Hannah Rud Teaching Portfolio

The Chronicles of Narnia:

The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe

By: C.S. Lewis

Chapter 1: Lucy Looks into the Wardrobe


Air Raids – attack by aircraft, especially against a non-military target such as a city

Row – argument; quarrel; disagreement between two people

Creepy – causing fear, disgust or uneasiness

Wireless – a radio or a radio set without wires

Amor – protective metal or leather clothing worn in battle by soldiers

Wardrobe – a large, freestanding cupboard or closet where clothes are stored

Looking-glass – mirror; any device whose surface reflects light and gives back a clear image of what is in front of it

Mothballs – small balls containing chemicals such as camphor to keep away moths

Crunching – making or causing something to make a noisy, scrunching sound

Queer – strange or unusual; departing from the usual

Inquisitive – eager for knowledge; curious about everything

Glimpse – a quick or incomplete look or sighting of somebody or something

Pitter – Patter – a light, rapid and continuous tapping sound, such as raindrops

Muffler – a scarf worn around the neck for warmth

Faun – a mythological creature depicted with the body of a man and the legs and horns of a goat

Parcels – packages; things wrapped up together in paper or other packaging

Use Our Words

A. Read the following descriptions and write the correct word from your list in the space provided.

1. A device used to communicate news during the Second World War _____________________

2. Commonly used article of clothing in winter climates to keep warm ____________________

3. A place used to store one’s clothes or other belongings _____________________

4. A chemical used to protect clothing from moths _____________________

5. A mythical creature with the body of a man and the legs, horns, and legs of a goat ________

6. Something that is extremely unusual _____________________

7. When two people get in an argument _____________________

8. “Too much curiosity killed the cat” _____________________

B. Read the following short passage and fill in the blanks with the words/s that make the most sense based on the context of the story.

1. The Pevensie children have been sent out of London because of the ___________________ and their parents’ fear that they might get killed.

2. Lucy is an extremely ________________ girl who discovers a magical __________________.

3. While she is exploring, she steps on some _____________________ that make a crunching sound and have a rather peculiar odor.

4. After Lucy finds herself in another world, she is surprised to meet a rather _______________ fellow named Mr. Tumnus who wears bright red ___________________ around his neck to keep warm.

5. Mr. Tumnus is a _____________________, a rather unusual looking creature, who carries an umbrella and several _____________________ wrapped in plain brown paper.


A. Write which Pevensie child best fits the description.

1. The peace maker: _____________________

2. The trouble maker: _______________________

3. The sensitive one: ________________________

4. The curious one: _________________________

B. True or False?

1. The Pevensie children left London because their parents were killed in an air raid. ________

2. At first, Lucy felt overwhelmed by the Professor’s house and a littler frightened. ________

3. The children explored the house because the housekeeper was quite rude to them. ________

4. When Lucy discovers Narnia, she’s frightened and returned for her brothers and sister. _____

5. Mr. Tumnus was a kindly faun who befriended Lucy. ________

C. Questions – Write in full sentences!

1. Where did the children live before this story began?


2. Why was Edmund bad-tempered the first night at the Professor’s house?



3. What first made Lucy realize that something queer was happening in the wardrobe?




4. What did she think that convinced her it was safe to go on and explore? ______________________________________________________________________________



5. What was the source of the light in the woods?


6. Write a quick note to Lucy and tell her if she thinks she was foolish or brave to continue exploring Narnia by herself. 3 sentences.





7. Draw a picture of Mr. Tumnus based on the description of him beginning on page 7.

Chapter 2: What Lucy Found There


Son of Adam – refers to a human boy child

Sardines – small, salty fish many find delicious

English tea – English custom of afternoon refreshments; served with small sandwiches and cakes

Nymphs – mythical creatures that live in trees, harming no one

Silenus – woodland deity, companion of Dionysius with a horse’s ears and tail

Dryads – mythical creatures that live in wells, harming no one

Bacchus – Greek God of Wine

Jollification – joyful celebration

Merely – barely; just as described

Lulling – to give someone a false sense of security so that an unpleasant situation takes the person by surprise

Spare Oom – location of the room where the wardrobe is located

Narnia – imaginary country found by passing through a magical wardrobe

Cair Paravel – Capital of Narnia where empty thrones await for “human” children to claim them

War Drobe – doorway into Narnia through the wardrobe

Use Our Words

A. Read the following descriptions and write the correct words from the list above

1. The God of Wine ______________________

2. Four thrones sit there vacantly ______________________

3. A synonym for celebration ______________________

4. Mythical creatures that live in trees ______________________

5. The doorway into Narnia ______________________

6. A special event that often takes place around 4:00pm in England ______________________

7. Small fish ______________________

8. A word that means scarcely, barely ______________________

9. Room where the magical wardrobe is located ______________________

10. Mythical creatures that live in wells ______________________

B. Fill in the blank with the missing word(s) that best completes the meaning of the sentence. Use the story for clues. Some of the words from your vocab list are used.

1. Mr. Tumnus is a ______________________ who Lucy meets in ______________________, a country Lucy discovers when she opens the door of the ______________________ and decides to explore. It is always ______________________ in Narnia but never Christmas.

2. At first, Lucy believes Mr. Tumnus is perfectly wonderful for he invites her to ______________________ and serves her ______________________ on toast and a sugar topped cake. He also tells her about the ______________________ who live in trees and how the rivers would run with wine when ______________________ used to visit.

3. But when it is time for Lucy to leave, Mr. Tumnus tells her that he is in the pay of the ______________________ and had been planning to turn Lucy over to “Her”.


A. Multiple Choice Questions – circle the letter for the best answer to the question

1. Why does Mr. Tumnus call Lucy a “Daughter of Eve”?

a) He thinks he knows her mother, Eve.

b) The White Witch told him her mother’s name would be Eve.

c) She is a human child.

d) He thinks it is a pretty name.

2. How many vacant thrones are there at Cair Paravel?

a) four c) two

b) six d) one

3. What one thing does Mr. Tumnus NOT offer Lucy?

a) Brown Egg c) Sugar Topped Cake

b) Sardines on Toast d) Candy

4. What can we conclude about Mr. Tumnus based on the objects in his cave?

a) He is extremely poor c) He loves to read

b) He is uneducated d) He hates music

5. How does Mr. Tumnus entertain Lucy?

a) He danced for her

b) He told her stories about what Narnia was like before the Witch

c) He provided dinner

d) He read aloud to her

6. Why does Mr. Tumnus start to cry?

a) He was very tired and didn’t want to have to show Lucy the way home

b) He knew he had to turn Lucy over the Witch

c) He was cutting onions

d) He read aloud to her

7. What is it that Mr. Tumnus agrees to do if he finds a Son or Daughter of Eve?

a) Turn him/her over to the White Witch

b) Make him/her promise to return to Narnia

c) Follow him/her and make sure the passage to Narnia is blocked forever

d) Kill him/her immediately

B. Write About It

1. Why do you think Lucy felt comfortable in the faun’s cave?




2. What do you think about Lucy’s behaviour toward Mr. Tumnus after she realized what he had planned to do?





3. a) Mr. Tumnus sets out to betray Lucy to the White Witch because he’s afraid. Have you ever agreed to do something even when you knew it was wrong just because you were afraid? Write down what it was and why you agreed to do it.







Chapter 3: Edmund and the Wardrobe


Sulk – to pout; to have a bad attitude

Batty – stir crazy

Rapped – to knock

Hoax - trick

Spiteful – mean and hateful

Gilded – to cover with metal, usually gold or silver

Sledge – sled; vehicle used to travel over snow

Stern – strict; rigid; unyielding

“Champing at their bits” – impatient to get moving

Harness – gear strapped on an animal to control it

Shetland – small buy very strong ponies from Scotland

Dwarves – mythical beings; usually portrayed as very short with long beards who worked in mines digging for precious metals

Hereafter – from now on

Use Our Words

A. Fill in the blanks with words from the list above

1. Peter ________________ his knuckles on the back of the wardrobe to make sure it was solid.

2. When Lucy didn’t answer him, he thought she was ________________ and refusing to accept his apology.

3. After a few moments, a ________________ drawn by a reindeer came into view.

4. Covered in a brightly shining metal like gold. ________________

5. Energetic, ready to go ________________________________________________

B. Read the following short passage and fill in the blanks with the vocabulary words that make the most sense.

1. The small red ________________ stood holding the reindeer who were ________________at their bits, eager to continue their journey.

2. Although Edmund was ________________ because he couldn’t find Lucy, he was amazed by the tall, elegant woman riding her ________________ and somewhat frightened by her ________________expression.

3. The reindeer, dressed in scarlet ________________ were almost the size of a ________________ pony, and their horns were so long and beautiful they looked like they were ________________ with gold when the sunlight hit them.


A. True or False

1. When Lucy returned from Narnia, very little time had passed at the Professor’s. __________

2. Peter doesn’t believe Lucy and calls her a liar. __________

3. When Lucy returns to the wardrobe to show the others the way to Narnia, it’s not magical at all, so no one believes Lucy’s story. __________

4. Lucy refused to change her story because she knew she was right. __________

5. Edmund is the only one who sympathizes with Lucy. __________

6. Edmund follows Lucy into the wardrobe when they play hide and seek and suddenly finds himself in Narnia. __________

7. Edmund calls out an apology, but Lucy refuses to answer him because she is sulking. _______

8. The White Witch calls herself the Queen of Narnia. __________

9. The White Witch arrives in a red sledge pulled by reindeer. __________

10. The White Witch was pleased to see Edmund and spoke to him kindly. __________

B. Questions

1. Why was Lucy surprised that her siblings hadn’t been wondering where she was?




2. What di they find when they looked into the wardrobe?



3. Why didn’t Lucy make up with the others by saying she had just made up a story?




4. Why should the next few days have been delightful, and why did Lucy not enjoy them?




5. Why did she not mean to hide in the wardrobe during hide-and-seek?



6. Why did Edmund follow her into the wardrobe?



7. What was her first clue that something unusual was happening?



8. Why did he think Lucy didn’t answer his call?


9. What was Edmund’s first impression of the woman on the sledge?



10. Who did the Lady say she was?



11. Although we don’t know where Lucy went when she entered Narnia the second time, we can predict, based on what we know about her character that she….. (explain in detail and give reasons)





12. Take out a piece of loose-leaf. Write a journal entry (complete with coloured doodles) that Lucy might have written during this time when her siblings didn’t believe her. This will be handed in for marks. I will be looking for neatness, a description of how Lucy felt, references to what her siblings did, and what Lucy daydreams she could be doing instead of spending time with people who don’t believe her.

Chapter 4: Turkish Delight


Patience – able to wait without becoming annoyed or upset

Dominions – lands owned by a ruler

Mantle – something used to cover something else

Turkish Delight – a kind of candy, similar to gummy bears

Hiss – sound like that made by a snake

Foamy – whipped or creamy

Silk – type of very fine fabric

Enchanted – controlled by magic

Courtiers – servants; people who wait on others in a royal court

Fetch – to go after and bring back

Shovel Down – expression referring o eating food very quickly

Snappish – respond abruptly; rude or sharp reply

Flushed – red and uneasy or upset

Use Our Words

A. Read the following and put in the correct word from the list

1. A type of very expensive fabric used to make fine quality clothes ____________________

2. Bearing trials calmly or without complaining ____________________

3. An expression used to describe someone who is gobbling his/her food __________________

4. Under the control of a magic spell ____________________

5. A type of gummy candy dusted with sugar ____________________

6. People who wait on others ____________________

7. An antonym for patient ____________________

8. To go get and bring something ____________________

9. Type of cloak or warm blanket ____________________

10. Territory belonging to a ruler ____________________

B. Read the following short passages. Fill in the blanks with the best word.

1. When Edmund met the White Witch, it was obvious she didn’t possess such ____________________ because she quickly became angry with him.

2. Edmund discovered he was speaking with the Queen of Narnia when she told him he had entered her ____________________.

3. A queen is waited upon by her ____________________ who ____________________ her everything she desires.


A. Grab a piece of loose-leaf (lined paper) and work on your neatness and organization. Answer these questions in FULL SENTENCES on the piece of paper and hand-in.

1. Why do you think the Queen changes her mind and is suddenly nice to Edmund?

2. How did Edmund feel when the queen first invited him to sit with her?

3. What happens when the White Queen takes a very small bottle and lets a drop fall from the bottle onto the snow?

4. What did he want as he ate Turkish Delight?

5. What did Edmund tell the White Witch about Lucy?

6. What was the Queen especially interested in learning about his family?

7. What did the Queen say she’d like to do with Edmund?

8. What is her condition for carrying out her idea?

9. What did the Queen tell Edmund about fauns?

10. How is Edumund to find his way to the White Witch’s castle when he returns?

11. How does Lucy describe the White Witch to Edmund?

B. Connection Question

Lucy feels the others will believe in Narnia now that Edmund has joined her. Write about a time when you needed a friend or family member’s help in getting others to believe you.





Chapter 5: Back on This Side of the Door


Spiteful – cruel, mean, desire to see someone suffer

Frightful – extremely bad or unpleasant

Savagely – angrily

Nag – constantly annoy, irritate, or “bug”

Beastly – unpleasant; acting like a beast

Jeer – to openly make fun o someone

Fumble – to grope clumsily; to fail in attempting something

Trippers – sightseers; tourists

Snigger – disrespectful laughter behind someone’s back

Consideration – showing thoughtfulness or nice treatment

Assume – take for granted; expect

Use Our Words

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct word

1. When Lucy and Edmund return from Narnia, Lucy is hurt when Edmund, in the most __________________ and malicious way possible, says that she is lying and that they were “pretending” to visit Narnia. In fact, Edmund is quite __________________ towards Lucy.

2. Of course we know that Edmund is really the liar, but it was a most __________________ and unpleasant time for poor Lucy because she had been used to being treated with __________________ and kindness.

3. Peter and Susan are at a lost about what to do with Lucy and __________________ that she is making up the whole story.

B. Correct or Incorrect. One of the vocabulary words is used in the following sentences. If you think it was used correctly, write “correct” on the line. If it is not used correctly, write “incorrectly” on the line. (The following sentences are not necessarily truths of the story)

1. Lucy had such a BEASTLY time in Narnia visiting with Mr. Tumnus that she vowed never to return again. __________________

2. When Edmund tried to follow Lucy, he FUMBLED at the door and it took him a while to open it. __________________

3. When Lucy told her story, the children all SNIGGERED at her and begged he to continue telling them about her wonderful adventure. __________________

4. Peter treated Lucy with great consideration and JEERED at her to tell him more about Narnia.

5. The SIGHTSEERS planned a quick visit to the castle before they returned to the city. __________________


A. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter that is for the BEST possible answer.

1. When Lucy and Edmund returned from Narnia, Lucy felt:

A. Very concerned about Mr.Tumnus because she’d seen the White Witch

B. Depressed because she knew Edmund would call her liar

C. That Edmund was lying about something

D. Excited because she was sure Edmund would tell the other she was telling the truth

2. When Lucy tells the others Edmund has also been to Narnia:

A. Peter and Susan are overjoyed.

B. Peter and Susan think they are both lying.

C. Edmund denies it and says it was just a “pretend” game

D. Peter and Susan decide to go to Narnia right away

3. Peter becomes:

A. Very angry with Edmund for encouraging Lucy.

B. Very angry with Lucy for lying.

C. Very excited and can’t wait to go to Narnia.

D. Very confused about who is telling the truth

4. Peter and Susan seemed concerned that Lucy:

A. Is depressed and needs help.

B. Is becoming a liar or losing her mind.

C. Is making up stories to get attention.

D. Is trying to get back at Edmund for not believing her.

5. Peter accuses Edmund of:

A. Hating Lucy

B. Wanting them to gang up on Lucy.

C. Being mean to anyone smaller.

D. Being a liar.

6. When Peter and Susan tell the Professor about Lucy’s story, he:

A. Asks why they didn’t believe her.

B. Agrees to write to their parents.

C. Agrees to talk to Lucy.

D. Suggests they take Lucy to see a doctor.

7. Which on is NOT a possibility the Professor mentions regarding Lucy’s story?

A. She is telling lies.

B. She is telling truth.

C. She is mad.

D. She is unhappy and wants attention.

8. According to the Professor, what makes it most probable that Lucy’s story is likely to be true?

A. Edmund says she’s lying.

B. Lucy doesn’t tell lies.

C. Lucy isn’t smart enough to make ups all the details she knows about Narnia.

D. If there were another world, it would have a time of its own.

9. The Professor’s advice for dealing with Lucy is to:

A. Go along with her story.

B. Mind their own business.

C. Send Lucy back to London.

D. Lock Lucy in her room.

10. Why did people often visit the Professor’s house?

A. The Professor was a famous author.

B. The Queen of England stayed there.

C. The house was old and famous.

D. The house was haunted.

11. What did Mrs. Macready, the housekeeper, tell the children to do when she was showing people the house?

A. To be helpful and answer their questions

B. To prepare a nice tea for them

C. To find the professor at once.

D. To disappear and not make any noise.

12. Whose idea was it to hide in the wardrobe?

A. Susan’s

B. Peter’s

C. Edmund’s

D. Lucy’s

13. When the children hide in the wardrobe, Peter remembers….

A. He has promised the Professor to never enter the room again.

B. He ahs agreed to keep Lucy away from the wardrobe.

C. To always leave a wardrobe door open.

D. To return for food.

14. Based on what you’ve read so far, Mrs. Macready seems to be what?

A. Very loving and fond of the children

B. Very cold and mean spirited

C. Very considerate and patient

D. A poor housekeeper

B. Questions – Answer in COMPLETE sentences

1. Why do you think the Professor is willing to believe Lucy’s story?





2. Peter says, “Well sir, if things are real they are there all the time”. Do you agree or disagree. Explain.






3. Have you ever been disbelieved even though you were telling the truth? Take out a sheet of loose-leaf. Discuss how you felt, and how the situation turned out. Use the entire page, write in COMPLETE sentences, and be DESCRIPTIVE.

Chapter 6: Into the Forest


Camphor – a chemical used in mothballs

Bagged – stolen

Bearing – going forward

Prigs – people too concerned with nice manners

Crockery – dishes

Wash-out – waste of time

Premises – place, area

Treason – betrayal of ruler or government

Chatelaine – female ruler of a castle

Harbouring – hiding

Fraternizing – being friendly

Larder – pantry, kitchen cupboards

Use Our Words

A. Use the words above to fill in the blanks.

1. The wardrobe smelled of _______________

2. Edmund said to himself that he would _______________ the others, and that they were stuck-up _______________.

3. The lady Edmund met called herself the _______________ of Cair Paravel as well as the Queen of Narnia.

4. Tumnus was charged with _______________, _______________ spies, and _______________with humans.

B. Use the word above that best completes the sentence.

1. We should e careful with whom we _______________ because often we behave just like our friends.

2. When the children discover Mr. Tumnus’ house, the _______________ has been shattered to pieces, and all there is to see are the remains of what was once a beautiful home.

3. When entering the wardrobe, the children smell _______________, a chemical used to keep moths from eating the clothing.


A. True or False. Write the complete word.

1. When the children find themselves in Narnia, Susan is the first to apologize to Lucy. ______

2. Susan wants to return to the Professor’s house because she is afraid. _______________

3. Edmund reveals he has already been in Narnia when he tells them how to get to the lamp-post. _______________

4. Edmund apologizes to others, especially to Lucy. _______________

5. When Lucy leads them to Mr. Tumnus’ cave, they find it deserted, but in good shape. ______

6. Mr. Tumnus has been arrested by the White Witch for High Treason. _______________

7. Maugrim is the name of the Captain of the Queen’s secret police. _______________

8. Edmund wants to go back to the Professor’s house because he realized the “Queen” is evil. _______________

9. Lucy sees a robin with a red breast that seems to want to talk to her. _______________

10. Edmund tries to convince Peter that they might be heading into a trap. _______________

11. Peter agrees with Edmund that fauns can’t be trusted. _______________

12. Peter isn’t concerned about where they are because he knows the way back to the Lantern Wood.

B. Answer the following questions in FULL sentences.

1. What were the first clues that something strange was happening inside the wardrobe?



2. How did the fur coats look on the children?



3. How did Edmund give away the fact that he had been in Narnia before?



4. What did the children find at the Faun’s cave?



5. Who was the chief of the secret police?



6. Why did the siblings decide not to just go home?



7. What was Peter worried about?



8. What did Edmund suggest about the robin?



9. Why did Peter decide to trust the bird?



C. Extension Questions – grab a piece of loose-leaf to answer these questions

1. What would YOU take with you to Narnia? If you had the chance to visit Narnia and were allowed to take with you only 10 items, what would you take with you? Make a list, and give a reason for why you included each item (No weapons allowed)

2. Why do Lucy, and then Susan and Peter, feel a duty to go to Mrs. Tumnus’ rescue in spite of the personal danger involved. Explain why or why not you agree with their decision. Make it a 7-sentence paragraph.

3. Write a 7-sentence paragraph about a time when you got someone in trouble without meaning to.

Chapter 7: A Day with the Beavers


Dodging – to escape the notice of; avoiding

Token – object used as a symbol representing something else

Festoons – decorations such as ribbons, flowers or leaves, hanging between two points

Burring – a sound like whirring or humming

Hoarse – rough or harsh-sounding voice

Beckoned – invited by means of hand signs to follow someone

Trifle – something of little importance and value

Steep – going up or down at a sharp angle

Dam – barrier of concrete or earth built across a river or stream to control the flow of water

Icicles – water frozen in the act of falling

Bunks – beds often stacked on top of each other to save space

Trowels – hand tools used for designs

Oilskins – coats treated with oil so as to keep out water

Range – stove; something to cook on

Mortar – material used in building walls to hold things together

Use Our Words

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary words

1. The children were led into the woods and then saw what looked like a beaver _______________ between the trees. The beaver held up his paw in a warning signal for the children to be quiet and _______________ them to follow him.

2. Although the children were a little frightened, the beaver showed them Lucy’s handkerchief as a _______________ that he could be trusted. So the children decided to follow the beaver.

3. Mr. Beaver’s dam was very different from Mr. Tumnus’ cave. There were _______________ coats and gumboats along one wall, _______________ beds, a large _______________ full of water sitting on the _______________ for tea, and strangest of all, Mr. Beaver was sitting in front of a _______________machine that was making a _______________noise!

B. If the bolded word is used CORRECTLY in the sentence, write correct on the line. If not, rework the sentence by writing a word in the space that makes sense in the context of the story.

1. There were festoons of ice decorating Mr. and Mrs. Beaver’s house. _______________

2. When Susan praised MR.s Beaver’s work on his dam, he told them his work was a mere token. _______________

3. We know that Mr. Beaver is humble because he tells the children his work is a mere trifle _______________

4. If you live in a very cold and wintry climate, it is a good idea to have a silk coat to protect you from the cold. _______________


A. True or False. Write the whole word when answering.

1. Edmund felt it was a good decision to trust Mr. Beaver. _______________

2. Susan shows how well she understands people when she praises Mr. Beaver’s dam. _______

3. When the children first saw Mr. Beaver’s dam they were disappointed. _______________

4. Mrs. Beaver was sewing when the children entered the cave. _______________

5. While Mrs. Beaver prepared dinner, Mr. Beaver took the children fishing. _______________

6. Dinner was a wonderful moment and, for dessert, there was a fresh sticky marmalade roll. _______________

7. Mr. Beaver was upset that it was snowing because he was afraid the children might catch cold. _______________

B. Answer the following questions in COMPLETE sentences on a new sheet of loose-leaf.

1. What was unusual about the animal the children saw?

2. What did the Beaver say about the trees?

3. How did he know he was a friend?

4. How did the name of Aslan affect each child?

5. How long did it take to reach the Beaver’s house?

C. Write a journal entry as either Susan or Peter. Describe what you think of Narnia and the journey that you are about to embark on. How do you feel? What action should you take? How do you feel about how your siblings are acting? What is your reaction to the Beavers?

Chapter 8: What Happened After Dinner?


Statue – 3D image of a person or creature sculpted in stone or carve from wood

Stratagem – plan, a clever trick or scheme to outwit an enemy

Claim – to demand something; to stay that something is true but not offer proof

Jinn – the Jinn; created from a smokeless flame of fire; demon spirits that are hostile to humans

Hatchet – tool used to cut wood; small hand axe

Prophecy – a prediction of future events

Reign – period of time during which someone rules a nation

Plunging – falling off of or into suddenly

Muffle – to mute or soften or deaden a sound

Decoy – to lure someone into a trap

Cautious – careful

Use Our Words

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word.

1. Peter wanted to come up with a _______________ in order to help save Mr. Tumnus.

2. According to the _______________, everything will be right in Narnia when, “Aslan comes in sight”.

3. According to Mr. Beaver, the White Witch’s _______________ to rule Narnia is based on the fact that she is, “human”.

4. The truth is that the White Witch is descended from the _______________ and the giants and has no drop of human blood in her veins.

5. During the White Witch’s _______________in Narnia, it has always been winter but never Christmas.


A. Multiple Choice – Reach each questions, then select the best possible answer based on this chapter you have read. Circle the letter of your answer.

1. What is it that Lucy most wants to discover from the beavers?

A. What will happen to them

B. What happened to Mr. Tumnus

C. Where Cair Paravel is located

D. If Aslan is a man

2. What must they wait for if they hope to save Edmund?

A. A sign from him

B. The beginning of spring

C. A visit with Aslan

D. The snow to stop falling

3. Where are the children to meet Aslan?

A. The Stone Table

B. Cair Paravel

C. The middle of the forest

D. The front of the White Witch’s palace

4. Who is the White Witch’s mother?

A. A Giant

B. A daughter of Eve

C. Related to Dwarves

D. A Jinn

5. Why was Mr. Tumnus assigned the task by the White Witch of watching for human children entering Narnia?

A. She wanted to close the portal between the worlds

B. She wanted to make a deal with the children so they would never return

C. The arrival of the children could mean her reign would come to an end

D. She wanted to enchant them with Turkish Delight and make them her slaves

6. Where is the castle with four thrones for he children located?

A. High in the mountains near the White Witch’s palace

B. On the sea coast

C. Deep in the forest near the Beaver’s dam

D. On a river near Stone Table

7. What is Peter’s first reaction when he realized Edmund has betrayed them?

A. Hope he learns a lesson

B. Start a search for him

C. Want to send him back to the Professor’s

D. Yell at him

8. How is it that Mr. Beaver is so certain Edmund has betrayed them to the White Witch?

A. Edmund let it slip that he’d tasted Turkish Delight

B. Edmund kept asking questions about the location of the Witch’s palace

C. Lucy told him she was suspicious of him

D. He could tell by the look in Edmund’s eyes

9. Why does Mrs. Beaver want to know when Edmund slipped away?

A. She is concerned he might freeze to death

B. Because if he left before they started talking about Aslan, the White Witch won’t be told about Aslan’s arrival in Narnia

C. She didn’t like Edmund and hoped he would lose his way, given them more time to escape

D. She is sure that the White Witch won’t set out after them if she has one of the children

10. Why is it important for Mr. and Mrs. Beaver and the children to leave right away?

A. Mrs. Beaver believes the White Witch will set out directly from her home to capture them and turn the children to stone

B. Mr. Beaver wants to set a trap from the White Witch

C. Peter and Lucy and Susan want to reach Edmund before he gets into any more trouble

D. The robin has seen the Witch getting ready to leave her palace.

B. Think About It

1. Why are the children important in order to fulfill the prophecy?



2. How is it possible for Aslan not to be safe, but to be good?




3. Why do you think that Peter and the girls want to look for Edmund in spite of his obvious betrayal?




4. If faced with the same situation as Peter, Susan, and Lucy; would you go searching for your sibling who betrayed you? Why or why not? What actions would you take?





Chapter 9: In the Witch’s House


Arrangement – an agreement; preparations s something can happen in the future

Excuse – provide a reason for one’s actions that make them seem more OK or at least not so bad

Reckon – to figure out; calculate; determine

Eerie – creepy; scary; strange

Dunce cap – sharp pointed hat that represents being stupid

Threshold – doorway or entrance

Shuffle – move feet slowly along the ground without picking them up

Skidding – sliding out of control across a slick surface

Schemes – secret design or plan of action

Plain – large expanse of level or rolling land, usually with few trees

Gloat – feel good about something often at the expense of others

Turret – towers that form a part of the exterior walls of a castle

Venture – to go forth; to set out on a risky or dangerous trip

Tread – to walk or step

Satyr – same as a faun (body of human and legs of a goat)

Chattering – to tremble without control with teeth clicking together, especially when one is very cold

Centaur – mythical creature, half man and half horse

Use Our Words

A. Read the following sentences and place the correct vocabulary word in the blank

1. Edmond tried to ______________________ his behaviour by telling himself nothing very bad would happen to his brother and sisters.

2. As Edmond made his way to the White Witch’s palace, he had trouble keeping his balance and found himself ______________________ on the snow.

3. After what seemed a long while, Edmund began to ______________________ because his feet were to heavy pick up.

4. By the time Edmund reached the White Witch’s palace, his teeth were ______________________; he felt the bitter cold, and he was afraid.

5. The palace was so ______________________ and frightening that Edmund would have turned back if he could, but he realized he had no choice but to ______________________ on and join forces with the White Witch.

6. When Edmund realized the ______________________ in the courtyard were made of stone, he began to ______________________ and jeer at them, particularly when he saw the lion.

7. When Edmond finally reached the ______________________ to the palace, he was surprised to see a great wolf guarding the door.


A. True or False. Write the full word on the line depending on if the statement is true or false.

1. Edmund wants the Witch to turn his brother and sisters into stone. ____________________

2. Deep down inside, Edmund knows that the White Witch is cruel. ______________________

3. To keep going through the cold and dark, Edmund dreams about what he will do when he becomes the King of Narnia. ______________________

4. Edmund feels that the White Witch is very likely the victim of slander and believes she is the rightful Queen. ______________________

5. The first thing Edmund plans to do when he becomes King is to reverse the spell that keeps Narnia always winter. ______________________

6. When Edmund first saw the White Queen’s palace he was overjoyed and eager to go inside because he was sure of a warm welcome. ______________________

7. When Edmund first saw the figures in the courtyard, he immediately knew they weren’t dangerous. ______________________

8. When Edmund was escorted into the presence of the White Witch, she treated him kindly and offered him some Turkish Delight. ______________________

9. The White Witch isn’t in the least bit worried that Aslan is returning. ___________________

10. The White Witch rewards Edmund for his news by turning him into stone. ______________

B. Comprehension Questions. Look back in the chapter to find the answers to the following questions. Take out a piece of loose-leaf to write your answers down.

1. Why hadn’t Edmund enjoyed dinner?

2. When did he actually slip out of the Beavers’ house?

3. What were some of the excuses he made up about he Witch in his own mind?

4. What cheered him up as he was walking?

5. How was he able to find his way?

6. What frightened him just inside the courtyard gate?

7. What silly thing did he do when he recovered from his fright?

8. How did the Witch greet him?

C. Use a blank sheet of paper to draw and colour how you imagine the White Witch’s throne room to look.

Chapter 10: The Spell Begins to Break


Fussing – worrying over details or small, unimportant things

Abide – patiently endure; in the negative – to find something unbearable or unacceptable

Fiddling – messing around with; playing with something in a careless way

Plaguey – annoying; troublesome

Frowsty – stale; musty-smelling

Scramble - move quickly and urgently

Brambles – prickly shrub or bush

Sluice Gate – gate across a stream that controls the flow of water

Solemn – lacking joy or humor; serious

Shield – piece of armor carried on the arm for protection against flying weapons

Hilt – handle of a sword, knife or dagger

Sheath – case for the blade of a knife or sword

Quiver – long narrow case for holding arrows

Cordial – a special drink with healing qualities in it

Ramped – stood threateningly with raised forelegs

Use Our Words

A. Fill in the blanks from the vocabulary words used in this chapter. Use the context of the story to help you decide which word to use.

1. Susan couldn’t ______________________ the way Mrs. Beaver seemed to take her time! Mrs. Beaver was ______________________ and ______________________ about trying to decided what they should take with them when all the children and Mr. Beaver wanted to do was to get on their way!

2. After walking for hours , the reached a small, safe cave and ______________________ together to keep out of the cold. Mrs. Beaver gave them a ______________________of something warm to drink and though they ______________________ a little it stung their throats, they were soon fast asleep.

3. The children could hardly believe their eyes when they saw Father Christmas waiting for them. Each child received a gift; for Susan there was a ______________________full of arrows and a beautiful ______________________ horn to blow in case she was in trouble.

4. Lucy received a ______________________ made of the juice of fire-flowers and a dagger to defend herself.

5. Last, but not least, Father Christmas bestowed a ______________________ and a sword up on Peter. The______________________ of the sword was made of pure gold.


A. Multiple Choice. Circle the BEST answers to the question.

1. Why was Susan upset with Mrs. Beaver?

A. She felt she was taking too much time to get ready to leave.

B. She felt Mrs. Beaver was being rude.

C. She was upset that Mrs. Beaver seemed to dislike Edmund.

D. She was tired and didn’t want to leave.

2. What item did Mrs. Beaver decide not to take with them on their journey?

A. Handkerchief

B. Tea

C. Sugar

D. Sewing Machine

3. Why does Susan believe there is not “hope” of escape?

A. Aslan doesn’t understand that Edmund has betrayed them.

B. Susan hears the sound of bells.

C. Mrs. Beaver is taking a long time to get ready.

D. Mrs. Beaver says they won’t be able to get to the Stone Table before her.

4. Where did Mr. Beaver lead the children?

A. Directly towards the Stone Table

B. To Cair Paravel

C. To a safe cave hidden in the forest

D. To a friend’s cave

5. What did Mrs. Beaver provide for the children after they found safety?

A. Pillows

B. A drink to help them sleep

C. Warm blankets

D. A nice snack of sugar cakes

6. What sound woke the children, convinced them that the White Witch had found them?

A. The sound of a horn

B. The sound of horses pulling a sledge

C. The sound of bells

D. The sound of music

7. How did Father Christmas appear to the children?

A. Very solemn and serious

B. Fat and jolly just like thy imagined him

C. Like a big dwarf

D. Like a very old man

8. What gift did Father Christmas plan to give to Mrs. Beaver?

A. A new tea set

B. An oven that would always bake fresh bread

C. A new apron

D. A new sewing machine

9. How will Susan’s ivory horn help her?

A. It will help her heal the wounded.

B. It will help her defend herself.

C. It will sound an alarm if she is in danger.

D. It will change into a bow and arrow when she in danger.

10. What did Lucy receive from Father Christmas?

A. A warm sweater

B. A pair of snow boots

C. A cordial and a dagger to defend herself

D. A magic wand

B. What do YOU think? The answers to these questions are NOT found in the book. You must decide on the answer YOURSELF. There is no right or wrong.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the author’s statement, “Battles are ugly when women fight”. WHY?





2. How well do YOU THINK the 3 children would have made out in Narnia if they’d been all on their own without the help of the Beavers?





3. Write a short journal as Peter, Susan, or Lucy about how they feel running from the White Witch. How do they feel? How do they feel towards the Beavers? How do they feel towards their siblings? Remember to write AS THAT CHARACTER.





Chapter 11: Aslan is Nearer


Repulsive – to repel; make someone feel dislike or disgust

Stale – no longer fresh

Scent – a particular ordor or smell

Swish – sound made by a sled moving across a snowy surface

Vermin – small, common animals or insects that are pests to human or other animals

Plum Pudding – type of pudding made from plums, commonly served at Christmas in England

Gaiety – happiness; eagerness; excitement

Gluttony – eating and drinking to excess or too much

Self Indulgence – pleasing oneself, usually to excess

Foggy – condensed water vapor that makes seeing difficult

Thaw – melt; as in the melting of snow in springtime

Slush – snow or ice that has begun to melt

Relief – standing out; contrast of colour

Councillor (old British Spelling) – advisor; someone who gives advice often to people in power

Whip – used to strike a person or animal as punishment

Shafts – beams of light

Glade – an open area of wood or forest without trees or bushes

Chirped – a short, high-pitched sound made by a bird

Alighting – to land; to settle after a flight

Use Your Words

A. Fill in the blank with the missing word that best completes the meaning of the sentence.

1. After Edmund’s arrival the White Witch lost no time. She ____________________ her reindeer and they took off her ____________________ at once.

2. Edmund was feeling very depressed because all he’d had to eat was ____________________ bread that tasted awful and a littler water. He regretted his ____________________ and ____________________ because he’d begun to realize that all the Turkish Delight in the world and being made King of Narnia wouldn’t mean anything if it were to cost the lives of others.

3. Edmund was terrified especially when the White Witch smacked him across the face. Bush soon it began to grow warmer and suddenly it was quite ____________________ and difficult to see. The snow was beginning to ____________________ and turn to slush.

4. Soon after, Edmund could see ____________________ of sunlight and hear the ____________________ of birds as they ____________________ on the trees.

B. Write one of your vocabulary words on the short line. Then use the word correctly in a sentence that YOU came up with.

1. ____________________; _______________________________________________________


2. ____________________; _______________________________________________________


3. ____________________;_______________________________________________________


4. ____________________; _______________________________________________________



A. Take out a piece of loose-leaf paper and write your answers to the following questions. Use COMPLETE SENTENCES. You may use your book to find your answers.

1. What did the Dwarf bring Edmund to eat and drink?

2. What did the Witch order the wolf to do?

3. How did Edmund feel riding in the Witch’s sledge?

4. Why did the Witch stop suddenly?

5. What did she do to the party of animals?

6. Why did the sledge stop running well?

7. What did the Witch, the Dwarf, and Edmund do when the sledge couldn’t go any further?

8. What did the Dwarf say had happened?

9. How did the Witch respond to his statement?

B. Read the following questions and answer them carefully. The answers are NOT in the book.

1. What does the word “courage” mean to you? Also provide an example.




2. Do you think Edmund demonstrated courage when he tried to keep the White Witch from turning the animals into stone? Why or why not?




3. Why do you think Edmund tried to stop the White Witch?



C. Write a newspaper article about the change in weather in Narnia. Make sure to provide your readers (all the animals and spirits in Narnia) with the who, what, when, where, why, and how.

Chapter 12: Peter’s First Battle


Kingfisher – a brightly coloured bird

Thrush – a small songbird

Thickets – a dense or tangled growth of trees or bushes

Blister – painful swelling just under the skin

Moss – spreading green, non-flowering plant that grows in moist shady places

Pavilion – large tent or other temporary building used for shelter or entertainment

Grim – a forbidding or stern appearance

Tent Pegs – small pieces of metal, plastic, or wood used to secure a tent

Ivory - dentine; a hard cream – coloured substance that forms the tusks of animals such as elephants

Awkward – shy; uncomfortable; embarrassed

Fidgets – uneasy, restless, nervous movements

Rampant – standing on one hind foot with one foreleg raised above the other and the head in profile

Bared – exposed; uncovered

Use Our Words

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

1. When Susan was walking through the woods, her ankle began to hurt and she wasn’t surprised to see a _________________ forming.

2. As the children walked through green _________________ it was obvious that winter was giving way to spring.

3. When the children first saw the Stone Table in the middle of the open glade, they were surprised that it was simply a _________________ piece of stone.

4. The pavilion sparkled in the sun and the banner with the picture of the _________________ lion dominated the scene.

5. At first the children felt shy and _________________ and were afraid to approach Aslan, but when they greeted him their _________________ died quickly, and they were happy to stand quietly and wait for him to address them.

6. The children and the Beavers saw _________________ and _________________ as they were walking.

7. After climbing a high hill, the children were able to see the sea, the Stone Table, and a _________________ pitched on one side of a green open space.


A. Take out a piece of loose-leaf and answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES. Use your book if you need to.

1. What did the children understand had happened when the magic spring began?

2. Describe the Stone Table. Draw a picture.

3. How did the Beavers and the children feel when they saw Aslan?

4. How did Lucy think Aslan’s face looked?

5. What did Aslan show Peter?

6. What did Peter see after he heard the horn?

7. How did he feel, and what did he do?

8. What did Aslan send the other creatures to do?

B. Critical Thinking. Answer in COMPLETE SENTENCES on the same piece of paper.

1. Why do you think the children and the Beaver’s hesitated to approach Aslan?

2. Why do you think Peter didn’t understand at first what the horn blowing meant?

C. Creative Writing.

1. Write a journal article as one of the children about meeting Aslan.

Chapter 13: Deep magic from the Dawn of Time


Crouch – squat down on the balls of the feet with knees bent and body hunched over

Dew – moisture from the air that condenses as tiny drops on surfaces

Safe Conduct – protection given someone passing through an area occupied by an enemy force

Advantage – a superior or favorable position in relation to somebody or something

Dispute – question or doubt the validity of something; to disagree

Traitor – someone who behaves in a disloyal or double-crossing way

Offense – misdeed; break an accepted moral or social standard

Engraved – carved or etched on a hard surface with a design or lettering

Scepter – ceremonial staff or rod used as a power of authority

Forfeit – loss of something because of not fulfilling a legal debt or obligation

Perish – to be destroyed or ruined

Renounced – given up a claim, title, position or right

Claim – demand something officially that someone else has a right to or owns

Murmur – muttered complaint; grumbling

Use Your Words

A. Fill in the blank with the appropriate word from above.

1. To satisfy the Deep Magic, it is necessary to _________________ Edmund’s life. The White Witch has a legal _________________ to his blood because he is a _________________.

2. Unless Aslan is able to get the White Witch to _________________her claim to his life, Edmund will be put to death.

3. Although Edmund has committed a grave_________________ against his brother and sisters and against all that is good in Narnia, Susan pleads for his life.

B. Choose a vocabulary word and write it in the small space. Then write a sentence using the word correctly.

1. ____________________; _______________________________________________________


2. ____________________; _______________________________________________________


3. ____________________; _______________________________________________________


4. ____________________; _______________________________________________________



A. Answer the following questions on a blank piece of loose-leaf. Use COMPLETE SENTENCES.

1. What did the White Witch mean when she said that if only three of the thrones were filled, it wouldn’t complete the prophecy?

2. When the White Witch heard what had happened to Maugrim, what did she instruct the other wolf to do?

3. What happened just when Edmund was convinced that he would die at the hands of the White Witch?

4. What actually were the stump and bolder?

5. What happened to the Witch’s magic wand in all the confusion?

6. What was the message delivered to Aslan by the leopard?

7. What is the price for being a traitor in Narnia?

B. What are your thoughts? Answer the following questions based on what YOU THINK!

1. When Aslan announced that the White Witch has “renounced all claim on Edmond’s blood”, what do you think is the price that will have to be paid?






2. Why do YOU THINK of the way the rescuers treated Edmund?




3. Why do YOU THINK Alsan roared when the White Witch asked him how she could be sure that he would keep his promise?






Chapter 14: The Triumph of the Witch


Campaign – organized series of actions designed to accomplish a specific goal

Siege – prolonged military effort to surround a place and cut off from all outside access in order to force surrender

Assault – to attack, as in war

Groped – search for something blinded or uncertainly

Bind – tie something securely by winding a cord around it to hold it in place

Gibber – to speak quickly without making sense

Shaved – cutting hair with a razor or scissors

Shears – scissors; devices used to cut hair or fleece

Squat – to crouch down

Muzzle – device strapped over the nose and jaws of an animal to prevent it from opening its mouth

Rabble – noisy, unruly crowd of people; mob

Hoist – raise or lift something up into position

Whet – to sharpen the cutting edge of a blade, usually by rubbing it on a stone

Pact – agreement made between two or more individuals or groups

Appeased – to bring about a state of peace, especially by giving into to demands

Use Your Words

A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from your vocabulary list. Use the story for clues.

1. In order to prepare for their ____________________________ against the White Witch, Aslan spoke long with Peter, preparing him for a possible ____________________________ against the Witch’s palace.

2. Peter was uncomfortable when he realized that whenever ____________________________ Aslan had made with the White Witch might make it impossible for Aslan to be with him during the final ____________________________on the White Whitch and her evil minions.

3. Later that evening, Susan and Lucy were unable to sleep and, in the dead of night, they ____________________________their way blindly out of the tent in search of Aslan.

4. When they arrived at their destination, Aslan bid the girls farewell, and they both began to cry ____________________________for they were certain something awful was going to happen.

5. The girls ____________________________ in the shadows behind some trees as the evil minions of darkness ____________________________ the great Aslan with rope, put a ____________________________ over his beautiful jaw, and then ____________________________ off his luxurious mane.

6. When all was ready, Aslan was ____________________________ onto the Stone Table and the White Witch began to ____________________________ her knife to make sure it would be sharp enough to kill the once proud lion.


A. Multiple Choice. Circle the BEST possible answer. Use the book for clues.

1. How many plans of battle did Aslan suggest Peter should prepare?

A. Four

B. Two

C. Six

D. One

2. How would you describe Aslan’s mood on the way to the Fords of Beruna?

A. Depressed

B. Confident

C. Bitter

D. Angry

3. Why couldn’t Lucy and Susan sleep?

A. They were worried about Edmund.

B. They were excited about the battle to come.

C. They were afraid.

D. They were anxious about Aslan.

4. What does Aslan ask the girls to do as they accompany him?

A. Bury their cold hands in his fur.

B. Not talk

C. Sing a song with him.

D. Pray for him

5. As Alsan moved towards the Stone Table, the Witch told her creatures to

A. Make fun of him

B. Throw chips of burning wood at him

C. Blind him tight

D. Hit him with their fists

6. Why did the Witch insist that Aslan be shaved?

A. She was afraid that Aslan’s mane would get in the way of her knife

B. She thought that perhaps Aslan might betray his word and hide a weapon in his mane

C. She planned to take the fur and make a cloak for herself

D. She wanted to humiliate and embarrass him by talking away the mane that made him seem so powerful.

7. After Aslan was bound and muzzled, the rabble:

A. Still appeared to be terrified of him

B. Began to jeer at him and call him names

C. Started to throw sticks and stones at him

D. Began to sing and dance

8. After Aslan was hoisted to the top of the Table, the Witch:

A. Began to say a magic spell

B. Poured hot oil on him

C. Began to whet her knife

D. Jumped on him and kicked him in the face

9. Right before the plunged the knife into Aslan’s heart, the Witch:

A. Called upon the forces of evil to guild her hand

B. Raised her arms to the sky and called on the Emperor of Narnia to witness her triumph

C. Spit into Aslan’s face

D. Yelled at Aslan that she has triumphed and now will kill Edmund and the others

10. At the moment of his death, Aslan appeared:

A. Neither angry nor afraid but a little sad

B. Frightened

C. Full of hopelessness

D. Joyful

B. What do YOU think?

1. It appears as though Aslan knew what the Witch intended to do. He walked to her at the Stone Table willing to sacrifice himself for the children and Narnians. What makes a hero? Make a list of the qualities of a hero. Who in this story do you think falls into this category? Who in real life does? Choose one of the real life heroes you thought of and give three DESCRIPTIVE reasons WHY they you consider them a hero.







Chapter 15: Deeper Magic From Before the Dawn of Time


Vile – awful; disgusting; worthless

Shame – a painful emotion caused by awareness of guilt, unworthiness, or embarrassment

Stroke – moving the hand lightly over a surface in a loving way

Fondle – to handle very tenderly, in a loving or affectionate way

Spitefulness – mean or cruel; unreasonable desire to see someone suffer

Peer – to look very carefully; or hard

Incantation – the ritual chanting of magic words

Lashing – the quick back and forth movement of a cat’s tail

Romp – to folic or play in a joyous and high-spirited way

Briar – a shrub with woody, thorny, or prickly stems

Battlements – protective walls built with open spaces used as places of defense

Not Slacking – without stopping; moving quickly and with purpose

Use Your Words

A. Fill in the blanks with the right word. Use your book for clues

1. After the White Witch led her followers to war, Lucy and Susan approached the dead Aslan and ______________________ and ______________________ his sad face.

2. They looked with ______________________ at what the ______________________ creatures had done to Aland and were overcome with sadness.

3. The White Witch’s ______________________ was evident in the way she had sheared off his beautiful mane and muzzled his jaws

4. When the girls ______________________ carefully at Aslan’s body, they saw how small grey creatures gnawing at the cords that bound him and were overjoyed.

B. Make a sentence. Pick a word from your vocabulary list. Write it on the small blank and then write a sentence using the word correctly.

1. __________________; _________________________________________________________


2. __________________; _________________________________________________________



A. Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper. Use the book to help you.

1. What did Lucy and Susan do after the White Witch left to go to war with the others?

2. Why weren’t Susan and Lucy able to untie Aslan?

3. What were the creatures crawling all over Aslan’s body?

4. What were they doing?

5. What happened when the sun began to rise?

6. How did Aslan explain what happened?

7. What did Aslan and the children do when they realized he head truly returned to them?

8. Why was the children’s ride on Aslan’s back on of their most unforgettable experiences?

9. Where did Aslan take the children?

10. How did Aslan get the children past the castle wall and into the courtyard?

B. Continue to use your other sheet of paper. Think about the quote, “time of quietness…as if nothing is every going to happen again” that talks about the sadness the character felt. Make a chart with two catagories: tragic events (can have read about, heard about, or experienced) and ideas that might help people who have experienced such tragedies deal with their feelings. Lightly colour over your top two. We will discuss these in class.

Chapter 16: What Happened About the Statues


Bound – move quickly and energetically

Whisked – quick sweeping or whipping motion

Prodigious – great in amount, size or extent; enormous

Indigo – dark grayish-blue color

Plumage – the feathers covering a bird’s body

Braying – sound a donkey makes; harsh high-pitched, grating voice

Creeping – advancing or moving slowing

Concealed – to keep something hidden; prevent it from being known

Dungeon – underground prison cell; usually beneath a castle

Ransacking – searching and examining very thoroughly and carefully

Liberated – to release someone or a group; to set free

Surged – to move like a wave with a sudden rush in a particular direction

Bawled – yell out or up at

Rubble – broken stones, bricks and other materials from buildings that have been destroyed

Deformed – unshapely form; spoiled; disfigured; hideous looking

Din - loud, harsh, continuing noise

Use Your Words

A. Fill in the blank with the missing word that best completes the meaning of the sentence.

1. As the statues returned to life, Aslan sent them to look in the deep ______________________ of the Witch’s palace where he believed she would have ______________________ even more statues.

2. The newly ______________________ statues ______________________ toward the palace in a huge wave, and searched for others who had been turned to stone.

3. The most impressive statue was that of a stone lion who gave a ______________________ yawn after Alsan brought him back to life and began to jump and leap playfully in the yard.

B. Choose a vocabulary word. Write it on the small line and then write a SENTENCE using the word. DO NOT write the definition.

1. __________________; _________________________________________________________


2. __________________; _________________________________________________________


3. __________________; _________________________________________________________


4. __________________; _________________________________________________________



A. True or False. Write whether or not the statement is true or false. Write the WHOLE word.

1. The was such chaos in the courtyard that the dryads and nymphs fled to the forest. ______________________

2. To return the statues to life, Aslan only needed to touch them with his paw. ______________

3. As the statues returned to life, there was a great joy and excitement. ___________________

4. Lucy discovered the statue of Mr. Tumnus. ______________________

5. All giants are as good tempered as Rumblebuffin. ______________________

6. Aslan opened the front gate by using his magic. _____________________

7. Lucy gave her handkerchief to Rumblebuffin because he had a cold. __________________

8. The newly liberated statues were set free and returned to their homes. _________________

9. Peter’s army was greatly outnumbered when they arrived, and Peter was fighting with the White Witch. ______________________

10. Peter would have lost the battle had Aslan not killed the White Witch. _________________

B. Questions. Open to a new sheet of loose-leaf and answer the following questions. Use the book if you need.

1. What did Lucy think the Witch’s courtyard was like at first?

2. What did Aslan do to bring the statues back to life?

3. How did they all get out of the Witch’s courtyard?

4. What did Mr. Tumnus tell Lucy about the giant Rumblebuffin?

5. What was the change in the noise that gave Lucy an odd feeling?

6. What was happening in the center of the battlefield?

C. Think for yourself. Answer the following on the same sheet of loose-leaf based on what YOU think. Use the book to reference facts.

1. Why do you think the other lion was so pleased that Aslan had said “us lions”?

2. The final battle can be seen as a battle between the forces of good and evil. Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.

3. Explain why you think Aslan first went to the Witch’s palace instead of going directly to help Peter and the others.

Chapter 17: The Hunting of the White Stag


Seaweed – plants such as kelp that grow in the sea

Seagulls – large web-footed white and gray sea birds with yellow beaks

Revelry – a lively celebration involving eating, drinking, dancing, and merrymaking

Piercing – an intense quality of sound

Remnants – a small part of something left over after the rest is gone; survivors

Quarry – a hunted animal or bird

Marvel – something that inspires awe, amazement or admiration

Foreboding – a feeling that something bad is going to happen

Signification - the meaning of something such as a thing, word, or event

Stag – adult male deer

Lurking - hiding

Use Your Words

A. Fill in the blanks with the missing word that best completes the meaning of the sentence. Use the story context for clues.

1. After the final battle, the children travel to Cair Paravel where they are crowned kings and queens with much ______________________ and lived happily near the sea where they were accomplished by the ______________________ sounds of the ______________________ that flew over the castle.

2. The kings and queens set forth to hunt the ______________________ because they knew it would grant wishes.

3. After a long hunt the sibling saw something very strange – an iron post with a lamp on top. But though it seemed familiar, they couldn’t figure out the ______________________ of the object.


A. Questions. Take out a sheet of loose-leaf and answer the following questions in COMPLETE sentences.

1. How did Edmund help win the final battle?

2. When Lucy returns to Edmund, how does he appear (look) to her?

3. What did Aslan provide for the tired and hungry warriors who had fought in the battle?

4. What did Mr. Beaver warn the children about Aslan?

5. How do the royal names the children were given reveal their characters? (use a dictionary if you need to)

A. King Peter the Magnificent?

B. Queen Susan the Gentle?

C. Kind Edmund the Just?

D. Queen Lucy the Valiant?

6. What is it that Lucy tells the others she thinks will happen if they pass the iron lantern?

7. What does Susan advise the others to do?

8. When the children find themselves back at the Professor’s house, what is so strange there?

9. What advise does the Professor give the children if they want to return to Narnia?

B. What do YOU think?

1. Do you think Edmund should have been told what Aslan had done for him? Why or why not?

2. If you could be one character in the novel who would you choose and why?

3. What do you think life will be like for the children once they have returned to London after the war?

C. Creative Writing

1. Pretend that you are one of the Pevensie children who has just arrived at Cair Paravel. Write a letter to a friend describing your arrival and your coronation as King or Queen.


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