Texas Tech University

?Names:Kayla GeilAustin ReuterMegan TrammelKrista PolitoMeghan BratcherQuiz 8Which of the following is a rule that must be followed to have effective brainstorming?Embrace creative abrasionUse a skilled facilitator Allow conflicting pointsAll of the aboveWhich of the following is considered cognitive style thinking?Clashing of ideasClashing of peopleAn individuals preferenceNone of the aboveWhich of the following is true about teams?Teams are expected to produce financial gainsTeams promote learning for each individualTeamwork must be planned and facilitatedAll of the abovePeople working in creative are mainly in charge of...Creative visual expressionsHolding power of approval for adsDealing with financial gainsNone of the aboveCreative Abrasion is..A clash of ideasCohesiveness among the groupA clash of membersNone of the aboveWhat is interpersonal abrasion?Clash of peopleClash of ideasStrong communicationPromoting good teamwork and fostering the creative processHow do you want to write a creative brief?Write the answers in the language of the consumerWrite simplyWrite ConciselyAll of the aboveWhich of these people were regarded as the greatest creative mind of the 20th century?Albert EinsteinPablo PicassoMahatma GandhiAll of the aboveWhat outputs are teams expected to produce when managed effectively?Produce outputs that are less than that of the sum of the individual partsProduce outputs that are greater than that of the sum of the individual partsProduce outputs that are equivalent to that of the sum of the individual partsProduce outputs that are either less than or greater than that of the individual partHarvard researcher Teresa Amabile has identified how many keys of creativity in any organization?3068Which of the following was NOT a part of CP+B's recipe for "Hoopla"?MischiefCandorPizazzMomentumAll of the following are a part of Hoopla.An account executive's main goal is to Make sure the client is happy.Make sure the agency is happy.Be a spokesperson for upper managementCreate the best ideas for the agency.All of the following are examples of creative ads by Lee Clow EXCEPTThe Energizer Bunny"?Yo Quiero Taco Bell!"?Apple's "1984" ad for the Mac launchMazda's zoom zoom adWhich of the following is NOT one of the Keys to Creativity?ChallengeIndependenceResourcesSupervisory EncouragementWho is the Yale psychologist that has developed a series of advice statements to help individuals develop their own creativity skills?Albert EinsteinTeresa AmabileBill GatesRobert SternbergWhat is the proper term for a liaison between an advertising agency and its clients?Account ExecutiveCreativity DirectorAgency DirectorClient SpeakerWho is involved in preparing the Creative Brief for the project/ task?The CreativesThe Ad Agency LeadersThe Client Lead and Account ExecutiveRandomly Surveyed Public OpinionThe ability to consider and hold together seemingly inconsistent elements and forces, making a new connection defines:BrainstormingInterpersonal abrasionCreativityPromotionA liaison between an advertising agency and its clients is an:Account executiveCreative abrasionAccount teamCognitive styleWhich team involves people from both the client and agency sides that play critical roles in preparing and executing IMC campaigns?Sub-specialist TeamsAccount TeamsCreative TeamsHybrid TeamsAll of the aboveAnswersDCDAAADDBCCADBDACCAE ................

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