APR Report Template - Salisbury University

Table of Contents TOC \o "1-5" \h \z \u Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc42527321 \h 1I. Part I - Review PAGEREF _Toc42527322 \h 2A. Academic Program Review Documentation PAGEREF _Toc42527323 \h 21. Program Description PAGEREF _Toc42527324 \h 2a) Mission PAGEREF _Toc42527325 \h 2b) Enrollment PAGEREF _Toc42527326 \h 2c) Degrees PAGEREF _Toc42527327 \h 2d) Enrollment Projections, Aspirations, and Considerations PAGEREF _Toc42527328 \h 22. Internal Review and Narrative PAGEREF _Toc42527329 \h 2a) Summary PAGEREF _Toc42527330 \h 2b) Program Curriculum and Advising PAGEREF _Toc42527331 \h 3c) Resources PAGEREF _Toc42527332 \h 33. External Review Summary PAGEREF _Toc42527333 \h 4B. Recommendations Action Plan PAGEREF _Toc42527334 \h 4C. Additional Appendices PAGEREF _Toc42527335 \h 4II. Part II - Student Learning Assessment PAGEREF _Toc42527336 \h 4A. Student Learning Outcomes PAGEREF _Toc42527337 \h 4B. Assessment Methods, Results, and Use PAGEREF _Toc42527338 \h 5C. Assessment Action Plan PAGEREF _Toc42527339 \h 5I. Part I - ReviewA. Academic Program Review Documentation1. Program DescriptionENTER TEXT HEREa) MissionENTER TEXT HEREb) EnrollmentEnrollment data and trendsENTER TEXT AND/OR GRAPHS/TABLES HERE (data from UARA uploaded to APR System)Student credit hours generated and trendsENTER TEXT AND/OR GRAPHS/TABLES HERE (data from UARA uploaded to APR System)c) DegreesDegree data and trendsENTER TEXT AND/OR GRAPHS/TABLES HERE (data from UARA uploaded to APR System)Time-to-completion trendsENTER TEXT AND/OR GRAPHS/TABLES HERE (data from UARA uploaded to APR System)Retention trendsENTER TEXT AND/OR GRAPHS/TABLES HERE (data from UARA uploaded to APR System)Student credit hours generated and trendsENTER TEXT AND/OR GRAPHS/TABLES HERE (data from UARA uploaded to APR System)d) Enrollment Projections, Aspirations, and ConsiderationsENTER TEXT HERE2. Internal Review and NarrativeENTER TEXT HEREa) SummaryENTER TEXT HERESWAT analysis review of the past 7 years of the programStrengthsENTER TEXT HEREWeaknessesENTER TEXT HEREAchievementsENTER TEXT HEREThreatsENTER TEXT HEREProgress & VisionProgress toward removing weaknesses or obstacles identified in the previous APRENTER TEXT HEREVision and primary initiatives for the next 7 yearsENTER TEXT HEREb) Program Curriculum and AdvisingENTER TEXT HERESequencing and changes made over last 7 yearsENTER TEXT HEREFuture direction(s) for the next 7 yearsENTER TEXT HEREc) ResourcesENTER TEXT HEREFaculty expertise and experienceENTER TEXT HEREStaffENTER TEXT HEREEquipmentENTER TEXT HERELibrary resourcesENTER TEXT HERETechnologyENTER TEXT HERESpaceENTER TEXT HERESuppliesENTER TEXT HERE3. External Review SummaryINCLUDE EXTERNAL REVIEW SUMMARY HEREIF APPLICABLE – Also include the program’s response to the external review summary.B. Recommendations Action PlanTEMPLATE AVAILABLE IN APR SYSTEMC. Additional AppendicesIF APPLICABLE – Also include any additional appendices here.II. Part II - Student Learning Assessment ENTER TEXT HEREA. Student Learning OutcomesLET UARA KNOW WHEN THESE ARE UPDATED AND UARA WILL EXPORT FROM APR SYSTEM AND FORMAT IT TO BE INCLUDED HEREB. Assessment Methods, Results, and UseEITHER ENTER INTO ASSESSMENT SUMMARY TEMPLATE (available on APR website under “APR System Instructions” heading) AND THEM COPY AND PASTE INTO APR SYSTEM (or vice versa) – contact UARA for help copy/pasting it from one location to the other so you don’t have to do itC. Assessment Action PlanTEMPLATE AVAILABLE IN APR SYSTEM ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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