2009 Negotiated Rulemaking for Higher Education -- Team I ...

Team I -- General/Lender Loan Issues

| |

|Federal Negotiator |

|U.S. Department of Education|Pamela Moran |

| |Office of Postsecondary Education |

| |pamela.moran@ |

| |202-502-7732 |

|Non-Federal Negotiators |

| |

|Constituency |Primary/Nominator |Alternate/Nominator |

|Students |Jonathan S. Sachs |Adam Briones |

| |University of Maryland, Student Body President |The Greenlining Institute |

| |jjsachs@umd.edu |adamb@ |

| |240-472-0311 |510-332-7509 |

|Legal Aid |Deanne Loonin |Lauren Saunders |

| |National Consumer Law Center |National Consumer Law Center |

| |dloonin@ |lsaunders@ |

| |617-542-8010 |202-452-6252 |

|2-year Public Institutions |George Chin | |

| |City University of New York | |

| |george.chin@mail.cuny.edu | |

| |212-290-5693 | |

|4-year Public Institutions |Carrie Steere-Salazar |Kris Wright |

| |University of California –San Francisco (Health |University of Minnesota |

| |Professions) |Wrigh084@umn.edu |

| |Carrie.Steere-Salazar@ucsf.edu |612-626-0302 |

| |415-502-8296 | |

|4-year Private, Nonprofit |Heather McDonnell |Bonnie Lee Behm |

|Institutions |Sarah Lawrence College |Villanova University |

| |hmcdonn@sarahlawrence.edu |bonnie.behm@villanova.edu |

| |914-395-2570 |610-519-4024 |

|Private, For-Profit |Thomas A. Babel |William D. Leach |

|Institutions |DeVry University |Lincoln Educational Services |

| |tbabel@ |bleach@ |

| |630-706-3140 |973-736-9340 |

|Guaranty Agencies |Mary Mowdy, Executive Director |Dick George, President & CEO |

| |Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program |Great Lakes Higher Education Guaranty Corporation |

| |mmowdy@ |rgeorge@ |

| |405-234-4310 |608-246-1408 |

|For-Profit Lenders |Brenda Dillon |Tom Levandowski |

| |Key Bank |Wells Fargo |

| |Brenda_dillon@ |tom.levandowski@ |

| |216-813-8788 |651-454-4152 |

|Not-for Profit Lenders |Cheryl Hughes |Scott Giles |

| |South Carolina Student Loan Corporation (SCSLC) |Vermont Student Assistance Corporation |

| |chughes@ |giles@ |

| |803-612-5030 |802-654-3740 |

|Credit Unions |Michael Kim |Rhonda Summerbell |

| |University of Southern California Credit Union |University Federal Credit Union |

| |mkim@ |rsummerbell@ |

| |213-821-7230 |512-467-8080 ext. 29060 |

|Lender Servicers |Diane Freundel |Wanda Hall |

| |American Education Services/ Pennsylvania Higher Education|EdFinancial Services |

| |Assistance Agency (AES/PHEAA) |whall@ |

| |dfreunde@ |865-342-5350 |

| |717-720-3267 | |

|Facilitators |Howard Bellman |

| |belmediate@ |

| |608-826-4020 |

| | |

| |Susan Podziba |

| |susan@ |

| |617-738-5320 |


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