Creative Arts [50]

PART I - Course Information

Course Type

Course Subject/Rubric:




Course Title:

Fundamentals of Music

Course Catalog


Introduction to the basic elements of music theory, including scales,

intervals, keys, triads, elementary ear training, notation, meter, and

rhythm. Course does not apply to a music major degree.

Course Prerequisites:


(for existing courses - copy

and paste from online


The person designated as the contact must be prepared to facilitate a quick response from the curriculum

team when feedback is shared by the Academic Core Curriculum Committee.

Curriculum Team:


Contact Person:

Lisa Morales

Email Address:

Phone Number:


Curriculum Team Dean


Eric Sims


Please include sample syllabus for proposed course with application.

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Creative Arts [50]

PART II 每 General Education Vision Statement

The Lone Star College general education curriculum is designed to empower students with

foundational knowledge and transferrable skills guided and informed by a strong sense of values,

ethics, and civic engagement. The general education curriculum prepares students for academic

excellence and careers through progressively higher坼level studies in the areas of critical thinking,

communication, empirical and quantitative skills, teamwork, personal responsibility, and social


Embedded in the Lone Star College Core Curriculum is our firm belief that educated members of

society must possess a broad base of experience and general knowledge to balance the narrow

focus of degree and vocational requirements. We strive to ensure that our core curriculum provides

many important benefits that exceed those listed above. Students taking the core curriculum interact

with a wide range of cultures, both domestic and international. They develop important individual

traits and skills such as empathy and communication that are critical for their future careers and

personal development.

Students hone interpersonal skills and develop critical workplace and academic skills, such as

communication, time management, and leadership that will enhance their ability to collaborate

with colleagues, employers, and society.

Lone Star College values civic engagement and encourages students to become informed participants

in the civic and social responsibilities of our local, state, national, and global communities. Participation

in our core curriculum creates opportunities and encourages our students to evaluate their own value

systems through the study of the humanities and sciences while recognizing the diversity of beliefs and

values present within our society.

In sum, our graduates learn to become autonomous decision makers through the development of

a broad base of knowledge, skills, personal wellness, and interpersonal competencies.

1. Please provide a summary of the proposed course and the reasons for proposing that it be

included into the Core Curriculum.

MUSI 1303 Music Fundamentals is an essential music course enabling students from

diverse backgrounds to appreciate music through the lens of its language: notation,

structure, and practices. This course covers the basic elements of music theory, including

scales, intervals, keys, triads, ear training, notation, meter, and rhythm. Opportunities for

student collaboration, development of written and oral communication skills, and the study

of historic music practice will provide a structure for broad-based and engaged learning.

2. In one paragraph, describe how the proposed course will support the LSC General Education

Vision Statement.

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Creative Arts [50]

MUSI 1303 每 Fundamentals of Music 每 equips students with foundational knowledge of the

language of music. The course is designed to introduce students to a system of musical

notation and structural analysis, while providing hands-on opportunities for knowledge

application. The skills gained with this course represent the first steps toward an advanced

understanding of diverse musical genres. Writing, analysis, and collaboration serve as

both instructional tools and final products. Because of these goals, MUSI 1303 fulfills many

of the values expressed within the General Education Vision Statement such as critical

thinking, communication, broad base of experience and general knowledge, diversity,

teamwork, interpersonal competencies.

3. If you have previously proposed that this course be included in the core and it was not

approved, please explain why it was not approved and what changes have been made since

then (if any). If this course has never been part of a core curriculum course proposal, explain

why it is being proposed now for the first time.

Prior to 2016, LSC Music Programs offered MUSI 1301, a course similar to Music

Fundamentals; it was included in the list of core classes that fulfilled the Creative Arts

component. This course was omitted from the ACGM by the THECB. LSC Music requests

that MUSI 1303 replace 1301 as a Creative Arts offering that can fulfill this degree


4. If the proposed course has previously been in the Core but was removed, please explain why

it had been removed and what changes (if any) have been incorporated since its removal.


5. Please write here anything additional you wish the committee members and other moderators

to consider.

This course can be such an important foundational course for a variety of populations; its

inclusion in the core would open instructional options for the integration of the Creative

Arts core component with other disciplines, such as the AAT degree with a music in the

elementary classroom themed course.

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Creative Arts [50]

PART III 每 THECB Foundational Component Areas

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(copy-paste link)


Creative Arts [50]

Core Component Area Statements:

(All answers must be documented in the example syllabus attached to this proposal.)

1. Courses in this category focus on the appreciation and analysis of creative artifacts and works of the

human imagination.

2. Courses involve the synthesis and interpretation of artistic expression and enable critical, creative, and

innovative communication about works of art.

See: Core Components and Objectives Chart

FCA Statement 1:


FCA Statement 2:


Describe how the course will focus on the appreciation and analysis of

creative artifacts and works of the human imagination.

MUSI 1303 material encompasses the technical requirements of learning

the language of music (basic music theory), but always with the goal of

application. Students will have the opportunity to study songs, scores, and

create their own work 每 essential components of appreciation and

analysis. Scores, songs, and written materials notating and organizing (on

paper) the sounds that become works of art are the creative artifacts and

works of the human imagination examined in MUSI 1303.

Describe how the course will involve the synthesis and interpretation of artistic

expression and enable critical, creative, and innovative communication about

works of art.

As students learn rudimentary music theory, they will simultaneously be

engaged in active listening and discussion assignments. Additionally,

course structure can involve oral and written presentations exploring

significant works of diverse musical categories.

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