Region 2 Literacy Curriculum Map

|2005-2006 |September |November |February |May |

| |October |December |March |June |

| | |January |April | |

|Bold items are on-going throughout the year****** Bold items are on-going throughout the year****** Bold items are on-going throughout the year******* |

|Big Idea |Building a Literate Community |Constructing Meaning |Building Concepts about Print |Building Independence |

| | | | | |

| | |Where We Live | | |

|Theme |Welcome to School |In My Neighborhood | | |

| |All About Us/All About Me |All Kinds of Homes |How Things Work |Growing and Changing |

| |Here I Am |What People Do |Travel and Transportation |Ready for Kindergarten |

| |Things I Can Do |Community Helpers |We Use Machines | |

| |Things I Want to Learn | |Building Things | |

| |My Favorites |In the Dark |Looking Closer | |

| |Family |Bedtime | | |

| |Baby |Animals At Night |Everything Changes | |

| |Going to School |Nighttime Jobs |Weather and Seasons | |

| |Making Friends | |Water Changes | |

| |Things We Learn in School | |Feelings | |

| | | |Growing Things | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Animals | |

| | | |Animal Babies | |

| | | |Where Animals Live | |

| | | |Animals Big and Little | |

| | | |Pets | |

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|2005-2006 |September |November |February |May |

| |October |December |March |June |

| | |January |April | |

|Content |Pre-Reading\ |Pre-Reading\ |Pre-Reading\ |Pre-Reading\ |

| |Oral Language |Oral Language |Oral Language |Oral Language |

|Strategies | | | | |

|Skills |Listen daily to fluent & expressive formal & informal text (Read |Enhancing vocabulary knowledge by explaining, |Modeling concepts about print (i.e. |Read books that are focused on transition (i.e. The Kissing Hand, We |

|Standards |Alouds) |defining and showing what a word means |directionality of print, where reading begins |Are Best Friends, Miss Bindergarten Goes To Kindergarten, Will I Have A|

| | | |on a page, title and cover page contributes to |Friend?, The Night Before Kindergarten) |

| |Establishing Routines, Whole and Small Group Instruction and Center |Providing frequent opportunities to engage in |meaning) | |

| |Routines |literacy activities | |*Provide opportunities for students to: |

| | | |*Provide opportunities for students to: | |

| |Provide opportunities for Shared / Independent Reading |*Provide opportunities for students to: | |Distinguish between fiction and non-fiction; fantasy & make-believe |

| | | |Independently engage in reading behaviors | |

| |Begin lending library (i.e. ‘Book In A Bag’) |Read familiar texts (i.e. using illustrations | |Observe, investigate and ask questions |

| | |to construct meaning and retell to peers and |Retell stories with attentiveness to the | |

| |*Provide opportunities for students to: |adults) |sequence of events (beginning, middle and end) |Explore cause and effect relationships in literature and personal |

| |Become Familiar with letters of the alphabet | |and main ideas |experiences |

| | |Interpret illustrations, simple charts and webs| | |

| |Name and describe objects | |Collect, describe and record data |Revisit favorite books, authors, etc. |

| | |Pose questions, seek answers and develop | | |

| |Describe and interpret illustrations |solutions |Use hands-on materials for discovery and |Social Emotional Development: |

| | | |investigation |Shows empathy |

| |Demonstrate familiar routines |Use story language to construct meaning | |Helps others in need |

| | | |Develop a growing understanding of position and|Begins to help others in need |

| |Dictate words and phrases, rhymes, and sentences |Think and talk about books before, during and |space, geographical location and direction |Appreciates similarities and differences |

| | |after reading | |Sets goals and follows through on plans |

| |Distinguish between print and illustrations | |Orally differentiate simple multi-meaning words|Expresses self-direction in learning |

| | |Make connections between oral language and |(homonyms, synonyms and antonyms) |Begins to demonstrates conflict resolutions strategies |

| |Use wordless picture books to construct story |print | |Beginning to accept transitions |

| | | |Utilize naming words, action words and |Expresses and manages opinions, needs and feelings |

| |Recognize environmental print |Distinguish between print and illustrations |describing words | |

| | | | | |

| |Understand that letters make words |Use illustrations from informational text to | | |

| | |acquire information and meaning | | |

| |Learn position words (e.g. above, under, in front of…) | | | |

| | |Listen to and discuss multicultural texts, |‘ | |

| | |songs and oral stories | | |

| |Participate in Every Day Counts Exercises (i.e. calendar, days of the | | | |

| |week, attendance, weather, schedule of the day, etc.) |Identify story elements (i.e. character and | | |

| | |settings) | | |

| |Recognize similarities and differences | | | |

| | |Recite with expression and rhythm | | |

|Pre-Reading/Oral Language |Understand use of details | | | |

|(continued) | |Make predictions | | |

| |Make and confirm predictions | | | |

| | |Make inferences | | |

| |Make connections to text, illustrations, photographs, experiences | | | |

| | |Draw conclusions | | |

| |Associate spoken and written words | | | |

| | |Identify sequence of events | | |

| |Become familiar with the components and structure of book and print | | | |

| |concepts |Recognize story structure | | |

| | | | | |

| |Understand that all people have basic needs |Compare and Contrast | | |

| | | | | |

| |Recognize favorite books |Social Emotional Development: | | |

| | |Uses materials appropriately and puts them away| | |

| |Explore and selects books independently |Works with others to solve problems | | |

| | |Takes care of his or her own possessions | | |

| |Social Emotional Development: |Connects actions and consequences | | |

| |Learns how to make and keep friends |Contributes to classroom responsibilities | | |

| |Uses good manners |Expresses and manages feelings, needs and | | |

| |Takes turns |opinions | | |

| |Begins to follow routines independently |Asks for help when needed | | |

| |Shares and cooperates with others |Demonstrates increasing independence | | |

| |Helps establish rules and routines | | | |

| |Begins to display positive self image | | | |

| |Respects rights and property of others and self | | | |

| |Recognizes first name | | | |

| |Separates from family and adjust to new situations | | | |

|2005-2006 |September |November |February |May |

| |October |December |March |June |

| | |January |April | |

|Writing |Pre-Writing |Pre-Writing |Writing’ |Writing’ |

| | | | | |

| |Establish Routines (Whole and Small Group Instruction and Center |Provide daily opportunities for modeled writing|Provide opportunities for students to: |*Provide opportunities for students to: |

| |Routines) | | | |

| | |*Provide opportunities for students to: |Write/Illustrate independently on topics of |Write and illustrate independently with confidence |

| |*Provide opportunities for students to: | |interest | |

| | |Use drawings, letter strings, scribbles, letter| |Revisit and expand original stories |

| |Begin building connections between spoken language and written language|approximations, and other graphic |Write name with appropriate letter formations | |

| | |representations and inventive spelling to | |Generate topics of interest and develop content |

| |Experiment daily with a variety of writing surfaces and materials |convey messages (i.e. lists, labels, etc.) |Write names of peers and environmental print | |

| | | | |Write for specific and varied purposes |

| |Use pictures to interpret meaning | |Dictate words, phrases, ideas, experiences, | |

| | |Begin to connect personal stories to |story events and sentences |Use previous samples of work to reflect on growth as a |

| |Contribute to shared writing activities |experiences through pictures, dictation and | |writer/illustrator |

| | |experimental print |Use invented spelling and learned vocabulary in| |

| |Participate in interactive and independent writing | |their writing | |

| | |Write their name in a variety of | | |

| |Understand that writing is a way of communicating feelings, ideas, and |contexts/situations |Draw\Illustrate responses to literature (i.e. | |

| |thoughts | |lending library, etc.) | |

| | |Create more detailed, creative or realistic | | |

| |Create original work |artwork | | |

| | | | | |

| |Share ideas about personal art work |Experiment with multi-sensory activities | | |

| | | | | |

| |Labels Scribbles/Pretends to write |Combine activities, materials and equipment in | | |

| | |new ways | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Experience differentiated instruction | | |

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|2005-2006 |September |November |February |May |

| |October |December |March |June |

| | |January |April | |

|Listening/Speaking |Listening/Speaking |Listening/Speaking |Listening/Speaking |Listening/Speaking |

| | | | | |

| |Establishing routines for accountable talk (e.g. staying on topic for |*Provide opportunities for students to: |*Provide opportunities for students to: |*Provide opportunities for students to: |

| |length of time, conversations, partner talk, Turn & Talk, taking | | | |

| |turns…) |Use multiple word sentences or phrases of |Use a tone of voice appropriate to the setting |Listen and engage in sustained conversations |

| | |increasing length and complexity when | | |

| |Expresses feelings through movement |describing ideas, feelings or actions |Progress in clarity of enunciation |Use more complex grammar and parts of speech through seeing teachers |

| | | | |modeling and repetition |

| |Engages in dramatic play with others |Speak with expression in complete sentences |Recite with increasing expression and rhythm | |

| | | | |Elaborate on observations and experiences |

| |Make believe / Improvise |Follow more complex oral directions |Use inventive language to experiment playfully | |

| | | |with words |Discuss and reflect previous learnings |

| |Dramatizes stories, experiences, poems, finger plays and feelings |Use newly learned words to make connections | | |

| | |between prior and new experiences and ideas |Use talk to persuade, suggest, negotiate and | |

| |Develop oral language through dramatic play | |show empathy for others | |

| | |Ask questions to obtain information | | |

| |Participates in songs and finger plays about letters | | | |

| | |Listen to and engage in sustained conversation | | |

| |Establishing the language of play to make connections to reading and |in formal and informal settings | | |

| |writing (i.e. playful words, dramatic play, puppetry, poetry) | | | |

| | |Engage in conversations centered around likes | | |

| |Connecting purposeful play to the interest of the child |and dislikes | | |

| | | | | |

| |Provide daily opportunities for students to listen and speak in whole |Reproduce or create sound patterns | | |

| |group, small group, one-to-one conversations with peers and teachers | | | |

| | |Recall words in a song or fingerplay | | |

| |*Provide opportunities for students to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Retell stories to develop oral language (including a development of | | | |

| |more complex vocabulary) | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Listen to familiar stories (i.e. listening center) | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Recite / Repeat familiar rhymes and songs | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Show and tell/ describe objects | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Follow simple directions | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Participate in classroom music / movement activities | | | |

| | | | | |

|2005-2006 |September |November |February |May |

| |October |December |March |June |

| | |January |April | |

|Word Study |Word Study |Word Study |Word Study |Word Study |

| | | | | |

| |Introducing new and more complex vocabulary in new contexts |Provide a risk-free environment for language |*Provide opportunities for students to: |*Provide opportunities for students to: |

| | |experimentation (i.e. spell words, sound out | | |

| |Introducing content specific vocabulary |words, guess letters) |Listen for beginning sound |Match\produce words with same beginning sound |

| | | | | |

| |*Provide opportunities for students to: | |Isolate beginning sound |Blend onset and rime (‘b’ blended with ‘at’) |

| | |*Provide opportunities for students to: | | |

| |Develop alphabet knowledge through name study (i.e. name chant, | |Build rhyming skills |Blend phonemes |

| |magnetic letters, rhymes, etc.) |Engage in word play (i.e. phonemic games) to | | |

| | |explore parts of words | |Segment onset and rime |

| |Begin to recognize frequently seen words and environmental print | | | |

| | |Match name and identify personal and | |Substitute and isolate initial sound |

| |Begin to experiment with rhythmic language patterns |significant letters of the alphabet | | |

| | | | |Substitute and isolate ending sound |

| | |Develop an increased ability to discriminate | | |

| | |and identify sounds in spoken language | |Segment phonemes |

| | | | | |

| | |Increase vocabulary of verbs, adjectives and | | |

| | |adverbs to exercise options in word choice | | |

|Assessments |1st Self portrait |2nd Self portrait |3rd Self portrait |4th Self portrait |

| |1st Writing/Drawing sample |Begin 2nd Baseline Assessment (NYC) |2nd Writing\Drawing sample |3rd Writing\Drawing sample |

| |Administer 1st Baseline Assessment (NYC) | |Complete 2nd Baseline Assessment (NYC) |Administer 3rd Baseline Assessment (NYC) |

| |Regional Report Card | | | |

| |Regional Portfolio Assessment | | | |

| | | | | |

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|Resources |The Creative Curriculum, Developmentally Appropriate Practice In Early Childhood Programs (NAEYC), Pre-Kindergarten Performance Standards, Listening and Speaking Standards, Three Four Open The Door, Fee Fie Phonemic Awareness, More Than The|

| |ABC’s, Much More Than The ABC’s, The Read Aloud Handbook, The Peaceful Classroom, Story Stretchers, More Story Stretchers, Every Day Mathematics, Block Play (Child Craft), Rigby Pebble Soup Explorations |

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|2005-2006 |September |November |February |May |

| |October |December |March |June |

| | |January |April | |

|Projects |Book Making (Big Books, Individual Books, Flip Books, Accordion Books, etc), Murals, Poetry/Rhymes, Retells, Puppet Shows, Building/Transportation, 3 Dimensional Projects, Dramatic Play Themes/Transformations, Quilts (Student created), |

|(Should reflect |Science Projects, Surveys, Graphs/Pictographs, Summer Reading List for Parents to read to children… |

|differentiation, | |

|developmentally appropriate | |

|practice and interests of the| |

|child) | |

| | |

|Learning Centers |Writing Center, Listening Center, Dramatic Play, Library/Meeting Area, Block Center, Sand/Water Table, Cooking Center, Art Center, Collage Center, Easel Center, Woodworking Center, Manipulative Center, Computer Center, Math Center, Plus |

|(Should reflect |Authentic Centers (i.e. pet shop, beauty parlor, etc.) |

|differentiation, | |

|developmentally appropriate | |

|practice and interests of the| |

|child) | |

| | |

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