ANNEXURE – I(c) - Union Bank




The Branch Manager,

Union Bank of India,


Dear Sir,

Application cum undertaking for “Union Mortgage for Farmers”

I/We wish to inform that I/We have been availing/wish to avail Agricultural Loan with your branch. I/We have been availing credit facilities from _______________________Bank/ Financial Institutions. No amount is overdue against my/our name in your Bank or in any other credit institutions. I/We am pleased that Union Bank of India has launched “Union Mortgage Scheme for Farmers”. I/We hereby apply for a loan of Rs._______________(Rupees _____________________________________________) under this scheme and declare as under :

i) The loan amount will be utilized in genuineness of demand for agricultural purposes in my family/education of my children/medical treatment of my family/ marriage only. The purpose as quoted in my application.

ii) Loan availed will be repaid without fail within 12 months of harvesting/marketing of produce whichever is earlier in case of production loan and in years in case of loans availed for other purposes.

iii) I/We accept that Union Bank of India reserves the right to reject this application without assigning any reason.

iv) Bank is authorized to debit my/our Saving/CD/Term Deposit account, if any, for liquidation of loan outstanding under this scheme.

v) I/We agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the scheme, interest rate, processing fee etc.

vi) I/We declare that I am/we are the true owner of the property mortgaged/to be mortgaged to you and there are no existing encumbrances over my/our said property.

Name of the Applicant(s) : ___________________________________________________

Father’s/Husband Name : ___________________________________________________

Address(es) : ___________________________________________________



▪ The land/property of _________________acres/sq.ft. mortgaged/to be mortgaged with your bank is presently valued Rs.______________

▪ I/We hereby declare that my/our annual net income from all sources is Rs._______________p.a. (details as given below):

a) From cultivation : Rs. _________________

b) From Allied Activities : Rs. _________________

c) from other sources : Rs. _________________

TOTAL : Rs. _______________

: 2 :

Details of Loan required :

( Rs.)

|Particulars |Total requirement of fund |Margin, if any |Amount sought as a |

| | | |loan |

|For raising of crops (No.of Acres x Scale of finance) | | | |

|(Total of Kharif + Rabi + Summer) | | | |

|For purchase of farm equipments/ | | | |

|machinery | | | |

|For other allied activities | | | |

|Consumption needs | | | |

|Education/Medical Expenses etc. | | | |

|TOTAL | | | |

Details of other loans availed from Branch/any other Bank :

|Particulars |Purpose |Amount O/s (Rs.) |Date of |Installment due on |Overdues (if any) |

| | | |availment | | |

|S T Loan | | | | | |

|M T Loan | | | | | |

I/We confirm that details given above are true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and Bank may reject my/our application/limit and may proceed legally if any information appears to have been concealed by me/us and is found incorrect at any point of time.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,



(Amount in Rs.)

Total require- Margin, if Loan amount

Ment of fund any sanctioned

For raising of crops (No. of acres x

Scale of finance) (Total of Kharif +


For purchase of farm equipment/


For other allied activities

Consumption needs

Education/Medical Expenses etc.


Amount Sanctioned : Rs.


Rate of Interest


Other Terms & Conditions

Signature of Signature of

Recommending Authority Sanctioning Authority


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