TechNet Europe '99 - 20th AFCEA Europe Symposium and ...




Please complete this form, provide credit card details and (e)-mail/fax to: AFCEA Europe, 105 rue Colonel Bourg, 1030 Brussels, Belgium, Tel: +32-2-705.27.31, Fax: +32-2-705.28.94, email: europe@

Pre-registration with full payment is required prior to 4 September 2018. After this date, we can no longer guarantee your registration.


Photocopies acceptable. One registrant per form - attach business card or print using block letters


LAST NAME: ________________________ FIRST NAME: ________________ MR./MRS./MS or RANK: __________

COMPANY / ORGANISATION:_________________________________________________________________________

The above information will be used to produce your badge but may be edited so as to fit on 3 lines of text.

JOB TITLE: ________________________ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________

POSTAL/ZIP CODE: __________ CITY & STATE: ________________________ COUNTRY: _____________________

TEL: __________________ FAX: _____________________ E-MAIL: _________________________________________

BILLING ADDRESS: (if different from participant's address above) CONTACT NAME: __________________________

CONTACT EMAIL: ____________________________ COMPANY / ORGANISATION:__________________________

ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

POSTAL/ZIP CODE: ___________ CITY & STATE: ______________________ COUNTRY: ______________________

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|GDPR: |

|I consent that AFCEA may use the data provided in this form to manage my account and provide services in accordance with the AFCEA Privacy Policy. |

|[pic] YES [pic] NO |

| |

|I consent that AFCEA may send me related material believed to be of interest to me in accordance with the AFCEA Privacy Policy. [pic] YES [pic]|

|NO |

My company has a VAT (Value Added Tax) number [pic] NO [pic] YES, the number is below:

(country of VAT registration and of billing address must be the same):

[pic][pic] [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]

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|All fees are in Euros and subject to Belgian VAT at 21%. |

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|NATO personnel and some Diplomatic Missions may be exempt from VAT charges but must provide a VAT Exemption Certificate otherwise VAT will be charged. |

|The Certificate must be provided as soon as possible. Please let AFCEA Europe know if you intend to provide one. |

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Cont’d page 2


R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M (Page 2)


Tick the appropriate boxes AFCEA Member Non-AFCEA Member

Fees include access to the workshop, lunch,

refreshments during the coffee breaks,

and a Reception.

Industry [pic] €500 [pic] €600

Active Military/Government/NATO – EU institutions [pic] €95 [pic] €110

Academia and Research institutes [pic] €95 [pic] €110

Please take a moment to reply to mandatory questions below:

Any dietary restrictions? (if yes, specify) ………………………………………..

I will attend the Reception at 16:30 Yes [pic] No [pic]

(included in registration fee)

Subtotal = EUR___________

Add VAT (21% of Subtotal) = EUR___________

Total Registration Fee = EUR___________

[pic] My company would like to sponsor the event; please send me sponsorship information.


Payment must accompany completed registration form.

Confirmation will be emailed when payment is received, accompanied by a “paid” invoice for accounting/VAT (tax) purposes.

All registrations will be processed on a first-paid, first-served basis.

[pic] I am a Member of AFCEA Membership # ____________________ (must be completed to receive discount)

If you would like to join AFCEA to benefit from the AFCEA member rate at this event, please contact AFCEA International before returning your registration form. You may join on line at .

[pic] Credit Card: debit my credit card for a total amount: _________________

[pic] Amex [pic] Visa [pic] Mastercard [pic] Eurocard number is:


Cardholder name: __________________________ Expiration date: _________ Signature: ________________________

Cancellation policy: 15% administration costs will be charged for cancellations prior to

4 September 2018 - no refund after that date. Name substitution: at any time, free of charge.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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