Draft Minutes of the meeting of Carbrooke Parish Council

held on 9 January 2017 at Carbrooke Village Hall

Present Cllrs J Borrett, A Coppen, D Fishlock, J Nind, P Sampher, M Wormall.

In attendance Cllr J Rogers (Breckland Council) Cllr C Bowes (Norfolk County Council)

N Hartley (Parish Clerk). One member of the public.

1. Apologies

All members of the council were present.

2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

Cllr Sampher was elected Chairman. Cllr Coppen was elected Vice Chairman.

3. To receive declarations of interests

Cllrs Nind, Sampher and Wormall in any matters relating to Blenheim Grange. Cllr Coppen in any matters relating to Millennium Green. Cllr Fishlock in any matters relating to Maid Marian estate. Cllr Coppen in the planning application of Mr & Mrs Chapman.

4. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 2016

It was resolved to approve and sign the minutes as a true and accurate record.

5. Matters arising

It was noted that the Section 106 Agreement with Westmere Homes has been signed and completed.

It was noted that if no request for an election has been made, the Council can proceed to co opt a new member.

It was noted that the commemorative bench for former councilors Muller, Buscall and Webster should be delivered shortly. The clerk was asked to write to the former councilors for their views on where the bench should be located.

George Freeman is to visit Blenheim Grange on January 13. Cllrs Sampher, Nind and Wormall, together with the clerk, will attend.

An update was read regarding the website. The domain has been registered and hosting set up. Copies of the Parish Council, Village Hall and Millennium Green website have been added to the site. An outline should be available by 20 January.

6. Public Participation

It was suggested that a time limit should be placed on the consortium to finish the works at Blenheim Grange.

7. Finance

a. Current balances

Current Account £90,822.59 Business Premium Account £51,344.03

Scottish Widows (Blenheim Grange) £75,000

b. Payments made and approved in accordance with the budget

Direct Debit. Veolia, waste collection at Carbrooke Village Hall, £86.38

Direct Debit. Veolia, waste collection at Community Cabin, Blenheim Grange, £15.46

Chq 101106 2UpLtd, setting up new Carbrooke website, £500

101107 NOT USED

101108 EDF Energy, electricity for Community Cabin, £97.44

101109 N Hartley, clerk’s salary to December 2016, £456.60

101110 N Hartley, reimbursement of clerk’s expenses from Oct to Dec, £180.34

101111 A Newton, balance of payment for path at Blenheim Grange play area, £900

The clerk noted the difficulty in opening an account with HSBC, as the account offered is geared toward a business, not a Parish Council. Concerns were expressed about the proposed new Lloyds Bank account. It was noted that some councils are depositing funds with Credit Unions. The clerk was asked to investigate.

8. Internal Audit Interim Report

It was agreed to close the council’s Internet Banking and to make all payments by cheque. In his report the auditor suggested that the Blenheim Grange commuted sum might be put into trust accounts. The council will discuss this at its next meeting. The auditor reported there were no errors in the financial records.

9. Planning

a. Breckland Council decisions

Mr M L Sharp, 3 Cochrane Close 3PL/2016/1221/HOU

Two storey side extenstion and single storey rear extension Approved

Miss J Frere, Littleton Stud Farm, Caudle Springs 3PL/2015/1107/F

Erection of bungalow and removal of outbuildings Approved

b. Applications to be considered

Mr & Mrs Chapman 3PL/2016/1464/F

Land at Meadow Lane

Two new residential dwellings

The council objected as the proposed property is outside the Settlement Boundary and there is no benefit to the village in building outside the Settlement Boundary. It was noted that the area of the proposed property is liable to flooding.

Mr C Hayward 3PL/2016/1447/HOU

Stone Cottage, Watton Green, Watton

Demolish conservatory and erect extension No objection

10. Council Training

It was agreed to arrange a full council training session after a new councilor has been appointed. It was agreed to invite new councilors from Watton Town Council to attend the same session.

11. Village Hall

It was noted that as Custodian Trustees, the council should hold the deeds to the Village Hall, but that it should take no part in the day to day running of the hall, which is the role of the Management Trustees. It was agreed to ask where the original deeds are being kept. It was also agreed to ask for a set of keys to the hall for the clerk and Cllr Coppen so that the council can access the hall for its meetings.

12. Village Hall

It was agreed that based on the advice received the council cannot pay the VAT in respect of the renovations to the hall toilets. It was agreed that a letter should be sent to the Village Hall Trust by the chairman.

13. Blenheim Grange Commuted Sum

It was agreed to review the amount of the commuted sum to be banked in separate accounts. The previous calculation had included some items that should have come from the Precept. A copy of the final calculation is attached to the minutes.

14. Working Party

It was agreed to set up a working party to look into the proposal that the council uses the commuted sum to purchase a property. The party will consist of Cllrs Nind, Wormall and Borrett.

15. Road Adoption and Finishing Off at Blenheim Grange

It was agreed that a time limit should be placed on completion of the works.

16. Village Handyman

It was agreed to appoint Simon Mansfield as the village handyman.

17. Representatives’ Reports

Millennium Green. It was noted that a number of trustees have resigned. It was agreed to become members of Community Action Norfolk and to seek their advice about this and other matters relating to the Parish Council. It was suggested that the existing trustees call an emergency meeting.

Blenheim Grange. It was noted there had been some vandalism. It was noted that large amounts of empty vodka and beer bottles are being removed from near the war memorials.

Primary School. It was noted that following removal of the school bus, Summer Lane is not being gritted. Cllr Bowes will deal.

18. Future Agenda Items

Update following the visit of George Freeman MP.

Introduction of new policies.

A review of the council’s Standing Orders.

The clerk’s appraisal.

19. Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Monday 13 February in the Community Cabin, Blenheim Grange.

There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 8.45pm.

Blenheim Grange

Income and Expenditure

Monies Received

Commuted sum received 24 March 2016 £ 241,013.80

Add Grants paid in respect of play area:-

Mitie 31,500.00

Orbit Housing 20,000.00

Breckland Council 23,380.00

Trusthouse Charitable Foundation 2,500.00

Norfolk Playing Fields Association 1,500.00

Blenheim Grange Residents Association 400.00


Less expenditure

Purchase of play equipment (exclusive of VAT)* 75,859.91

TOTAL £ 244,433.89

* All VAT paid on the play equipment has been refunded by HMRC and paid into the Council’s bank account.

Less expenditure made

Path (exclusive of VAT) 22,000.00

Path (Balance – excluding VAT) 750.00

Fencing (VAT not payable) 19,402.50

Tree survey 380.00

Drop down locks (exclusive of VAT) 575.20

Tree maintenance (Payment to be made) 3,500


This is to be divided into three separate accounts for the maintenance of Blenheim Grange.

Scottish Widows account has already been opened with £75,000.

A second new account will be opened with £75,000 and a third account will be opened with £47,826.19


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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