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66th Annual Meeting

April 26, 2018



April 26, 2018


I. Call meeting to order II. Ascertain that a quorum is present III. Approval of 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes IV. Chairman & President's Report ? Chair, Teresa Clingman V. Treasurer's Report VI. Audit Committee Report ? Chairman Supervisory Committee, Glen Luff VII. Nominating Committee Chairman, John Boswell VIII. Unfinished Business IX. New Business

Recognition of Scholarship recipients X. Adjournment

My Community Credit Union Board of Directors, Audit Committee, & Executive Staff

April 26 2018


Teresa Clingman, Chair ? Term Expires 2018 Terry Youngblood, Vice Chairman ? Term Expires 2020 Bob Billhimer, Treasurer ? Term Expires 2020 Glen Luff, Secretary ? Term Expires 2018 Steve Shockley, Director ? Term Expires 2018 Juan Luna, Director ? Term Expires 2019 Charlotte Dunlap, Director ? Term Expires 2019 Charlie Harris, Director ? Term Expires 2020 John Boswell, Director ? Term Expires 2019


Mitzi Baker


Glen Luff, Chairman Tom Finnie Mitzi Baker Donna Neal Mark Williams Lezlie Veach Stephanie Ramirez Genene DeLeon

Executive Staff

CEO, Donna Neal CFO, Mark Williams CIO, Randy Stolp COO, Lezlie Veach (Change in title and position from VP Operations) VP Consumer Lending, Dan Hendrix SVP Human Resources, Alton Overall (Change in title from VP of HR) Marketing Manager, Autumn Blankenship VP Branch Operations, Genene DeLeon (Change in title and position from Compliance Manager) VP Operations Support, Stephanie Ramirez (Change in title and position from Branch Operations Manager)

MY COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 651h Annual Meeting May 22, 2017

Teresa Clingman, Chairman of the Board, called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. The meeting was held at My Community FCU, 600 W. Louisiana, Midland, Texas. It was ascertained that a quorum was present.

Teresa Clingman called for a motion to dispense of the reading of the minutes from the 64th Annual Meeting.

Moved: Seconded:

Bob Billhimer Charlie Harris

To approve the dispensing of the reading of the 64th Annual Meeting Minutes and approve as presented.

Motion passed unanimously.

The Chairman referred to the President Report in the Annual Meeting packet and asked for any questions related to the report. There were no questions from the attendees.

The Chairman referred to the Treasurer's Report in the Annual meeting packet and asked for any questions related to the report. There were no questions from the attendees.

The Chairman discussed the Audit Committee Report located in the packet which states that Outside Auditors declared the Credit Unions' Financials true as stated.

The Nominating Committee, Chaired by Juan Luna, recommends the following individuals to fill the three expiring terms:

? Terry Youngblood ? Robert Billhimer ? Charlie Harris

Moved: Seconded:

Jeremy Swanson Glen Luff

5/22/17 to 5/22//20 Term 5/22/17 to 5/22/20 Term 5/22/17 to 5/22/20 Term

To approve the Nominating Committee's recommendation as presented.

Motion passed unanimously.

State required "Application for Board of Directors" for above elected Board Members will be included in these minutes along with all documentation.

Teresa Clingman called for any unfinished business. There was none.

New Business Recognition of Scholarship Recipients by Mark Williams, Chairman Nominating Committee:

? Cassidy Wray, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas ? Matthew Fawks, University ofTexas at Austin, Texas ? Mekelee Lafoy, San Angelo State, San Angelo, Texas ? Cylie Mebane, Texas Tech, Lubbock, Texas ? Sydney Lamb, Midland College, Midland, Texas ? Madison Bartley, Midland, Texas ? Angelita Balderas, Midland College, Midland, Texas

Mark thanked our Scholarship Committee for their service, the Committee consists of: ? Mark Williams, Chairman ? Bob Billhimer, Board Member ? Charlie Harris, Board Member ? Ron Moss, MISD ? Lesley Isaacs, Midland Collee Scholarship & Special Projects Coordinator ? Steve Goff, Odessa College Professor of Photography

Teresa Clingman called for a motion to adjourn.

Moved: Seconded:

Terry Youngblood Charlie Harris

Motion passed unanimously.

The Annual Meeting was concluded at 2:07 PM.

airman, B

GJe"'n Luff ~ Secretary, Board of Directors


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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