Pakistani flag hoisting in India by traitor muslims in India




Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee on Friday the 3rd December 2004 directed the government to look into an anti national act of Kerala muslims in raising Pakistani flag at Karipur airport in Kerala in place of National flag. The activists had gone to the airport to receive their leader and the rapist Kerala Industries Minister P.K. Kunhalikutty on his return from Makkah. The Kerala muslims had taken complete control of the airport, climbed to the top of the building, removed the national flag and hoisted the Pakistani flag. Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) activists who are responsible for this antinational act are partners of Congress led UDF government in Kerala at that time, and E. Ahamad the president of IUML is a minister in the UPA government in Delhi.

In 1954 Gulbarga, Mannila, Fatehpur.Pakistani flag was hoisted over a temple of Ganesh.

In1954 Nizamabad muslims hoisted the Pakistani flag on the statue of Mahatma Gandhi.

On July 7, 2001 at jamod in buldana district, Maharashtra, fanatic muslims hoisted pakistan’s national flags atop hindu temples and atop the trees in its vicinity.

In August 14, 2001 SRINAGAR Pakistani national flag was hoisted at several places in the Kashmir Valley on Tuesday by a constituent of hurriyat conference, Kashmir Mass Movement (KMM)whose leader is Fareeda Jan Fareeda who was jailed for four years for her role in the 1996 bomb blast in Delhi. Pakistani flags were seen hoisted at several places, at Rainawari Hospital, Nowpora Bridge, Tengpora by-pass, besides gas-filled balloons tied with Pak flags flying in the sky.

In August 15, 2002 In Basala village, 20 km from Meerut about 200 students of a madrasa, hoisted Pakistani flags atop the madrasa building and took out a procession raising pro-Pakistan and pro-Osama Bin Laden slogans. These were widely reported in the newspapers. Similar pro-Osama processions by the muslims living in India, was seen all over India, even though Osama had declared war on India,

On September 19, 2003 Pak flag was hoisted after Godhra carnage.

A witness deposing before the two-member commission inquiring into the Gujarat riots said today that Muslims in Amraiwadi area unfurled the Pakistani flag and raised pro-Pakistan slogans ten days after the Godhra riots.

After nearly 10 days of the train carnage, Pakistani flags were unfurled on top of a public tank in Ramol area and Muslims shouted slogans like 'Pakistan zindabad [Long live Pakistan]

In June 28, 2004 Shimoga, in Karnataka Tension prevailed at Cheeluru on the Shimoga-Honnali Road, about 30 km from here, on Sunday as news spread that a Pakistan flag was hoisted at a darga.

On June 29, 2004, Davanagere, Karnataka the police have arrested 14 people for hoisting a Pakistani flag at Chilur village in the district of Davanagere in Karnataka.

On November 1, 2004 Kerala muslims took over the Karipoor airport, removed the national flag and installed the Pakistani flag in its place. The video of the dishonour of the national flag was telecast in Kerala. The muslim traitors were waiting for the ice cream Kunhalikutty, who was implicated in a statutory rape. Later the muslims claimed that it was the party flag but is very difficult to distinguish between the Paki flag and muslim flag.

August 15, 2005. The Indian National Flag was flown below the flag of the Pakistani flag on the same flag mast in Muvattupuzha, near Kochi, in Kerala. This is a a glaring outrage that will boil the blood of any nationalist Indian has happened for the second time in Kerala. The Muslims say that it was not Pakistani flag but the muslim league party flag.

In February 2008 Pakistani flags were seen in a trining camp in Karnataka forest that is surrounded by religious shrines. Muslim terrorist training camps were seen in a thick forest area bordering Dharwad and Uttara Kannada districts of Karnataka. Muslim terrorists were using the place to train fresh recruits in the use of firearms.

Assam is flying Pakistani flags. Muslims in India from Kashmir, to Gujarat to Orrissa raise Pakistani flag as they are traitors and wants to create Islamic nation out of India. Assam has been reduced to Greater Bangladesh. The number of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants appears to be over 50%. The percentage of Indians in Assam, not just Assamese people may be less than 50%. Indigenous Assamese people will become the Kashmiri Pandits of the 2000s. Two blasts in the year 2009 in Guwahati as of 9th January in just 8 days.

Ironically Kerala muslims killed Hindus by thousans in the Moppila Lahala of 1921 and forcibly converted Hindus in the North. The muslim league is the same party that started the killing of Hindus in 1946 in what is known as DIRECT ACTION, for the creation of Pakistan. This resulted in the partition of India in 1947, in to India and Pakistan, but most of the muslims from Kerala as well as from the rest of India, did not go to Pakistan, but continued in India to disintegrate India further. The the fast breeding muslims in India outnumber the muslims in Pakistan. The muslims in India are working along with the ISI of Pakistan and carrying out terrorist activities throughout India. On every occasion of national importance the muslims condemn our nation in every way possible and openly express that they are beyond Indian laws. We have seen pro-Osama processions by muslims all over India like that in Hyderabad, even though Osama had declared war on India.

There was a sex scandal in 1996 in Kerala Known Suryanelli sex scandal where a minor girl was abducted, drugged and presented to many VIPs, in which Sonia’s personal assistant George was involved.


Ice cream Kunjali

In 1997 there was another sex scandal in Kerala known as the Ice cream sex scandal, where minor girls coming to an ice cream parlour were fed ice cream laced with drugs. These girls were raped, photographed in the nude and blackmailed and taken to more VIP including policemen, Judges, ministers, etc and in which the muslim politician P.K. Kunhalikutty, was the main actor.

The Congress-led UDF government in Kerala is involved in another sex scandal known as Kiliroor sex scandal, Rs 700 crore hawala racket for muslim terrorists and for anti national activities.

The communal party, the Indian Muslim League (IUML) which is the continuation of the muslim groups that voted for the creation of Pakistan, was the largest partner in the Congress coalition in Kerala during the last Kerala government. In the UPA at the Centre, E. Ahmed is the representative of the IUML of Kerala.

The method of Mumbai attack on 26-11-2008, is similar in nature to Marad attack the information of which is used by ISI LeT of Pakistan to organize it. The Indian muslim terrorists arrived by boat from the sea, in Marad beach on 2-5-2003, evening, and eight Hindu fishermen were hacked to death in a matter of 10 minutes. The muslim terrorists then escaped into the local mosques and hundreds of local Muslim women converged on the mosque to prevent the police from entering it to catch the attackers. Jihadi E Ahamed was then an MP. Jihadi supporter A.K. Antony was the chief minister of Kerala when Marad massacre happened. Both A.K. Antony and E. Ahamad were partners in the Marad massacre. It was reported that the information regarding the attack was known to E Ahamed earler.

In May 2003 a judicial commission was set up to probe the Marad massacre. The details of the report of Judge, Thomas P Joseph commission was published by the Indian Express dated 26-4-2006. Commission concluded that the Communists and Congress politicians have been cultivating muslim terrorist organizations for long. These muslim terrorist organizations are often funded from abroad for the Muslim vote-bank.

The massacre blew the cover on the surreptitious Pakistani Jihadi terror spreading in Kerala state, with full support and participation by the Muslim League, Congress and Communists and funds provided by Pakistan’s ISI. The commission has stated that there are active bases of several muslim terrorist organisations in Kerala, operating with ISI and other Jihadi funds and under their direction as well as with total local political support. It has indicted the A K Anthony government for not taking action against them as it was ‘interested only in their vote-bank.’ The report has called for further investigation, as the commission believed that there is larger conspiracy for the Marad massacre than what the state police revealed.

The Kerala DGP K J Joseph deposed before the Marad massacre commission that the then Assistant Commissioner of Police (Kozhikode) Abdul Rahim was posted by AK Anthony at Kozhikode without his knowledge and after the massacre he found the posting was done to oblige a Muslim leader, who was E. Ahamad. DGP K J Joseph said that ACP Abdul Rahim failed to investigate and take prompt action in Marad, hid the truth from his superior officers and also tried to establish that the key accused in the massacre were not guilty. Rahim removed the police post the previous day from Marad to facilitate the marad massacre. Arackaparambil Kurian Antony who is now the Defense minister of India, had swept the matter quickly under the carpet. T.K. Vinod Kumar, the then Police Commissioner told commission that the conspiracy was hatched in the Marad mosque.

The Marad commission report has said that Muslim League MP, E.Ahmad, who is now a foreign minister in the Congress-led UPA coalition, was aware of the Marad massacre conspiracy beforehand. The state government under A K. Anthony had rejected a CBI probe. Gulf based businessman V.B Mohammedkutty alias "Hilal" Mohammed,was the financier for the Marad massacre. The commission has strongly criticized the role of the muslim District Collector of Kozhikode district, T.O. Sooraj, for allowing Muslim leaders especially E. Ahmed, into the mosque after taking custody of the place for possession of huge arms cache. Sooraj is now Industries Secretary of Kerala state. The commission report criticized the investighation done by Arackaparambil Kurian Anthony’s police and asked for a special investigation team. The courts have found 62 muslim terrorists of Kerala guilty of murder and sentenced them to life imprisonment.

E Ahmad is a muslim terrorist, who shifted the weapons stored in a mosque that was used by muslim terrists for killing Hindus in the Marad massacre, with the help of a muslim collector of that area. Ahmad regularly get Hawala money from muslim nations. If we go one by one the history of each muslim politicians we can see that all of them are anti national, but got the support and membership of parties like Congress, SP, RJD etc. It was not surprising that the Jihadi E. Ahamed omitted the Nariman House attack in the statement made in the UN regarding the Mumbai 26/11 attack on 26-11-2008, by Pakistani muslim terrorists. He wanted to avoid the mention of torture and killing of Jews in the Nariman house attack.

Minister of State for External Affairs E. Ahamed belongs to two parties called Union Muslim League (IUML) in which he is secretary from 1995 and president from 14-9-2008 and he was elected to Parliament from another party as per Election Commission, and the party is called the Muslim League Kerala state committee (MLKSC). One MP cannot be a member ot two parties at the same time. E. Ahamed, has violated Indian constitution which bans a member belonging to one party holding membership of another political party. The records with the Election Commission shows that IUML and MLKSC are two different registered political parties

The Kerala muslim riots was initiated by the speeches and shouting of Allah akbar by Kunhalikutty. Kunhalikutty was the Kerala industries minister in the previous Kerala government, headed by A K. Anthony, and Kunhalikutty is known as Ice Cream Kunjali. Even though he was involved in many sex scandals he remains the pin up boy of the Kerala muslims.

The Muslim League minister, P.K. Kunhalikutty, was the main man involved in the running of a sex racket known as the Ice cream parlour case. Minor girls visiting the ice cream parlour was drugged raped and photographed in the nude and blackmailed later by his lady accomplices. The Ice cream parlour sex scam originated in August 1997 when the police raided an ice-cream parlour in Kozhikode town following a complaint from Anveshi that commercial sex trade was going on there. K. Sreedevi, the proprietor of the parlour was arrested and following interrogation of the women employees at the parlour, Kunjalikkutty while a minister in the 1991-96 UDF ministry was the man who ran the racket. Director General of Prosecutions (DGP) under the LDF ministry said that the League strongman kunjalikkutty was behind the sex racket. The ice cream parlour sex racket has become a call-girl racket of minor girls run by the minister Kunhalikutty. The state government hushed up the case, after the Communist Party of India (Marxist), made millions out of Kunjalikutty and his Gulf associates. The communist party state secretary Pinarayi Vijayan had pressured the LDF ministry of 1996-2001 to make the police exonerate Kunjalikkutty in the case. Later a public revelation by one of the victims in the sex racket case in August 2004 turned the tables on Kunjalikkutty who was number two and Industries Minister in the A.K. Antony government . The victim, K.Rejina, narrated in detail on a television channel how she was taken to various places and sexually used by Kunjalikkutty while he was a minister in the previous UDF government. Rejina even revealed why she was saying all this now; "because the muslim League people have suddenly stopped paying me money for keeping silent" she said. She even made a statement before the magistrate to this effect. Rejina, who was working in that ice-cream parlour in Kozhikode, accused the minister of sexually torturing her. But when the scandal came to light in 1997, Ice cream Kunjali threatened Rejina and forced her to change her statement to the police by offering Rs 2.25 lakh. Ice cream Kunjali raped Rejina on three occasions. Regina was minor girl then. In Rejina’s knowledge itself there were four other minor girls who were trapped in the ice cream drug scheme were regularly raped by the muslim minister Kunjali. The muslims in Kerala are pedophiles mainly because they believe that their prophet marred a six year old girl Aisha, and so raping a minor is socially acceptable to muslims. The revelation triggered a huge political upheaval in the state forcing Kunjalikkutty to quit the cabinet in early 2005.

The first Ice cream sex scandal broke out again on October 29, 2004 when Rejina broke her silence. Muslim League members asked by Ice cream Kunjali, started attacking any newspapers or media persons who dared to write about the minister Ice cream Kunjali’s dirty escapades. Muslims attacked the Regina’s house, asking her to leave the state. On November 3, in a flurry of muslim religious fanatic fury, muslim thugs attacked newspaper offices, burned vehicles, snatched TV cameras and injured a number of journalists in many parts of the state. The entire operation was watched and supervised by IUML muslim leaders. The muslim goonda activities received full support from the Kerala state police, which is under the control of the Christian Chief Minister ‘Oommen Chandy of Sonia congress and who is holding the Home portfolio.

Ice cream Kunjali is also accused in the Kerala sex racket known as Kiliroor sex scandal, and in the Rs 700 crore hawala racket that is linked to terrorist outfits. In the Kiliroor sex racket a 16-year-old Hindu Nair family girl, ‘Shaari Surendran’ from the village of Kiliroor in Kerala was lured by the promise of a career in Malayalam TV serials by women agents linked to the serving IUML minister. A middle aged pimp lady, Lata Nair, was used by TV channel ASIANET etc to talent scout for Malayalam films and television serials was used by Icecream Kunjali. Sati Nair, picked up the teenage daughter from the poverty burdened manual labourer’s family in the backwater village of Kiliroor a girl by name Shaari Surendran. Shaari Surendran went for an ‘‘audition’’ in nearby Kottayam and soon, the 16-year-old was packing her clothes to go to Munnar for a prolonged shoot. Lata Nair had gifted Shaari with a sleek cellphone to reassure her parents the girl would be in touch while she charted a career.


Shaari Surendran

Shaari Surendran was drugged, by Icecream Kunjali and gang raped by Icecream Kunjali, and other muslim VIPs. Others involved in the gang rape of Shaari Surendran are a well-known opposition leader, the director of ASIANET, a jeweler baron, leading Malayali expatriates in the Gulf like Sunny Varkey of Our Own English Medium Schools in UAE etc. Later shaari was reportedly raped by children of some of the ministers in power. Shaari was repeatedly drugged by these gangs. The rape victim Shaari became pregnant. She was traumatised after repeated rape. ‘Shaari Surendran’ was admitted initially to a private Mata hospital at Kottayam. Later the 17 year old victim delivered a premature baby and subsequently she was put on life support. Shaari was visited by a VIP, who was the Health Minister of Kerala, P. K. Sreemathy. After Sreemathy’s visit Shaari died due to poisoning, either the poisioning was done by the health minister P.K.Sreemathy or she ordered the poisioning of Shaari Surendran by the hospital staff.


Health minister P.K.Sreemathy

In the normal case the death of Shaari Surendran would have been brushed under the carpet but a few days after Shaari was killed, an entire Namboodiri family committed suicide in a neighbouring district in Kerala. The AISIANET’s pimp lady Lata Nair’s name figured again in the mass suicide. The temple priest described how the AISIANET pimp lady Lata Nair had lured away his daughter, a classical dancer, to act in ASIANET television serials and gang raped by the same gang of politician VIPs of Kerala. Lata Nair surrendered to police a month later.

India appears to be a haven for gang rape of girls by politicians and their children. It was reported that Rahul Gandhi gang raped Sukanya Devi in Amethi on 3-12-06 and Ahmad Patel send the IB goondas to threaten the locals to hush up the issue.

Initially Kerala Government under public pressure to investigate the Kiliroor sex scandal, appointed a police officer who was involved in three sexual assault cases. This was like entrusting the key to the thief itself. He submitted to the court the complaint and the dying declaration of the girl Shaari Surendran, minus one important page that contained names of VVIPs who raped her. On the court's indictment circle inspector Sunil was removed from investigation. Finally because of the public pressure the Kerala government has recommended to the Centre for a CBI inquiry into the Kiliroor sex scandal. The Tiruvanatapuram Chief Judicial Magistrate CJM Philip Thomas on 10 December 2008 directed the city police to register a case, against Kerala Health Minister P K Sreemathy, Chief Minister's private secretary S Rajendran, political secretary K N Balagopal, sons of two State Ministers and Latha Nair, for hiding a file relating to the sensational Kiliroor sex scandal case.

P.K. Kunjalikutty, who runs the sex mafia is also involved in the Rs 700 crore hawala racket, which is linked to terrorist outfits.  P.K. Kunjalikutty is the pin-up boy of the Muslim League. When the sex scandal broke out, the Muslim League's reaction initially was to muzzle the media by violent assaults through the League goons all over the state. On November 3, 2004 in a flurry of fanatic fury, League thugs attacked newspaper offices, snatched TV cameras and injured a number of journalists in many parts of the state. The entire operation was watched and supervised by League leaders. The League in its goonda activities received full support from the state police, which is under the control of the Chief Minister who is holding the Home portfolio. Kunjalikutty had to face a hostile press throughout the state and it is to the credit of the press in Kerala that a major section, particularly Mathrubhumi, Star TV, etc. stood up to the challenge.  E. Ahamad’s party, IUML’s idea was to attack any newspaper or mediaperson who dared to write about the minister’s dirty escapades. The sex scandal broke out on October 29, when a Muslim girl Rejina, who was working in an icecream parlour in Kozhikode, accused the minister of sexually torturing her. The girl said, “The minister tortured me, forced me to change my statement offering Rs 2.25 lakh. He sexually abused me thrice. I was a minor then.” 

Rejina also alleged that there were four other girls who were also being paid regularly by the minister. They were part of a call-girl racket. The girl is a witness in the notorious icecream parlour call-girl racket. She made her revelations first before the Magistrate. Rajina was only 16 when the case broke out eight years ago. It has also come to light that the LDF government, which was in power then, when the case broke out tried to get the case under wrap. It was alleged that the CPM made millions out of the deal.  Once the girl’s statement was out in the newspapers, the Muslim League activists took to the streets attacking the girl’s house, asking her to leave the state. 

Sreedevi, owner of the beauty parlour-converted ice-cream parlour on the Kozhikode beach, on 11 December 2004 addressing a press conference said that three pages of her personal diary had been torn off after it was seized by the police during the investigation into the case in 1997. It had the names and phone numbers of many prominent people in Kozhikode, including a former CPI(M) MLA who is no more, a Kozhikode based newspaper proprietor and his son and several others not arrayed as accused in the case figured in the diary. She charged that the act of ripping off the pages and deliberately staining the writings in other pages had been done with the concurrence of the Chief Minister Chief Minister, E.K. Nayanar and his Office during the rule of the Left Democratic Front (LDF) Government. The diary was then in the custody of the Home Department. Sreedevi said that her diary was seized by the police two months prior to her arrest. It was later shown to her after she spent 63 days in jail. `The well-kept diary looked shabby,'' she said. She said that she would like to get back the diary along with the missing pages.She said that she is willing to reveal more on this before a woman judge of the Sessions Court. Sreedevi said that the social activist Remila Sukhdev was persuading her to provide girls to the Industries Minister, P.K. Kunhalikutty, and other people in Kozhikode. The PDP chairman, Abdul Nasir Madany, too had a hand in the sex racket. She said that nobody gave me money, but many of the accused were paid by Kunjalikkutty and others. She said that the key witness and victim in the case, Rejina, had also made enough money through the flesh trade. Why should she need any protection? Regina a muslim girl was only 16 when Kunjalikkutty drugged and raped her. Regina’s brother and father were always in front of the Indian Union Muslim League office. Sreedevi also criticised the State Women's Commission saying that the agency had not shown the audacity to collect evidence from her. Sreedevi said that the media should visit the Palayam bus station in Kerala, at night to study the predicament of women in Kerala state.

The Rs 700 crore hawala, revealed political patronage. The enforcement directorate zeroed in on those who transferred the funds, the end use of the dirty money and the motive behind this huge flow is now being established. A mobile number of a Coimbatore-based businessman and investigations by the officials unravel perhaps the biggest money transfer racket Kerala has ever heard of. Then Chief Minister, Oommen Chandy, along with the minister Icecream Kunjalikutty, went all the way to Chennai for a meeting with Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa to seek the release of a communal muslim terrorist outfit PDP leader, Madaani, who is incarcerating in a Tamil Nadu jail. Madaani was required to plug the hawala scandal. In a letter to the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, the All India BJP Secretary L. Ganeshan requested her not to concede the Kerala Chief Minister’s demand as Madaani was accused in terrorist violence, including the blast in the RSS office in Chennai. Reports say that Jayalalithaa refused to concede to Chandy’s demands. The Jihadi Minister of State for External Affairs, E. Ahmed, went on an official West Asia tour to cover up the hawala track.  A Dubai-based businessman Asarullah Rakha Khan alias Altaf Bhai and his father Abdul Majid, settled in Kozhikode, and C Surendrakumar, owner of Lord Krishna Bullion, are identified as the link in this operation. The ED Director, R.N. Das, revealed that the terrorist links of these transactions are yet to be tracked down. According to the Intelligence Bureau, the illegal funds from Dubai, Saudi Arabia, etc are funding a number of muslim terrorist groups like Pakistan-based Harkat-ul-Jihade-e-Islami in coordination with ISI. Reports say that the banned Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) is financing its operations through hawala funds just like a number of other organisations, such as Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, JKLF, Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen, Tehrik-ul-Mujahideen, Al-Barq, Al-Umar-Mujahideen, Jkhwan-ul-Muslimeen and Pashban-e-Islam. Apart from the flow of money, the IB is also tracking cross-border flow of arms linked to these organizations. This is the link of a central minister ifn India and there is no wonder that Pakis were attacking Mumbai with full co operation of these terrorist minister E. Ahamdad. Kerala Industry Minister, Ice cream Kunjalikutty, was in Mecca to organize the hawala activities. IUML is a partner in the UPA gocernment at the centre, and this terrorist Muslim communal group enjoys the support of the christian plant Sonia Gandhi of UPA at the Centre. It is known that in Dubai, the muslim terrorists are using Kerala christians as front men for their business ventures, money laundering and transfer of funds. The well known Sunny Varkey in Dubai who was running the Pakistani schools in Dubai, was under the scanner of RAW, for his links to Dawood Ibrabhim. The Christian Chief Ministers AK Anthony, Oommen Chandy and the state congress president Ramesh Chennithala, are all hawala funded by these expatriate christians. Sonia Gandhi had given Rajiv Gandhi award for the terrorist linked Sunny Varkey.

The only long term solutions for the muslim problem in India is to have a dialogue with Pakistan to take back those muslims who are living in India but are patriotic Pakistanis. We should take back the Hindu minorities living in Pakistan.   How long we Indians can live with the enemies of Indian nation who are supporting Osama, giving shelter to ISI agents, causing bomb blasts, train burning and making the living in India for the ordinary Indians a security nightmare.

Terror camps, Pak flags in Karnataka jungles

2 Feb 2008, 0009 hrs IST, MANU AIYAPPA, TNN


Pakistani flags in Karnataka woods surrounded by religious shrines (TOI Photo)

KALGHATGI (DHARWAD): Terrorist training camps may be closer to home than the distant mountains in Pakistan.

This chilling evidence came to light during the interrogation of three Islamist radicals arrested recently - Riyazuddin Nasir alias Mohammed Ghouse, Asadullah Abu Bakar and Mohammed Asif. 

The investigators have unearthed a thick forest area bordering Dharwad and Uttara Kannada districts of Karnataka, which was used to train terrorists in the use of firearms. The three youths arrested by anti-terror police in Hubli and Davanagere a fortnight ago allegedly received weapons training in these woods which are surrounded by religious shrines.

Sources said this could well be the first time that a terrorist camp used by self-proclaimed Islamist fundamentalists has been detected in southern India, where a spate of terror attacks in the last few years, such as the ones in Hyderabad's Mecca mosque and the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, have sensitized police to Islamist terrorism. It exposes a serious chink in the country's intelligence armour but also opens the door to getting answers on why and how Bangalore engineer Kafeel Ahmed transformed into the Glasgow bomber and his brother, Dr Sabeel Ahmed, joined in the UK terror plot. 

Investigations led by DSP S V D'Souza revealed that the radicals were taking camping trips to the woods for "initial training as terrorists". During a raid, the officials noticed Pakistani flags flying and had them removed.

The details of the camp have been passed on to Central intelligence agencies. "The existence of the camp and the fact that the likes of prime suspect Mohammed Ghouse allegedly worked for a terror organization in Pakistan through intermediaries is of vital importance for intelligence agencies," an investigating official said. 

Not only does it prove that the terrorist network is wider in southern India than imagined, it also establishes links between various terror attacks across the country, including the sensational strikes at IISc in Bangalore, Ajmer and Mecca Masjid of Hyderabad. 

Given the sensitivity of the matter, the police are keeping investigation details a secret. Sources said that investigators have spent the last few days trying to establish who was running the camp and who were the men being trained. They are also trying to establish the operation for which these people were being trained.

A local police officer said the three accused revealed that they had established base in Kalghatgi and were preparing for a jihadi strike. Ghouse and his accomplice Abu Bakar frequently visited Kalghatgi along with Asif, a MBBS student. Here they met about 20 young radicals who were being taught the use of small arms and double barrel guns.

Goa tourist hotspots escape Bali-like terrorist bombings – the mastermind spills the beans

February 11, 2008

Militants planned Bali-like bombings in Goa’s tourist hotspots and beaches but gave up the idea because the RDX and money did not arrive in time. This was revealed by the masterminds behind the plot, Riyazuddin Nasir from Hyderabad and Asadullah Basha of Hospet in Karnataka. They admitted to the plot during their interrogation by the Karnataka police when they said they had visited North Goa twice ahead of last year’s new year celebrations and once after that. The duo, who had plans of attacking one of the crowded hotspots on North Goa’s famous beaches on Dec 31last year failed to accomplish their task because they did not get the finance and the material – RDX – in time. 

Official sources in Panaji said the suspects, Riyazuddin Nasir, Mohammed Asif and Asadullah Abubaker, had visited Goa thrice for this purpose, twice on motorcycles and once by bus. Sources say they were targeting the Calangute-Baga beach belt and a crowded discotheque. Possible targets, sources said, included places frequented by Israeli tourists. 

Goa and Mumbai have been put on high alert. Police have intensified checking and are trying to uncover possible terror links. The hotels in Goa are being asked to insist on identification of their guests before they check in. Goa Chief Minister Digamber Kamat has said a police team has been sent to Karnataka to find out more details. Revealing the terrorist plan, Goa Home Minister Ravi Naik told newsmen in Panaji on Feb. 7 that the terror suspects arrested in Karnataka had recently done even a survey of the beaches. They surveyed coastal areas and many crowded areas. The Goa Police chief, Kishan Kumar, told newsmen that the terror suspects, Riyazuddin Nasir and Asadullah Basha during their interrogation by the Karnataka police admitted that they had visited North Goa twice ahead of last year’s New Year celebrations and once after that.

Goa is a famous tourist spot for foreigners. A whopping jump from a million-odd tourists to some 28 million tourists visited the State in recent years as it is a safe destination. Those in the Government and tourism industry have said there was a definite design to tarnish the image of the growing popularity of the coastal paradise among other hot spots of holidaying.

Terror alert was sounded in Goa both in 2005 and 2006 also. The threat of Bali-type bombings in Goa had loomed ahead of the tourist season in 2005 with the then State Tourism Minister, Wilfred d’Souza, going public on an “international intelligence agency” warning of a terrorist outfit’s plan to hit foreign tourists in the State. A security alert was thereafter sounded in October 2006 following similar inputs of bars and discotheques frequented by US and British tourists being targeted on the lines of Bali bombings. The threat primarily emanates from Lashkar-e-Taiba, a leading group active in the country. It has close networking with the Al-Qaeda. The latter had, through its affiliate Jemaah Islamiyah, carried out the Bali bombings in 2002 and 2005 which together killed 221 people. The aim in targeting Bali was also to hit foreign tourists, mainly Americans who are known to prefer Indonesian beaches in a holiday destination.

Spread of terrorism to southern India

The arrest of Riyazuddin Nasir and his accomplices from Karnataka and his revelation of a plot to carry out terrorist attacks in Goa show that the terrorists are steadily spreading their tentacles across India. It is now clear that the recent spate of terrorist attacks in southern India – from the shooting at Bangalore’s Indian Institute of Science to Hyderabad’s Mecca Masjid blasts – were no flashes in the pan. These have all been part of a concerted plan by groups such as the Lashkar-e-Taiba to extend terrorism’s scary hold on more and more parts of the country and inflict increasing injury to the Indian State.

Story of Riyazuddin’s journey to Jihad

Riyazuddin was arrested by the Karnataka police last month along with two of his associates. His interrogation unearthed a thick forces area flanking Dharwad and Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka being used as a terrorist training camp. The woods, surrounded by religious shrines, had been serving as training camps of Islamist recruits, teaching them, how to use firearms. Most obnoxiously, Pakistani flags have been found fluttering mockingly at the camp whose existence has sinister implications, indicating that the terrorist network in southern India is much wider and better organized than what was so far believed. 

Riyazuddin Nasir has acquired almost mythic proportions after his arrest in Karnataka last month. He was an associate of the Taliban’s one-eyed leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, some claim. Others say he is a protégé of the Jaish-e-Mohammed supreme leader, Maulana Masood Azhar. Others link him to a Bangladesh-based terrorist outfit, Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami [HuJI]. Interrogators from Indian intelligence and police services who spent days sifting through his record, say he is the son of Maulana Naseeruddin, one of the architects of violent Islamism in Andhra Pradesh. Riyazuddin Nasir appears to have aspired an important role in the jihad his father helped build. Nasir’s journey into the HuJI began in 2005 when he visited Saudi Arabia on a pilgrimage and stayed with his sister, Anees Somaiya and brother-in-law, Abdul Aziz Khalid. Khalid, who had served imprisonment in an Indian jail had longstanding links with the Lashkar-e-Taiba. Nasir then moved to Karachi where he served under Mohammed Shahid, a Hyderabad resident who trained with the Lashkar before taking charge of a HuJI cell responsible for at least half a dozen terror strikes across India over the last two years. In July last year, Nasir returned to India, travelling first on a Pakistani passport to Dhaka and then on a Bangladesh passport to Kathmandu. His instructions were to help set up an operational cell in Karnataka, drawing on Students Islamic Movement of India [SIMI] cadre in the region. Soon, however, things began to go wrong. At the end of August 2007, all contacts with Shahid, who was accused of a terrorist attack in Hyderabad and had fled to Pakistan, ended. HuJI’s top commander, Shahid, it transpired, had been killed by his own ISI bosses in Karachi because the evidence of his presence in Pakistan after Hyderabad blasts had become quite an embarrassment for it. Shahid’s second-in-command, Lahore-based Mohammed Amjad, sent repeated orders for Nasir to return to Pakistan. But, fearful for his life, he refused. Instead, he based himself out of Karnataka. Stealing vehicles, he told his associates, were meant for a series of bombings targeting western nationals and Israelis in Goa.

LeT to target Indian worship places – US warning

The US has warned that the Lashkar-e-Taiba and other Pakistan-based terror organisations would continue to launch terror attacks on India. Director of National Intelligence J. Michael McConnell, a top US intelligence official, has said that LeT and other terror organisations could target government buildings, transportation networks and places of religious importance. 

The warning is part of a 47-page report on the Annual Threat Assessment of the Director of National Intelligence which was submitted to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. “The intelligence community assesses that Pakistan-based LeT and other Kashmir-focused groups will continue attack planning and execution in India”, he said in the report, which mainly assesses the terror threat to India. “Shia and Hindu religious observances are possible targets as are transportation networks and government buildings”, McConnell said. He added, “We judge Kashmir-focused groups will continue to support attacks in Afghanistan and operatives trained by the groups will continue to feature in Al-Qaeda transnational attack planning”. All these groups are connected with the Al-Qaeda, he further said. 

A US analyst on South Asia, Ashley Tellis, has identified five types of terrorism emanating from territories under Pakistan’s control. In a recent testimony at a US Congressional committee, he said, “First there is sectarian terrorism [entirely domestic] by extremist Sunni, Wahabi-oriented groups like the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. Secondly, there is terrorism sponsored by groups like the Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Hizbul Mujahideen involved in terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir and elsewhere in India. Thirdly, there is the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan led by Baitullah Mehsud who, despite denials, is conveniently accused of masterminding Benazir Bhutto’s assassination. His group virtually controls the tribal areas along Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan. Fourthly, there is the Afghan Taliban led by Mullah Omar operating against President Hamid Karzai regime and Nato forces in Afghanistan. Finally, there is the Al-Qaeda and its Uzbek and “other affiliates operating along the Pak-Afghan border in North Waziristan”.

Tellis notes that since September 2001, President Musharraf has pursued a “highly differentiated counter-terrorism policy”. He has acted against indigenous sectarian outfits like the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Al-Qaeda and its “non-South Asian affiliates”. Tellis confirms that in contrast, Musharraf has “largely ignored” terrorist outfits operating against India and dealt with the Taliban controlled by Mullah Omar “more akin to the Kashmiri terrorists, and has avoided them [the Afghan Taliban] comprehensively”. He has specifically overlooked their leadership, now resident in and around Quetta

SIMI camp: FIR against 30 people

Staff Reporter

Saturday, Jun 21, 2008

KOTTAYAM, KERALA: The Mundakkayam police have filed an FIR against 30 persons for alleged conduct of training camps at Kolahalamedu on the Kottayam-Idukki border for the banned extremist organisation SIMI.

According to Superintendent of Police Mathew Policarp, of the 30 persons, three have been identified. They are Shibily who was arrested by police last March in Indore, along with other SIMI activists, his brother Shaduli and Ansar Maulvi. The seven-member police party headed by Mundakkayam SI K.L. Shajimon, which visited Kolahalamedu on Friday, questioned local people.

According to the police, the remote but accessible area is sparsely populated and offer an ideal ambience for holding training camps. Most of the people in the area are migrant labourers who work at the nearby construction sites. The police found the word ‘SIMI’ written on the boulders in the area. According to the FIR, people who spoke languages alien to the local people were also present at the camps, which were held during the latter part of December 2007.

The brothers, who hail from Erattupetta, also on the Kottayam-Idukki border, have been on the police radar for the past many months. Shaduli, along with four others, was arrested two years ago from Aluva for alleged involvement with SIMI. The elder brother, Shibily, a computer engineer, was arrested by the police in March from Indore along with nine top SIMI activists.

The brothers are the sons of Abdul Kareem, a retired teacher of Erattupetta. The investigation may be handed over to the Crime Detachment Cell on Saturday.

A Tribune Exclusive

Kerala favourite spot for SIMI activists

Man Mohan

Our Roving Editor

New Delhi, August 24

‘God’s own country’ — as Kerala is popularly known — seems to have emerged as the favourite spot for the banned Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI)’s terror training camps.

The famous backwaters, small islands and lush green coconut jungles of the coastal state appear to have helped in the recent years in concealing the terror outfit’s weapon training and motivation camps.

As a large number of people from Kerala migrate to the Gulf for jobs, SIMI has reportedly been recruiting sympathizers in several Islamic nations. The Jamayyatul Ansar, an organisation of SIMI activists comprising expatriate Indian Muslims, is said to be operating from Saudi Arabia.

A clear picture about the Kerala connetion with the recent Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Jaipur bomb blasts has started emerging, following the visit of the Gujarat police and members of the central intelligence agencies to various sites where SIMI held camps.

For the Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Jaipur blasts, a little known outfit `Indian Mujahideen’ had claimed the responsibility. But the arrest of over 10 SIMI activists, including the `mastermind’ - Mufti Abu Bashir (a cleric from Azamgarh, UP) - by the Gujarat police last weekend, has shown that it was SIMI’s face hiding behind the mask of `Indian Mujahideen’.

During interrogation, the arrested men allegedly said they had made several plans to kidnap VIPs or hijack an aircraft to free SIMI chief, Safdar Nagori, who was arrested in Indore in March. Currently, he is lodged in the Rewa jail.

It seems SIMI organised at least three major training camps in Kerala between 2006 and January, 2008. Soon after the last camp, SIMI also assembled a group of hardcore activists in Halol in central Gujarat in the same month. After dispersal, some of those who were selected to carry out serial bomb blasts in Ahmedabad and Bangalore, met again in Ernakulam.

With definite evidence in hand, the Intelligence Bureau (IB) sources claimed that the first SIMI camp in Kerala for physical and mental conditioning of its cadres was held in Binanipuram near Aluva in the Ernakulam district in 2006. A big batch of about 40-50 activists received commando training and learnt jungle warfare skills.

Another training camp was held in the Ernakulam district from December 8-10, 2007, and another camp in Vagamon in the Idukki district in December 2007-January 2008. About 20 students from Hubli, Belgaum and Bangalore attended this camp. Vagamon is an enchanting hill station, located on the Idukki-Kottayam border, dotted with gardens and beautiful meadows.

At these camps, the SIMI activists were taught how to assemble explosives with easily available materials by a bomb expert known by the name of Altaf Subhan. They were told to avoid procuring certain materials needed for making bombs as the police and security agencies world over had started keeping a close watch on the sales of RDX, SEMTEX, and explosives made for the army. In the West, the use of nitrogenous fertilisers by terrorist organisations has decreased but has shown an increase in India.

Of late, SIMI has been experimenting with a new concoction using hydrogen peroxide to make liquid bombs. Prototypes of liquid bombs were first experimented in the Vagamon camp.

SIMI activities, it is learnt, used over 10 IEDs with ammonium nitrate and mechanical timers in the Ahmedabad bomb blasts. The Surat IEDs failed completely as experts believe that it might have happened due to the disintegration of the explosive material if it had been fabricated much in advance and kept in storage.

Near the Vagamon camp, `SIMI’ was found written in bold letters on a rock; the pocket is known as Thangalpara. Questioned now, the local people told the police that they had heard `unfamiliar’ languages being spoken by the people, when they used to pass by the area.

The central intelligence agencies now clearly know what kind of activities used to take place at the SIMI camps in Kerala and elsewhere. The activists were given commando training in jungle warfare and were told about the medicinal herbs and plants that must be consumed for survival.

They were also specially trained in trekking, rock climbing and scaling and sliding down the hills using a rope.

Lokayukta to visit Honnali on July 5

Sunday, July 04, 2004

hoisting of the Pakistan flag in Chilur village, Karnataka

HONNALI, DHNS: In the backdrop of Lokayukta's Venkatachala and other officials visiting the taluk on July 5, various government departments are in the process of cleaning and making their offices presentable.

Citizens, however, opine that all the colour and cleanliness on the outside will be of little help when the scams come to light.

Official named

Tahasildar Ganapati Bhat has been named as the official of the Honnali town panchayat. The new officer has been named as the term of the previous officer comes to an end on June 30.

Flag hoisting

MLA MP Renukacharya has said that the real culprits should be arrested immediately in the case of flag hoisting in Chilur village recently.

He was speaking in the protest meeting in front of the taluk office organised by taluk Vishwa Hindu Parishat and Bajrang Dal jointly protesting against hoisting of the Pakistan flag. Patriotic people should be in India and those who love Pakistan and hoist the Pakistan national flags should quit the nation, the MLA added.

Taluk VHP President H M Sreenivasa Murthy has strongly condemned the incident of hoisting the Pakistan flag at Chilur village, he urged the police department to take action against those who were the reason for the incident, soon he added.

Division Bajrang Dal Convenor Manjunath district VHP Convenor Satish, P Parameshwarappa, Premkumar, Shantharaj Patil spoke on the occasion. Before this meeting, a protest march was taken from TB Circle to taluk office. A memorandum was also submitted to the Tahsildar in this regard.

‘Insured’ Village

Huttur village was declared as a complete insurance village by Life Insurance Corporation. The Honnali IC Branch Manager N D Kumara Swamy presented the cheque of Rs 25,000 for the village library development. Assistant Manager Mohammed Ziauddin explained the new LIC policies. Nandeshwara Shivacharya Swamy graced the occasion.


Muslims in India are Pakistanis living in India and send them back to Pakistan

Muslims hoisting Pakistani flags in India is a declaration of war on India. Since independence there were reports that in many Madrassas, Pakistani flags were raised on the Independence Day. In some mosques prayers were conducted for Pakistan by Muslims of India. Muslims in India are anti national traitors who did not go to Pakistan at the time of Partition in 1947, but continued in India, to cause further partition. There have been three wars between India and Pakistan since 1947. The raising of Pakistani flags could lead to riots and even the genocide of muslims in India. Jihad or the muslim terrorism all over the world in the name of Islam started by their prophet Mohammad.

Mohammad never lived on earth, but was a story like the Jesus Christ. Mohd story was written after some 150 years later than the supposed to be the birthdate of Mohammad. So no one will go back and say that the story is wrong. Scientists have now conclude that Jesus Christ or a Mohammad were fictional figures. . Jesus Christ was given divinity by a committee convened by the Roman emperor Constantine in AD 325 known as the Council of Nicaea and his writers created the Bible based on the various books prevalent at that time. The Jesus Christ was on the lines of a God man Osiris, whose story was written on the Pyramids. They fitted the mantle of the prophet on an unknown Italian who lived nearly three centuries earlier and who was not seen by anyone. When the Arab traders were taunted by the Christians for their lack of a prophet, some of those traders sat and made their own Koran, and fitted the mantle of the prophet on an unknown, untraceable, illiterate orphan who lived some 150 years earlier. They burned down a temple constructed by Vikramaditya in Mecca, with 360 idols and made their converted first mosque but go around it like Hindus 7 times. They also adopted one of the old deities known as Alla who was being worshiped even before Christianity was born. It is rather strange that a bunch of fellows could create religions and hoodwink the public so long with their fake prophets and gods.

The Muslims are infamous for their talent for riot, rape, murder, loot and arson which is supplemented with plastic explosives and suicidal terrorism. Muslim terrorism has no relevance to the modern world, equipped with the most lethal weapons including nuclear weapons, that have the ability to kill entire mankind within a few hours. Elimination of religious terrorism by muslims or elimination of muslims to save the remaining mankind is the most urgent need of our times. It is the educated muslims who are the leaders of terrorism in India. These educated muslims are brainwashed in to thinking that if they kill for Islam they will go to heaven and have 72 virgins and boys and liquior and enjoy themselves. What these idiots do not understand is that humans are no different from the goat we eat. There is no soul, no afterlife, no hell or no heaven and no God and there should be no religion other than human race. Science says that all so called prophets are mentally sick people. Even prayer by others for ones surgery can harm the person.


Kashmiri leader held

Wednesday, August 15, 2001

SRINAGAR, AUG. 14. The Pakistani national flag was hoisted at several places in the Kashmir Valley today even as the Kashmir Mass Movement (KMM) leader, Ms. Fareeda Jan, who had given a call for celebrating Pakistan's Independence Day, was arrested around midnight yesterday.

Barely a few hours after her call for celebrating Pakistan Independence day, Ms. Fareeda Jan, founder of the KMM, a constituent of the Hurriyat Conference, was arrested from her Natipora residence around 12.30 p.m. last night, a police spokesman said today.

Police raided her house in uptown Srinagar and arrested her under Section 13 of the Unlawful Activities Act and lodged her in women's police station at Rambagh here, he said.

Terming her call as ``objectionable and anti-national'', he said the authorities registered a case against her for issuing a statement urging the people of Kashmir to hoist Pakistani flags and observing tomorrow as `black day' to mark India's Independence Day.

Ms. Fareeda had served a four-year sentence in different jails for her alleged involvement in a bomb blast in Delhi in 1996.

Meanwhile, amid stringent security arrangements, groups of youth made a dramatic appearance at Budshah Chowk in the heart of the city, hoisted the Pakistani flag at traffic police booth and fled despite a hot chase by police.

Reports reaching here from other district headquarters said Pakistani flags were seen hoisted at several places including munsif court and the Government Higher Secondary School at Dooru, Verinag, Mattan Chowk and Chattergul-Shangus in Anantnag district, Khanpora in Baramulla, Beerwah in Budgam and Tral in Pulwama district.

Reports also spoke of ``marchpast and armed parades'' held by militants at Kralpora-Lolab in the frontier district of Kupwara and Chhatergul-Shangus in Anantnag district. But the authorities neither confirmed nor denied the reports.

Tragedy averted

Police, meanwhile, averted a possible tragedy today with the timely detection of a powerful bomb planted by militants in the busy Lal Chowk area of Srinagar.

The bomb, weighing about 500 gms, was planted by militants inside a public urinal in the area, virtually sealed by the Border Security Force (BSF) for the last few days.



Assam to seek CBI probe into clashes

Sushanta Talukdar


Vested interests hoisted flag in Bodo village to foment trouble: Minister

Guwahati: The Assam government will seek a CBI probe into the clashes between Bodos and immigrant Muslim settlers in Udalguri and Darrang districts and the alleged hoisting of the Pakistan flag in a Bodo village during the violence.

Announcing this, Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi told a press conference here on Saturday that there were allegations that the National Democratic Front of Boroland (NDFB) was involved in the clashes. If the charge was established, the government would call off the ceasefire with the militant outfit. The NDFB, however, described the allegation as a government conspiracy to malign it.

Mr. Gogoi said the clashes left 55 dead, including 24 people killed in police firing, and 111 injured. Altogether 54 villages were affected and about 2,500 houses either completely burnt or partially damaged. Over two lakh people took shelter in relief camps. Earlier, government spokesman and Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma told journalists that some vested forces hoisted a flag on October 4 at Jhargaon with intent to create communal trouble.

Dr. Sarma claimed that the flag was made and hoisted by a non-Muslim. Showing a video footage, he said the hoisted flag was disproportionate in size and shape and the crescent moon and the star were facing downward, in contrast to the appearance of the Pakistani flag.

A first information report was already lodged and Inspector-General of Police (Law and Order) Bhaskarjyoti Mahanta would probe the matter. “We will vigorously pursue the case as it will reveal the ultimate truth behind the whole clash,” Dr. Sarma said.

The Minister accused the NDFB of being involved in the clashes and indulging in ethnic cleansing. He said the outfit, in its charter of demands submitted to the Centre on September 20, described both non-tribal and illegal migrants as encroachers in Bodoland. Dr. Sarma said the NDFB did not represent Bodos. He claimed that a Muslim group was also active in the two districts to create trouble and the clashes were not a one-sided affair.

BJP’s charge

Meanwhile, BJP vice-president Bijoya Chakraborty and the All-Assam Students’ Union accused the Gogoi government of trying to hush up the issue of “hoisting of the Pakistani flag” for vote-bank politics.



12 killed, Pak flags sighted in Assam

Expressindia  Story


Posted: Oct 04, 2008 at 1953 hrs IST

Udalguri, Assam, October 4 : The toll in continuing clashes between Bodos and illegal Bangladeshi migrants in Udalguri district rose to 10 on Saturday as eight burnt bodies were found while two persons were shot dead by the police when they were trying to torch houses in the district.

District Deputy Commissioner George Basumatary was transferred and Superintendent of Police Anup Kumar Singh suspended for allegedly failing to control the situation, official sources said.

The eight burnt bodies were found from Bodo villages of Sonaripara and Jhargaon villages, under Udalguri police station, which were attacked by illegal migrants with bows and arrows in the wee hours.

Besides setting ablaze houses in the two villages, several other dwellings in a neighbouring hamlet were also torched, the sources said.

The police shot dead two persons when they were trying to set fire to Bodo houses at Bhakatpara where a shoot-at-sight order is in vogue, they said adding about 50 persons were injured in the clashes so far.

Two bodies were found on Friday from a village under Rowta police station even as arson and looting in neighbouring Darrang district forced the administration to impose curfew in Dalgaon and Dhola on Friday and in Udalguri on Saturday.

Over 25 serious burn injury victims were shifted to the Gauhati Medical College Hospital while others were admitted to local hospitals.

Meanwhile, media persons saw a Pakistani flag in Sonaripara and Mohanpur villages and took photographs of them. Local television channels also ran footage of the flags. Officials and security forces denied any knowledge of the presence of the flags.





Gogoi for CBI probe as ‘Pakistani flag’ continues to irk trouble-torn Assam

Samudra Gupta Kashyap

Posted: Oct 12, 2008 at 0108 hrs IST

Guwahati, October 11: Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi announced a CBI probe after a Pakistani flag was allegedly hoisted in a village in Udalguri, a district reeling under large-scale violence since October 3. Gogoi said he would ask the CBI to probe the matter and get to the truth.

The Pakistani flag issue, which was already on in the local media, assumed a larger dimension after a Pakistani news portal Pakistan Daily carried an article titled 'Pakistan's flag is a symbol of freedom in India' by one Ahmed Quraishi. "This should come as news for Pakistani defeatists. After Kashmir, the rest of the dozen or so freedom movements in India see Pakistan as a symbol of liberty and freedom. Pakistan's media and intelligence agencies should project these incidents and gather support inside these Indian states as retaliation for Indian terrorism inside Pakistan's Balochistan, tribal belt and other cities," said the article.

The violence that broke out between Muslims of migrant origin and ethnic communities inclidung the Bodos and Assamese on October 3 has left at least 55 dead and displaced nearly two lakh people in the districts of Udalguri and Darrang.

Meanwhile, state gocernment spokesman and Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sharma, strongly denied that a Pakistani flag was ever raised or found flying in any village in the strife-torn districts. "We are sure it is not a Pakistani flag. Despite that we have instituted an inquiry," he said.

Even as the government ordered a CBI probe, the BJP on Saturday accused Gogoi of trying to downplay the Pakistani flag issue. "It's a serious issue threatening the security and sovereignty of the country. Yet the government is on a denial mode," said Bijoya Chakravarty, BJP's national vice-president.

The All Assam Students' Union (AASU) on its part said there was no need for a probe. "Why probe? There should be direct action. How dare anybody raise a Pakistani flag on Indian soil," said AASU advisor Samujjal Bhattacharyya.


Pakistani Flag Hoisted in Kashmir University

By Fayaz Wani

Published: August 13,2008

Srinagar, Aug 13, 2008,: The situation in Kashmir took a new turn Wednesday evening, when the students of Kashmir University, highest seat of learning in Kashmir, hoisted a Pakistani flag on main gate of the campus.

The locals of Hazratbal, some 12 kms from the summer capital Srinagar, said that hundreds of students of Kashmir University came out on roads on Wednesday evening. Raising pro-freedom, pro-Pakistan and anti-India slogans, the university students hoisted the Pakistani flag on the main gate of the university. They also removed the "Gandhi Bhavan" board in the campus and raised pro-freedom slogans. The board has been named after the Indian father of nation, Mahatama Gandhi.

The Pakistani flag was also hoisted on the office of Vice Chancellor's Secretariat. The Vice Chancellor of Kashmir University, Prof Riyaz Punjabi is the Indian track-II diplomat.

The students have virtually taken over the control of the University, which is the highest seat of learning. Thousands of students are studying in the university.

One of the university students was told over phone that the university is witnessing a total revolution with students virtually in control of the University. 

Fayaz Wani reports on life in Srinagar, Kashmir.



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