The Evolution of Social Media Marketing: 9 trends to know now.

The Evolution of Social

Media Marketing:

9 trends to know now.

It¡¯s hard to think of a time when social media didn¡¯t exist¡ªwhen people of all ages weren¡¯t snapping photos

of their food, sharing ¡°selfies¡± with their friends and shaking hands with future LinkedIn connections. And

maybe that¡¯s because the idea of social media has actually been around since the 70s, when a website gave

users the option to log in and interact with content for the very first time. From there, users were introduced to

chat rooms, live journals, photo sharing and video sharing sites. And in 2003, when MySpace launched, users

were given access to features they¡¯d never had before. They could send private messages and post public

comments. They could even post public bulletins that all their friends would see. In 2006, Facebook expanded

upon those features. Then Twitter did. Then Tumblr. Then Snapchat. Then Instagram. Then Vine. And the list

goes on.

Brogan & Partners has been there since the beginning. From brand engagement to community management

to content creation, we evolve with every new social channel¡ªrefining our strategies every time a new trend

takes off. Because we know the idea of social media has come far from what it once was, and it continues to

change every day.

By Laurie Hix, Partner, Creative Director and Kaitlynn Knopp,

Writer, Community Manager at Brogan & Partners

Social media is changing rapidly. And while some may think it¡¯s still in its adolescent years, in some ways, it¡¯s

also growing up. Audiences are getting smarter. Platforms are recognizing innovative ways to make money.

Marketers are learning the best ways to engage. And these changes are moving social media closer and closer

to other kinds of marketing mediums.

In this whitepaper, we¡¯ll explore the Evolution of Social Media Marketing and the nine trends you need to

know now.

1. Social visualization is shifting

content strategies.

A picture is worth a thousand words¡ªwhich is infinitely more than 140 characters. It¡¯s why Twitter launched

TwitPic and Periscope. It¡¯s why Pinterest was the fastest-growing social network in 2014. It¡¯s how Instagram

inspired the photo editing apps on almost everyone¡¯s¡¯ smartphones. And it also explains the spontaneous

trajectory of stories on Snapchat.

Whether you¡¯re a brand or a person, visuals are becoming your timeline, your story and your history. And

because of that, maintaining your brand standards and the quality of your visual content is even more

important today than it was yesterday.

With social visualization, your social strategy must be crafted with the same care as all of your branding

materials, and it must have the same level of quality, conceptual content and design.

2. Big idea concepts are driving

brand engagement.

Marketing has always been about the big ideas¡ªand social media should be, too. Social, like any medium,

should be anchored in the big ideas of your brand and business goals. And it needs to be just as compelling.

Ultimately, brands need to treat social like everything else: as an important, integrated marketing medium

that demands the same strategic attention and creativity as all other extensions of the brand.

For one of our clients, the Michigan Department of Community Health, we developed a powerful brand

engagement campaign called MI Healthier Tomorrow¡ªencouraging people to pledge to lose 10% of their

body weight. It had roots in outdoor, radio, print and mobile. But it also grew wildly on social media.

As of today, more than 32,000 people have taken the MI Healthier Tomorrow pledge, and the campaign

continues to support them with ongoing text messages, emails and Facebook status updates that give tips

for a healthier tomorrow.


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