jackson, pg 48).-In addition to these things, human artifacts have been found in coal deposits across the U.S. Yet, evolutionists would have us to believe that the coal was formed millions of years before humans. Obviously, their theories and hypotheses are seriously flawed.-Summary and Invitation-The theory of evolution is a false theory. Evidence supports the scriptures - the account of creation and the account of the flood in the days of Noah.-Heb 11:1, 6-Let’s not allow the theory of evolution to shake our faith. Let’s consider the evidence and realize that once again, it supports the scriptures and rejects the theory of evolution.-It is in God and His word that we are to put our trust and confidence. How about you?-Have you trusted in Him & His word enough to be obedient? If not, believe (John 3:16, 8:24), confess (Matt 10:32, Rom 10:9-10), repent (Luke 13:3,5; Acts 17:30), be baptized (Mar 16:16, Acts 2:38), Walk in Newness of Life (Rom 6:4, Eph 4:22-24)-If you’ve previously obeyed the Gospel, have you remained faithful? If not, confess your shortcomings, repent and pray from God’s forgiveness (1 John 1:7-9, Acts 8:22-24). ................

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