Practice Questions Unit 11 Intelligence Intro (What is ...

Practice Questions Unit 11 Intelligence Intro (What is Intelligence?)

|1. |The ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations is known as |

|A) |divergent thinking. |

|B) |neural plasticity. |

|C) |intelligence. |

|D) |aptitude. |

|2. |Psychologists use ________ to assess individuals' mental aptitudes and compare them with those of others. |

|A) |reliability coefficients |

|B) |intelligence tests |

|C) |the g factor |

|D) |achievement tests |

|3. |To assess mental age, Binet and Simon measured children's: |

|A) |head size. |

|B) |reasoning skills. |

|C) |muscular power. |

|D) |neural processing speed. |

|4. |For the original version of the Stanford-Binet, IQ was defined as |

|A) |chronological age subtracted from mental age and multiplied by 100. |

|B) |chronological age divided by mental age and multiplied by 100. |

|C) |mental age divided by chronological age and multiplied by 100. |

|D) |mental age multiplied by chronological age divided by 100. |

|5. |Five-year-old Wilbur performs on an intelligence test at a level characteristic of an average 4-year-old. Wilbur's mental age |

| |is: |

|A) |4. |

|B) |4.5. |

|C) |5. |

|D) |80. |

|6. |A 12-year-old who responded to the original Stanford-Binet with the proficiency typical of an average 9-year-old was said to |

| |have an IQ of: |

|A) |75. |

|B) |85. |

|C) |115. |

|D) |133. |

|7. |To regard an abstract concept as if it were a real, concrete thing is called |

|A) |inductive reasoning. |

|B) |factor analysis. |

|C) |reification. |

|D) |standardization. |

|8. |When we refer to someone's intelligence quotient as if it were a fixed and objectively real trait such as height, we commit a |

| |reasoning error called |

|A) |standardization. |

|B) |factor analysis. |

|C) |reification. |

|D) |fundamental attribution. |

|9. |To assess whether intelligence is a single trait or a collection of several distinct abilities, psychologists have made |

| |extensive use of |

|A) |criterion-based validation. |

|B) |standardization. |

|C) |reliability assessment. |

|D) |factor analysis. |

|10. |The Stanford-Binet, WAIS, and WISC tests are all types of |

|A) |factor analysis tests. |

|B) |achievement tests. |

|C) |multiple intelligence tests. |

|D) |general intelligence tests. |

|11. |Who would have been most enthusiastic about the value of a single intelligence test score as an index of an individual's mental |

| |capacities? |

|A) |L. L. Thurstone |

|B) |Charles Spearman |

|C) |Howard Gardner |

|D) |Robert Sternberg |

|12. |Spearman's g factor refers to |

|A) |the genetic contribution to intelligence. |

|B) |a general intelligence that underlies successful performance on a wide variety of tasks. |

|C) |a highly developed skill or talent possessed by an otherwise retarded person. |

|D) |the ability to understand and regulate emotions. |

|13. |People's scores on the general intelligence factor are most highly correlated with their ability to solve ________ problems. |

|A) |emotional |

|B) |sexual |

|C) |social |

|D) |novel |

|14. |Those who emphasize the importance of the g factor would be most likely to encourage |

|A) |deriving adult intelligence test scores from the ratio of mental age to chronological age. |

|B) |using a small standardization sample in the process of intelligence test construction. |

|C) |quantifying intelligence with a single numerical score. |

|D) |studying autistic savants in order to research alternative forms of intelligence. |

|15. |In 8 to 10 seconds, memory whiz Kim Peek can read and remember the contents of a book page. Yet, he has little capacity for |

| |understanding abstract concepts. Kim's mental capacities best illustrate |

|A) |autism. |

|B) |Down syndrome. |

|C) |emotional intelligence. |

|D) |savant syndrome. |

|16. |Who is most likely to be criticized for extending the definition of intelligence to an overly broad range of talents? |

|A) |Howard Gardner |

|B) |Lewis Terman |

|C) |Charles Spearman |

|D) |B. F. Skinner |

|17. |Howard Gardner identified a total of ________ intelligences. |

|A) |three |

|B) |five |

|C) |eight |

|D) |fifteen |

|18. |Robert Sternberg distinguished among analytical, practical, and ________ intelligence. |

|A) |creative |

|B) |spatial |

|C) |musical |

|D) |physical |

|19. |The ability to control one's impulses and delay immediate pleasures in pursuit of long-term goals is most clearly a |

| |characteristic of |

|A) |emotional intelligence. |

|B) |mental age. |

|C) |savant syndrome. |

|D) |divergent thinking. |

|20. |Although Nicole scored well above average on the SAT, she frequently loses her temper and needlessly antagonizes even her best |

| |friends. Her behavior best illustrates a low level of |

|A) |reliability. |

|B) |validity. |

|C) |mental age. |

|D) |emotional intelligence. |

|21. |The concept of emotional intelligence is most likely to be criticized for |

|A) |lacking definitional clarity. |

|B) |being difficult to measure reliably. |

|C) |extending the definition of intelligence to an overly broad range of skills. |

|D) |sacrificing content validity for predictive validity. |

|22. |MRI scans reveal correlations of about ________ between people's brain size (adjusted for body size) and their intelligence |

| |scores. |

|A) |–.05 |

|B) |+.15 |

|C) |+.33 |

|D) |–.45 |

|23. |Higher intelligence scores are positively correlated with the volume of ________ in specific brain areas involved in memory, |

| |attention, and language. |

|A) |endorphins |

|B) |white matter |

|C) |gray matter |

|D) |dendrites |

|24. |High intelligence scores have been linked with high concentrations of gray matter in certain regions of the frontal lobe. The |

| |gray matter refers to the ________ of neurons. |

|A) |cell bodies |

|B) |axons |

|C) |dendrites |

|D) |receptor sites |

|25. |Studies suggest that there is a positive correlation between intelligence and the |

|A) |brain's rate of glucose consumption. |

|B) |neural processing speed in the brain. |

|C) |the brain's ability to process language in the right rather than the left hemisphere. |

|D) |size of the brain's synaptic gaps. |


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