Creative Writing

Creative Writing Syllabus

Mrs. Jani Wilkens

Voice Mail: 851-5094

Prep. Hour: 4ab


Twitter @janiwilkens

*Please visit the school website to access my website for info/assignments

Course Description: Welcome to Creative Writing. During this semester, you will write a nonfiction piece, a short story, a variety of poems, and either a children’s book, a one-act play, or final project of your choice. In addition, you will maintain a writer’s notebook to store all of those great ideas, silly ideas, old ideas, and new ideas. You will be sharing some of your work either in small or larger groups.

Goals: To help you develop as writers, we will pursue the following goals during this semester:

• You will improve your ability to read fiction, nonfiction and poetry with sensitivity and awareness.

• You will learn how to draw from life experiences to enhance your writing.

• You will develop a keen sense of self, recognizing your strengths and weaknesses in writing.

• You will improve your skills in the vital areas of editing and revision.

• You will give and receive constructive criticism on your creative work.

• You will experiment with style to discover your own voice.

Grading Scale: A 100-89.5

B 89-79.5

C 79-69.5

D 69-59.5

F 59.4 and below

Required Materials:

• A writer’s notebook (Your choice! Needs to be able to be handed in though.)

• A writer-friendly pen/pencil

• A positive attitude

• A USB device or Goggle Docs with which to save your work

Your Responsibilities:

The primary weight for the success or failure of this class rests with you. You will be responsible for our discussions and will have to be prepared for that responsibility. So that we may all benefit, I ask the following from you—be punctual, respect and encourage the opinions of your peers, read carefully and with an open mind, speak up when you have a question or a point to make, be prepared to give and accept criticism, be prepared to work with your classmates, and most of all, commit yourself to a serious exploration of what it means to be a writer.

Why a Writer’s Notebook?

A writer’s notebook gives you a place to live like a writer, not just in school during writing time but wherever you are, at any time of day. It’s a place to record reactions, observations, feelings—all those morsels we think we’ll remember but usually don’t unless we record them.

Helpful Tip:

Creative Writing is primarily a right-brain activity. This creative side of the brain thrives on speed; the faster you write the more active it becomes. Don’t allow the left-brain, the logical, critical part of your mind, to interfere with right-brain operations, especially when you write slowly. Bypass the left-brain, pushing away questions and doubts such as, “Is that the right word?” and “This is no good.” When you begin prewriting and drafting, the goal is to write as fast as you can, capturing the details, descriptions, conversations, and ideas involved. Leave all judgments for the editing and revising stages.

Additional Help:

I am often here after school if you need help with your work. You can also get a pass prior to homeroom and drop in to see me. I will also be happy to assign you a visit to me during homeroom if you are falling behind in your work.


• Grades will be composed of daily work, notebook entries, literature responses, writing projects, and your ability to utilize class time wisely.

• No extra assignments will be offered for bonus points unless you have completed all the work.

• All work must be handed in on time for full points. You will have many more positive experiences, in school and out of school, if you train yourself to see conflicts ahead of time.

• The English Department policy is to take 25 percentage points off the first day an assignment is late. After the first day, the student can make up the assignment for up to 50 percent until the last two weeks in the quarter.

• No assignment can be submitted within the final two weeks of each quarter. Teachers reserve the right to adjust this policy for assignments such as presentations and process-oriented work.

• It is your responsibility to speak with me or email me if you miss. If you have questions you may ask me at the end of class or before or after school. If you miss an assignment that can’t be made up at home, you will receive an alternative assignment.

• Maintain your academic integrity. Don’t copy the writing of another and submit it as your own. Behavior of this sort will result in a zero grade, a phone call home, and an office referral.

• Should you have questions about your grade, do not hesitate to talk with me. Grades will be available to you every two weeks.

• The semester final will count as 20 percent of your semester average.

• The make-up homework and tardy policy, as set forth by the district, will be followed.

So glad to have you in Creative Writing! Let’s have an awesome semester!

Mrs. Wilkens


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