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This workshop will show you how to start a divorce. This is the first step of the divorce process. There are multiple steps you need to take to finish your divorce.

YOUR WORKSHOP DATE : WEDNESDAY, ____________________ 8:45AM*

*Please arrive on time, we will not accommodate late attendees


Important Information:

1. Please fill out this form accurately and completely. Do not leave any information out.

2. The information you provide on this form will be included on your divorce forms, and will be seen by your spouse. Your divorce is public record.

3. If any of the information on this form is incomplete or inaccurate, you may not be able to attend the workshop on your scheduled date.

4. You may need to hire an attorney if you have complex property issues and require legal advice.

5. Not everyone will have their divorce forms completed by the end of the workshop. You may need to finish your forms at home and return to Room 509 on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday from 8:30 – 12:00 or 1:30 – 4:00 to have your completed forms reviewed.


Full Legal Name: ________________________________________Today’s Date____________________

Address: ______________________________________City: ___________________ Zip Code: _______

Telephone: _______________________________________ Language: ___________________________

How long have you lived in California?________How long have you lived in San Francisco?____________

Date of Marriage:_________________Date of Separation: _______________Years: ______Months:____

Have you or your spouse ever filed for a divorce? □ YES □ NO

If Yes, when: ______________________ where: __________________________

Your Monthly Gross Income (before taxes): __________________________________

# OF PEOPLE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD: ______________Do they work? Yes No

Your Source of Income: Employment*(_) SSI/SSP (_) CalWorks/AFDC (_) GA (_) Food Stamps (_) Unemployment (_) Other (_)

*You will need to bring your paystubs to the workshop if you applying for a fee waiver


Spouse’s Legal Full Name: ______________________________________________________

Spouse’s Address: ____________________________________________________________

Spouse’s Monthly Gross Income:_____________Source of Income:________________

NUMBER OF MINOR CHILDREN OF THE MARRIAGE* (under 18 years of age): _______

Name Age Date of Birth M/F

_________________________________ _________ ___________ ___

_________________________________ _________ ___________ ___

_________________________________ _________ ___________ ___

_________________________________ _________ ___________ ___

Location of the Children: ___________________________________________

*You must complete Form FL 105, UCCJEA if you have children and bring it to the workshop


Please list all assets and debts for both parties. Attach FL 160, Property Declaration, if necessary.

Real Property/Land/House:

Date Purchased:

Name on Title:


Amount Owed:

Date Purchased:

Name on Title:


Amount Owed

Cars/RV/other forms of vehicles:

Date Purchased:

Name on Title:


Amount Owed:

Date Purchased:

Name on Title:


Amount Owed:

Bank Accounts/Credit Union/Investment accounts:

Name of Bank:

Date Opened:

Amount of Money in account:

Name of Bank:

Date Opened:

Amount of Money in account:

Retirement Account/Pension/401k:

Date Opened:


Date Opened:


Debts/Credit Cards/Loans/Mortgage:

Date Incurred:

Amount of Debt:

Name(s) on account:

Financial Institution:

Date Incurred:

Amount of Debt:

Name(s) on account:

Financial Institution:

Other Assets or Debts:

Staff: ________________ Related case search: _____________[pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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