Breaking the Ice

Breaking the Ice!

A Rhetorical Device Review


Great authors know how to use language in unique and creative ways. The art of rhetoric sets writers apart as great! As a starting point, we need to have the definitions of key terms at our finger tips… let’s see where we’re at!

To begin…

Find a team of four and sit together! Be sure to bring along this assignment and a pencil. Complete the chart below based upon what you re-collect from last year. Please copy the chart into your notes.

|Rhetorical Device |Definition |Example |

| | | |

|Simile |An indirect comparison between two or more |His head is as oblong as a football. |

| |things using the terms “like” or “as”. | |

| | | |

|Metaphor |A direct comparison between two or more |His head is a football. |

| |things. | |

| | | |

|Personification |The process of giving human | |

| |qualities/characteristics to non-human |The park bench groaned under the |

| |elements. |gentleman’s weight. |

| | | |

|Hyperbole |The use of exaggeration to emphasize a |I have a million students to worry about. |

| |point. | |

| | | |

|Irony |Situational Irony occurs when the outcome |The English teacher cannot think of an |

| |expected does not occur. |example of irony. |

| | | |

|Rhetorical Question |A question used for emphasis. A response is|How long can we wait for real change? |

| |not expected. | |

| | | |

|Alliteration |The repetition of the first letter sound. |Lavell loves licorice lots. |

| | | |

|Onomatopoeia |Words that represent sounds. |“crack” “sizzle” |

| | | |

|Allusion |A reference to a well-known person, place, |Her new apartment looked over a New York |

| |phrase, moment etc. in order to enlighten |City style sky line. |

| |the reader or create interest. | |

| | | |

|Anecdote |Writers sometimes choose to refer to |As a young woman, I once fell down a flight|

| |personal, humorous stories as a means of |of stairs in front of hundreds of students |

| |illuminating a point or connecting to the |heading to class. I know something about |

| |reader. |embarrassment!!! |

| | | |

|Satire |Satire is a literary style that occurs when|A Modest Proposal |

| |the writer uses irony and sarcasm to | |

| |emphasize human weakness, in the hope to | |

| |mend the ways of the reader. | |

Let’s Get Creative!

Here are the steps for success:

• For each member of your team, determine a “fun fact” that would assist the class in getting to know him/her a little bit better. Be sure to record these facts on a piece of lined paper.

• Next, using a different rhetorical device for EACH member and his/her fun fact, prepare a brief, one paragraph introduction to your team. Let’s break the ice!

• You and your team will share your introduction at the front of the class. Be ready to challenge your classmates… will they be able to figure out which devices you have used??

Please turn over [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

Your Life in Rhetorical Devices…

Now that we know one another a little bit better, it’s time to introduce yourself to me!

The Visual Element:

Your job is to create a ONE page expression of WHO YOU ARE!! This page should include some of the following elements: important quotations, key photos, thoughts, mementos and other interesting expression of you. You will have ONE computer lab period to prepare.

The format of the page is your choice! Please let me know if you choose an electronic format so that I can prepare to share it.

The Written Component:

Using FIVE different rhetorical devices, describe yourself! You can use many sentences or just one or two. The idea is to use the device accurately, as well as to show your distinct writing style.

Formative Assessment Checklist:

Expectation Remarks

|Use of Devices: | |

|Student shows accuracy in use of devices. In addition,| |

|an element of creativity is shown. | |

|Quality of Written Expression: | |

|Student writes clearly and correctly. As well, a sense| |

|of style emerges via the student’s choices for | |

|personal details and devices. | |

|Quality of Visual: | |

|Effort is clear. Student has followed and met all | |

|expectations of the assignment. | |

|General Impression: | |

|Format ties to personality in some regard, care and | |

|effort very apparent. | |

Thanks for teaching me a little bit about you… ([pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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