General Services Administration

 Credit Monitoring and Identity Theft Services*Note that this sample has been revised from the source document on the Government Point of Entry as necessary to align formatting and applicable FAR procedures.* Background:The BLM Western Montana District suffered an internal breach of employee PII and is requesting services outlined in the attached SOW for some current employees and former employees. The breach resulted in the potential compromise of social security numbers, credit card information, and other personal information that could potentially be used to commit identity theft or other forms of fraud. The information may have been obtained by an employee that had access to BLM business systems and records. We are uncertain if any of the information was retained by the employee. Contract Requirements:· Period of Performance: 07/06/2020 – 07/05/2021· The contractor shall contact everyone on a list to be provided upon contract award to solicit participation. We anticipate the need for services for approximately 235 individuals. The list will contain contact information for current BLM employees, previous BLM employees, BLM retirees, and volunteers. If the contractor is unable to successfully contact individuals from the list the contractor shall provide a list of names identifying those individuals.· The contractor shall provide these services for a period of one year after employee activation. Employees shall have 90 days from the date of award to opt in. · The BLM is requesting a weekly report during the opt in period illustrating subscription levels and listing names of individuals that the contractor has been unable to successfully contact. Services:1. Credit monitoring of credit reports at all three national credit reporting agencies (i.e., Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion).Upon enrollment, the Contractor shall provide credit monitoring of credit reports from Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. The Contractor shall provide monitoring of credit reports from all three credit bureaus and monitoring alerts for changes to credit reports. 2. Credit reports provided from all three national credit reporting agencies.The Contractor shall obtain and make available to enrolled individuals, credit reports from all three national credit reporting agencies (i.e., Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion). 3. Identity MonitoringThe Contractor shall provide identity monitoring services for enrolled individuals. Identity monitoring services includes, but is not limited to monitoring of the Internet and monitoring of database sources including criminal records, arrest records, court records, pay day loan, bank accounts, check databases, sex offender, change of address, and social security number trace. 4. The Contractor shall provide Identity Theft Insurance for all impacted individuals.The Contractor shall provide identity theft insurance to impacted individuals. The scope of this coverage includes all claims submitted on or prior to (to be defined in Task Orders). 5. The Contractor shall provide identity restoration services for all impacted individuals.The Contractor shall provide identity restoration services to impacted individuals. The scope of this coverage includes any identity theft claim submitted within the period of performance of the order to restore the identity to the pre-compromised state. The contractor shall assign an individual case manager to work with the impacted individual requiring identity restoration services to restore the identity to the pre-compromised state. The Contractor shall offer the option of working under the authority of a Limited Power of Attorney, when required. These services shall include, but not be limited to, counseling, investigation, and resolving identity theft issues. Electronic Invoicing and Payment Requirements – Invoice Processing Platform (IPP) (May 2013) Payment requests must be submitted electronically through the U.S. Department of the Treasury Invoice Processing Platform System (IPP). "Payment request" means any request for contract financing payment or invoice payment by the Contractor. To constitute a proper invoice, the payment request must comply with the requirements identified in the applicable Prompt Payment clause included in the clause 52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions – Commercial Items included in commercial item contracts. The IPP website address is: Under this contract, an itemized invoice is required to be submitted as an attachment to the IPP invoice. Deliverables are to be received and accepted prior to payment. Invoices submitted prior to acceptance may be rejected. The Contractor must use the IPP website to register access and use IPP for submitting requests for payment. The Contractor Government Business Point of Contact (as listed in SAM) will receive enrollment instruction via email from the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (FRBB) prior to the contract award date, but no more than 3 -5 business days of the contract award date. Contractor assistance with enrollment can be obtained by contacting the IPP Production Helpdesk via [Insert Email Address] or [Insert Phone Number]. If the Contractor is unable to comply with the requirement to use IPP for submitting invoices for payment, the Contractor must submit a waiver request in writing to the Contracting Office with its proposal or quotation. ................

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