Cisco Unified Communications Domain Manager Self Service ...

Cisco Unified Communications Domain Manager Self Service Guide, Release 11.5(3)Full Cisco Trademarks with Software License THE SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCTS IN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL STATEMENTS, INFORMATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS MANUAL ARE BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT ARE PRESENTED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USERS MUST TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS. THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY FOR THE ACCOMPANYING PRODUCT ARE SET FORTH IN THE INFORMATION PACKET THAT SHIPPED WITH THE PRODUCT AND ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO LOCATE THE SOFTWARE LICENSE OR LIMITED WARRANTY, CONTACT YOUR CISCO REPRESENTATIVE FOR A COPY. The Cisco implementation of TCP header compression is an adaptation of a program developed by the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) as part of UCB's public domain version of the UNIX operating system. All rights reserved. Copyright ? 1981, Regents of the University of California. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER WARRANTY HEREIN, ALL DOCUMENT FILES AND SOFTWARE OF THESE SUPPLIERS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS" WITH ALL FAULTS. CISCO AND THE ABOVE-NAMED SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE. IN NO EVENT SHALL CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO DATA ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS MANUAL, EVEN IF CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and phone numbers used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses and phone numbers. Any examples, command display output, network topology diagrams, and other figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses or phone numbers in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental.Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: . Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1721R)Change History Change History on page PAGEREF unique_3 \h iii Change History Date Section Description November 15, 2017User Interface on page PAGEREF unique_4 \h 3 Added SSO login informationMarch 10, 2017User Interface on page PAGEREF unique_4 \h 3 Added an optional banner stepApril 23, 2018Configure Simultaneous Ring on page PAGEREF unique_5 \h 3Configure Move to Mobile on page PAGEREF unique_6 \h 3 Added configurations to manage a phone. April 23, 2018Add a Personal Phone on page PAGEREF unique_7 \h 3 Added steps to configure a personal phone.April 23, 2018Your Personal Phone Management on page PAGEREF unique_8 \h 3 Added steps to manage a personal phone.April 23, 2018Voicemail on page PAGEREF unique_9 \h 3 Updated to support message actions.April 23,2018Message Actions on page PAGEREF unique_10 \h 3Manage Message Actions on page PAGEREF unique_11 \h 3 Added procedure to manage message actions.April 23, 2018Home on page PAGEREF unique_12 \h 3 Dashboard is renamed as Home on the user interface.Contents TOC Full Cisco Trademarks with Software License PAGEREF _Toc512460990 \h 2Change History PAGEREF _Toc512460991 \h iiiChange History PAGEREF _Toc512460992 \h iiiIntroduction PAGEREF _Toc512460993 \h 7User Interface PAGEREF _Toc512460994 \h 7First Sign In PAGEREF _Toc512460995 \h 9Password Hints PAGEREF _Toc512460996 \h 9Session Timeout PAGEREF _Toc512460997 \h 9Available Features and Services PAGEREF _Toc512460998 \h 10Manage Self Service PAGEREF _Toc512460999 \h 11Manage Your Self-Service PAGEREF _Toc512461000 \h 11Set up Your Password Reset Questions PAGEREF _Toc512461001 \h 11Reset Your Password PAGEREF _Toc512461002 \h 12Buttons and Common Tasks PAGEREF _Toc512461003 \h 13Buttons and Icons PAGEREF _Toc512461004 \h 13Common Tasks PAGEREF _Toc512461005 \h 14Dashboard PAGEREF _Toc512461006 \h 17Home PAGEREF _Toc512461007 \h 17My Information PAGEREF _Toc512461008 \h 21My Information PAGEREF _Toc512461009 \h 21Change Your User Language PAGEREF _Toc512461010 \h 22Manage Your Password and PIN PAGEREF _Toc512461011 \h 22Change Your Password PAGEREF _Toc512461012 \h 22Change Your PIN PAGEREF _Toc512461013 \h 22Access WebEx PAGEREF _Toc512461014 \h 22Phones PAGEREF _Toc512461015 \h 25Phones PAGEREF _Toc512461016 \h 25Manage a Phone PAGEREF _Toc512461017 \h 27Add Your Own Smart Device PAGEREF _Toc512461018 \h 28Edit a Smart Device PAGEREF _Toc512461019 \h 29Bulk Modify Your Company Phones PAGEREF _Toc512461020 \h 30Your Personal Phone Management PAGEREF _Toc512461021 \h 31Add a Personal Phone PAGEREF _Toc512461022 \h 31Configure Simultaneous Ring PAGEREF _Toc512461023 \h 32Configure Move to Mobile PAGEREF _Toc512461024 \h 32Edit a Personal Phone PAGEREF _Toc512461025 \h 32Delete a Personal Phone PAGEREF _Toc512461026 \h 32Bulk Modify Your Personal Phones PAGEREF _Toc512461027 \h 32Voice Mail PAGEREF _Toc512461028 \h 35Voicemail PAGEREF _Toc512461029 \h 35Create Your Own Voicemail Account PAGEREF _Toc512461030 \h 36Change Your Voicemail Settings PAGEREF _Toc512461031 \h 37Alternate Numbers & Notification Devices PAGEREF _Toc512461032 \h 38Manage Alternate Numbers & Notification Devices PAGEREF _Toc512461033 \h 39Caller Input PAGEREF _Toc512461034 \h 40Manage Caller Input Keys PAGEREF _Toc512461035 \h 41Message Actions PAGEREF _Toc512461036 \h 42Manage Message Actions PAGEREF _Toc512461037 \h 42Call Forwarding PAGEREF _Toc512461038 \h 45Call Forwarding PAGEREF _Toc512461039 \h 45Activate and Manage a Line for Call Forwarding PAGEREF _Toc512461040 \h 45My Availability PAGEREF _Toc512461041 \h 49My Availability PAGEREF _Toc512461042 \h 49Set Do Not Disturb for Your Phone PAGEREF _Toc512461043 \h 49Speed Dials PAGEREF _Toc512461044 \h 51Speed Dials and Busy Lamp Fields PAGEREF _Toc512461045 \h 51Manage Speed Dials and Busy Lamp Fields PAGEREF _Toc512461046 \h 51Add a Speed Dial (Abbreviated Dials) PAGEREF _Toc512461047 \h 52Links PAGEREF _Toc512461048 \h 55Links PAGEREF _Toc512461049 \h 55Introduction User Interface on page PAGEREF unique_4 \h 7 First Sign In on page PAGEREF unique_14 \h 9 Password Hints on page PAGEREF unique_15 \h 9 Session Timeout on page PAGEREF unique_16 \h 9 Available Features and Services on page PAGEREF unique_17 \h 10 User Interface You can use various browsers to access the Self-Service interface. For a list of browsers, refer to the Cisco Unified Communications Domain Manager Planning and Install Guide. Note: Find out the address (URL) of your Self-Service web pages, your username, and your password from your System Administrator. Use this procedure to sign in to the Self-Service interface. ProcedureEnter ; in your browser URL field; for example, . For this example, the Self-Service interface uses the Cisco self-service theme and the text on the Login page is displayed in English. Enter your username or email address. Note: You can also sign in with a username such as cisco-sub@sys.p1.r1.c1.s1, although most users sign in using their email address. SSO login:{SSO login URI}/login Enter the password provided by your administrator. Click Login. Figure 1: Login PageIf presented with a banner notice, read the banner text and click Agree to sign in. If you click Cancel, you cannot sign in. By default, when you sign in to the Self-Service interface, the home page appears. The home page cannot be changed in this release of the user interface. For more information on the user roles and themes that are available, refer to the Cisco Unified Communications Domain Manager Maintain and Operate Guide. If you are signing in for the first time, you may be prompted to change your password. See First Sign In on page PAGEREF unique_14 \h 9. The home page consists of three areas: Figure 2: Home PageButton Bar—This bar is located on the left side of the page. The buttons provide links to the various functions in Self-Service. Refer to Buttons and Icons on page PAGEREF unique_18 \h 13 and Common Tasks on page PAGEREF unique_19 \h 14 for a description of all buttons on the button bar, as well as miscellaneous buttons and icons used in Self-Service. Dashboard—This area is the center section of the page. It provides quick links to the main Self-Service functionality. It also shows a summary of your company phones (as set up by your Administrator) and personal phones that you configured. Activity Feed Area—This area is located on the right side of the page. This area displays an activity log of all activities that occurred in the current browser session. Notifications include: Important: If a transaction causes an error, you are notified of this on the associated transaction screen. All error messages and notifications returned by the system are displayed in the Activity Feed area only. We recommend that you regularly inspect the Activity Feed area during each browser session. Drop-down Options—Directly above the Activity Feed area, the currently signed-in user is displayed. There are four options in this drop-down list: First Sign In You may be prompted to change your password when you sign in to Self-Service for the first time. ProcedureEnter the current password in the Current Password field. Enter the new password in the New Password field. Re-enter the new password in the Confirm New Password field. Click the Change button. Browse to the website address provided using a web browser. Password Hints When considering a password, make sure that it:Consists of at least eight characters, and contains at least:Do not use keyboard pattern or obvious passwords such as a birthday or your name.Do not share your password with other users.Do not write down your password or store it in an obvious place, such as sticking a note on your computer monitor, or writing it in a diary or journal.Session Timeout To keep your information secure, Self-Service is designed with an automatic session timeout feature. Session timeouts are set up in your credential policy by your administrator. There are two types of timeouts: Idle Timeout Defines the number of minutes a session remains active when there is no activity. Default is 20 minutes. Absolute Timeout Defines the maximum number of minutes a session can be active. Default is 1440 minutes (24 hrs). In both instances, you see the following message: Your session will expire in 30 seconds Idle TimeoutIf you use your mouse or keyboard after receiving the session timeout notification, this action is considered to be 'activity' and results in the extension of your current session. If there is no activity within the specified time, you are automatically logged out of Self-Service and returned to the Login screen, when you try to perform a transaction. Absolute TimeoutAfter the time period elapses, you are automatically logged out of Self-Service and returned to the Login screen. Available Features and Services Depending on how your administrator has set up Self-Service, not all the features and services described in this guide may be available to you.For example, you can only access Voicemail if a Voicemail account has been created for you. Access is provided either by your administrator or by you (if you have the required permissions).Your administrator can also enable either full Voicemail or limited Voicemail. With limited Voicemail, you cannot use some settings such as Call Input or Alternative Numbers & Notification Devices.Manage Self Service Manage Your Self-Service on page PAGEREF unique_23 \h 11 Set up Your Password Reset Questions on page PAGEREF unique_21 \h 11 Reset Your Password on page PAGEREF unique_24 \h 12 Manage Your Self-Service When you are signed in to your Self-Service account, you can: Reset Your Password—Accessed from your Login page when you have forgotten your password. Note: This capability is available only to non-LDAP or SSO users. Consult your administrator for more information.Password Reset Questions—Allows you to set up your own password reset questions. Set up Your Password Reset Questions Note: You can set up your own password reset questions only if the credential policy applied to your user account has Number of Questions Asked During Password Reset set to > 0. ProcedureSign in to Self-Service. Click the arrow next to the signed-in user at the top right side of the screen above the Activity Feed area. Choose the Password Reset Questions option from the drop-down menu. The Password Reset Questions screen is displayed. Type your password in the Current Password* field. Choose the required security question from the Question* drop-down menu. Enter your answer to the question in the Answer* field. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have set up the required number of security questions (as determined by your administrator). Enter your password in the Please enter your password field. Click Submit when complete to save your security questions and answers. Reset Your Password You can only reset your password if you have already provided answers to the security questions created by your administrator. If you forget your password while attempting to sign in to Self-Service: ProcedureEnter your username or email address in the Username or Email field on the Login screen. Click the I forgot my password hyperlink located below the Password field. Click in each security question field and type the correct answer. The number of available security questions is set by your administrator. Click in the New Password field and type your new password. Re-enter your new password in the Repeat Password field. Click Submit. Your password is changed and you return to the Login screen. Buttons and Common Tasks Buttons and Icons on page PAGEREF unique_18 \h 13 Common Tasks on page PAGEREF unique_19 \h 14 Buttons and Icons The button names are displayed when you hover over a button. The available buttons depend on how your Administrator has set up Self-Service. Icon Button Description Home Displays an overview of your Self-Service configuration, including quick links to the main features and a summary of your phones. My Information Provides a view of your personal information as set up by your administrator. Phones Displays all phones (and associated lines) assigned to you by your administrator. Also allows you to configure the phone’s lines. Voicemail Displays the Voicemail settings. This area is visible only if you have a voice mailbox configured. Consult your administrator if necessary. Call Forwarding Displays the call forwarding status of your phone lines. My Availability Displays the Do Not Disturb settings for each of your phones. Speed Dials and BLFs Allows you to manage the speed dials and busy lamp fields for each of your phones. Links Displays hyperlinks to predetermined objects or items such as a support site or a downloadable user guide. Help Displays the help pages for each area of Self-Service, such as Phones, Voicemail, Call Forwarding, Speed Dials, and so on. Logout Logs you out of the Self-Service interface. Add or Insert Creates a new item such as a phone, line, or speed dial. Edit Edits an existing item, such as editing a phone description or number. Remove or Delete Removes or deletes the selected item; for example, removes a personal phone or speed dial entry. Information Icon Typically located in the top right corner of certain display areas such as ‘Select a Phone’, ‘Your Personal Phones’, and so on, or next to an item. When you move your cursor over this icon, text is displayed that describes the purpose of the particular area or item. Active Flag Shows when certain line settings such as call forwarding or do not disturb are active. Inactive Flag Shows when certain line settings such as call forwarding or do not disturb are inactive. Refresh Located in the top right corner of each display area that can be edited. Click to update or edit a specific area. Typically done to refresh the view to include any updates, such as adding a speed dial. Close Located in the top right corner of a popup window. Click to close the popup window. Common Tasks Use the Self-Service interface to perform several common tasks. Inline Editing lets you edit any text that you can select and edit directly on the page without going to a separate page. It makes editing more direct, easier, and faster because you can edit the text in the same place where it is shown. Inline Editing is best for a simple, occasional change. If the main action on the page is to add or edit detailed information for a phone or line, then it is better to use Edit Mode. ProcedureUse either of the following methods to perform edits in the user interface. OptionDescriptionInline EditingClick in the relevant field (for example, phone and speed dial names and numbers). The Save changes and Cancel buttons appear when you enter text in the field. Click Save changes to save the changes or click Cancel to cancel the change. Edit ModeClick a specific phone or line to open a detailed view of the selected item that you can edit on the right side of the screen. Dashboard Home on page PAGEREF unique_12 \h 17 Home This page provides a summary of your specific Self-Service configuration. The following figure shows a sample Home page. The Quick Menu provides links to: My Information—Displays your personal information such as user ID, names, phone numbers, and email address. Also indicates whether you have passwords and PINS configured for Self-Service, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, and Voicemail. Provides a link for you to access WebEx service (if configured by your administrator).Phones—Displays your configured company phones (and associated lines). Call Forwarding—Displays the call forwarding status of your phone lines. A green ‘Active’ flag indicates that one or more of your phone lines has call forwarding active. My Availability—Displays the do not disturb status of your phone lines. A green ‘DND Active’ flag indicates that one or more of your phone lines has the do not disturb feature active. Speed Dials & BLFs - Displays the speed dial and busy lamp field configuration (if set up) for each of your company phones. Voicemail—Displays the configured time zone and language settings for your Voicemail account. These settings are only visible if you have a voice mailbox. Links—Displays links to predetermined objects or items such as a support site or a downloadable user guide. Personal Phones—Lists your personal phones, such as home phone, tablet, mobile phone, and so on. Personal phones can also be configured (if necessary) to ring whenever a company phone rings (to facilitate the Single Number Reach feature). You can also edit existing personal phones (by setting them to ring simultaneously with your company phones), or add new phones if necessary. You can only see this feature if your administrator set up a remote destination profile (RDP) to you. Note also that multiple RDPs per user are not supported. If you are associated with multiple RDPs, the personal phones feature is hidden. If a dual-mode device, such as Cisco Dual Mode for Android or iPhone, is associated to you, you can manage both the phone number and simultaneous ring setting for the device. See Add a Personal Phone on page PAGEREF unique_7 \h 31, Edit a Personal Phone on page PAGEREF unique_27 \h 32, and Delete a Personal Phone on page PAGEREF unique_28 \h 32 for more information on each task. My Information My Information on page PAGEREF unique_20 \h 21 Change Your User Language on page PAGEREF unique_30 \h 22 Manage Your Password and PIN on page PAGEREF unique_31 \h 22 Change Your Password on page PAGEREF unique_32 \h 22 Change Your PIN on page PAGEREF unique_33 \h 22 Access WebEx on page PAGEREF unique_34 \h 22 My Information View the "My Information" page from the Quick Menu, or by clicking on the button bar. Use this page to view your personal information as set up by the administrator. The following figure provides an example of the My Information page. In this example, dimmed items such as User ID, names, manager, department, and email address cannot be edited. Editable details include language. Note: If you are unable to edit phone numbers and email address, it may be because of the way your Self-Service interface is set up. Contact your administrator for more information. The My Credentials section on the page displays all Self-Service, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, and Voicemail passwords and PINS (if configured by your administrator). Figure 4: Sample My CredentialsPasswords and PINs can be changed. See Manage Your Password and PIN on page PAGEREF unique_31 \h 22 for more details. The WebEx Self-Service section of the screen is only visible if your administrator has configured you to use the WebEx feature. This section of the screen provides you with a link to the WebEx server. See Access WebEx on page PAGEREF unique_34 \h 22 for details. Change Your User Language ProcedureClick on the button bar.In the My Information section of the screen, choose the required language from the Language drop-down list.Click Save when complete.Text displayed in the Self-Service interface is shown in your chosen language.Manage Your Password and PIN Your password allows you to sign in to Self-Service. Your administrator assigns a password to you when your user account is created. See First Sign In on page PAGEREF unique_14 \h 9.Make sure that your passwords are secure. Passwords must include at least one numeral, one punctuation character, and must be a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. See Change Your Password on page PAGEREF unique_32 \h 22 and Password Hints on page PAGEREF unique_15 \h 9.Your PIN allows you to sign in to a phone using Roaming Login/Logout. When your administrator creates your user and roaming profile, you are allocated a default PIN. See Change Your PIN on page PAGEREF unique_33 \h 22.Change Your Password ProcedureClick on the button bar.In the My Credentials section of the screen, enter your Current Password.The New Password field appears.Enter a new password in the New Password field (Self-Service, Unified CM, or Voicemail) as applicable. See Password Hints on page PAGEREF unique_15 \h 9 for more information.Note: When you enter your new password, a password strength meter appears above the New Password field. This meter indicates the strength of your password; for example, ‘Weak password, estimated crack time: 7 hours’, ‘Good password, estimated crack time: 3 months’, ‘Perfect password, estimated crack time: centuries’. The New Password field also displays a checklist to show you how well your new password meets the Password Hints on page PAGEREF unique_15 \h 9.Confirm (re-enter) your password in the appropriate repeat password field.Click Save to change your password.Change Your PIN ProcedureClick on the button bar.In the My Credentials section of the screen, enter a new PIN in the New Pin field.Confirm (re-enter) your PIN in the Repeat Pin field.Click Save Pin.Access WebEx This feature is available only if your administrator has provided you with this capability.ProcedureClick on the button bar. The Webex Self Service box appears in the lower right of the “My Information” page. Click the Launch Webex Self Service link. You are redirected to your WebEx server.Enter your User ID and password for the WebEx session.Phones Phones on page PAGEREF unique_36 \h 25 Manage a Phone on page PAGEREF unique_37 \h 27 Add Your Own Smart Device on page PAGEREF unique_38 \h 28 Edit a Smart Device on page PAGEREF unique_39 \h 29 Bulk Modify Your Company Phones on page PAGEREF unique_40 \h 30 Your Personal Phone Management on page PAGEREF unique_8 \h 31 Add a Personal Phone on page PAGEREF unique_7 \h 31 Edit a Personal Phone on page PAGEREF unique_27 \h 32 Delete a Personal Phone on page PAGEREF unique_28 \h 32 Bulk Modify Your Personal Phones on page PAGEREF unique_41 \h 32 Phones When you click the icon on the button bar or Quick Menu, the Phones page appears as shown in the following example. Figure 5: Sample Phones PageThis page displays all phones (and associated lines) that are assigned to you. You can configure aspects of the phone and phone lines, such as: Logged into Hunt Group check box — If you are a member of a hunt group, you can check the box to have your phone ring when a call is made to the group. If checked, the phone rings when a call is made to the hunt group. If unchecked, the phone does not ring when a call is made to the hunt group. Phone Language — A drop-down list for phone language. You see the options that are available with the language packs installed on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. If you do not choose a language, the Unified Communications Manager default language is displayed on the phone display. Line labels—Allow you to identify your phone line so that you can distinguish between different phone lines. For example, label Line 1 with the text “Direct Line to Warehouse1.” Missed calls—The Log Missed Calls check box is used to save a record of all missed calls in the Call History for the phone. If checked, missed calls are logged. If unchecked, missed calls are not logged.Visual and audible Message Waiting Indication (MWI) setting—Choose how you are alerted when there are messages waiting for you. Visual options are Use System Policy (set up by your system administrator), Prompt Only (the phone beeps when you answer it), Light Only (a lamp that lights when messages are waiting), Light and Prompt (both visual and audible prompts), and None (no indicators). Audible options are Default, Off, or On.Ring settings—Ring settings determine how your phone rings when an incoming call is received. You can set different rings for when you are already on a call and when you are not on a call. Options are: Use System Default, Disable, Flash Only, Ring Once, Ring, and Beep Only.Manage a Phone ProcedureClick on the button bar. Click the phone that you want to edit. The details about the phone are displayed. The basic phone details, such as name, phone type, protocol, and description are dimmed, and cannot be edited. If the phone is a member of a hunt group, you can check or uncheck the Logged into Hunt Group check box to sign in or sign out of the hunt group. If checked, the phone rings when a call is made to the hunt group. If unchecked, the phone does not ring when a call is made to the hunt group. Click the Phone Language drop-down list and choose the required language to display on your phone. Only languages that are installed on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager are available in the drop-down list. If you do not choose a language, the phone automatically uses the default language configured in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Click + next to the line that you want to edit. Add or edit the Line Label if necessary. Check or uncheck the Log Missed Calls check box. If checked, this indicates that missed calls are logged. Configure the required visual message waiting indicator policy if necessary, by selecting the desired option from the drop-down list. Choose a message waiting policy based on the needs of your users. Choices are: OptionDescriptionUse System PolicyFollows the policy determined by your system administrator. Contact your administrator if you are not sure what policy is used. Light and Prompt Lights the lamp and displays the prompt if there is a message waiting on this line of your phone. Prompt onlyDisplays the prompt if a message is waiting on the primary line. Light onlyLights the message-waiting lamp if a message is waiting on the primary line. NoneLamp stays off even when you have messages waiting on this line. The message waiting indicator on your phone's display still shows if you have messages on this line. An administrative assistant who shares the manager's directory number as a secondary directory number may want to have the policy set to Light and Prompt. The administrator can then see whether the manager's line has pending voice messages. General office members who share a line with a coworker, may set the policy so the indicator lights only when messages are pending for the primary line appearance. Configure the required audible message waiting indicator policy if required by selecting the required option from the drop-down list. Choose one of: Off, On, or Default. Configure the required ring setting (phone idle). This setting defines the way the line on your phone rings when you receive a call while you are not using the phone. Choose one of: Use System Default, Disable, Flash only, Ring once, Ring, and Beep only. Configure the required ring setting (phone active). This setting defines the way the line on your phone rings when you receive a call while you are on the phone. Choose one of: Use System Default, Disable, Flash only, Ring once, Ring, and Beep only. Click Save changes to save the settings or Cancel to cancel the changes. Changes made in Self-Service are automatically synchronized with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Add Your Own Smart Device ProcedureClick on the button bar. In the Your Company Phones section of the screen, click + Add your own smart device. In the Description field, enter a name for your smart device. Select the required lines (check boxes) to associate to the smart device. In the Device Type drop-down list, select the required smart device from the options. For example, iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, or Tablet. In the Your mobile number field, enter a number for your smart device. Select the required check boxes to configure your smart device. For example, use this phone for retrieving voicemail messages, and receive SMS notifications for voicemail messages. Click Save to save the smart device or Cancel to cancel adding the smart device. Changes made in Self-Service are automatically synchronized with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Edit a Smart Device ProcedureClick on the button bar. In the Your Company Phones section of the screen, click the smart device that you want to edit. Change the smart device details as necessary. See Manage a Phone on page PAGEREF unique_37 \h 27 for details. Note: The administrator is the only person who can delete phones in the Your Company Phones area of the Self-Service interface. Bulk Modify Your Company Phones You can change hunt group information or language for more than one company phone at a time in the Select a Phone area of the screen. ProcedureClick on the button bar. To sign more than one phone into a hunt group, or sign more than one phone out of a hunt group at a time: Check the required check boxes to choose the phones that you want to modify, or click the Select arrow and choose “All” to select all phones. Do one of: Click Login HG if you want to sign all the selected phones in to the Hunt Group. Click Logout HG if you want to sign all the selected phones out of the Hunt Group. Click Save. To assign the same language to more than one phone at a time: Check the required check boxes to choose the phones that you want to modify, or click the Select arrow and choose “All” to select all phones. Click Assign Language, and choose the desired language from the drop-down list. Click Save. Your Personal Phone Management Your Personal Phones is only available (and visible) if your administrator has allocated a remote destination profile (RDP) to you. Multiple RDPs per user is not supported. If you are associated with multiple RDPs, the personal phones feature is hidden. If a dual mode device, such as the Cisco Dual Mode for Android or iPhone, is associated to you, you can manage both the phone number and simultaneous ring setting for the device.The badge in the description column (Mobile or SNR) indicates which of the two types of remote destination personal phones this is:You can also allocate a remote destination profile to yourself (if your Administrator has given you the required permissions) by clicking + Click here to enable personal phone management.Changes made in Self-service are automatically synchronized with Unified CM.ProcedureMobile = Mobile Identity dual mode device, Example Iphone, Android, TabletSNR = Single Number Reach (remote destination profile). For SNR type personal phones only, a Move to Mobile toggle switch is available to facilitate the transfer of active calls to this mobile phone.Add a Personal Phone Before you BeginYou can only add a SNR type personal phone.ProcedureClick Home.In the Your Personal Phones section of the screen, click on the + Add a Phone link to add a new personal phone.Enter a name for your phone in the Description field.Enter a number for your phone in the Number field.Configure Simultaneous Ring and/or Move to Mobile as required (see below).Configure Simultaneous Ring ProcedureSet the Simultaneous Ring toggle switch to either Ring On or Ring Off. Ring On = Simultaneous Ring enabled (this phone rings simultaneously when your company phones are called), Ring Off = Simultaneous Ring disabled.Click Next.Check or uncheck the Line, for example 4301, check box. When checked, simultaneous ring is active for the selected line(s).Choose the time zone for the phone from the drop-down list.Check or uncheck the Set advanced timer options for simultaneous ring check box. If checked, configure the following:Number of seconds to wait before this phone rings when the business line is dialed.Fine tune options to prevent the redirected calls from reaching the phone’s Voicemail.Click Next.Configure the phone’s ring schedule: choose either Ring 24/7 or Add a ring schedule as follows:Enter a ring schedule name.Specify the days (alternatively click the Select drop-down and choose an option), status (Ring On or Off), and times (From, To) for the ring schedule.Click Save to add the personal phone or Cancel to abort.Configure Move to Mobile ProcedureTo transfer active calls to the SNR type personal phone, set the Move to Mobile toggle switch to MP On, click Next twice, and then click Save.Changes made in Self-service are automatically synchronized with Unified CM.Edit a Personal Phone ProcedureIn the Your Personal Phones section of the screen, click the Edit icon next to the phone that you want to edit. Edit the name of your phone in the Description field. Edit the number of your phone in the Number field. Edit the Simultaneous Ring (SR) On/Off toggle switch.Edit the Move to Mobile On/Off toggle switch (only available for SNR type personal phones). See Add a Personal Phone on page PAGEREF unique_7 \h 31 for details. Click Save when complete to implement the changes or Cancel to cancel the changes. Changes made in Self-Service are automatically synchronized with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Note: See Bulk Modify Your Company Phones on page PAGEREF unique_40 \h 30 for information on how to edit the settings for multiple phones at once. Delete a Personal Phone See Bulk Modify Your Company Phones on page PAGEREF unique_40 \h 30 for details on how to delete one or more personal phones. Bulk Modify Your Personal Phones You can change more than one personal phone at the same time in the Your Personal Phones area of the screen.ProcedureClick on the button bar.Check the required check boxes to choose the phones that you want to modify, or click the Select arrow and choose “All” to select all phones. Modify personal phone settings:TaskStepsTo set simultaneous ring on or off for one or more phonesClick SR On if you want the selected phones to have simultaneous ring set to On. If you choose SR On, the selected phones automatically always ring when your company phone rings.Click SR Off if you do not want the selected phones to have simultaneous ring set on.To set up the ring schedule for one or more phonesClick Ring 24/7 if you want the selected phones to always ring when your company phone rings, regardless of the day or time. If you do not click Ring 24/7, the phones keep their original ring schedule.To delete one or more personal phonesClick Delete, to delete the selected personal phones. A confirmation dialog box appears.Click Yes to delete the phones or click Cancel to cancel the deletion.Click Save to save the changes, or click Cancel to cancel the changes.Example: Bulk Modify Your Personal PhonesIn this example, Phone 1234 has Simultaneous Ring set to ON so the personal phone rings whenever the company phone rings. The phone is set to ring 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Because the simultaneous ring settings are active they appear green in color, and are not dimmed. The checked box at the top shows that if there were more than one personal phone, all phones would have the same settings. Voice Mail Voicemail on page PAGEREF unique_9 \h 35 Create Your Own Voicemail Account on page PAGEREF unique_43 \h 36 Change Your Voicemail Settings on page PAGEREF unique_44 \h 37 Alternate Numbers & Notification Devices on page PAGEREF unique_45 \h 38 Manage Alternate Numbers & Notification Devices on page PAGEREF unique_46 \h 39 Caller Input on page PAGEREF unique_47 \h 40 Manage Caller Input Keys on page PAGEREF unique_48 \h 41 Message Actions on page PAGEREF unique_10 \h 42 Manage Message Actions on page PAGEREF unique_11 \h 42 Voicemail You can only see this page if a voicemail account has been assigned to you. Either you (if you have permission) or your administrator sets up the voicemail account. Your administrator also sets up the Voicemail features and services that are available to you. See Available Features and Services on page PAGEREF unique_17 \h 10. Once you have a voicemail account, you can change some voicemail settings from within Self-Service, such as Time Zone and Language settings. You can also manage your Caller Input keys, Alternate Numbers & Notification Devices, and Message Actions. Figure 6: Sample Voicemail Page Figure 7: Sample Voicemail PageCreate Your Own Voicemail Account ProcedureClick on the button bar.If you do not have a voicemail account, the following window appears: Click the + Click here to create your voice mail account link.The Voicemail page is displayed, showing the voicemail features configured by your administrator. The features may include any or all the Voicemail Settings, Caller Input, and Alternate Numbers & Notification and Message Actions areas.Change Your Voicemail Settings If you have a voice mailbox you can modify some voicemail settings: ProcedureClick on the button bar. Configure the Time Zone and Language settings by checking the Use System Default Time Zone (for Time Zone) and Use System Default Language (for Languages) check boxes. If the check box is checked, Self-Service uses the system default settings. If the check box is unchecked, Self-Service uses the setting that you choose from the drop-down list. Click Save when complete to save the voicemail settings or Cancel to cancel the changes you made. Alternate Numbers & Notification Devices You can use alternate numbers to provide extra access points to your voice mailboxes. Notifications are used to notify you when you have a new voicemail message. For example, you can set up the system to send you notification using the phone or SMS when you receive a new voicemail message. Figure 8: Example Alternate Numbers & Notification Devices PageManage Alternate Numbers & Notification Devices To add a new phone number as an alternate number or notification device from which you can retrieve voicemail or voicemail notifications respectively:ProcedureClick the + icon on the Alternate Numbers & Notification Devices page.The following page appears: Enter a Description and Number for the phone.Check or uncheck the Activate this phone for voicemail retrievals, Activate this phone for voicemail notifications, and Activate this phone for SMS notifications check boxes. If you check the box, the phone is activated for the service. Note: You will only see the check boxes that have been configured for you by your administrator.Click Save when complete or Cancel to return to the previous screen.The phone details are synchronized with the voicemail server, for example, Cisco Unity Connection.What to do nextTo remove a number, click the Remove (trashcan) icon on the Alternate Numbers & Notification Devices page, next to the number you want to remove and then click Save. Alternatively, you can click the required Edit (pen) icon, enter a new number and description in the relevant field, and click Save. This removes the old number and description and adds the new number and description in one step.To change the status of a check box only, check or uncheck the box as necessary and click Save.If the phone is set up for simultaneous ring, it can only be changed or removed from the Your Company Phones or Your Mobile Phone Number view. Click the Personal icon next to the required number to see simultaneous ring settings.Caller Input Caller inputs associate the caller input keys to specific numbers. You can choose to associate each key by choosing it from a drop-down list. The following options are available: Ignore Key Hang Up Take a message Skip Greeting Restart Greeting Transfer to Alternate Contact Number Send caller to User Figure 9: Example Caller Input PageManage Caller Input Keys ProcedureClick on the button bar to open the Voicemail Settings page. In the Caller Input area, configure the caller input keys as necessary: Click the required key (*, #, or 0 to 9). Choose the required action for the key from the drop-down list. You can only see the caller input keys that have been allocated to you by your administrator. If you choose the Transfer to Alternate Contact Number option, enter the required number in the Extension Number field. Click Save when complete to save the caller input settings or Cancel to cancel the caller input settings. What to do nextYou can edit a caller input key by choosing a different Action from the drop-down list or by changing the target number. Click Save when complete. Message Actions Message Actions determine the method to handle incoming Voicemail, Email, Fax, and the Received messages. The actions include:Reject the Message.Accept the Message.Relay the Message.Accept and Relay the Message.If the selected message action involves relaying the message, you must enter a valid email address in the Relay Address field.Manage Message Actions Complete this task to select the Voicemail type and the necessary action.ProcedureClick Voicemail to open the Voicemail Settings screen.In the Message Actions area, you can:Click the required Message Type drop-down. For example: Voicemail.Choose the required message action from the drop-down.Enter a valid email address in the Relay Address field. This is required, if the selected message action requires to relay the message. For example: Selecting the Accept and Relay the Message option.3. Click Save to save the changes to message action settings or Cancel to terminate the changes.You can edit message actions by choosing a different message action from the drop-down list and click Save when complete.Call Forwarding Call Forwarding on page PAGEREF unique_50 \h 45 Activate and Manage a Line for Call Forwarding on page PAGEREF unique_51 \h 45 Call Forwarding This screen displays the call forwarding status of your phone lines (Active when call forwarding is enabled, Inactive when call forwarding is disabled). The following figure shows a sample of the Call Forwarding page and its options. Figure 10: Sample Call Forwarding PageActivate and Manage a Line for Call Forwarding ProcedureClick on the button bar. Your lines are displayed showing the call forwarding status of each line. Select the relevant “Inactive” line to set up and activate call forwarding settings. The settings are also collectively known as the "Line Profile.” See Note at the end of this section for more information on Line Profiles. The following call forward settings are available: OptionDescriptionForward all incoming callsTo forward all incoming calls to a specific number or Voicemail under all circumstances, check the Activate call forwarding & forward all calls to: box and choose the required destination from the drop-down list. Alternatively, choose the Specify another number option and enter your own destination in the adjacent free text field if necessary. If this box is checked, the other call forwarding options are hidden. Internal calls (calls from a company phone number)To forward all incoming internal calls to a specific number or Voicemail when the line is busy, check the When the line is busy, forward calls to: box, and choose the required destination from the drop-down list. To forward all incoming internal calls to a specific number or Voicemail when there is no answer, check the When there is no answer, forward calls to: box, and choose the required destination from the drop-down list. Alternatively, choose the Specify another number option and enter your own destination in the adjacent free text fields if necessary. External calls (calls from outside my company)To forward all external calls to a specific number or Voicemail when the line is busy, check the When the line is busy, forward calls to: box, and choose the required destination from the drop-down list. To forward all external calls to a specific number or Voicemail when there is no answer, check the When there is no answer, forward calls to: box, and choose the required destination from the drop-down list. Alternatively, choose the Specify another number option and enter your own destination in the adjacent free text field if necessary. Click Save when complete. When you click Save at any point, you are given a choice to apply the call forward settings to all lines or to this line only. Click the relevant button: Yes, Apply to all lines or No, only this line. What to do nextTo turn off call forwarding for a line, click the required ‘Active’ line, uncheck the check boxes, and click Save. Alternatively, you can check the relevant check boxes in the Select a Line area of the screen, or click the Select arrow and choose All to select all lines, and then click Deactivate CF. To edit call forwarding settings for a line, click the required ‘Active’ line, change the settings as required, and click Save. Alternatively, you can apply the line settings for one of your lines to other lines by checking the relevant check boxes in the Select a Line area of the screen, clicking Assign Line Profile, choosing the line profile to copy from the drop-down list, and clicking Save. My Availability My Availability on page PAGEREF unique_53 \h 49 Set Do Not Disturb for Your Phone on page PAGEREF unique_54 \h 49 My Availability This page displays the Do Not Disturb settings for each of your phones. When a setting appears Green it shows that the setting is Active or Enabled. When a setting is dimmed, it shows that the setting is Inactive or Disabled. Figure 11: My Availability PageSet Do Not Disturb for Your Phone ProcedureClick on the button bar or Quick Menu to view the status of the Do Not Disturb (DND) settings for your phones.(Optional) You can modify the Do Not Disturb setting for multiple phones at the same time:Check the check boxes to choose the phones you want to modify, or click the Select arrow and choose All to select all plete steps 3 and 4 to set the DND setting and save the DND setting for all selected phones.Click the DND switch beside each phone as required:DND On indicates that DND is active for the phone. The DND switch turns green when active.DND Off indicates that DND is inactive for the phone. The DND switch remains dimmed.Click Save to implement the settings for each phone or Cancel to cancel changes.If Presence is set up by your administrator, click the check box beside the “Automatically update my status when there is a meeting in my calendar field.”Click Save to implement the setting or Cancel to cancel the change.Speed Dials Speed Dials and Busy Lamp Fields on page PAGEREF unique_56 \h 51 Manage Speed Dials and Busy Lamp Fields on page PAGEREF unique_57 \h 51 Add a Speed Dial (Abbreviated Dials) on page PAGEREF unique_58 \h 52 Speed Dials and Busy Lamp Fields Speed dial numbers allow you to store numbers and then use side buttons on the phone, or abbreviated dialing from the softkey template, to dial the stored numbers. Some phones, such as Model 7960 and 7970 have speed dial buttons on the right side of the phone that you can use to dial frequently dialed numbers. The Cisco 7912 phones do not have buttons, but you can use the softkey template on the phone's LCD display.Speed Dials are one or two-digit index codes (1 to 99) that you can assign to phone numbers or contact entries. To place a call using Speed Dials, select the Speed Dials index code from the menu on your phone’s touchscreen. You do not need to dial the entire number. The number of speed dials available depends on the phone button template. The exact name of the speed dial service on your phone may vary, depending on how your system administrator configured the service.Busy lamps also allow you to store numbers and then use side buttons on the phone to dial the stored numbers. The status of the lamp indicates if the line is currently in use. Some Cisco phones, such as the 7931 series, have busy lamps on the right side that you can use to dial frequently dialed numbers.Busy lamps are one or two-digit index codes (1 to 99) that you can assign to phone numbers or contact entries.The number of busy lamps available depends on the phone button template. The exact name of the busy lamp service on your phone may vary, depending on how your administrator configured the service.Manage Speed Dials and Busy Lamp Fields To assign a speed dial or busy lamp field (BLF) to a button: ProcedureClick on the button bar. Your configured phones are displayed. Click a ‘Phone’ to view the speed dials and busy lamp fields configured for that specific line (as determined by the phone button template for that phone). If a button has not been assigned to a busy lamp or speed dial, then the word ‘Unassigned’ is displayed in the Number field for that button. Figure 12: Sample Speed Dial and Busy Lamp Fields pageClick next to the button to which you want to assign a speed dial or busy lamp. Enter information in the fields as required: Number—The phone number (or URI) for this speed dial. Enter the phone number (or URI) exactly as you would dial it from your desk phone, including an access code (such as 9), country code, or area code. A URI is in the username@host format, where the host can be an IPv4 address or fully qualified domain name. The username portion of a URI can be a maximum of 47 characters and the full URI can be a maximum of 254 characters. Label—The name to associate with this speed dial. Click Save when complete to assign the speed dial to the button. What to do nextTo edit an existing speed dial or BLF entry, click Edit next to the button you want to edit. Enter new information in the relevant field as described in previous steps and click Save when complete. To remove a speed dial or BLF entry, click Remove next to the entry that you want to remove and click Save. The button number returns to the Unassigned status. Add a Speed Dial (Abbreviated Dials) ProcedureClick on the button bar. Your configured phones are displayed. Click the relevant ‘Phone’ to view the speed dials and BLFs configured for the line. To add more speed dials over and above those provided for by the phone button template, click + Add a Speed Dial in the Abbreviated Dials area of the screen. Enter information in the fields as required: Key—The key associated with the speed dial. If you enter two keys with the same value, for instance two 3’s, the system automatically removes the first key and replaces it with the second key. Number—The phone number (or URI) for this speed dial. Enter the phone number (or URI) exactly as you would dial it from your desk phone, including an access code (such as 9), country code, or area code. A URI is in the username@host format, where the host can be an IPv4 address or fully qualified domain name. The username portion of a URI can be a maximum of 47 characters and the full URI a maximum of 254 characters. Label—The name to associate with this speed dial. Click Save when complete to add the speed dial. When there is more than one speed dial, the speed dials are automatically reordered in numerical sequence from lowest to highest. When you click Save at any point, you are given the choice to apply the selected speed dial setting to all phones, or to this phone only. Click the relevant button: Yes, Apply to all phones or No, only this phone. What to do nextTo insert a speed dial entry directly above an existing speed dial entry, click + Insert a speed dial entry above this entry (+ icon) to open an empty speed dial entry form. Enter the required information and click Save when complete. To edit an existing speed dial entry, click in the appropriate fields and enter new information as described in previous steps. Click Save when complete. To remove a speed dial entry, click Remove this speed dial (trashcan icon) next to the speed dial you want to remove and click Save. The relevant speed dial is removed from the list. Links Links on page PAGEREF unique_60 \h 55 Links The Links section of the Self-Service interface provides hyperlinks to predetermined objects or items such as a support site or a downloadable User Guide. Your administrator configures and controls the links that appear.Click on the button bar or Dashboard to open the Links Shortcuts, then click the desired hyperlink. If your administrator has not configured any links for you, then this section is not displayed. Contact your administrator for more information.Index ................

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