Creation Myth Assignment Details - Ms. McLean's Online ...

[Pages:3]Name: ________________________________ Period: _______________

Creation Myth Writing Assignment

Ms. McLean English 3

This week you will be writing your own Creation Myths! This is intended to be a fun and creative assignment, so use your imagination!

Think of a natural phenomena that you would like to explain. Pick one natural phenomena and create a myth that explains how this phenomena was created or why it acts the way it does. Remember, most myths have two functions:

1. Explain how something was created or why it is the way it is. 2. Teach us a life lesson (Have a theme).

Think back to the myths we have read in class as an example of what a good myth does.

This project will be graded not only on how creative your writing is, but on how accurately your myth portrays those of the Native American oral tradition.

Your final draft must be at least a page long and contain little or no grammatical/spelling errors. It must also include an image that corresponds to your myth and colors that are appropriate and fun to look at.

You will also have the opportunity to present your myth for up to 25 points of extra credit. Your presentation should be at least 1 minute and should include you reading your myth and explaining the lesson learned. You must also be able to answer questions from both the class and myself about your myth. You cannot earn extra credit unless you turn in every piece of the writing process as well.

Creation Myth Grading Rubric

Writing Process Brainstorm

Due Date Wed 8/23

Points Possible 10

Points Earned

Plot Diagram

Thurs 8/24


Rough Draft

Fri 8/25


Peer Editing

Monday 8/29


Final Draft

Tues 8/30


Presentation (Extra Credit)

Tues 8/30




Name: ________________________________ Period: _______________

Ms. McLean English 3

Here are some guidelines to follow:

? You must have at least two characters

? You must use as much descriptive AND detailed language as possible. Try not to use dead verbs (am, are, be, is, was were, have, had, has) but instead use action verbs.

? Your myth must have a plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution).

? It must contain two recognizable examples of cultural detail (references to important values, objects, animals, or practices that signal how people of a culture live, think, or worship).

Name: ________________________________ Period: _______________

Ms. McLean English 3

Creation Myth Project- Scoring Rubric

Note: The entire writing process, along with your typed final copy is due at the start of the hour on Tuesday.

Format (10pts): On time with a title, name, date, and hour

Typed and double spaced

Written with correct mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar)

Idea development/Content (20pts):

You fully explain how your natural phenomena of choice came to be.

You include several characteristics of a Native American creation story

Your story contains two recognizable examples of cultural detail.

Organization (10pts): You have a beginning (with a catchy lead sentence), a body (where you show your main idea), and a conclusion.

You use paragraphs to move from one idea to the next (five sentences, indent, topic sentences, and detail sentences)

You write in complete sentences

Creativity (10pts): You provide vivid, detailed imagery

You include description that appeals to the senses

Captures and maintains reader's interest


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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