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How to Teach Creative Writing Activities Ways to Teach Writing Creatively How to Teach Creative Writing to Children Creative Writing Teaching Ideas Ideas for a Creative Writing Course Plan Creative Writing Lesson Plans and Activities

Primary/Elementary School

Creative Writing Activities for Primary School How to Teach Creative Writing to Elementary School Students Ways to Teach Elementary Creative Writing Ideas for Creative Writing Activities for Preteens How to Create Creative Writing Lessons for Elementary

Middle School

How to Teach Creative Writing to Middle School Students Creative Writing Ideas for Teens The Best Writing Prompt Ideas for Middle Schoolers and Teenagers Creative Writing Ideas for Middle School Students

High School

How to Teach Creative Writing to High School Students Creative Writing Activities for High School High School Creative Writing Topics Creative Writing Ideas for High School Creative Writing Activity for High School Students




How to Teach Creative Writing Activities

Students may feel reluctant and threatened by a blank piece of paper and a request to write a story about a given topic. However, with some inspiration and fun activities, reluctant writers gain confidence and eager writers gain the skills to create higher quality writing. Use these activities as building blocks to improving student writing and as tools to help you teach creative writing skills. Once learned, the activities serve as tools that your students can keep using as they write in the future.

Show students how to use graphic organizers

o Show students how to use graphic organizers such as story maps to think through their writing before they start. A story map is a tool, often used in both reading and writing instruction, that helps students to understand the important elements of a story. Before beginning a story, have kids plan out story elements such as character, plot, setting, theme, problem and solution on a story map so they have it to refer to as they write the story. Fill in the graphic organizer together with your students the first few times to help them through the thinking process of coming up with the story elements that should be in the organizer.

Read to your students

o Read to your students, no matter how old they are, so that they know what highquality writing sounds like. Utilize a list such as the one linked below to find books that focus on one or two characteristics of quality writing. Before reading the book, introduce a characteristic of writing, such as unique word choice, and then ask students to listen for samples of it in the book as you read. Later, have them mimic the characteristic of the book you read in a creative writing piece of their own, focusing on improving it in their writing.

Write poetry with your students.

o The short, fun nature of some poems makes them perfect for the hesitant beginning writer. Start with something simple such as one-verse, simple ABAB pattern rhymes where every other line ends with a rhyming word. Always write an example with your students on the board, chart or overhead so they have a model or frame of reference. Use fun poems by writers such as Dr. Seuss or Shel Silverstein to spark interest. As students gain confidence, teach them about longer, more complex poetry.

Write letters

o Students love writing notes, so formalize this and teach students how to write a proper letter. Give students a meaningful task that requires writing a letter. They might write to ask someone to come and speak to their class. Older students might write letters convincing someone in authority to allow something not yet allowed. With a meaningful task and some instruction in proper letter format, students take writing a note to a friend and turn it into a meaningful creative writing challenge.

Choose some familiar fairy tales, stories or nursery rhymes.

o Choose some familiar fairy tales, stories or nursery rhymes. Write a list and ask students to tell you from whose point of view the story is written. Discuss which story elements tell you who is telling the story. Discuss that character's voice or personality characteristics and identify those in the story. Have students pick a story


and retell all or part of it from a different character's point of view using that character's voice and personality in their writing.

Use circle-writing activities

o Use circle-writing activities from time to time for a quick, fun and non-threatening creative writing exercise. Place students in groups of four to six people. Each group needs one pencil and one piece of paper. Give students a strange topic or story starter such as "Yesterday, on the way home from school I saw the strangest creature. It had..." Each group chooses one person to start the story. The student begins to write the story when the teacher says, "Go!" and continues to write until the signal to stop is given. At that point, students pass the paper to the next person in the circle who reads aloud the story so far to his group. The activity continues for a given time period or number of rotations around the circle. Always give the signal to the group when the last rotation arrives so they begin to end their stories. Writing a story together with their group gives hesitant writers some peer assistance and a less threatening environment for creating a story.

Tips & Warnings

o Use a word wall with different list categories such as seeing words, hearing words, tasting words, family words, action words, feeling words. Teach children to think about an object or place through all their senses when describing it. How does it feel, taste, smell, sound and look.


Ways to Teach Writing Creatively

Teach your students the fun aspects of writing. Students of all ages write short stories and papers, from younger elementary-school writers through college-age students. When you teach writing, you want creative ideas and methods that keep the students interested in the lesson and eager to record their own stories. Different ways of teaching writing creatively include ideas with a basis in reality and fantasy-based ideas.

Use Past Experiences

o Use a memoir or biography-based assignment that gets students excited about writing. Combine the project with an art lesson, asking students to include photographs or drawings of their past experiences. Base the size of the project on the age of the students, asking for a one-page report from younger students and longer papers from older kids. Brainstorm the project in class, asking the students to record the top five moments of their lives and expand those moments into small stories for the finished book.

Humorous Writing

o If you want your kids interested in writing, then opt for writing assignments that have a humorous or funny slant. Give your students a short prompt and ask them to write a story based on that prompt. For example, have the students write a story on what they would do if they found a bag of money or gold on the way home from school. With older students, use the prompt as inspiration for short stories not based on themselves. Give your students a short opening sentence that has no ending and ask for a story that finishes the sentence. For example, tell the students, "I never believed that unicorns existed until ... " and ask them to finish the story.

Work With Groups

o Divide your classroom into small groups and ask the groups to write a short story based on a prompt you give them. Sometimes students suffer from writer's block and have difficulty creating a story on their own. Putting the kids into groups lets them brainstorm and bounce ideas off each other, until they create a story that shares elements from each student.

Share Stories

o Share the stories that your students create in the classroom. Make small books from pages wrapped with ribbon through holes on the sides. Let the students pick their favorite stories and create pictures for the books. Give the students one prompt and ask each one to create a story with the same theme or idea for the finished book. Get the students excited about creating stories for others. Send home copies of the books for the parents.



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