CHAPTER THREE: Building Blocks

CHAPTER THREE: Building BlocksFurther ReadingPoetryThe best three sites if you are looking for inspiring poems to read are Poetry Foundation, , and Poetry Daily.Kim Addonizio, poet, is a student favorite with many works easily found online. Her book on crafting poetry, Ordinary Genius, is insightful, lively, and useful. If you are interested in using poetry as therapy, to help kids or the under-served, or the elderly, check out Kim Rosen’s Saved by a Poem. If you are interested in teaching poetry to children, look at Rose, Where Did You Get that Red? and Sleeping on the Wing, both by Kenneth Koch.Fiction and NonfictionCheck out the websites Narrative Magazine and Brevity.For fiction, if you are interested in structure for novels, short stories, screenplays, or graphic works, the book to read is Story by Robert McKee. If you are interested in writing for the stage or screen, you’ll want to examine how-to books by Syd Field and to read Harold Guskin’s How to Stop Acting. If you are interested in writing a graphic work, the book to read is by Scott McCloud and his best one—he uses comics to teach about comics—is Understanding Comics. ................

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