Nurturing creativity in the classroom

[Pages:10]Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88727-4 - Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom Edited by Ronald A. Beghetto and James C. Kaufman Frontmatter More information

nurturing creativity in the classroom

Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom is a groundbreaking collection of essays by leading scholars who examine and respond to the tension that many educators face in valuing student creativity while believing they cannot support creativity given the curricular constraints of the classroom. Is it possible for teachers to nurture creative development and expression without drifting into curricular chaos? Do curricular constraints necessarily lead to choosing conformity over creativity? This book combines the perspectives of top educators and psychologists to generate practical advice for considering and addressing the challenges of supporting creativity within the classroom. It is unique in its balance of practical recommendations for nurturing creativity and thoughtful appreciation of curricular constraints. This approach helps ensure that the insights and advice found in this collection will take root in educators' practice, rather than being construed as yet another demand placed on their overflowing plate of responsibilities.

Ronald A. Beghetto, PhD, is Associate Professor of Education Studies at the University of Oregon. His scholarship focuses on promoting creativity in K-12 classrooms and the influence of past schooling experience on K-12 teacher development. His recent publications on creativity and teacher development appear in a wide variety of scholarly journals ? including Creativity Research Journal, Journal of Creative Behavior, Creativity and Thinking Skills, Educational Psychologist, Journal of Advanced Academics, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, and Journal of Educational Research ? and edited volumes ? Creativity and Reason in Cognitive Development, Creativity: From Potential to Realization, Creativity: A Handbook for Teachers, Critical Issues and Practices in Gifted Education, and Rethinking Gifted Education. He serves on the editorial boards of Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts; Journal of Creative Behavior; and Journal of Educational Research and is Associate Editor for the International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving. He is the 2008 recipient of the Daniel E. Berlyne Award from the American Psychological Association's Division 10. He has also received awards for excellence in teaching, including the 2005?2006 Crystal Apple Ersted Award for Outstanding Teaching from the University of Oregon.

James C. Kaufman, PhD, is Associate Professor of Psychology at the California State University at San Bernardino, where he directs the Learning Research Institute. His research broadly focuses on nurturing and encouraging creativity. He is specifically interested in creativity's role in fairness, everyday creativity, increasing creativity in the classroom, and the structure and assessment of creativity. He is also interested in related topics such as intelligence, personality, motivation, and thinking styles. Kaufman is the author or editor of sixteen books, either published or in press, including Creativity 101, Essentials of Creativity Assessment (with Jonathan Plucker and John Baer), International Handbook of Creativity (with Robert Sternberg), and Applied Intelligence (with Robert Sternberg and Elena Grigorenko). His research has been featured and discussed in the articles or broadcasts of CNN, NPR, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The New Yorker, and the BBC. Kaufman is a founding coeditor of the official journal for the APA's Division 10, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, and edits the International Journal for Creativity and Problem Solving. He also is Associate Editor of Psychological Assessment and the Journal of Creative Behavior. He received the 2003 Daniel E. Berlyne Award from APA's Division 10, the 2008 E. Paul Torrance Award from the National Association of Gifted Children, and the 2009 Early Career Research Award from the Western Psychological Association.

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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88727-4 - Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom Edited by Ronald A. Beghetto and James C. Kaufman Frontmatter More information

Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom

Edited by Ronald A. Beghetto

University of Oregon

James C. Kaufman

California State University at San Bernardino

? in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88727-4 - Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom Edited by Ronald A. Beghetto and James C. Kaufman Frontmatter More information

cambridge university press Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sa~o Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo

Cambridge University Press 32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473, USA

Information on this title: 9780521715201

c Cambridge University Press 2010

This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press.

First published 2010

Printed in the United States of America

A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication data

Nurturing creativity in the classroom / edited by Ronald A. Beghetto,

James C. Kaufman.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-521-88727-4 (hardback)

1. Creative thinking. 2. Creative ability. I. Beghetto, Ronald A., 1969?

II. Kaufman, James C. III. Title.

LB1062.N87 2010

370.15 2 ? dc22


ISBN 978-0-521-88727-4 Hardback ISBN 978-0-521-71520-1 Paperback

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? in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88727-4 - Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom Edited by Ronald A. Beghetto and James C. Kaufman Frontmatter More information

This book is dedicated, with much love, to Jeralynn ? my wife, best friend, and most ardent supporter. ? rab

To my wife's parents, fellow university educators Joseph and Jean Katz,

with love and gratitude for welcoming me into their family, and to her sister, Cynthia,

as she begins her own journey as a classroom teacher. ? jck

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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88727-4 - Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom Edited by Ronald A. Beghetto and James C. Kaufman Frontmatter More information


List of Contributors Preface Acknowledgments

page ix xi


1 How to Discourage Creative Thinking in the Classroom


Raymond S. Nickerson

2 Teaching for Creativity in an Era of Content Standards and



John Baer and Tracey Garrett

3 Developing Creative Productivity in Young People through the

Pursuit of Ideal Acts of Learning


Joseph S. Renzulli and Catharina F. De Wet

4 Creativity: A Look Outside the Box in Classrooms


Alexinia Young Baldwin

5 Using Constraints to Develop Creativity in the Classroom


Patricia D. Stokes

6 Infusing Creative and Critical Thinking into the Curriculum



Elizabeth Fairweather and Bonnie Cramond

7 The Five Core Attitudes, Seven I's, and General Concepts of the

Creative Process


Jane Piirto

8 Learning for Creativity


R. Keith Sawyer

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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88727-4 - Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom Edited by Ronald A. Beghetto and James C. Kaufman Frontmatter More information



9 Broadening Conceptions of Creativity in the Classroom


Ronald A. Beghetto and James C. Kaufman

10 Everyday Creativity in the Classroom: A Trip through Time with

Seven Suggestions


Ruth Richards

11 Education Based on a Parsimonious Theory of Creativity


Mark A. Runco

12 Roads Not Taken, New Roads to Take: Looking for Creativity in

the Classroom


Thomas Skiba, Mei Tan, Robert J. Sternberg, and Elena L. Grigorenko

13 Creativity in Mathematics Teaching: A Chinese Perspective


Weihua Niu and Zheng Zhou

14 Possibility Thinking and Wise Creativity: Educational Futures

in England?


Anna Craft

15 When Intensity Goes to School: Overexcitabilities, Creativity, and

the Gifted Child


Susan Daniels and Michael M. Piechowski

16 Intrinsic Motivation and Creativity in the Classroom:

Have We Come Full Circle?


Beth A. Hennessey

17 Attitude Change as the Precursor to Creativity Enhancement


Jonathan A. Plucker and Gayle T. Dow

18 Creativity in College Classrooms


Diane F. Halpern

19 Teaching for Creativity


Robert J. Sternberg

Creativity in the Classroom Coda: Twenty Key Points and

Other Insights


James C. Kaufman and Ronald A. Beghetto



? in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88727-4 - Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom Edited by Ronald A. Beghetto and James C. Kaufman Frontmatter More information


john baer Rider University, usa

diane f. halpern Claremont McKenna College, usa

alexinia young baldwin University of Connecticut, usa

beth a. hennessey Wellesley College, usa

ronald a. beghetto University of Oregon, usa

anna craft University of Exeter, uk The Open University, uk

bonnie cramond University of Georgia, usa

susan daniels California State University

at San Bernardino, usa

catharina f. de wet University of Alabama, usa

gayle t. dow Christopher Newport University, usa

elizabeth fairweather University of Georgia, usa

tracey garrett Rider University, usa

elena l. grigorenko Yale University, usa Moscow State University, Russia

james c. kaufman California State University at

San Bernardino, usa

raymond s. nickerson Tufts University, usa

weihua niu Pace University, usa

michael m. piechowski Institute for Educational

Advancement, usa Northland College, usa

jane piirto Ashland University, usa

jonathan a. plucker Indiana University, usa

joseph s. renzulli University of Connecticut, usa

ruth richards Saybrook University, usa McLean Hospital and

Harvard Medical School, usa


? in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88727-4 - Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom Edited by Ronald A. Beghetto and James C. Kaufman Frontmatter More information


mark a. runco University of Georgia, usa

r. keith sawyer Washington University

in St. Louis, usa

thomas skiba Yale University, usa

robert j. sternberg Tufts University, usa


patricia d. stokes Barnard College, usa Columbia University, usa

mei tan Yale University, usa

zheng zhou St. John's University, usa

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