EMA/Kodak Backgrounder Template

|Project Name: | |

|Person Representing Brand: | |

|Regulatory Contact | |

|Person Representing Creative Team | |

|Date Assigned to Creative Team | |

|Final Due Date: | |

TYPE OF PAGE (Check one – One brief for each program type):

|Type of Program | |

|Product Launch | |

| | |

|Microsite | |

|Product Page | |

|Event Page or Trade Show | |

|Company Page | |

|Landing Page | |

|Other | |

|1. Introduction and objectives | |

|1.1 Background and reason for this effort | |

|What are we doing a campaign for (campaign | |

|name/product/product category) | |

|1.2 Key objective or call to action | |

|What do we want to achieve? | |

|Increase brand awareness | |

|Increase sales/leads | |

|Education | |

|Other _______ | |

|1.3 Effect | |

|What measurable effect do we want to achieve? | |

|What are the KPIs? (Increase downloads, | |

|Increase form completions, increase demo requests, increase | |

|product understanding/time on page, etc.) | |

|2. Target group / key insights | |

|2.1 Which groups will benefit most from this effort? Select |Dentists |

|all that apply |Orthodontists |

| |OMS |

| |Periodontists |

| |Endodontists |

| |Investors |

| |Employees |

| |Known Prospects |

| |Unknown Prospects |

| |Current Customers |

| |OTHER _______________ |

|2.2 Execution considerations |Create a list of web sites radio buttons here |

|Global |Global – All regions and languages |

|Regional |US - English |

|Languages |US - Spanish |

|Concept deployed to various mediums or tactics |EMEA - English |

| |Germany - German |

| |UK - English |

| |China - English |

| |Japan - English |

| |France - French |

| |Canada - French |

| |Canada – English |

| |Brazil – Portugal |

| | |

| |OTHER _______________ |

|3. Communication | |

|3.1 Benefit | |

|Describe the core benefit for the target group in one | |

|sentence. | |

|What pain are we relieving for the target group or the | |

|reason for the online effort | |

|3.2 Key message | |

|Describe the core message in one sentence. | |

|For product launches, please state the value proposition. | |

|3.3 Communication channels | |

|What other marketing efforts are being done (if any) to | |

|support this effort? | |

|(Social ads, Google Adwords, email campaigns, etc.) | |

|4. Content | |

|Page Layout | |

| Page Content (include any links needed for content) | |

| | |

|If there are differences in the regional messaging | |

|that must be considered, describe them here. | |

| | |

|Please include all mandatory and supporting copy, as | |

|well as any links where copy exists that can be | |

|leveraged | |

|Images , videos, and or documents (include links to | |

|assets in DAM or upload files with web request) | |

|Additional content | |


Marketing Director:______________________________ Date:_______________________

Brand Director :______________________________ Date:_______________________

Marketing Manager:______________________________Date:_______________________

Creative Team:__________________________________Date:_______________________



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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