Spiral Unit Vocabulary - Word Study Resources

[Pages:8]Unit 21

3 WordStudySpiral


Suffix -ity with Vowel Alternation Schwa to Short

Lesson Objectives

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Day 4 Day 5

Students will:

? Understand that adding the suffix -ity changes the schwa sound to a short vowel sound

? Read and write words with the suffix -ity whose base word vowel sound changes from schwa to short

? Articulate the rule for dropping the final e before adding the suffix -ity

Students will:

? Sort words by the spelling of the alternating vowel ? Sort words by endings -al, -ile, or -ity

AddinAgdSduinffgixS-uitfyfitxo-Bityasteo WBaosredsWords EndinEgnidnin-agl oinr -ailel or -ile

When -ityWisheandd-eitdy itsoaaddbeadsetowaorbdaesnedwinogrdinen-adl ionrg -iinle:-al or -ile: ? schwa c?hsacnhgwesa tcohaansgheosrtovoawsehlosrtouvnodwel sound ? word ch?awngoersd fcrhoamngaens afrdojemctaivne atdojeactnivoeunto a noun ? accented? ascyclelanbtleedcshyalnlagbelse changes

Adjective,Adjective, Schwa SoSucnhdwa Sound

Noun, Noun, Short VowSehlorStouVonwd el Sound

per/son/apler/s+on/ality + = piteyr/so=n/aple/ri/tsyon/al/i/ty

men/tal men+/tal ity + = itmy en/=tal/im/teyn/tal/i/ty

hos/tile h?ose/ti+le it?y e =+ ityhos/=til/i/htyos/til/i/ty

mo/bile m? oe/bi+le it?y e =+ itymo/=bil/i/mtyo/bil/i/ty

Noun Noun


-ity -ity

-al -al

-ile -ile

Anchor Chart (BALMnch1o) r Chart (BLM 1) Word Study & VocabularyW3o:rdUnSittu2d1y:&SuVfoficxa-biutylawryit3h: vUonwite2l a1l:teSrunfafitxio-nitsycwhwitha vtoowsheol ratlternation schwa to short ?2010 Benchmark Educ?at2io0n10CoBmenpcahnmy,aLrLkCEducation Company, LLC

Category Cards (CBaLtMego2r)y Cards (BLM 2) Word Study & VocabularyW3o:rdUnSittu2d1y:&SuVfoficxa-biutylawryit3h: vUonwite2l a1l:teSrunfafitxio-nitsycwhwitha vtoowsheol ratlternation schwa to short ?2010 Benchmark Educ?at2io0n10CoBmenpcahnmy,aLrLkCEducation Company, LLC
































Word Cards (BLM 3) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short

3 ?2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC













frugality p






Word Cards (BLM 4) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short



? Anchor Poster

? BLM 2: Category Cards





? BLMs 3?4: Word Cards



? BLM 6: Take-Home Activity


? Teacher Category Cards-- -al, -ile, -ity



? Teacher Word Cards--mental, versatile, mobility3











Students will:

? Sort words by usage









? Use knowledge of the meaning and usage ohfowstiolirtyds toversatility



complete sentences

Word Cards (BLM 3) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short

?2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC

Materials: ? BLM 2: Category Cards ? BLM 5: Word Cards ? BLM 7: Classroom Activity ? BLM 8: Take-Home Activity ? Teacher Category Cards--Noun, Adjective ? Teacher Word Cards--general, generality, actual, centrality,


Students will:

? Identify words in a passage with / l/ spelled -al and -ile and

words with suffix -ity

? Write and spell words with the suffix -ity and schwa to short

vowel alternation

Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________


The Origin of Silk

? BLM 9: Reading Passage

Silk is an elegant fabric that was first made centuries ago in countries in Asia. All of the original silk fabrics were woven there, because the silkworms that produced silk were found only in that locality. As people became more

? BLM 10: Spelling Dictation

check to make sure underlines are marked to overprint (Window: Attributes)

mobile, they brought silkworms to other areas and the silk industry spread. Silkworms today are extinct in the wild. They can survive only in silkworm farms, as they have lost the ability to fly in their moth phase. Also, almost all types of silkworms eat only mulberry leaves, of which they must have a constant supply.

? BLM 11: Spelling Peer Check

Like all insects, silkworms go through normal stages as they develop. During one stage, the caterpillars form cocoons. The cocoons are woven from silk fibers. During the final stage, the moths come out of the cocoons. The cocoons

left behind are processed and the fine silk threads are taken from them. The

threads are woven into silk fabric. The type of silkworm the silk comes from

affects the type of silk that can be made. However, all of the individual types

Students will:

of silk are alike in general ways: the fibers feel fragile but are strong, they are lightweight, and they have a lustrous sheen.

The first uses of silk were in more formal garments. Today, clothing designers and fiber artists use silk in all kinds of creative ways that show their

? Correctly spell words with the suffix -ity and schwa to short originality and individuality. Artists also paint on silk, and it is used in other ways that highlight its versatility.

vowel alternation

Anchor Chart (BLM 1)

Category Cards (BLM 2) Word Cards (BLM 3)































Word Cards (BLM 4) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short



?2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC

Word Cards (BLM 4)

actuacl tual genegreanl eral





actuaclittuyality genegreanlietyrality





centcraelntral indivinidduivaildual










Name _______N_a__m_e_________________________________________________D_a__te_______________D_a__te_____________________________________________________________

SortingSfortSincghwfoar tSochSwhoarto Short

Parent DirectioPnasr:eUnstinDgirtehcetiwoonrsd: bUasninkg, hthaveewyoorudr bcahnildk, fhinadveeayochurbcahsieldwfionrdd ethaacht cboansteainwsotrhdethsacthcwoantains the schwa sound and endssionu-nadl oanr d-ileendansdinw-raitleoirt o-inlethaendchwaritteunitdoenr the acphpartoupnriadteer htheeadaipnpgr.oTphreianteheheoardsinhge. Then he or she should find the rsehlaotueldd wfinodrdththeartehlaatseda swhoorrdt vthoawt ehlassoaunsdhoarnt dvoewnedlssionu-nitdyaannddewnrditseinit o-intythaendchwaritte it on the chart under the same uhnedaedrinthg.e same heading.

Word BankWord Bank brutal brutvael rsatile versatility versmateilnittyal personalitypershoonsatliiltey

vermsaotbilielity memnotablile hofsetirlteile

mopbeirlsiotynal perhsoosntaillity mofebritlielity ferbtirluittyality fermtielentality mentality

hostility brutality

-al with Sch-awlawith Schwa



-al with Sho-arlt wVoitwheSlhort Vowel brutality brutality







finalfiitnyality localiotcyality





-ile with Sc-hilweawith Schwa

-il ? e + Sh-oirlt?Veow+eSlhort Vowel

formfaolrmal origionraigl inal





formfaolrimtyality origionraigliitnyality





Word Cards (BLMWo5r)d Cards (BLM 5) Word Study & VocabularyW3o:rdUnSittu2d1y:&SuVfoficxa-biutylawryit3h: vUonwite2l a1l:teSrunfafitxio-nitsycwhwitha vtoowsheol ratlternation schwa to short ?2010 Benchmark Educ?at2io0n10CoBmenpcahnmy,aLrLkCEducation Company, LLC

Take-Home ActiTvaitkye(-BHLoMm6e)Activity (BLM 6) Word Study & VocabularyW3o:rdUnSittu2d1y:&SuVfoficxa-biutylawryit3h: vUonwite2l a1l:teSrunfafitxio-nitsycwhwitha vtoowsheol ratlternation schwa to short ?2010 Benchmark Educ?at2io0n10CoBmenpcahnmy,aLrLkCEducation Company, LLC

Word Cards (BLM 5)

Take-Home Activity (BLM 6)

Name _______N_a__m_e_________________________________________________D_a__te_______________D_a__te_____________________________________________________________

ChooseCthhoeoWseortdhe Word

Directions: ReaDditrheectsieonntse:nRcesa.dCthoeosseeneteitnhceerst.hCehboaosseeweoithrderotrhtehebareselatwedorwd oorrdthtoe creolmatpeldetweothrde to complete the sentence. Rememsebneternthcea.t Rademdinegmtbheer stuhfaftixa-didtyincghtahnegesusftfhixe-imtyeachnainnggeans dthuesamgeaonfinthgeanbdasuesawgoerdo.f the base word. 1. Superviso1rs. looSukpfoerveismorpsloloyeoeksfowrheomaprleoy_e_e_s__w_h_o__a_re________________an__d_r_e_s_p_o_n_s_ibalen.d responsible.

punctual pupnucntuctauliatyl punctuality

2. Serena is 2_.___S_e_r_e_n_a_i_s______________,_s_o__sh_e__d_o_e_s_n, 'st obusyheexdpoeenssniv'tebculoy tehxepse. nsive clothes. frugal frugaflirtuygal frugality

3. Fred was 3w.orrFiereddabwoaustwthoerri_e_d_a_b__o_u_t _th_e________________o_f _h_is__c_o_n_tr_a_ctowf ihthis tchoenstrhaicptpwinigth the shipping company. company. legal legalitylegal legality

4. The dance4r.s aTmhaezeddantcheersauadmieanzeced wthiethatuhdeier nteccehwniqthuethaenirdte_c_h_n_i_q_u_e_a_n_d_______________.___________. music musimcaulistyic musicality

5. Gymnasts5m. usGtybmenfalesxtsibmleuasntdbe__f_le_x_ib_l_e_a_n_d________________to__p_e_rf_o_r_m__t_hetofepaetsrfothrmey tdhoe. feats they do. agile agilityagile agility

6. Sean did 6no. t wSaenant tdhiedtnoofut wtaacnotbtheecatuosfue ittacwoasbne'ct ahuisse__it_w__a_s_n_'t_h_i_s_______________d_in_n_e_r_. _____ dinner. normal normnoarlmityal normality

Name _______N_a__m_e_________________________________________________D_a__te_______________D_a__te_____________________________________________________________

ChooseCthhoeoWseortdhe Word

Parent DirectioPnasr:eHnatvDeiryeocutriochnisld: Hreaavdethyoeusrecnhtieldncreaadndthcehsoeonstenthce awnodrdchwoitohsethtehecowrroercdt mwiethanthinegcorrect meaning to fit in the blanktos. fit in the blanks.

1. Mia is ___1_.___M_i_a_i_s_______________fo_r_c_l_a_ss__b_e_c_aufoser cslhasesdboeecsaunsoet wshaentdtooems nisostawnaynt to miss any information. information. punctual pupnucntuctauliatyl punctuality

2. Alex has a2l.argAelesxavhinasgsaalaccrgoeunsat vbinegcasuascecoouf nhtisb_e_ca_u_s_e__o_f_h_i_s______________.___________. frugal frugaflirtuygal frugality

3. Lawyers h3e.lp pLaewopyleerswhheelnp tpheeoyphleavweh_e_n_t_h_e_y__h_a_ve________________p_ro_b_l_e_m__s.___ problems. legal legalitylegal legality

4. The cardin4a.l's Tshoengcawrdaisnvael'srys_o_n_g_w__a_s_v_e_r_y_______________an__d_p_l_e_a_s_in_g_taonldistpelneatosi.ng to listen to. musical mumsicuasliictyal musicality

5. Marcos w5as. imMparercsossedwabsy itmhepr_e_s_s_e_d_b_y__th_e________________o_f _th_e__a_c_ro_b__atso.f the acrobats. agile agilityagile agility

6. Abby did 6th.e sAabmbey tdhidingthevsearymdeatyhainngdewvearsybdoaryedanwditwh athsebo_r_e_d__w_i_th__th_e__________________________ of her life. of her life. normal normnoarlmityal normality

7. Mrs. Smith7. waMs rcso.nScmerinthedwasbocount ctheern_e_d_a_b__o_u_t _th_e________________o_f _th_e__p_r_o_je_c_t owfhtehne sphroeject when she found out howfomunudchouittchooswt. much it cost. practical prapcrtaicatilcitayl practicality

8. The stude8n.ts hTahnedsletuddtehnets_h__a_n_d_le_d__th_e________________e_g_g_w_i_th__c_a_r_e etoggkeweipthitcfarroemto keep it from breaking. breaking. fragile fragilfirtaygile fragility

7. The robot7t.hatTthhee rsotbuodtenthtsatbtuhielt swtuadseennttsebrtuailntinwga,sbeunttiet rdtaidinninogt, hbauvteitadid not have a __________________________u_se_.________ use. practical prapcrtaicatilcitayl practicality

8. The muse8u.m Tkheeptmthuesefousmsilkienpat tshpeecfoiaslsriol oinma bsepceacuiaslerooofmthebe_c_a_u_s_e__o_f _th_e__________________________ of the bones. of the bones. fragile fragilfirtaygile fragility

Classroom ActivCitlyas(BsrLoMom7)Activity (BLM 7) Word Study & VocabularyW3o:rdUnSittu2d1y:&SuVfoficxa-biutylawryit3h: vUonwite2l a1l:teSrunfafitxio-nitsycwhwitha vtoowsheol ratlternation schwa to short ?2010 Benchmark Educ?at2io0n10CoBmenpcahnmy,aLrLkCEducation Company, LLC

Take-Home ActiTvaitkye(-BHLoMm8e)Activity (BLM 8) Word Study & VocabularyW3o:rdUnSittu2d1y:&SuVfoficxa-biutylawryit3h: vUonwite2l a1l:teSrunfafitxio-nitsycwhwitha vtoowsheol ratlternation schwa to short ?2010 Benchmark Educ?at2io0n10CoBmenpcahnmy,aLrLkCEducation Company, LLC

Classroom Activity (BLM 7) Take-Home Activity (BLM 8)

Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________

The Origin of Silk

Silk is an elegant fabric that was first made centuries ago in countries in Asia. All of the original silk fabrics were woven there, because the silkworms that produced silk were found only in that locality. As people became more mobile, they brought silkworms to other areas and the silk industry spread. Silkworms today are extinct in the wild. They can survive only in silkworm farms, as they have lost the ability to fly in their moth phase. Also, almost all types of silkworms eat only mulberry leaves, of which they must have a constant supply.

Like all insects, silkworms go through normal stages as they develop. During one stage, the caterpillars form cocoons. The cocoons are woven from silk fibers. During the final stage, the moths come out of the cocoons. The cocoons left behind are processed and the fine silk threads are taken from them. The threads are woven into silk fabric. The type of silkworm the silk comes from affects the type of silk that can be made. However, all of the individual types of silk are alike in general ways: the fibers feel fragile but are strong, they are lightweight, and they have a lustrous sheen.

The first uses of silk were in more formal garments. Today, clothing designers and fiber artists use silk in all kinds of creative ways that show their originality and individuality. Artists also paint on silk, and it is used in other ways that highlight its versatility.

Reading Passage (BLM 9) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short

?2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC

Reading Passage (BLM 9)

Name ___________________________________ Date _____

Spelling Dictatio

Review Words 1. 2. 3.

New Words 1. 2. 3.


Spelling Dictation (BLM 10) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short

Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________

Spelling Dictation

Review Words 1. 2. 3.

New Words 1. 2. 3.


Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________

Spelling Peer Check

Directions: Work with a partner. Follow the directions from your teacher to use this BLM to write your spelling words.

First Try


Second Try (if needed)


Correct Spelling


























Additional Materials: ? Word Study Notebooks ? Pocket Chart ? Dictionaries (Days 1, 2, 3)

Materials: ? Quick-Check Assessment

Reading Passage (BLM 9) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short

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Spelling Dictation (BLM 10) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short

?2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC

Spelling Dictation (BLM 10)

Spelling Peer Check (BLM 11) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short

?2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC

Spelling Peer Check (BLM 11)


E d u c at i o n


Day One

Supporting ELs

Point out to Spanish-speaking English Learners that many Spanish words ending in -dad relate to an English word that ends in -ity, for example: la personalidad/ personality; la mentalidad/mentality; la fertilidad/fertility; la formalidad/ formality; la fatalidad/fatality. Write the words on the chalkboard and have students explain the meaning of the Spanish word using simple words or pantomime. Use simple words and gestures to explain the meaning of the English word.

Review Vowel Alternation Long to Short or Schwa

Focus Words: convene, convention, know, knowledge, compete, competition, define, definition

Write the word pairs convene/convention and know/knowledge on the chalkboard and read them aloud.

Ask students to identify the vowel alternation they hear in each word pair. Review that the long vowel sound in the accented syllable of certain base words can alternate to short or schwa when word endings are added.

Repeat the procedure with the remaining focus words.

Blending Practice

If some students have difficulty reading the words, help them read the words syllable by syllable. Write the word actuality on the chalkboard. Point out that the word has four vowels and four vowel sounds, so it has four syllables: ac/tu/al/i/ty. Model how you apply your knowledge of vowel patterns to read each syllable and blend them together. Point out that it is easier to read long words when you decode them syllable by syllable.

Introduce Adding Suffix -ity with Vowel Alternation Schwa to Short


Remind students that when the suffix -ity is added to a base word, it changes the base word's meaning. Then point out that adding -ity also changes the vowel sound of the unaccented final syllable in the base word from schwa to short.

Write the words personal and personality on the chalkboard. Read the words aloud and have students repeat the words. Say: The unaccented final syllable in the base word personal has the schwa sound. When the suffix -ity is added to the base word, the final syllable of the base word becomes accented and the vowel sound becomes short. Read the words again and underline the schwa sound in personal and circle the short vowel sound in personality.

Discuss the change in meaning when -ity is added. Say: Personal is an adjective that ends in -al. When the suffix -ity is added, the word becomes a noun.


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ISBN: 978-1-4509-0296-0

Write the words hostile and hostility on the chalkboard. Have a volunteer read aloud hostile and identify and underline the vowel sound in the unaccented final syllable (schwa). Have another volunteer read aloud hostility and identify and circle the vowel sound in the now accented syllable (schwa to short i). Reinforce the rule that when the suffix -ity is added to a base word, the final syllable of the base word becomes accented and the vowel changes from schwa to short. Ask students how the meaning and usage of the base word changed when the suffix -ity was added.

2 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short

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Write the words mental and mentality on the chalkboard and have students write the words in their word study notebooks. Have partners identify and underline the schwa sound in mental and then identify and circle the short vowel sound in mentality. Below the words, have students write a sentence explaining how the usage and meaning of each word changed when the suffix -ity was added. Encourage students to use dictionaries.

Spelling Words with Vowel Alternation

Unit Spelling Words: personal, personality, hostile, hostility, mental, mentality, fertile, fertility

Write the word pairs personal/personality and hostile/hostility on the chalkboard. Point out that even though the schwa sound in the -al syllable in personal changes to a short a sound in personality, the spelling doesn't change. Then point out that the base word hostile ends in e. Explain that when the suffix -ity is added to a base word that ends in e, the e is dropped because the suffix begins with a vowel.

Write the remaining spelling words on the chalkboard and read them with students. Remind students that base words ending in -e drop the -e before adding -ity. Ask volunteers to use a spelling word in an oral sentence.

Have students copy the spelling words in their word study notebooks. Ask partners to check each other's spellings. Tell students to underline the vowel that spells the schwa sound in the base word and circle the vowel that changes to a short sound when the suffix -ity is added.

Assessment Tip

Notice which students have difficulty identifying the unaccented schwa sound and how it changes to an accented short vowel sound when the suffix -ity is added to the base word. You may want to work with these students, using simple word pairs to review the concept of schwa to short vowel alternation when the suffix -ity is added to a base word.

Home/School Connection

Students can take home a list of the spelling words and practice reading, writing, and spelling the words with a family member.

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Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short 3

Day Two

Closed Sort


mental brutal fatal personal


versatile fertile hostile mobile


mentality brutality fatality personality versatility fertility hostility mobility

Review Suffix -ity with Vowel Alternation Schwa to Short

Display the anchor poster and ask volunteers to explain in their own words how base words ending in -al or -ile change when the suffix -ity is added.

Write the word pairs fatal/fatality and fragile/fragility on the chalkboard. Have students turn to a partner and identify how the vowel sound and meaning changed when the suffix -ity was added to the base words.

Buddy Sort

Closed Sort

Base Word


frugal legal musical normal practical punctual


fragile agile

Related Word


frugality legality musicality normality practicality punctuality fragility agility

Home/School Connection

Have students take home BLM 6 to complete with a family member. Students can also take home the word cards and share their sorts with a family member.

Supporting ELs

Teacher Word Cards: mental, versatile, mobility Teacher Category Cards: -al, -ile, -ity

Place the category cards next to each other in the pocket chart. Hold up the word card mental and model how to sort it according to the ending.

Think aloud: I hear the schwa sound in this word. I see that al spells the schwa sound in mental. I will put this word under the category -al because -al spells the schwa sound.

Hold up the word card versatile. Ask students to read the word and tell how the schwa sound is spelled. Ask students if the word card should be placed under the -al or -ile category card. Place the card underneath the -ile card. Say: The schwa sound in versatile is spelled -ile. It belongs under the -ile category card.

Hold up the word card mobility. Ask students to identify the ending suffix and tell you where to place the word in the pocket chart.

Give students the word cards from BLM 3 and the -al, -ile, and -ity category cards from BLM 2. Ask them to sort the words into the correct category and have them identify the spelling of the schwa sound in the words that have the schwa.

Because some ELs may not have someone at home who speaks English well enough to work with them on BLM 6, make sure that they understand the directions. Also pronounce and define each word for them

Meaning. Write the word mobile on the chalkboard. Point out that the word mobile is a homograph with several meanings. Examine the different meanings of mobile. Have students write a sentence for each meaning of mobile. Also point out that mobile has different pronunciations. Have students find the word mobile in a dictionary and identify the different pronunciations of the word.

Buddy Sort

Have student pairs use the word cards from BLM 4. Have one student match a base word with its related word. Then have the second student match the next base word with its related word. When all the word pairs have been matched, have pairs draw a three-column chart with the labels -al, -ile, and -ity. Have pairs sort the words according to the categories in the columns.

4 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short

?2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC

Day Three

Meaning Sort

Teacher Word Cards: general, generality, actual, centrality, original Teacher Category Cards: Noun, Adjective

Remind students that adding the suffix -ity changes the meaning and usage of the base word. Place the words general and generality in a pocket chart next to each other. Say the words aloud. Write these sentences and read them aloud. Allison gave us a general idea about her project, but not many specific details. William speaks only in generalities, without specific examples. Have students identify the part of speech for general and generality. (General is an adjective, generality is a noun.) Place the correct category card (Noun and Adjective) over each word in the pocket chart. Repeat with the remaining teacher words.

Give pairs of students the Noun and Adjective category cards from BLM 2 and the word cards from BLM 5. Then have partners take turns sorting the words into the correct category. If they have difficulty, have them use a dictionary to find the meaning of the word.

Applying Meaning. Give students BLM 7 and ask them to complete the cloze activity, choosing the word with the correct meaning and usage.

Assessment Tip

Use students' completed BLM 7 to assess their understanding of which word to use based on usage. Note whether they need more practice in determining if the word is an adjective or a noun.

Providing Support

ELs and struggling readers may have difficulty completing BLM 7 on their own. Have them work with a partner and a dictionary to read and complete it.

Meaning Sort


actuality centrality finality formality generality individuality locality originality


actual central final formal general individual local original

Home/School Connection

Give students BLM 8 to complete with a family member. Explain that they are to do the same thing they did on BLM 7 in class.

Supporting ELs

Make sure that ELs understand what to do on BLM 8 and the meanings of the words since there may not be anyone at home who speaks English well enough to help them complete it.

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Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short 5

Day Four

nderlines nt

Providing Support

Instead of having students read the passage independently, place students in small groups of mixed reading abilities and have them choral-read the passage straight through. Then have them work as a team to find examples of long to short vowel changes and long to schwa vowel changes.

Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________

The Origin of Silk

Silk is an elegant fabric that was first made centuries ago in countries in Asia. All of the original silk fabrics were woven there, because the silkworms that produced silk were found only in that locality. As people became more mobile, they brought silkworms to other areas and the silk industry spread. Silkworms today are extinct in the wild. They can survive only in silkworm farms, as they have lost the ability to fly in their moth phase. Also, almost all types of silkworms eat only mulberry leaves, of which they must have a constant supply.

Like all insects, silkworms go through normal stages as they develop. During one stage, the caterpillars form cocoons. The cocoons are woven from silk fibers. During the final stage, the moths come out of the cocoons. The cocoons left behind are processed and the fine silk threads are taken from them. The threads are woven into silk fabric. The type of silkworm the silk comes from affects the type of silk that can be made. However, all of the individual types of silk are alike in general ways: the fibers feel fragile but are strong, they are lightweight, and they have a lustrous sheen.

The first uses of silk were in more formal garments. Today, clothing designers and fiber artists use silk in all kinds of creative ways that show their originality and individuality. Artists also paint on silk, and it is used in other ways that highlight its versatility.

Word Hunt

Give each student a copy of the passage on BLM 9. Tell them that they will read the passage and circle the words that contain the suffix -ity. After students have completed the word hunt, ask volunteers to share the words they found.

Then ask students to reread the passage, this time underlining words that have the schwa sound spelled -al or -ile.

Ask pairs of students to begin a three-column list of words in their word study Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ notebooks--one cSopleulmlinng Doifcwtaotiordns with the suffix -ity, another of words with the

Review Words

schwa sound spelled with -al, and another of words with the schwa sound spelled 1.

with -2.ile. They can start the lists by using the words in the passage.


Then ask the pairs to look through other texts, looking for words with the suffix -ity to adNdewtoWotrdhse lists. After1s. tudents have had a chance to develop their lists, discuss with them which of


their lists have the most words. Ask what this tells them about the spelling of the 3.

schwa sound.


Spelling Dictation

Reading Passage (BLM 9)

Answer Key Reading Passage (BLM 9) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short

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Give students Spelling Dictation (BLM 10). Dictate the following words from last

week's spelling words Spelling Dictation (BLM 10) to students, one at a time, and have students write them on

Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short

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their BLMs: custody, definition, position.

Home/School Connection

Have students take the reading passage on BLM 9 home to read to a family member and point out the words with the suffix -ity and identify the vowel that stands for the short vowel sound.

Supporting ELs

Make sure ELs know the meanings of the spelling words. Before student pairs use BLM 11, have the partners tell each other oral sentences using the spelling words.

Dictate the following words from this week's unit, one at a time, having students write them on the BLMs: hostile, personality, versatility.

Dictate the following sentence and have students write it on their papers: The mobility of cell phones makes them practical but, in general, I find them annoying.

Write the words and sentence on the chalkboard and have students self-correct their papers.

Spelling Practice

Give pairs of students Spelling Peer Check (BLM 11). While one student reads the spelling words from his or her word study notebook, the other student writes the words in the First Try column. After the second student has spelled the words, the first student places a check mark next to words spelled correctly.

For the second try, the first student may prompt the second student by sounding out the words that were spelled incorrectly the first time. If the second spelling attempt is correct, the first student places a check mark in the Second Try column.

Then students switch roles.

6 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short

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Day Five

Spelling Assessment

Use the following procedure to assess students' spelling of the unit spelling words: ? Say a spelling word and use it in a sentence. ? Have students write the word on their papers. ? Continue with the remaining words on the list. ? When students have finished, collect their papers and analyze their spelling of

the words. ? Use the assessment to plan small-group or individual practice.

Quick-Check Assessment

Assess students' mastery of suffix -ity vowel alternation from schwa to short using the Quick-Check for Unit 21.

Name ___________________________________ Date _______________________________________

Unit 21 Quick-Check: Suffix -ity with Vowel Alternation Schwa to Short

Answer Questions

Directions: In each pair, underline the word with the schwa vowel sound and circle the word with the short vowel sound.

1. hostile


2. versatile 3. personality

fatality mental

2. musical 3. frugal

normality finality


Directions: In the space below, list three to five words you know that have the suffix -ity.

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Directions: Using the words from the word bank, complete the following sort by writing the words in the appropriate category.

Accented First Syllable

frugal legal local mental hostile

Accented Second Syllable

frugality legality locality mentality hostility

Word Bank frugal, hostility, locality, frugality, legal, local, mentality, legality, mental, hostile

Think and Write about Suffix -ity with Vowel Alternation Schwa to Short

Directions: In the space below, explain how understanding that adding the suffix -ity changes vowel sounds from schwa to short helps you as a reader, speller, and writer.


Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short

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Answer Key Unit 21 Quick-Check

Suggestions for Independent Practice

Write the Words. Have students make up meaningful cloze sentences that use words from the word cards. Students can exchange sentences and try to complete them.

Speed Read. Have pairs of students select up to twenty word cards and read the words to each other. Then have them take turns reading the words while the other student times their reading with a stopwatch.

Guess My Word. Have pairs of students work as a team against other pairs of students. Have students place the word cards facedown in a pile. One member of a team draws a card without his or her partner seeing. The student then tries to draw clues for his or her partner to guess the word. The pairs have one minute to guess the word. If they guess it correctly, they get a point. Then the next pair repeats the process.

Crossword Puzzle. Students can work with a partner to make a crossword puzzle that uses some of the words from the word cards. Pairs can swap their puzzles with another pair.

Answer Key BLM 6

-al with Schwa

brutal personal mental -ile with Schwa

versatile mobile hostile fertile

-al with Short Vowel

brutality personality mentality

-ile ? e + Short Vowel

versatility mobility hostility fertility

Answer Key BLM 7

1. punctual 2. frugal 3. legality 4. musicality

5. agile 6. normal 7. practicality 8. fragile

Answer Key BLM 8

1. punctual 2. frugality 3. legal 4. musical

5. agility 6. normality 7. practical 8. fragility

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Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short 7

Name ____________________________________ Date ________________________________________

Unit 21 Quick-Check: Suffix -ity with Vowel Alternation Schwa to Short

Answer Questions

Directions: In each pair, underline the word with the schwa vowel sound and circle the word with the short vowel sound.

1. hostile


2. versatile


3. personality


2. musical


3. frugal



Directions: In the space below, list three to five words you know that have the suffix -ity.

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Directions: Using the words from the word bank, complete the following sort by writing the words in the appropriate category.

Accented First Syllable

Accented Second Syllable

Word Bank frugal, hostility, locality, frugality, legal, local, mentality, legality, mental, hostile

Think and Write about Suffix -ity with Vowel Alternation Schwa to Short

Directions: In the space below, explain how understanding that adding the suffix -ity changes vowel sounds from schwa to short helps you as a reader, speller, and writer.


Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 21: Suffix -ity with vowel alternation schwa to short

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