The Creative Curriculum for Preschool Touring Guide

The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool

Touring Guide


1 The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool 2 The Evolution of The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool 4 Product Map 7 Overview

8 How Does The Creative Curriculum? Work? 10 What Are The Creative Curriculum? Objectives for Development & Learning? 12 How Curriculum and Assessment Are Linked

15 Curriculum Components 16 The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool: The Foundation

18 The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool: Daily Resources 18 Teaching Guides 20 Intentional Teaching CardsTM 22 Children's Book Collection 23 Book Discussion CardsTM 24 Mighty Minutes?

25 Embedded Professional Development 26 Making Connections With Families 28 How The Creative Curriculum? Supports English Language Development

31 Sample Pages: Balls Study

32 Balls Study: Table of Contents 33 Why Investigate Balls? 34 Web of Investigations 36 At a Glance, Investigation 1 38 Day 1, Investigation 1 40 Day 1, Investigation 1: Book Discussion CardTM 42 Day 1, Investigation 1: Intentional Teaching CardsTM 45 Day 1, Investigation 1: Mighty Minutes? 46 Day 1, Investigation 1: Volume Excerpt

48 The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool, Expanded Daily Resources 50 Additional Teaching Guides 51 Digital Curriculum Resources 52 Benefits

Welcome to The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool

As an early childhood educator, your first commitment is to children--helping them succeed in school and in life. At Teaching Strategies, our first commitment is to you. That's why, when you partner with us to build quality in your program, you can be sure that you'll have the support you need to succeed every step of the way.

Let's take a look at how!


The Evolution of The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool

The evolution of The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool is grounded in our commitment to early childhood educators. Over the years, we've embraced innovation, updating the curriculum to keep pace with what teachers need in the classroom. What began as a focus on room arrangement is now a comprehensive collection of resources that offer moment-to-moment support, and every edition has incorporated current research on the best ways to help children succeed.


Room Arrangement as a Teaching Strategy is a precursor to The Creative Curriculum?.


The second edition of The Creative Curriculum? is published, helping teachers organize their rooms into interest areas and use them effectively.


The fourth edition of The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool offers a

comprehensive update, resting on a firm foundation of research and responding to new requirements for

addressing academic content.

The first edition of The Creative Curriculum? is born--self-published by Diane Trister Dodge and focused on using interest areas as a setting for learning.


The third edition of The Creative Curriculum? is published, presenting for the first time our philosophy, goals, and objectives for children's learning, as well as guidelines for teaching and

working with families.



The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool offers teachers even more of the resources they've grown to know and love. Expanded Daily Resources give teachers more choice when it comes to implementing studies and integrating learning into every part of the day. The sixth edition of The Foundation offers updated research, more opportunities for teacher reflection, and a new volume that builds teachers' knowledge about science and technology, social studies, and the arts. The updated Objectives for Development & Learning volume presents a clear picture of all of the early childhood years, with progressions from birth through third grade. The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool is available in English, in Spanish, or as a bilingual curriculum.



The fifth edition of The Creative

The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool

Curriculum? for Preschool is made up

combines the five volumes from the fifth

of five volumes that build teachers'

edition (now known as The Foundation) with

professional knowledge of best practices,

a comprehensive collection of daily practice

including a volume on the newly developed

resources (known as the Daily Resources)

objectives for development and learning.

available in both English and Spanish.


The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool

Available as a complete English, Spanish, or bilingual curriculum

The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning, enabling children to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical thinking skills. It is designed to help educators at all levels of experience plan and implement a developmentally appropriate, content-rich program for children with diverse backgrounds and skill levels.

The Foundation



English, 6 Volumes



Spanish, 6 Volumes

The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool also provides the option to purchase digital curriculum resources that are accessible through the MyTeachingStrategiesTM platform, including Intentional Teaching experiences, Teaching Guides, weekly and monthly planning calendars that can be populated or rearranged with just a few clicks, and much more. See page 51.


English, 6 Guides

Daily Resources*

Spanish, 6 Guides

El Curr?culo Creativo para educaci?n preescolar: Tarjetas de ense?anza intencional


Juguetes y juegos


groom to make clean and neat

gossip to talk about people who aren't there in a hurtful way or share their secrets

hoed (point to illustration) dug in the ground using a hoe (a hoe is a tool used to dig up weeds)

Tarjetas de n?meros

Qu? hacer

Materiales: juego de tarjetas con cada n?mero y el nombre impreso en un lado, p. ej., 3 y tres. Del otro lado, dibuje la cantidad correspondiente con puntos grandes, p. ej., l l l ; botones u otros objetos peque?os

1. Invite a los ni?os a que exploren las tarjetas de n?meros. Mu?streles el n?mero que est? en un lado de la tarjeta. D? vuelta a la tarjeta y cuente los puntos con ellos.

2. Pida a los ni?os que digan los n?meros que ya saben.

3. Anime a los ni?os a que usen los dedos, botones u otros objetos para contar cada cantidad.

"Esta tarjeta tiene el n?mero 4. Vamos a darle vuelta. ?Puedes ponerle un bot?n a cada punto?"

4. Contin?e la actividad mientras los ni?os sigan interesados. Expl?queles que las tarjetas de n?meros estar?n en el ?rea de juegos y juguetes para que puedan usarlas durante la hora de elegir actividades.

Objetivo 20 Usa conceptos num?ricos y operaciones Objetivos relacionados: 3, 7, 9, 11

Para incluir a todos los ni?os ? Use texturas en las tarjetas, p. ej., puntos

de Velcro?. Use colores contrastantes para el fondo de las tarjetas. ? Use n?meros y puntos magn?ticos o en relieve para que los ni?os puedan manipularlos y palparlos. ? Est? atento a los indicios de que un ni?o o ni?a desea participar, tales como gestos, movimientos del cuerpo y expresiones faciales.** ? Invite a los ni?os que aprenden una segunda lengua a que cuenten tambi?n en su lengua materna.**

Supporting Social?Emotional Development



Manages feelings

Responds to emotional cues

to pick foods such as wheat, vegetables, and fruit when they are ready to be picked

miller a person who grinds wheat into flour


(demonstrate action) made or shaped dough by folding, stretching, and pressing with your hands

chore everyday work or job around the house or farm

? "What could Little Red Hen have said to her friends to let them know she was disappointed that they wouldn't help her?"

? "Dog, Goose, and Cat did not see that Little Red Hen felt bad about not getting help when she asked. How can you tell when someone feels bad or disappointed about something?"

to makSeemceussyencia de ense?anzaaarsommeall


Use tarjetas con los n?meros del 1 al 3, concentr?ndose en el lado con los puntos. Presente las tarjetas una por una a cada ni?o o ni?a. Ofrezca la cantidad exacta de objetos que se necesitan para cada tarjeta.

"Esta tarjeta tiene un punto. ?Puedes ponerle un bot?n al punto?" "Ahora tenemos dos botones. Intentemos ponerle un bot?n a cada punto que veamos".

Preguntas para guiar sus observaciones

H?gase las siguientes preguntas al observar a cada ni?o o ni?a: ? ?Cu?les n?meros reconoci?? ? ?Pudo colocar un objeto por cada punto?


Muestre a un ni?o o ni?a las tarjetas del 1 al 5 y p?dale que nombre los n?meros que conozca. "Aqu? hay cinco tarjetas con n?meros escritos en ellas. ?Ves alg?n n?mero que conozcas?" Inv?telo a poner un objeto en cada punto mientras los va contando. "Pongamos un bot?n en cada punto. ?Puedes contarlos mientras lo hacemos?"

? ?Hasta d?nde pudo contar con la correspondencia uno a uno?

? ?C?mo determin? la cantidad correcta de objetos que hac?an falta?

? ?Cu?nto tiempo prest? atenci?n a esta actividad?


Muestre las tarjetas del 1 al 5 con el n?mero hacia arriba. Pida al ni?o o ni?a que cuente del 1 al 5 a medida que se?ala cada tarjeta. P?dale que elija una tarjeta, diga el n?mero y le d? vuelta para poner la cantidad correspondiente de objetos en los puntos.

"Empecemos por contar hasta 5. Aqu? tienes los n?meros del 1 al 5 mientras cuentas. ?Puedes se?alar el n?mero 1?"

AprendamosJugando Juegos relacionados

"El arte de contar"

"?A cu?l tarjeta le vas a poner piedritas primero?

? 2010 Teaching Strategies, Inc. ?


Mezcle las tarjetas y col?quelas en una pila. Pida al ni?o o ni?a que elija una tarjeta y luego cuente hasta ese n?mero. Inv?telo a contar los objetos a medida que va colocando botones sobre la tarjeta.

"Elegiste la tarjeta con el n?mero 8. ?Puedes contar 8 cuentas para pon?rselas?"


Use las tarjetas del 1 al 20. Forme grupos de 10 a 20 objetos. Pida al ni?o o ni?a que cuente y que elija la tarjeta de n?meros que corresponda a la cantidad de objetos en el grupo.

"?Cu?ntos objetos hay en este grupo? ?Puedes encontrar el n?mero que corresponde a esta cantidad de objetos?"

Forme un grupo de m?s de 20 objetos. Invite al ni?o o ni?a a contar los objetos y a escribir el n?mero que represente esa cantidad.

? 2011 Teaching Strategies, Inc. ?

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Intentional Teaching CardsTM (201 bilingual cards)

05 The Little Red Hen

The Creative Curriculum? for Preschool Book Discussion CardsTM

The Little Red Hen

Retold by Bonnie Dobkin

No one's willing to help a hardworking hen as she plants her wheat... but everyone wants the warm bread she makes later! See how the hen teaches a trio of exceptionally lazy barnyard friends that good things come to those who help out.

? 2010 Teaching Strategies, Inc. ?

Book Discussion CardsTM (22 English, 22 Spanish)

Children's Book Collection (142 books and 8 big books in English and Spanish)

Mighty Minutes? (100 English, 100 Spanish; also sold separately)

eBook Collection (30 eBooks, bilingual)

Resource Organizer

*Also available: Expanded Daily Resources, featuring five additional studies and comprehensive daily teaching tools and additional Teaching Guides, each available for separate purchase. Please see pages 48-50 for more information.


Individualized. Supportive. Effective.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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