Using Props to Learn, Explore and Designing Routines

K-12 National Dance Educator of the Year

Sanja Korman

Bellaire High School, Houston ISD, Houston, TX

Sponsored by Sportime

Keywords: active participation, creative movement, dance


This lesson plan gives students the opportunity to learn new manipulative skills with props– all equipment regularly used in rhythmic gymnastics. And with these props, there is a great opportunity to explore interesting new dance phrases and movement sequences. Learn to use students' creations and choreographies. Learn to synthesize these dance phrases into one dance routine, where everyone participates.

Upon completion of this lesson, students will:

□ Perform manipulative skills with props such as: balls, hoops, ropes, ribbons and scarves

□ Perform different dance sequences with and without props on a variety of music (with different rhythm / tempo)

□ Create and perform a dance routine with chosen props

□ Evaluate and make observations about group works

Applicable National Dance Standards

1. Content Standard: Identifying and demonstrating movement elements and skills in performing dance – performance of technical skills and demonstration of rhythmic skills

2. Content Standard: Understanding choreographic principles, processes, and structures – create a small group dance with or without props

3. Content Standard: Understanding dance as a way to create and communicate meaning – props towards better communication with audience

4. Content Standard: Applying and demonstrating critical and creative thinking skills in dance - creating dances or dance sequences

7. Content Standard: Making connections between dance and other discipline – physical education

Levels: middle and high school, with appropriate modifications according to the students’ developmental level; could also be used in elementary level.


□ Rhythmic gymnastics props such as: hoops, ropes, ribbons, balls and scarves

□ Music

□ Signs with basic manipulative skills of each prop

Introductory Activities

After the warm-up exercises, students are introduced to a dance concept. They will also practice manipulative skills with props scattered on the floor.

Teacher hints: Divide students into five groups and let them rotate stations with: balls, scarves, ropes, hoops and ribbons. Students either be free to explore manipulative skills or be directed on what skills they should practice (depends on developmental level of students).

Dance Concept Examples

□ Adapt a related science project to the props and equipment (i.e., exploring astronomy)

□ Adapt a related math project to the props and equipment (i.e., shapes in geometry)

□ Take a musical phrase or poem and explore movement with the props and equipment

□ Movement for movement’s sake: explore new ways of moving that are propelled through the use of props (i.e., throwing a hoop in the air, catching it, rolling it on the floor)

Exercise Examples

□ Rope: swing, jump and skip, rotate, wrap, throw and catch, release

□ Hoop: swing, circle, roll floor or body, spin, throw and catch, rotate, pass through or over

□ Ball: swing, circle, roll body or floor, bounce, figure 8, throw and catch

□ Ribbon: swing, circle, spiral, snake, figure 8

□ Scarf: swing, circle, wave, figure 8, throw and catch

Exploring the Dance Concept

Preview a dance sequence with any of the props performed by the teacher and/or students.

Developing Skills

□ With and without props, teach a dance sequence /combination to the entire class

Teacher hints: scattered formation, direct teaching style. Everyone learns the same dance sequence.

□ Divide the class into five groups. Assign groups to use certain prop(s) to explore movement possibilities and combine manipulative skills with ‘just learned” dance sequences. Allow changes in dance sequences according to the type of prop used in the particular group. Allow enough time to practice skills.


Students explore, improvise and choreograph movements, dance phrases and dance sequences with props based on the dance sequence taught by the teacher or a student (lesson dance concept). Groups then use only one prop. Students choose rhythmically different music.

Teacher hints: observe all groups and offer assistance when needed, express positive and corrective feedback and suggestions.


Analyze, discuss and perform the dance sequence with a prop and without it. Learn how dance elements change or accommodate to new conditions.

Cooling Down

Students view improvisation/choreography of their peers and evaluate the same. Students share their observations and express their feelings about their own performance and the performances of other groups.


Experience new movement skills with music and props, including: balls, hoops, ropes, ribbons and scarves. Explore innovative techniques through fun activities. Be guided to learn how to combine props and incorporate them into many dance routines.

Equipment resources:

Ropes, hoops and balls you can purchase at Sportime, but if you want the very specific equipment for rhythmic gymnastics check out the following link:


Brain-Compatible Dance Education by Anne Green Gilbert, 200 Reston, VA: National Dance Association

Teaching Rhythmic Gymnastics: A Developmentally Appropriate Approach by Heather Palmer, 2003, Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics

Email: skorman@

NOTE: Sanja Korman, K-12 National Dance Educator of the Year, will teach Using Props in Dance: Learn, Explore and Design Routines on Friday, April 3rd, at the AAHPERD National Convention in Tampa, FL.


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