| |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|IDEAS |Focused, interesting main idea |Easily understandable main idea |Identifiable main idea |Main idea beginning but unclear |Lacks central idea |

| |Strong, relevant, specific examples|Effective examples |Supporting examples developing but |Few or irrelevant examples |No clear examples; random thoughts |

|Content |Insightful details fit |Original details but some may be |limited |Insufficient details |Extremely limited/unclear details |

|Examples/Details |audience/purpose |general |Predictable details |Development minimal; topic not |No sense of purpose; too short |

|Development |Thorough explanation of the topic |Appropriate explanation of the |Reasonably clear topic but |focused; too broad | |

| | |topic |simplistic or basic | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|ORGANIZATION |Structure enhances ideas; inviting |Clear, developed beginning, middle,|Identifiable beginning, middle, and|Structure is difficult to follow |Fails to provide beginning, middle,|

| |introduction and satisfying |and end |end |Attempts sequencing |and end |

|Structure |conclusion |Logical sequencing |Sequencing logical but may be |Ineffective or overused transitions|Lacks sequencing or direction |

|Sequence |Effective, creative sequencing |Transitions tie ideas together |formulaic |Reader is forced to reread |Lacks transitions |

|Connections |Smooth, effective transitions |Flow of ideas is controlled |Transitions present but some may be| |Pace drags; reader frequently |

| |Reader moves easily through the | |common | |confused |

| |text | |Flow of ideas may be slow or choppy| | |

|CONVENTIONS |Strong, effective control of |Errors are few and do not interfere|Reasonable control of mechanics but|Errors in some areas of mechanics |Numerous errors make reading |

| |mechanics enhances readability |with readability |limited errors may affect |impede readability |difficult |

|Mechanics |Spelling is correct even of more |Spelling is usually correct |readability |Spelling errors are frequent |Spelling errors numerous even of |

|Grammar/Usage |difficult words |Punctuation, capitalization, and |Spelling of common words is usually|Punctuation, capitalization, and |common words |

|Editing |Punctuation, capitalization, and |paragraphing are sound with few |correct |paragraphing are ineffective or |Punctuation, capitalization, and |

| |paragraphing are effective |errors |Punctuation, capitalization, and |distracting |paragraphing are often missing or |

| |Grammar and usage are consistently |Few grammar and usage errors do not|paragraphing are attempted but not |Frequent grammar and usage errors |incorrect |

| |correct |distort meaning |always correct |show limited knowledge of rules |Grammar and usage errors are |

| |Needs almost no editing |Needs little editing |Occasional grammar and usage errors|Needs significant editing |excessive and affect meaning |

| | | |may distort meaning at times | |Needs extensive editing |

| | | |Needs moderate editing | | |

| | | | | | |


| |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|VOICE |Writer quickly engages reader; |Writer recognizes audience; |Writer shows some awareness of |Limited sense of audience; doesn’t |Lack of audience awareness; |

| |strong interaction between reader |communicates message |audience |acknowledge needs of reader |mismatch for the intended reader |

|Audience |and writer |Committed to topic; |Purpose/mode of writing present but|Little commitment to topic |No defined purpose/mode of writing|

|Purpose |Strongly committed to topic which |Appropriate point of view; shows |inconsistent |Inappropriately informal or |Writer lacks a sense of |

|Point of View |comes to life |some originality |Occasional sense of writer behind |personal |involvement; flat; lifeless |

| |Begs to be read aloud; sincere; | |the words | | |

| |expressive; convincing | | | | |

|WORD CHOICE |Powerful, varied, broad range of |Accurate, precise vocabulary |Appropriate but ordinary vocabulary|Colorless, generic vocabulary |Limited vocabulary |

| |vocabulary |Purposeful, clear meaning but | |Expressions may impair |Misused words interfere with |

|Vocabulary |Thoughtfully placed terms or |rarely experiments with language |Functional expressions; may have |understanding; monotonous |meaning |

|Meaning |expressions |Words convey the intended message |some fine moments |repetition |Inadequate, imprecise terms or |

|Message |Words effectively communicate | |Terms convey message but passive |Inappropriate; unimaginative terms |expressions; fails to communicate |

| |message in an interesting, precise,| |verbs or clichéd expressions may |or slang detract from message |message |

| |and natural way | |interfere | | |

|SENTENCE FLUENCY |Sentences are carefully crafted to |Complete, correct sentence |Basic, simple sentence structure |Some incomplete or rambling |Fragmented, choppy, confusing |

| |enhance meaning |structure |Some sentence variety attempted but|passages |sentences; unnatural phrasing |

|Flow |Consistently strong, varied |Connections between |may be mechanical |Monotonous, repetitive sentence |Endless conjunctions |

|Style |sentence structure; creative |phrases/sentences present but may |Parts of text may invite oral |patterns |Very difficult to follow or read |

|Rhythm |connections |not be refined |reading |Awkward constructions force reader |aloud |

| |Invites expressive oral reading; |Reader moves easily through text | |to reread | |

| |logical structure | | | | |

(Created by S Gigstad and M Malm 2003)


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